- get(String, String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs
Gets the state of the specified dataflow job.
- get$Xgafv() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
V1 error format.
- getAbstractGoogleClient() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
- getAccessToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
OAuth access token.
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.AutoscalingSettings
The algorithm to use for autoscaling.
- getAlsologtostderr() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Also send taskrunner log info to stderr?
- getAlt() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Data format for response.
- getAutoscalingSettings() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Settings for autoscaling of this WorkerPool.
- getBaseSpecs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
While splitting, sources may specify the produced bundles as differences against another
source, in order to save backend-side memory and allow bigger jobs.
- getBaseTaskDir() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Location on the worker for task-specific subdirectories.
- getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The base URL for the taskrunner to use when accessing Google Cloud APIs.
- getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The base URL for accessing Google Cloud APIs.
- getBearerToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
OAuth bearer token.
- getBoolean() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Boolean value for And, Or.
- getBundles() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
If outcome is SPLITTING_HAPPENED, then this is a list of bundles into which the source was
- getByteOffset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is a byte offset.
- getCallback() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
- getClientRequestId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Client's unique identifier of the job, re-used by SDK across retried attempts.
- getClusterManagerApiService() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The type of cluster manager API to use.
- getCode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
- getCode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageCode
The code is a string intended for consumption by a machine that identifies the type of message
being sent.
- getCodec() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionOutput
The codec to use to encode data being written via this output.
- getCodec() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Sink
The codec to use to encode data written to the sink.
- getCodec() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
The codec to use to decode data read from the source.
- getCommand() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ShellTask
The shell command to run.
- getCommandlinesFileName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Store preprocessing commands in this file.
- getCompleted() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
True if the WorkItem was completed (successfully or unsuccessfully).
- getComputationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The ID of the computation.
- getComputationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
Unique identifier for this computation.
- getComputationId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationRanges
The ID of the computation.
- getComputationRanges() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
Contains ranges of a streaming computation this task should apply to.
- getComputations() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
The computations associated with a streaming Dataflow job.
- getConcatPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
CloudPosition is a concat position.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Work item-specific configuration as an opaque blob.
- getConsumedParallelism() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
Total amount of parallelism in the portion of input of this task that has already been consumed
and is no longer active.
- getContext() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricStructuredName
Zero or more labeled fields which identify the part of the job this metric is associated with,
such as the name of a step or collection.
- getContinueOnException() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Do we continue taskrunner if an exception is hit?
- getCount() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointMean
The number of values being aggregated.
- getCount() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerMean
The number of values being aggregated.
- getCreateTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Timestamp when job was initially created.
- getCumulative() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
True if this metric is reported as the total cumulative aggregate value accumulated since the
worker started working on this WorkItem.
- getCumulative() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
True if this metric is reported as the total cumulative aggregate value accumulated since the
worker started working on this WorkItem.
- getCurrentState() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The current state of the job.
- getCurrentStateTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The timestamp associated with the current state.
- getCurrentWorkerTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
The current timestamp at the worker.
- getCurrentWorkerTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
The current timestamp at the worker.
- getCustomSourceLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is a custom source.
- getDataDisk() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
The name of the data disk where data for this range is stored.
- getDataDisk() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The name of the data disk where data for this range is stored.
- getDataDisk() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MountedDataDisk
The name of the data disk.
- getDataDiskAssignments() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
The disks assigned to a streaming Dataflow job.
- getDataDisks() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataDiskAssignment
Mounted data disks.
- getDataDisks() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
Describes the set of data disks this task should apply to.
- getDataDisks() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Data disks that are used by a VM in this workflow.
- getDataflowApiVersion() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
API version of endpoint, e.g.
- getDataset() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The dataset for the current project where various workflow related tables are stored.
- getDefaultPackageSet() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The default package set to install.
- getDeliveryEndpoint() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The physical location of this range assignment to be used for streaming computation cross-
worker message delivery.
- getDerivationMode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DerivedSource
What source to base the produced source on (if any).
- getDerivationMode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitShard
- getDesiredBundleSizeBytes() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitOptions
The source should be split into a set of bundles where the estimated size of each is
approximately this many bytes.
- getDesiredShardSizeBytes() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitOptions
DEPRECATED in favor of desired_bundle_size_bytes.
- getDetails() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
A list of messages that carry the error details.
- getDiskSizeGb() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Size of root disk for VMs, in GB.
- getDiskSourceImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Fully qualified source image for disks.
- getDiskType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Disk
Disk storage type, as defined by Google Compute Engine.
- getDiskType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Type of root disk for VMs.
- getDoesNotNeedSplitting() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
Setting this value to true hints to the framework that the source doesn't need splitting, and
using SourceSplitRequest on it would yield SOURCE_SPLIT_OUTCOME_USE_CURRENT.
- getDrain() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The user has requested drain.
- getDropLateData() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
Indicates whether the pipeline allows late-arriving data.
- getDynamicSourceSplit() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
See documentation of stop_position.
- getElements() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointList
Elements of the list.
- getElements() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerList
Elements of the list.
- getElements() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StringList
Elements of the list.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
The end (exclusive) of the key range.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The end (exclusive) of the key range.
- getEnd() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is past all other positions.
- getEndTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
Return only messages with timestamps < end_time.
- getEnvironment() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Environment for the job.
- getErrors() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Specifies errors which occurred during processing.
- getEstimatedSizeBytes() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
An estimate of the total size (in bytes) of the data that would be read from this source.
- getExecutionInfo() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Information about how the Dataflow service will actually run the job.
- getExitCode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ShellTask
Exit code for the task.
- getExperiments() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The list of experiments to enable.
- getFields() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
- getFilter() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
The kind of filter to use.
- getFlatten() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for Flatten instructions.
- getFloatingPoint() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Floating point value for Sum, Max, Min.
- getFloatingPointList() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
List of floating point numbers, for Set.
- getFloatingPointMean() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Floating point mean aggregation value for Mean.
- getForwardingKeyBits() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
The size (in bits) of keys that will be assigned to source messages.
- getFractionConsumed() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
Completion as fraction of the input consumed, from 0.0 (beginning, nothing consumed), to 1.0
(end of the input, entire input consumed).
- getFractionConsumed() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateSplitRequest
A fraction at which to split the work item, from 0.0 (beginning of the input) to 1.0 (end of
the input).
- getGetMetadata() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationRequest
Information about a request to get metadata about a source.
- getGetMetadata() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationResponse
A response to a request to get metadata about a source.
- getHarnessCommand() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Command to launch the worker harness.
- getHarnessData() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
Other data returned by the service, specific to the particular worker harness.
- getHighBits() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SplitInt64
The high order bits, including the sign: n >> 32.
- getId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The unique ID of this job.
- getId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
Identifies the message.
- getId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Identifies this WorkItem.
- getIdLabel() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
If set, contains a pubsub label from which to extract record ids.
- getIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ConcatPosition
Index of the inner source.
- getInfinite() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
Specifies that the size of this source is known to be infinite (this is a streaming source).
- getInitialReportIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
The initial index to use when reporting the status of the WorkItem.
- getInput() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
The input.
- getInput() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
Describes the input to the partial group-by-key instruction.
- getInput() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WriteInstruction
The input.
- getInputElementCodec() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
The codec to use for interpreting an element in the input PTable.
- getInputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The inputs to the computation.
- getInputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FlattenInstruction
Describes the inputs to the flatten instruction.
- getInputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
Information about each of the inputs.
- getInstructions() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MapTask
The instructions in the MapTask.
- getInstructions() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
Instructions that comprise the computation.
- getInteger() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Integer value for Sum, Max, Min.
- getIntegerList() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
List of integers, for Set.
- getIntegerMean() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Integer mean aggregation value for Mean.
- getInternal() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for internal use by the Dataflow service.
- getInternal() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Value for internally-defined metrics use by the Dataflow service.
- getInternalExperiments() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
Experimental settings.
- getIsInfinite() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportedParallelism
Specifies whether the parallelism is infinite.
- getIsRead() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StateFamilyConfig
If true, this family corresponds to a read operation.
- getJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
Identifies a single job.
- getJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
The job to get messages for.
- getJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
The job to get messages about.
- getJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
Identifies a single job.
- getJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
Identifies the workflow job this worker belongs to.
- getJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
The job which the WorkItem is part of.
- getJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Identifies the workflow job this WorkItem belongs to.
- getJobMessages() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobMessagesResponse
Messages in ascending timestamp order.
- getJobs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobsResponse
A subset of the requested job information.
- getKey() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
API key.
- getKey() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is a string key, ordered lexicographically.
- getKeyRanges() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The key ranges processed by the computation.
- getKind() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Metric aggregation kind.
- getKind() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.NameAndKind
Metric aggregation kind.
- getKind() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
How to interpret the source element(s) as a side input value.
- getKind() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
The kind of step in the dataflow Job.
- getKind() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The kind of the worker pool; currently only 'harness' and 'shuffle' are supported.
- getLabels() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
Labels are used to group WorkerMessages.
- getLanguageHint() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Suggested backend language.
- getLeaseExpireTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Time when the lease on this Work will expire.
- getLeaseExpireTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
Time at which the current lease will expire.
- getLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataflowPackage
The resource to read the package from.
- getLogDir() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Directory on the VM to store logs.
- getLogToSerialconsole() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Send taskrunner log into to Google Compute Engine VM serial console?
- getLogUploadLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Indicates where to put logs.
- getLowBits() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SplitInt64
The low order bits: n & 0xffffffff.
- getMachineType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Machine type (e.g.
- getMapTask() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for MapTask WorkItems.
- getMaxNumWorkers() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.AutoscalingSettings
The maximum number of workers to cap scaling at.
- getMeanCount() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for the "Mean" aggregation kind.
- getMeanSum() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for the "Mean" aggregation kind.
- getMessage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
A developer-facing error message, which should be in English.
- getMessageImportance() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
Importance level of the message.
- getMessageText() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
The text of the message.
- getMetadata() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
Optionally, metadata for this source can be supplied right away, avoiding a
SourceGetMetadataOperation roundtrip (see SourceOperationRequest).
- getMetadata() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataResponse
The computed metadata.
- getMetadata() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Metadata to set on the Google Compute Engine VMs.
- getMetricIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricShortId
The index of the corresponding metric in the ReportWorkItemStatusRequest.
- getMetrics(String, String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs
Request the job status.
- getMetrics() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMetrics
All metrics for this job.
- getMetricShortId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
The short ids that workers should use in subsequent metric updates.
- getMetricTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMetrics
Timestamp as of which metric values are current.
- getMetricUpdates() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
DEPRECATED in favor of worker_metric_update.
- getMinimumImportance() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
Filter to only get messages with importance >= level
- getMountPoint() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Disk
Directory in a VM where disk is mounted.
- getMultiOutputInfos() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
Information about each of the outputs, if user_fn is a MultiDoFn.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataflowPackage
The name of the package.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionOutput
The user-provided name of this output.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The user-specified Dataflow job name.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricStructuredName
Worker-defined metric name.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Name of the metric.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.NameAndKind
Name of the metric.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
User-provided name of this operation.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
The user-provided name of the SeqDo operation.
- getName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
Name identifying the step.
- getNameAndKind() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Metric name and aggregation type.
- getNetwork() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Network to which VMs will be assigned.
- getNextPageToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobMessagesResponse
The token to obtain the next page of results if there are more.
- getNextPageToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobsResponse
Set if there may be more results than fit in this response.
- getNextReportIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
The index value to use for the next report sent by the worker.
- getNumOutputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
The number of outputs.
- getNumThreadsPerWorker() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The number of threads per worker harness.
- getNumWorkers() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Number of Google Compute Engine workers in this pool needed to execute the job.
- getOauthScopes() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
OAuth2 scopes to be requested by the taskrunner in order to access the dataflow API.
- getOauthToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
- getOnHostMaintenance() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The action to take on host maintenance, as defined by the Google Compute Engine API.
- getOptions() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitRequest
Hints for tuning the splitting process.
- getOrigin() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricStructuredName
Origin (namespace) of metric name.
- getOutcome() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
Indicates whether splitting happened and produced a list of bundles.
- getOutputInfos() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
Information about each of the outputs.
- getOutputNum() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionInput
The output index (origin zero) within the producer.
- getOutputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The outputs from the computation.
- getOutputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Describes the outputs of the instruction.
- getPackages() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Packages to be installed on workers.
- getPackages() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Any required packages that need to be fetched in order to execute this WorkItem.
- getPageSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
If there are many jobs, limit response to at most this many.
- getPageSize() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
If specified, determines the maximum number of messages to return.
- getPageToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
Set this to the 'next_page_token' field of a previous response to request additional results in a
long list.
- getPageToken() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
If supplied, this should be the value of next_page_token returned by an earlier call.
- getParallelWorkerSettings() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Settings to pass to the parallel worker harness.
- getParameters() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageCode
Parameters contains specific information about the code.
- getParDo() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for ParDo instructions.
- getPartialGroupByKey() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for PartialGroupByKey instructions.
- getPercentComplete() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateProgress
- getPersistentDirectory() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The location of the persistent state for this range, as a persistent directory in the worker
local filesystem.
- getPersistentStateVersion() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
Version number for persistent state.
- getPods() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
The pods running on the worker.
- getPoolArgs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Extra arguments for this worker pool.
- getPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateProgress
- getPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
A Position within the work to represent a progress.
- getPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateSplitRequest
A Position at which to split the work item.
- getPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ConcatPosition
Position within the inner source.
- getPp() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Pretty-print response.
- getPrettyPrint() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
- getPrimary() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DynamicSourceSplit
Primary part (continued to be processed by worker).
- getPrimary() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- getPrimarySource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- getProducerInstructionIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionInput
The index (origin zero) of the parallel instruction that produces the output to be consumed by
this input.
- getProducesSortedKeys() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
Whether this source is known to produce key/value pairs with the (encoded) keys in
lexicographically sorted order.
- getProgress() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
DEPRECATED in favor of reported_progress.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
The project which owns the job.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
The project which owns the job.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
A project id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
The project which owns the jobs.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
A project id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
The project which owns the job.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
Identifies the project this worker belongs to.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
The project which owns the WorkItem's job.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
The project to send the WorkerMessages to.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The project which owns the job.
- getProjectId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Identifies the cloud project this WorkItem belongs to.
- getProperties() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
Named properties associated with the step.
- getPubsubLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is a pubsub stream.
- getQuotaUser() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications.
- getRangeAssignments() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationRanges
Data disk assignments for ranges from this computation.
- getRead() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for Read instructions.
- getReceiveWorkPort() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The TCP port on which the worker should listen for messages from other streaming computation
- getRecordIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is a record index.
- getRemainingParallelism() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
Total amount of parallelism in the input of this task that remains, (i.e.
- getRemainingTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateProgress
- getReplacedByJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
If another job is an update of this job (and thus, this job is in JOB_STATE_UPDATED), this
field will contain the ID of that job.
- getReplaceJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- getReplaceJobId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
If this job is an update of an existing job, this field will be the ID of the job it replaced.
- getReportedProgress() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
The worker's progress through this WorkItem.
- getReportIndex() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
The report index.
- getReportingEnabled() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
Send work progress updates to service.
- getReportInterval() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
The interval at which the worker is sending health reports.
- getReportInterval() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReportResponse
A positive value indicates the worker should change its reporting interval to the specified
- getReportStatusInterval() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Recommended reporting interval.
- getReportStatusInterval() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
New recommended reporting interval.
- getRequestedLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
The initial lease period.
- getRequestedLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Amount of time the worker requests for its lease.
- getRequestedState() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The job's requested state.
- getResidual() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DynamicSourceSplit
Residual part (returned to the pool of work).
- getResidual() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- getResidualSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- getScalar() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for aggregation kinds "Sum", "Max", "Min", "And", and "Or".
- getSdkPipelineOptions() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The Dataflow SDK pipeline options specified by the user.
- getSeqMapTask() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for SeqMapTask WorkItems.
- getServicePath() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The Dataflow service path relative to the root URL, for example, "dataflow/v1b3/projects".
- getSet() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for the "Set" aggregation kind.
- getShards() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
DEPRECATED in favor of bundles.
- getShellTask() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for ShellTask WorkItems.
- getShortId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricShortId
The service-generated short identifier for the metric.
- getShortId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
The service-generated short identifier for this metric.
- getShufflePosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
CloudPosition is a base64 encoded BatchShufflePosition (with FIXED sharding).
- getShuffleServicePath() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The Shuffle service path relative to the root URL, for example, "shuffle/v1beta1".
- getSideInputLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is a streaming side input.
- getSideInputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
Zero or more side inputs.
- getSideInputs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
Zero or more side inputs.
- getSink() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTaskOutputInfo
The sink to write the output value to.
- getSink() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WriteInstruction
The sink to write to.
- getSizeGb() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Disk
Size of disk in GB.
- getSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DerivedSource
Specification of the source.
- getSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReadInstruction
The source to read from.
- getSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataRequest
Specification of the source whose metadata should be computed.
- getSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitRequest
Specification of the source to be split.
- getSource() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitShard
- getSourceFork() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
DEPRECATED in favor of dynamic_source_split.
- getSourceOperationResponse() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
If the work item represented a SourceOperationRequest, and the work is completed, contains the
result of the operation.
- getSourceOperationTask() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for source operation WorkItems.
- getSources() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
The source(s) to read element(s) from to get the value of this side input.
- getSpec() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Sink
The sink to write to, plus its parameters.
- getSpec() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
The source to read from, plus its parameters.
- getSplit() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationRequest
Information about a request to split a source.
- getSplit() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationResponse
A response to a request to split a source.
- getSplitRequest() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
The progress point in the WorkItem where the Dataflow service suggests that the worker truncate
the task.
- getStageName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MapTask
System-defined name of the stage containing this MapTask.
- getStageName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
System-defined name of the stage containing the SeqDo operation.
- getStageName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
Stage name of this computation.
- getStages() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobExecutionInfo
A mapping from each stage to the information about that stage.
- getStart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
The start (inclusive) of the key range.
- getStart() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The start (inclusive) of the key range.
- getStartTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
Return only metric data that has changed since this time.
- getStartTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
If specified, return only messages with timestamps >= start_time.
- getStateFamilies() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The state family values.
- getStateFamily() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StateFamilyConfig
The state family value.
- getStateFamily() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSideInputLocation
Identifies the state family where this side input is stored.
- getStateful() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.CustomSourceLocation
Whether this source is stateful.
- getStepName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobExecutionStageInfo
The steps associated with the execution stage.
- getSteps() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The top-level steps that constitute the entire job.
- getStopPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
A worker may split an active map task in two parts, "primary" and "residual", continuing to
process the primary part and returning the residual part into the pool of available work.
- getStreamId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingStageLocation
Identifies the particular stream within the streaming Dataflow job.
- getStreamingComputationConfigs() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingConfigTask
Set of computation configuration information.
- getStreamingComputationTask() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for StreamingComputationTask WorkItems.
- getStreamingComputationTopology() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The global topology of the streaming Dataflow job.
- getStreamingConfigTask() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for StreamingConfigTask WorkItems.
- getStreamingSetupTask() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for StreamingSetupTask WorkItems.
- getStreamingStageLocation() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is part of another computation within the current streaming Dataflow job.
- getStreamingWorkerMainClass() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Streaming worker main class name.
- getStringList() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
List of strings, for Set.
- getSubnetwork() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Subnetwork to which VMs will be assigned, if desired.
- getSubscription() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
A pubsub subscription, in the form of "pubsub.googleapis.com/subscriptions/ /"
- getSuggestedStopPoint() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
DEPRECATED in favor of split_request.
- getSuggestedStopPosition() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
Obsolete, always empty.
- getSum() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointMean
The sum of all values being aggregated.
- getSum() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerMean
The sum of all values being aggregated.
- getSystemName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionOutput
System-defined name of this output.
- getSystemName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MapTask
System-defined name of this MapTask.
- getSystemName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
System-defined name of this operation.
- getSystemName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
System-defined name of the SeqDo operation.
- getSystemName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
System defined name for this computation.
- getSystemStageName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The system stage name.
- getTag() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MultiOutputInfo
The id of the tag the user code will emit to this output by; this should correspond to the tag
of some SideInputInfo.
- getTag() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTaskOutputInfo
The id of the TupleTag the user code will tag the output value by.
- getTag() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
The id of the tag the user code will access this side input by; this should correspond to the
tag of some MultiOutputInfo.
- getTag() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSideInputLocation
Identifies the particular side input within the streaming Dataflow job.
- getTaskGroup() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The UNIX group ID on the worker VM to use for tasks launched by taskrunner; e.g.
- getTaskrunnerSettings() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Settings passed through to Google Compute Engine workers when using the standard Dataflow task
- getTaskType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
A type of streaming computation task.
- getTaskUser() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The UNIX user ID on the worker VM to use for tasks launched by taskrunner; e.g.
- getTeardownPolicy() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Sets the policy for determining when to turndown worker pool.
- getTempFiles() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
A set of files the system should be aware of that are used for temporary storage.
- getTempStoragePrefix() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The prefix of the resources the system should use for temporary storage.
- getTempStoragePrefix() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The prefix of the resources the taskrunner should use for temporary storage.
- getTempStoragePrefix() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The prefix of the resources the system should use for temporary storage.
- getTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
The timestamp of the message.
- getTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
The timestamp of the worker_message.
- getTimestampLabel() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
If set, contains a pubsub label from which to extract record timestamps.
- getTopic() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
A pubsub topic, in the form of "pubsub.googleapis.com/topics/ /"
- getTrackingSubscription() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
If set, specifies the pubsub subscription that will be used for tracking custom time timestamps
for watermark estimation.
- getTransformNameMapping() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Map of transform name prefixes of the job to be replaced to the corresponding name prefixes of
the new job.
- getType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The type of dataflow job.
- getUpdateTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Timestamp associated with the metric value.
- getUploadProtocol() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Upload protocol for media (e.g.
- getUploadType() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g.
- getUserAgent() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
A description of the process that generated the request.
- getUserFn() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
The user function to invoke.
- getUserFn() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
The user function to invoke.
- getUserStageName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The user stage name.
- getUserStageToComputationNameMap() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
Maps user stage names to stable computation names.
- getUserStepToStateFamilyNameMap() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingConfigTask
Map from user step names to state families.
- getValue() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportedParallelism
Specifies the level of parallelism in case it is finite.
- getValueCombiningFn() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
The value combining function to invoke.
- getVersion() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
A structure describing which components and their versions of the service are required in order
to run the job.
- getView() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
Level of information requested in response.
- getView() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
Level of information requested in response.
- getView() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
Level of information requested in response.
- getVmId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
ID string of VM.
- getVmInstance() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataDiskAssignment
VM instance name the data disks mounted to, for example "myproject-1014-104817-4c2-harness-0".
