Class GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder,,,,, java.lang.Cloneable
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder
    implements GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
     Request message for
    Protobuf type
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public GraduateExperimentRequest getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public GraduateExperimentRequest build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public GraduateExperimentRequest buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • setField

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setField​( field,
                                                          java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setField in interface
        setField in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • setRepeatedField

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setRepeatedField​( field,
                                                                  int index,
                                                                  java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setRepeatedField in interface
        setRepeatedField in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • addRepeatedField

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder addRepeatedField​( field,
                                                                  java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        addRepeatedField in interface
        addRepeatedField in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • getExperiment

        public java.lang.String getExperiment()
         Required. The experiment to be graduated.
        string experiment = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getExperiment in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
        The experiment.
      • getExperimentBytes

        public getExperimentBytes()
         Required. The experiment to be graduated.
        string experiment = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getExperimentBytes in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
        The bytes for experiment.
      • setExperiment

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setExperiment​(java.lang.String value)
         Required. The experiment to be graduated.
        string experiment = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The experiment to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearExperiment

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder clearExperiment()
         Required. The experiment to be graduated.
        string experiment = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        This builder for chaining.
      • setExperimentBytes

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setExperimentBytes​( value)
         Required. The experiment to be graduated.
        string experiment = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The bytes for experiment to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getCampaignBudgetMappingsList

        public java.util.List<CampaignBudgetMapping> getCampaignBudgetMappingsList()
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
        Specified by:
        getCampaignBudgetMappingsList in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
      • getCampaignBudgetMappingsCount

        public int getCampaignBudgetMappingsCount()
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
        Specified by:
        getCampaignBudgetMappingsCount in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
      • getCampaignBudgetMappings

        public CampaignBudgetMapping getCampaignBudgetMappings​(int index)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
        Specified by:
        getCampaignBudgetMappings in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
      • setCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setCampaignBudgetMappings​(int index,
                                                                           CampaignBudgetMapping value)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • setCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setCampaignBudgetMappings​(int index,
                                                                           CampaignBudgetMapping.Builder builderForValue)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • addCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder addCampaignBudgetMappings​(CampaignBudgetMapping value)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • addCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder addCampaignBudgetMappings​(int index,
                                                                           CampaignBudgetMapping value)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • addCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder addCampaignBudgetMappings​(CampaignBudgetMapping.Builder builderForValue)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • addCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder addCampaignBudgetMappings​(int index,
                                                                           CampaignBudgetMapping.Builder builderForValue)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • addAllCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder addAllCampaignBudgetMappings​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends CampaignBudgetMapping> values)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • clearCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder clearCampaignBudgetMappings()
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • removeCampaignBudgetMappings

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder removeCampaignBudgetMappings​(int index)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilder

        public CampaignBudgetMapping.Builder getCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilder​(int index)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getCampaignBudgetMappingsOrBuilder

        public CampaignBudgetMappingOrBuilder getCampaignBudgetMappingsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
        Specified by:
        getCampaignBudgetMappingsOrBuilder in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
      • getCampaignBudgetMappingsOrBuilderList

        public java.util.List<? extends CampaignBudgetMappingOrBuilder> getCampaignBudgetMappingsOrBuilderList()
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
        Specified by:
        getCampaignBudgetMappingsOrBuilderList in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
      • addCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilder

        public CampaignBudgetMapping.Builder addCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilder()
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • addCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilder

        public CampaignBudgetMapping.Builder addCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilder​(int index)
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilderList

        public java.util.List<CampaignBudgetMapping.Builder> getCampaignBudgetMappingsBuilderList()
         Required. List of campaign budget mappings for graduation. Each campaign
         that appears here will graduate, and will be assigned a new budget that is
         paired with it in the mapping. The maximum size is one.
        repeated campaign_budget_mappings = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getValidateOnly

        public boolean getValidateOnly()
         If true, the request is validated but not executed. Only errors are
         returned, not results.
        bool validate_only = 3;
        Specified by:
        getValidateOnly in interface GraduateExperimentRequestOrBuilder
        The validateOnly.
      • setValidateOnly

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setValidateOnly​(boolean value)
         If true, the request is validated but not executed. Only errors are
         returned, not results.
        bool validate_only = 3;
        value - The validateOnly to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearValidateOnly

        public GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder clearValidateOnly()
         If true, the request is validated but not executed. Only errors are
         returned, not results.
        bool validate_only = 3;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setUnknownFields

        public final GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder setUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        setUnknownFields in interface
        setUnknownFields in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>
      • mergeUnknownFields

        public final GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder mergeUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        mergeUnknownFields in interface
        mergeUnknownFields in class<GraduateExperimentRequest.Builder>