Class ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder>
      • getOperationsList

        public List<> getOperationsList()
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
        Specified by:
        getOperationsList in interface ListDatabaseOperationsResponseOrBuilder
      • getOperationsCount

        public int getOperationsCount()
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
        Specified by:
        getOperationsCount in interface ListDatabaseOperationsResponseOrBuilder
      • getOperations

        public getOperations​(int index)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
        Specified by:
        getOperations in interface ListDatabaseOperationsResponseOrBuilder
      • setOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder setOperations​(int index,
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • setOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder setOperations​(int index,
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • addOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder addOperations​( value)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • addOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder addOperations​(int index,
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • addOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder addOperations​( builderForValue)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • addOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder addOperations​(int index,
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • addAllOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder addAllOperations​(Iterable<? extends> values)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • clearOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder clearOperations()
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • removeOperations

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder removeOperations​(int index)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • getOperationsBuilder

        public getOperationsBuilder​(int index)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • getOperationsOrBuilder

        public getOperationsOrBuilder​(int index)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
        Specified by:
        getOperationsOrBuilder in interface ListDatabaseOperationsResponseOrBuilder
      • getOperationsOrBuilderList

        public List<? extends> getOperationsOrBuilderList()
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
        Specified by:
        getOperationsOrBuilderList in interface ListDatabaseOperationsResponseOrBuilder
      • addOperationsBuilder

        public addOperationsBuilder()
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • addOperationsBuilder

        public addOperationsBuilder​(int index)
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • getOperationsBuilderList

        public List<> getOperationsBuilderList()
         The list of matching database [long-running
         operations][google.longrunning.Operation]. Each operation's name will be
         prefixed by the database's name. The operation's
         [metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field type
         `metadata.type_url` describes the type of the metadata.
        repeated .google.longrunning.Operation operations = 1;
      • getNextPageToken

        public String getNextPageToken()
         `next_page_token` can be sent in a subsequent
         call to fetch more of the matching metadata.
        string next_page_token = 2;
        Specified by:
        getNextPageToken in interface ListDatabaseOperationsResponseOrBuilder
        The nextPageToken.
      • getNextPageTokenBytes

        public getNextPageTokenBytes()
         `next_page_token` can be sent in a subsequent
         call to fetch more of the matching metadata.
        string next_page_token = 2;
        Specified by:
        getNextPageTokenBytes in interface ListDatabaseOperationsResponseOrBuilder
        The bytes for nextPageToken.
      • setNextPageToken

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder setNextPageToken​(String value)
         `next_page_token` can be sent in a subsequent
         call to fetch more of the matching metadata.
        string next_page_token = 2;
        value - The nextPageToken to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearNextPageToken

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder clearNextPageToken()
         `next_page_token` can be sent in a subsequent
         call to fetch more of the matching metadata.
        string next_page_token = 2;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setNextPageTokenBytes

        public ListDatabaseOperationsResponse.Builder setNextPageTokenBytes​( value)
         `next_page_token` can be sent in a subsequent
         call to fetch more of the matching metadata.
        string next_page_token = 2;
        value - The bytes for nextPageToken to set.
        This builder for chaining.