Class KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordServiceGrpc.KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordServiceBlockingStub

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordServiceGrpc.KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordServiceBlockingStub
    extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub<KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordServiceGrpc.KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordServiceBlockingStub>
    A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordService.
     Service to manage Keyword Plan ad group keywords. KeywordPlanAdGroup is
     required to add ad group keywords. Positive and negative keywords are
     supported. A maximum of 10,000 positive keywords are allowed per keyword
     plan. A maximum of 1,000 negative keywords are allower per keyword plan. This
     includes campaign negative keywords and ad group negative keywords.