Class CreateBackupRequest.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:,,,, CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class CreateBackupRequest.Builder extends<CreateBackupRequest.Builder> implements CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
 The request for [CreateBackup][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.DatabaseAdmin.CreateBackup].
Protobuf type google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupRequest
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • clear

      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public CreateBackupRequest getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public CreateBackupRequest build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public CreateBackupRequest buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • clone

      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      clone in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • setField

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setField in interface
      setField in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • clearField

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder clearField( field)
      Specified by:
      clearField in interface
      clearField in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • clearOneof

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder clearOneof( oneof)
      Specified by:
      clearOneof in interface
      clearOneof in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • setRepeatedField

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setRepeatedField in interface
      setRepeatedField in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • addRepeatedField

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder addRepeatedField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      addRepeatedField in interface
      addRepeatedField in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • getParent

      public String getParent()
       Required. The name of the instance in which the backup will be
       created. This must be the same instance that contains the database the
       backup will be created from. The backup will be stored in the
       location(s) specified in the instance configuration of this
       instance. Values are of the form
      string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
      Specified by:
      getParent in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      The parent.
    • getParentBytes

      public getParentBytes()
       Required. The name of the instance in which the backup will be
       created. This must be the same instance that contains the database the
       backup will be created from. The backup will be stored in the
       location(s) specified in the instance configuration of this
       instance. Values are of the form
      string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
      Specified by:
      getParentBytes in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      The bytes for parent.
    • setParent

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setParent(String value)
       Required. The name of the instance in which the backup will be
       created. This must be the same instance that contains the database the
       backup will be created from. The backup will be stored in the
       location(s) specified in the instance configuration of this
       instance. Values are of the form
      string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
      value - The parent to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearParent

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder clearParent()
       Required. The name of the instance in which the backup will be
       created. This must be the same instance that contains the database the
       backup will be created from. The backup will be stored in the
       location(s) specified in the instance configuration of this
       instance. Values are of the form
      string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
      This builder for chaining.
    • setParentBytes

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setParentBytes( value)
       Required. The name of the instance in which the backup will be
       created. This must be the same instance that contains the database the
       backup will be created from. The backup will be stored in the
       location(s) specified in the instance configuration of this
       instance. Values are of the form
      string parent = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
      value - The bytes for parent to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getBackupId

      public String getBackupId()
       Required. The id of the backup to be created. The `backup_id` appended to
       `parent` forms the full backup name of the form
      string backup_id = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      Specified by:
      getBackupId in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      The backupId.
    • getBackupIdBytes

      public getBackupIdBytes()
       Required. The id of the backup to be created. The `backup_id` appended to
       `parent` forms the full backup name of the form
      string backup_id = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      Specified by:
      getBackupIdBytes in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      The bytes for backupId.
    • setBackupId

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setBackupId(String value)
       Required. The id of the backup to be created. The `backup_id` appended to
       `parent` forms the full backup name of the form
      string backup_id = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      value - The backupId to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearBackupId

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder clearBackupId()
       Required. The id of the backup to be created. The `backup_id` appended to
       `parent` forms the full backup name of the form
      string backup_id = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      This builder for chaining.
    • setBackupIdBytes

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setBackupIdBytes( value)
       Required. The id of the backup to be created. The `backup_id` appended to
       `parent` forms the full backup name of the form
      string backup_id = 2 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      value - The bytes for backupId to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasBackup

      public boolean hasBackup()
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      Specified by:
      hasBackup in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      Whether the backup field is set.
    • getBackup

      public Backup getBackup()
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      Specified by:
      getBackup in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      The backup.
    • setBackup

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setBackup(Backup value)
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
    • setBackup

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setBackup(Backup.Builder builderForValue)
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
    • mergeBackup

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder mergeBackup(Backup value)
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
    • clearBackup

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder clearBackup()
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
    • getBackupBuilder

      public Backup.Builder getBackupBuilder()
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
    • getBackupOrBuilder

      public BackupOrBuilder getBackupOrBuilder()
       Required. The backup to create.
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.Backup backup = 3 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      Specified by:
      getBackupOrBuilder in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
    • hasEncryptionConfig

      public boolean hasEncryptionConfig()
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
      Specified by:
      hasEncryptionConfig in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      Whether the encryptionConfig field is set.
    • getEncryptionConfig

      public CreateBackupEncryptionConfig getEncryptionConfig()
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
      Specified by:
      getEncryptionConfig in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
      The encryptionConfig.
    • setEncryptionConfig

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setEncryptionConfig(CreateBackupEncryptionConfig value)
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
    • setEncryptionConfig

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder setEncryptionConfig(CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.Builder builderForValue)
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
    • mergeEncryptionConfig

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder mergeEncryptionConfig(CreateBackupEncryptionConfig value)
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
    • clearEncryptionConfig

      public CreateBackupRequest.Builder clearEncryptionConfig()
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
    • getEncryptionConfigBuilder

      public CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.Builder getEncryptionConfigBuilder()
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
    • getEncryptionConfigOrBuilder

      public CreateBackupEncryptionConfigOrBuilder getEncryptionConfigOrBuilder()
       Optional. The encryption configuration used to encrypt the backup. If this field is
       not specified, the backup will use the same
       encryption configuration as the database by default, namely
       [encryption_type][google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig.encryption_type] =
      .google.spanner.admin.database.v1.CreateBackupEncryptionConfig encryption_config = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
      Specified by:
      getEncryptionConfigOrBuilder in interface CreateBackupRequestOrBuilder
    • setUnknownFields

      public final CreateBackupRequest.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final CreateBackupRequest.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<CreateBackupRequest.Builder>