Class AdGroup.Builder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AdGroupOrBuilder,,,,, java.lang.Cloneable
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class AdGroup.Builder
    implements AdGroupOrBuilder
     An ad group.
    Protobuf type
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • clear

        public AdGroup.Builder clear()
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        clear in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public AdGroup getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public AdGroup build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public AdGroup buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • clone

        public AdGroup.Builder clone()
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        clone in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • setField

        public AdGroup.Builder setField​( field,
                                        java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setField in interface
        setField in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • clearField

        public AdGroup.Builder clearField​( field)
        Specified by:
        clearField in interface
        clearField in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • clearOneof

        public AdGroup.Builder clearOneof​( oneof)
        Specified by:
        clearOneof in interface
        clearOneof in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • setRepeatedField

        public AdGroup.Builder setRepeatedField​( field,
                                                int index,
                                                java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setRepeatedField in interface
        setRepeatedField in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • addRepeatedField

        public AdGroup.Builder addRepeatedField​( field,
                                                java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        addRepeatedField in interface
        addRepeatedField in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public AdGroup.Builder mergeFrom​( other)
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public AdGroup.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • getResourceName

        public java.lang.String getResourceName()
         Immutable. The resource name of the ad group.
         Ad group resource names have the form:
        string resource_name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getResourceName in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The resourceName.
      • getResourceNameBytes

        public getResourceNameBytes()
         Immutable. The resource name of the ad group.
         Ad group resource names have the form:
        string resource_name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getResourceNameBytes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The bytes for resourceName.
      • setResourceName

        public AdGroup.Builder setResourceName​(java.lang.String value)
         Immutable. The resource name of the ad group.
         Ad group resource names have the form:
        string resource_name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The resourceName to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearResourceName

        public AdGroup.Builder clearResourceName()
         Immutable. The resource name of the ad group.
         Ad group resource names have the form:
        string resource_name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        This builder for chaining.
      • setResourceNameBytes

        public AdGroup.Builder setResourceNameBytes​( value)
         Immutable. The resource name of the ad group.
         Ad group resource names have the form:
        string resource_name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The bytes for resourceName to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasId

        public boolean hasId()
         Output only. The ID of the ad group.
        optional int64 id = 34 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        hasId in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the id field is set.
      • getId

        public long getId()
         Output only. The ID of the ad group.
        optional int64 id = 34 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getId in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The id.
      • setId

        public AdGroup.Builder setId​(long value)
         Output only. The ID of the ad group.
        optional int64 id = 34 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The id to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearId

        public AdGroup.Builder clearId()
         Output only. The ID of the ad group.
        optional int64 id = 34 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasName

        public boolean hasName()
         The name of the ad group.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad
         It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters.
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 35;
        Specified by:
        hasName in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the name field is set.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
         The name of the ad group.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad
         It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters.
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 35;
        Specified by:
        getName in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The name.
      • getNameBytes

        public getNameBytes()
         The name of the ad group.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad
         It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters.
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 35;
        Specified by:
        getNameBytes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The bytes for name.
      • setName

        public AdGroup.Builder setName​(java.lang.String value)
         The name of the ad group.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad
         It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters.
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 35;
        value - The name to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearName

        public AdGroup.Builder clearName()
         The name of the ad group.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad
         It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters.
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 35;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setNameBytes

        public AdGroup.Builder setNameBytes​( value)
         The name of the ad group.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new ad
         It must contain fewer than 255 UTF-8 full-width characters.
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 35;
        value - The bytes for name to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getStatusValue

        public int getStatusValue()
         The status of the ad group.
         status = 5;
        Specified by:
        getStatusValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The enum numeric value on the wire for status.
      • setStatusValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setStatusValue​(int value)
         The status of the ad group.
         status = 5;
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for status to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setStatus

        public AdGroup.Builder setStatus​(AdGroupStatusEnum.AdGroupStatus value)
         The status of the ad group.
         status = 5;
        value - The status to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearStatus

        public AdGroup.Builder clearStatus()
         The status of the ad group.
         status = 5;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getTypeValue

        public int getTypeValue()
         Immutable. The type of the ad group.
         type = 12 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        Specified by:
        getTypeValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The enum numeric value on the wire for type.
      • setTypeValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setTypeValue​(int value)
         Immutable. The type of the ad group.
         type = 12 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for type to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getType

