Class KeywordPlanServiceGrpc.KeywordPlanServiceStub

    • Method Detail

      • mutateKeywordPlans

        public void mutateKeywordPlans​(MutateKeywordPlansRequest request,
                                       io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<MutateKeywordPlansResponse> responseObserver)
         Creates, updates, or removes keyword plans. Operation statuses are
         List of thrown errors:
      • generateForecastCurve

        public void generateForecastCurve​(GenerateForecastCurveRequest request,
                                          io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<GenerateForecastCurveResponse> responseObserver)
         Returns the requested Keyword Plan forecast curve.
         Only the bidding strategy is considered for generating forecast curve.
         The bidding strategy value specified in the plan is ignored.
         To generate a forecast at a value specified in the plan, use
         List of thrown errors:
      • generateForecastTimeSeries

        public void generateForecastTimeSeries​(GenerateForecastTimeSeriesRequest request,
                                               io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<GenerateForecastTimeSeriesResponse> responseObserver)
         Returns a forecast in the form of a time series for the Keyword Plan over
         the next 52 weeks.
         (1) Forecasts closer to the current date are generally more accurate than
         further out.
         (2) The forecast reflects seasonal trends using current and
         prior traffic patterns. The forecast period of the plan is ignored.
         List of thrown errors:
      • generateForecastMetrics

        public void generateForecastMetrics​(GenerateForecastMetricsRequest request,
                                            io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<GenerateForecastMetricsResponse> responseObserver)
         Returns the requested Keyword Plan forecasts.
         List of thrown errors:
      • generateHistoricalMetrics

        public void generateHistoricalMetrics​(GenerateHistoricalMetricsRequest request,
                                              io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<GenerateHistoricalMetricsResponse> responseObserver)
         Returns the requested Keyword Plan historical metrics.
         List of thrown errors: