Interface BatchingDescriptor<ElementT,ElementResultT,RequestT,ResponseT>

Type Parameters:
ElementT - The type of each individual element to be batched
ElementResultT - The type of the result for each individual element
RequestT - The type of the request that will contain the accumulated elements
ResponseT - The type of the response that will be unpacked into individual element results

@InternalApi("For google-cloud-java client use only.") public interface BatchingDescriptor<ElementT,ElementResultT,RequestT,ResponseT>
An adapter that packs and unpacks the elements in and out of batch requests and responses.

This interface should be implemented by either a service specific client or autogenerated by gapic-generator.

Example implementation:

 class ListDescriptor implements BatchingDescriptor<String, String, List<String>, List<String>> {

   RequestBuilder<String, List<String>> newRequestBuilder(List<String> prototype) {
     return new RequestBuilder<String, List<String>>() {

       void add(String element) {

       List<String> build() {
         return list.clone();

   void splitResponse(List<String> callableResponse, List<SettableApiFuture<String>> batch) {
     for (int i = 0; i < batchResponse.size(); i++) {

   void splitException(Throwable throwable, List<SettableApiFuture<String>> batch) {
     for (SettableApiFuture<String> result : batch) {

   long countBytes(String element) {
     return element.length();