        public AdGroupTypeEnum.AdGroupType getType()
         Immutable. The type of the ad group.
         type = 12 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        Specified by:
        getType in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The type.
      • setType

        public AdGroup.Builder setType​(AdGroupTypeEnum.AdGroupType value)
         Immutable. The type of the ad group.
         type = 12 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        value - The type to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearType

        public AdGroup.Builder clearType()
         Immutable. The type of the ad group.
         type = 12 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        This builder for chaining.
      • getAdRotationModeValue

        public int getAdRotationModeValue()
         The ad rotation mode of the ad group.
         ad_rotation_mode = 22;
        Specified by:
        getAdRotationModeValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The enum numeric value on the wire for adRotationMode.
      • setAdRotationModeValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setAdRotationModeValue​(int value)
         The ad rotation mode of the ad group.
         ad_rotation_mode = 22;
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for adRotationMode to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setAdRotationMode

        public AdGroup.Builder setAdRotationMode​(AdGroupAdRotationModeEnum.AdGroupAdRotationMode value)
         The ad rotation mode of the ad group.
         ad_rotation_mode = 22;
        value - The adRotationMode to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearAdRotationMode

        public AdGroup.Builder clearAdRotationMode()
         The ad rotation mode of the ad group.
         ad_rotation_mode = 22;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasBaseAdGroup

        public boolean hasBaseAdGroup()
         Output only. For draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource
         name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft
         or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is
         For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_ad_group = 36 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        hasBaseAdGroup in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the baseAdGroup field is set.
      • getBaseAdGroup

        public java.lang.String getBaseAdGroup()
         Output only. For draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource
         name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft
         or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is
         For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_ad_group = 36 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getBaseAdGroup in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The baseAdGroup.
      • getBaseAdGroupBytes

        public getBaseAdGroupBytes()
         Output only. For draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource
         name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft
         or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is
         For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_ad_group = 36 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getBaseAdGroupBytes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The bytes for baseAdGroup.
      • setBaseAdGroup

        public AdGroup.Builder setBaseAdGroup​(java.lang.String value)
         Output only. For draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource
         name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft
         or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is
         For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_ad_group = 36 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The baseAdGroup to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearBaseAdGroup

        public AdGroup.Builder clearBaseAdGroup()
         Output only. For draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource
         name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft
         or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is
         For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_ad_group = 36 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        This builder for chaining.
      • setBaseAdGroupBytes

        public AdGroup.Builder setBaseAdGroupBytes​( value)
         Output only. For draft or experiment ad groups, this field is the resource
         name of the base ad group from which this ad group was created. If a draft
         or experiment ad group does not have a base ad group, then this field is
         For base ad groups, this field equals the ad group resource name.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_ad_group = 36 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The bytes for baseAdGroup to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTrackingUrlTemplate

        public boolean hasTrackingUrlTemplate()
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 37;
        Specified by:
        hasTrackingUrlTemplate in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the trackingUrlTemplate field is set.
      • getTrackingUrlTemplate

        public java.lang.String getTrackingUrlTemplate()
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 37;
        Specified by:
        getTrackingUrlTemplate in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The trackingUrlTemplate.
      • getTrackingUrlTemplateBytes

        public getTrackingUrlTemplateBytes()
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 37;
        Specified by:
        getTrackingUrlTemplateBytes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The bytes for trackingUrlTemplate.
      • setTrackingUrlTemplate

        public AdGroup.Builder setTrackingUrlTemplate​(java.lang.String value)
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 37;
        value - The trackingUrlTemplate to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTrackingUrlTemplate

        public AdGroup.Builder clearTrackingUrlTemplate()
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 37;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setTrackingUrlTemplateBytes

        public AdGroup.Builder setTrackingUrlTemplateBytes​( value)
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 37;
        value - The bytes for trackingUrlTemplate to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getUrlCustomParametersList

        public java.util.List<CustomParameter> getUrlCustomParametersList()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
        Specified by:
        getUrlCustomParametersList in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
      • getUrlCustomParametersCount

        public int getUrlCustomParametersCount()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
        Specified by:
        getUrlCustomParametersCount in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
      • getUrlCustomParameters

        public CustomParameter getUrlCustomParameters​(int index)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
        Specified by:
        getUrlCustomParameters in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
      • setUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder setUrlCustomParameters​(int index,
                                                      CustomParameter value)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • setUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder setUrlCustomParameters​(int index,
                                                      CustomParameter.Builder builderForValue)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • addUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder addUrlCustomParameters​(CustomParameter value)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • addUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder addUrlCustomParameters​(int index,
                                                      CustomParameter value)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • addUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder addUrlCustomParameters​(CustomParameter.Builder builderForValue)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • addUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder addUrlCustomParameters​(int index,
                                                      CustomParameter.Builder builderForValue)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • addAllUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder addAllUrlCustomParameters​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends CustomParameter> values)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • clearUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder clearUrlCustomParameters()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • removeUrlCustomParameters

        public AdGroup.Builder removeUrlCustomParameters​(int index)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • getUrlCustomParametersBuilder

        public CustomParameter.Builder getUrlCustomParametersBuilder​(int index)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilder

        public CustomParameterOrBuilder getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilder​(int index)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
        Specified by:
        getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilder in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
      • getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilderList

        public java.util.List<? extends CustomParameterOrBuilder> getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilderList()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
        Specified by:
        getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilderList in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
      • addUrlCustomParametersBuilder

        public CustomParameter.Builder addUrlCustomParametersBuilder()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • addUrlCustomParametersBuilder

        public CustomParameter.Builder addUrlCustomParametersBuilder​(int index)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • getUrlCustomParametersBuilderList

        public java.util.List<CustomParameter.Builder> getUrlCustomParametersBuilderList()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 6;
      • hasCampaign

        public boolean hasCampaign()
         Immutable. The campaign to which the ad group belongs.
        optional string campaign = 38 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        hasCampaign in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the campaign field is set.
      • getCampaign

        public java.lang.String getCampaign()
         Immutable. The campaign to which the ad group belongs.
        optional string campaign = 38 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getCampaign in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The campaign.
      • getCampaignBytes

        public getCampaignBytes()
         Immutable. The campaign to which the ad group belongs.
        optional string campaign = 38 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getCampaignBytes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The bytes for campaign.
      • setCampaign

        public AdGroup.Builder setCampaign​(java.lang.String value)
         Immutable. The campaign to which the ad group belongs.
        optional string campaign = 38 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The campaign to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearCampaign

        public AdGroup.Builder clearCampaign()
         Immutable. The campaign to which the ad group belongs.
        optional string campaign = 38 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        This builder for chaining.
      • setCampaignBytes

        public AdGroup.Builder setCampaignBytes​( value)
         Immutable. The campaign to which the ad group belongs.
        optional string campaign = 38 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The bytes for campaign to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasCpcBidMicros

        public boolean hasCpcBidMicros()
         The maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
        optional int64 cpc_bid_micros = 39;
        Specified by:
        hasCpcBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the cpcBidMicros field is set.
      • getCpcBidMicros

        public long getCpcBidMicros()
         The maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
        optional int64 cpc_bid_micros = 39;
        Specified by:
        getCpcBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The cpcBidMicros.
      • setCpcBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setCpcBidMicros​(long value)
         The maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
        optional int64 cpc_bid_micros = 39;
        value - The cpcBidMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearCpcBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearCpcBidMicros()
         The maximum CPC (cost-per-click) bid.
        optional int64 cpc_bid_micros = 39;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasEffectiveCpcBidMicros

        public boolean hasEffectiveCpcBidMicros()
         Output only. Value will be same as that of the CPC (cost-per-click) bid
         value when the bidding strategy is one of manual cpc, enhanced cpc, page
         one promoted or target outrank share, otherwise the value will be null.
        optional int64 effective_cpc_bid_micros = 57 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        hasEffectiveCpcBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the effectiveCpcBidMicros field is set.
      • getEffectiveCpcBidMicros

        public long getEffectiveCpcBidMicros()
         Output only. Value will be same as that of the CPC (cost-per-click) bid
         value when the bidding strategy is one of manual cpc, enhanced cpc, page
         one promoted or target outrank share, otherwise the value will be null.
        optional int64 effective_cpc_bid_micros = 57 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveCpcBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The effectiveCpcBidMicros.
      • setEffectiveCpcBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setEffectiveCpcBidMicros​(long value)
         Output only. Value will be same as that of the CPC (cost-per-click) bid
         value when the bidding strategy is one of manual cpc, enhanced cpc, page
         one promoted or target outrank share, otherwise the value will be null.
        optional int64 effective_cpc_bid_micros = 57 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The effectiveCpcBidMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearEffectiveCpcBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearEffectiveCpcBidMicros()
         Output only. Value will be same as that of the CPC (cost-per-click) bid
         value when the bidding strategy is one of manual cpc, enhanced cpc, page
         one promoted or target outrank share, otherwise the value will be null.
        optional int64 effective_cpc_bid_micros = 57 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasCpmBidMicros

        public boolean hasCpmBidMicros()
         The maximum CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
        optional int64 cpm_bid_micros = 40;
        Specified by:
        hasCpmBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the cpmBidMicros field is set.
      • getCpmBidMicros

        public long getCpmBidMicros()
         The maximum CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
        optional int64 cpm_bid_micros = 40;
        Specified by:
        getCpmBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The cpmBidMicros.
      • setCpmBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setCpmBidMicros​(long value)
         The maximum CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
        optional int64 cpm_bid_micros = 40;
        value - The cpmBidMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearCpmBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearCpmBidMicros()
         The maximum CPM (cost-per-thousand viewable impressions) bid.
        optional int64 cpm_bid_micros = 40;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTargetCpaMicros

        public boolean hasTargetCpaMicros()
         The target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetCpa or MaximizeConversions (with its target_cpa
         field set), then this field overrides the target CPA specified in the
         campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional int64 target_cpa_micros = 41;
        Specified by:
        hasTargetCpaMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the targetCpaMicros field is set.
      • getTargetCpaMicros

        public long getTargetCpaMicros()
         The target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetCpa or MaximizeConversions (with its target_cpa
         field set), then this field overrides the target CPA specified in the
         campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional int64 target_cpa_micros = 41;
        Specified by:
        getTargetCpaMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The targetCpaMicros.
      • setTargetCpaMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setTargetCpaMicros​(long value)
         The target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetCpa or MaximizeConversions (with its target_cpa
         field set), then this field overrides the target CPA specified in the
         campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional int64 target_cpa_micros = 41;
        value - The targetCpaMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTargetCpaMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearTargetCpaMicros()
         The target CPA (cost-per-acquisition). If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetCpa or MaximizeConversions (with its target_cpa
         field set), then this field overrides the target CPA specified in the
         campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional int64 target_cpa_micros = 41;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasCpvBidMicros

        public boolean hasCpvBidMicros()
         The CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
        optional int64 cpv_bid_micros = 42;
        Specified by:
        hasCpvBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the cpvBidMicros field is set.
      • getCpvBidMicros

        public long getCpvBidMicros()
         The CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
        optional int64 cpv_bid_micros = 42;
        Specified by:
        getCpvBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The cpvBidMicros.
      • setCpvBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setCpvBidMicros​(long value)
         The CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
        optional int64 cpv_bid_micros = 42;
        value - The cpvBidMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearCpvBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearCpvBidMicros()
         The CPV (cost-per-view) bid.
        optional int64 cpv_bid_micros = 42;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTargetCpmMicros

        public boolean hasTargetCpmMicros()
         Average amount in micros that the advertiser is willing to pay for every
         thousand times the ad is shown.
        optional int64 target_cpm_micros = 43;
        Specified by:
        hasTargetCpmMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the targetCpmMicros field is set.
      • getTargetCpmMicros

        public long getTargetCpmMicros()
         Average amount in micros that the advertiser is willing to pay for every
         thousand times the ad is shown.
        optional int64 target_cpm_micros = 43;
        Specified by:
        getTargetCpmMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The targetCpmMicros.
      • setTargetCpmMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setTargetCpmMicros​(long value)
         Average amount in micros that the advertiser is willing to pay for every
         thousand times the ad is shown.
        optional int64 target_cpm_micros = 43;
        value - The targetCpmMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTargetCpmMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearTargetCpmMicros()
         Average amount in micros that the advertiser is willing to pay for every
         thousand times the ad is shown.
        optional int64 target_cpm_micros = 43;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTargetRoas

        public boolean hasTargetRoas()
         The target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend) override. If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetRoas or MaximizeConversionValue (with its
         target_roas field set), then this field overrides the target ROAS specified
         in the campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional double target_roas = 44;
        Specified by:
        hasTargetRoas in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the targetRoas field is set.
      • getTargetRoas

        public double getTargetRoas()
         The target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend) override. If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetRoas or MaximizeConversionValue (with its
         target_roas field set), then this field overrides the target ROAS specified
         in the campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional double target_roas = 44;
        Specified by:
        getTargetRoas in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The targetRoas.
      • setTargetRoas

        public AdGroup.Builder setTargetRoas​(double value)
         The target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend) override. If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetRoas or MaximizeConversionValue (with its
         target_roas field set), then this field overrides the target ROAS specified
         in the campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional double target_roas = 44;
        value - The targetRoas to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearTargetRoas

        public AdGroup.Builder clearTargetRoas()
         The target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend) override. If the ad group's campaign
         bidding strategy is TargetRoas or MaximizeConversionValue (with its
         target_roas field set), then this field overrides the target ROAS specified
         in the campaign's bidding strategy.
         Otherwise, this value is ignored.
        optional double target_roas = 44;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasPercentCpcBidMicros

        public boolean hasPercentCpcBidMicros()
         The percent cpc bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price
         for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the
         value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction].
        optional int64 percent_cpc_bid_micros = 45;
        Specified by:
        hasPercentCpcBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the percentCpcBidMicros field is set.
      • getPercentCpcBidMicros

        public long getPercentCpcBidMicros()
         The percent cpc bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price
         for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the
         value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction].
        optional int64 percent_cpc_bid_micros = 45;
        Specified by:
        getPercentCpcBidMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The percentCpcBidMicros.
      • setPercentCpcBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setPercentCpcBidMicros​(long value)
         The percent cpc bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price
         for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the
         value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction].
        optional int64 percent_cpc_bid_micros = 45;
        value - The percentCpcBidMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearPercentCpcBidMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearPercentCpcBidMicros()
         The percent cpc bid amount, expressed as a fraction of the advertised price
         for some good or service. The valid range for the fraction is [0,1) and the
         value stored here is 1,000,000 * [fraction].
        optional int64 percent_cpc_bid_micros = 45;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getOptimizedTargetingEnabled

        public boolean getOptimizedTargetingEnabled()
         True if optimized targeting is enabled. Optimized Targeting is the
         replacement for Audience Expansion.
        bool optimized_targeting_enabled = 59;
        Specified by:
        getOptimizedTargetingEnabled in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The optimizedTargetingEnabled.
      • setOptimizedTargetingEnabled

        public AdGroup.Builder setOptimizedTargetingEnabled​(boolean value)
         True if optimized targeting is enabled. Optimized Targeting is the
         replacement for Audience Expansion.
        bool optimized_targeting_enabled = 59;
        value - The optimizedTargetingEnabled to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearOptimizedTargetingEnabled

        public AdGroup.Builder clearOptimizedTargetingEnabled()
         True if optimized targeting is enabled. Optimized Targeting is the
         replacement for Audience Expansion.
        bool optimized_targeting_enabled = 59;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getDisplayCustomBidDimensionValue

        public int getDisplayCustomBidDimensionValue()
         Allows advertisers to specify a targeting dimension on which to place
         absolute bids. This is only applicable for campaigns that target only the
         display network and not search.
         display_custom_bid_dimension = 23;
        Specified by:
        getDisplayCustomBidDimensionValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The enum numeric value on the wire for displayCustomBidDimension.
      • setDisplayCustomBidDimensionValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setDisplayCustomBidDimensionValue​(int value)
         Allows advertisers to specify a targeting dimension on which to place
         absolute bids. This is only applicable for campaigns that target only the
         display network and not search.
         display_custom_bid_dimension = 23;
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for displayCustomBidDimension to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getDisplayCustomBidDimension

        public TargetingDimensionEnum.TargetingDimension getDisplayCustomBidDimension()
         Allows advertisers to specify a targeting dimension on which to place
         absolute bids. This is only applicable for campaigns that target only the
         display network and not search.
         display_custom_bid_dimension = 23;
        Specified by:
        getDisplayCustomBidDimension in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The displayCustomBidDimension.
      • setDisplayCustomBidDimension

        public AdGroup.Builder setDisplayCustomBidDimension​(TargetingDimensionEnum.TargetingDimension value)
         Allows advertisers to specify a targeting dimension on which to place
         absolute bids. This is only applicable for campaigns that target only the
         display network and not search.
         display_custom_bid_dimension = 23;
        value - The displayCustomBidDimension to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearDisplayCustomBidDimension

        public AdGroup.Builder clearDisplayCustomBidDimension()
         Allows advertisers to specify a targeting dimension on which to place
         absolute bids. This is only applicable for campaigns that target only the
         display network and not search.
         display_custom_bid_dimension = 23;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasFinalUrlSuffix

        public boolean hasFinalUrlSuffix()
         URL template for appending params to Final URL.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 46;
        Specified by:
        hasFinalUrlSuffix in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the finalUrlSuffix field is set.
      • getFinalUrlSuffix

        public java.lang.String getFinalUrlSuffix()
         URL template for appending params to Final URL.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 46;
        Specified by:
        getFinalUrlSuffix in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The finalUrlSuffix.
      • getFinalUrlSuffixBytes

        public getFinalUrlSuffixBytes()
         URL template for appending params to Final URL.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 46;
        Specified by:
        getFinalUrlSuffixBytes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The bytes for finalUrlSuffix.
      • setFinalUrlSuffix

        public AdGroup.Builder setFinalUrlSuffix​(java.lang.String value)
         URL template for appending params to Final URL.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 46;
        value - The finalUrlSuffix to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearFinalUrlSuffix

        public AdGroup.Builder clearFinalUrlSuffix()
         URL template for appending params to Final URL.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 46;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setFinalUrlSuffixBytes

        public AdGroup.Builder setFinalUrlSuffixBytes​( value)
         URL template for appending params to Final URL.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 46;
        value - The bytes for finalUrlSuffix to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasTargetingSetting

        public boolean hasTargetingSetting()
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 25;
        Specified by:
        hasTargetingSetting in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the targetingSetting field is set.
      • getTargetingSetting

        public TargetingSetting getTargetingSetting()
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 25;
        Specified by:
        getTargetingSetting in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The targetingSetting.
      • setTargetingSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder setTargetingSetting​(TargetingSetting value)
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 25;
      • setTargetingSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder setTargetingSetting​(TargetingSetting.Builder builderForValue)
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 25;
      • mergeTargetingSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder mergeTargetingSetting​(TargetingSetting value)
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 25;
      • clearTargetingSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder clearTargetingSetting()
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 25;
      • getTargetingSettingBuilder

        public TargetingSetting.Builder getTargetingSettingBuilder()
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 25;
      • hasAudienceSetting

        public boolean hasAudienceSetting()
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
         audience_setting = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        Specified by:
        hasAudienceSetting in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the audienceSetting field is set.
      • getAudienceSetting

        public AdGroup.AudienceSetting getAudienceSetting()
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
         audience_setting = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        Specified by:
        getAudienceSetting in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The audienceSetting.
      • setAudienceSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder setAudienceSetting​(AdGroup.AudienceSetting value)
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
         audience_setting = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
      • setAudienceSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder setAudienceSetting​(AdGroup.AudienceSetting.Builder builderForValue)
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
         audience_setting = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
      • mergeAudienceSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder mergeAudienceSetting​(AdGroup.AudienceSetting value)
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
         audience_setting = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
      • clearAudienceSetting

        public AdGroup.Builder clearAudienceSetting()
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
         audience_setting = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
      • getAudienceSettingBuilder

        public AdGroup.AudienceSetting.Builder getAudienceSettingBuilder()
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
         audience_setting = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
      • hasEffectiveTargetCpaMicros

        public boolean hasEffectiveTargetCpaMicros()
         Output only. The effective target CPA (cost-per-acquisition).
         This field is read-only.
        optional int64 effective_target_cpa_micros = 47 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        hasEffectiveTargetCpaMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the effectiveTargetCpaMicros field is set.
      • getEffectiveTargetCpaMicros

        public long getEffectiveTargetCpaMicros()
         Output only. The effective target CPA (cost-per-acquisition).
         This field is read-only.
        optional int64 effective_target_cpa_micros = 47 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveTargetCpaMicros in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The effectiveTargetCpaMicros.
      • setEffectiveTargetCpaMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder setEffectiveTargetCpaMicros​(long value)
         Output only. The effective target CPA (cost-per-acquisition).
         This field is read-only.
        optional int64 effective_target_cpa_micros = 47 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The effectiveTargetCpaMicros to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearEffectiveTargetCpaMicros

        public AdGroup.Builder clearEffectiveTargetCpaMicros()
         Output only. The effective target CPA (cost-per-acquisition).
         This field is read-only.
        optional int64 effective_target_cpa_micros = 47 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        This builder for chaining.
      • getEffectiveTargetCpaSourceValue

        public int getEffectiveTargetCpaSourceValue()
         Output only. Source of the effective target CPA.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_cpa_source = 29 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveTargetCpaSourceValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The enum numeric value on the wire for effectiveTargetCpaSource.
      • setEffectiveTargetCpaSourceValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setEffectiveTargetCpaSourceValue​(int value)
         Output only. Source of the effective target CPA.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_cpa_source = 29 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for effectiveTargetCpaSource to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getEffectiveTargetCpaSource

        public BiddingSourceEnum.BiddingSource getEffectiveTargetCpaSource()
         Output only. Source of the effective target CPA.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_cpa_source = 29 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveTargetCpaSource in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The effectiveTargetCpaSource.
      • setEffectiveTargetCpaSource

        public AdGroup.Builder setEffectiveTargetCpaSource​(BiddingSourceEnum.BiddingSource value)
         Output only. Source of the effective target CPA.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_cpa_source = 29 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The effectiveTargetCpaSource to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearEffectiveTargetCpaSource

        public AdGroup.Builder clearEffectiveTargetCpaSource()
         Output only. Source of the effective target CPA.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_cpa_source = 29 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasEffectiveTargetRoas

        public boolean hasEffectiveTargetRoas()
         Output only. The effective target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend).
         This field is read-only.
        optional double effective_target_roas = 48 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        hasEffectiveTargetRoas in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        Whether the effectiveTargetRoas field is set.
      • getEffectiveTargetRoas

        public double getEffectiveTargetRoas()
         Output only. The effective target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend).
         This field is read-only.
        optional double effective_target_roas = 48 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveTargetRoas in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The effectiveTargetRoas.
      • setEffectiveTargetRoas

        public AdGroup.Builder setEffectiveTargetRoas​(double value)
         Output only. The effective target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend).
         This field is read-only.
        optional double effective_target_roas = 48 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The effectiveTargetRoas to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearEffectiveTargetRoas

        public AdGroup.Builder clearEffectiveTargetRoas()
         Output only. The effective target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend).
         This field is read-only.
        optional double effective_target_roas = 48 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        This builder for chaining.
      • getEffectiveTargetRoasSourceValue

        public int getEffectiveTargetRoasSourceValue()
         Output only. Source of the effective target ROAS.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_roas_source = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveTargetRoasSourceValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The enum numeric value on the wire for effectiveTargetRoasSource.
      • setEffectiveTargetRoasSourceValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setEffectiveTargetRoasSourceValue​(int value)
         Output only. Source of the effective target ROAS.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_roas_source = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for effectiveTargetRoasSource to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getEffectiveTargetRoasSource

        public BiddingSourceEnum.BiddingSource getEffectiveTargetRoasSource()
         Output only. Source of the effective target ROAS.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_roas_source = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveTargetRoasSource in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The effectiveTargetRoasSource.
      • setEffectiveTargetRoasSource

        public AdGroup.Builder setEffectiveTargetRoasSource​(BiddingSourceEnum.BiddingSource value)
         Output only. Source of the effective target ROAS.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_roas_source = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        value - The effectiveTargetRoasSource to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearEffectiveTargetRoasSource

        public AdGroup.Builder clearEffectiveTargetRoasSource()
         Output only. Source of the effective target ROAS.
         This field is read-only.
         effective_target_roas_source = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        This builder for chaining.
      • getLabelsList

        public getLabelsList()
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getLabelsList in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        A list containing the labels.
      • getLabelsCount

        public int getLabelsCount()
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getLabelsCount in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The count of labels.
      • getLabels

        public java.lang.String getLabels​(int index)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getLabels in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The labels at the given index.
      • getLabelsBytes

        public getLabelsBytes​(int index)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Specified by:
        getLabelsBytes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the labels at the given index.
      • setLabels

        public AdGroup.Builder setLabels​(int index,
                                         java.lang.String value)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The labels to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addLabels

        public AdGroup.Builder addLabels​(java.lang.String value)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The labels to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllLabels

        public AdGroup.Builder addAllLabels​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> values)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        values - The labels to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearLabels

        public AdGroup.Builder clearLabels()
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        This builder for chaining.
      • addLabelsBytes

        public AdGroup.Builder addLabelsBytes​( value)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this ad group.
        repeated string labels = 49 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        value - The bytes of the labels to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesList

        public java.util.List<AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType> getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesList()
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesList in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        A list containing the excludedParentAssetFieldTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesCount

        public int getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesCount()
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesCount in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The count of excludedParentAssetFieldTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes

        public AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes​(int index)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The excludedParentAssetFieldTypes at the given index.
      • setExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder setExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes​(int index,
                                                                AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType value)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The excludedParentAssetFieldTypes to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder addExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes​(AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType value)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        value - The excludedParentAssetFieldTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder addAllExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType> values)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        values - The excludedParentAssetFieldTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder clearExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes()
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValueList

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValueList()
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValueList in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for excludedParentAssetFieldTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue

        public int getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue​(int index)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The enum numeric value on the wire of excludedParentAssetFieldTypes at the given index.
      • setExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue​(int index,
                                                                     int value)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for excludedParentAssetFieldTypes to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue

        public AdGroup.Builder addExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue​(int value)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for excludedParentAssetFieldTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue

        public AdGroup.Builder addAllExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> values)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this ad group from
         the upper levels.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 54;
        values - The enum numeric values on the wire for excludedParentAssetFieldTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesList

        public java.util.List<AssetSetTypeEnum.AssetSetType> getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesList()
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesList in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        A list containing the excludedParentAssetSetTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesCount

        public int getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesCount()
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesCount in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        The count of excludedParentAssetSetTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypes

        public AssetSetTypeEnum.AssetSetType getExcludedParentAssetSetTypes​(int index)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetSetTypes in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The excludedParentAssetSetTypes at the given index.
      • setExcludedParentAssetSetTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder setExcludedParentAssetSetTypes​(int index,
                                                              AssetSetTypeEnum.AssetSetType value)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The excludedParentAssetSetTypes to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addExcludedParentAssetSetTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder addExcludedParentAssetSetTypes​(AssetSetTypeEnum.AssetSetType value)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        value - The excludedParentAssetSetTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllExcludedParentAssetSetTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder addAllExcludedParentAssetSetTypes​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends AssetSetTypeEnum.AssetSetType> values)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        values - The excludedParentAssetSetTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearExcludedParentAssetSetTypes

        public AdGroup.Builder clearExcludedParentAssetSetTypes()
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValueList

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValueList()
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValueList in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for excludedParentAssetSetTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue

        public int getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue​(int index)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        Specified by:
        getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue in interface AdGroupOrBuilder
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The enum numeric value on the wire of excludedParentAssetSetTypes at the given index.
      • setExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue

        public AdGroup.Builder setExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue​(int index,
                                                                   int value)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        index - The index to set the value at.
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for excludedParentAssetSetTypes to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue

        public AdGroup.Builder addExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue​(int value)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        value - The enum numeric value on the wire for excludedParentAssetSetTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • addAllExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue

        public AdGroup.Builder addAllExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue​(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.Integer> values)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this ad group. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this ad group from the
         upper levels.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this ad group,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this ad group.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 58;
        values - The enum numeric values on the wire for excludedParentAssetSetTypes to add.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setUnknownFields

        public final AdGroup.Builder setUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        setUnknownFields in interface
        setUnknownFields in class<AdGroup.Builder>
      • mergeUnknownFields

        public final AdGroup.Builder mergeUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        mergeUnknownFields in interface
        mergeUnknownFields in class<AdGroup.Builder>