- getVmIsHealthy() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
Whether the VM is healthy.
- getVmStartupTime() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
The time the VM was booted.
- getWorkerCapabilities() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
Worker capabilities.
- getWorkerHarnessContainerImage() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Docker container image that executes Dataflow worker harness, residing in Google Container
- getWorkerHarnessPort() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The TCP port used by the worker to communicate with the Dataflow worker harness.
- getWorkerHealthReport() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
The health of a worker.
- getWorkerHealthReportResponse() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageResponse
The service's response to a worker's health report.
- getWorkerId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
Identifies the worker leasing work -- typically the ID of the virtual machine running the
- getWorkerId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
The ID of the worker reporting the WorkItem status.
- getWorkerId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
ID of the worker running this pipeline.
- getWorkerMessageCode() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
A worker message code.
- getWorkerMessageResponses() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesResponse
The servers response to the worker messages.
- getWorkerMessages() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesRequest
The WorkerMessages to send.
- getWorkerPools() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
Worker pools.
- getWorkflowFileName() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Store the workflow in this file.
- getWorkItemId() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Identifies the WorkItem.
- getWorkItemMetricUpdates() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Worker output metrics (counters) for this WorkItem.
- getWorkItems() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemResponse
A list of the leased WorkItems.
- getWorkItemServiceStates() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusResponse
A set of messages indicating the service-side state for each WorkItem whose status was
reported, in the same order as the WorkItemStatus messages in the ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
which resulting in this response.
- getWorkItemStatuses() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
The order is unimportant, except that the order of the WorkItemServiceState messages in the
ReportWorkItemStatusResponse corresponds to the order of WorkItemStatus messages here.
- getWorkItemTypes() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
Filter for WorkItem type.
- getWrite() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for Write instructions.
- getZone() - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Zone to run the worker pools in.
- SendWorkerMessagesRequest - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A request for sending worker messages to the service.
- SendWorkerMessagesRequest() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesRequest
- SendWorkerMessagesResponse - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
The response to the worker messages.
- SendWorkerMessagesResponse() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesResponse
- SeqMapTask - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Describes a particular function to invoke.
- SeqMapTask() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
- SeqMapTaskOutputInfo - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Information about an output of a SeqMapTask.
- SeqMapTaskOutputInfo() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTaskOutputInfo
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateProgress
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateSplitRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.AutoscalingSettings
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ConcatPosition
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.CustomSourceLocation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataDiskAssignment
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataflowPackage
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DerivedSource
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Disk
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DynamicSourceSplit
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FlattenInstruction
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointList
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointMean
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionInput
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionOutput
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerList
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerMean
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobExecutionInfo
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobExecutionStageInfo
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMetrics
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobMessagesResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobsResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MapTask
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricShortId
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricStructuredName
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MountedDataDisk
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MultiOutputInfo
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.NameAndKind
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReadInstruction
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportedParallelism
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTaskOutputInfo
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ShellTask
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Sink
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitOptions
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitRequest
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitShard
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SplitInt64
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StateFamilyConfig
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationRanges
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingConfigTask
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSideInputLocation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingStageLocation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StringList
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReportResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageCode
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageResponse
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
- set(String, Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WriteInstruction
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- set$Xgafv(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
V1 error format.
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
OAuth access token.
- setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.AutoscalingSettings
The algorithm to use for autoscaling.
- setAlsologtostderr(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Also send taskrunner log info to stderr?
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setAlt(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Data format for response.
- setApplicationName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setAutoscalingSettings(AutoscalingSettings) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Settings for autoscaling of this WorkerPool.
- setBaseSpecs(List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
While splitting, sources may specify the produced bundles as differences against another
source, in order to save backend-side memory and allow bigger jobs.
- setBaseTaskDir(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Location on the worker for task-specific subdirectories.
- setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The base URL for the taskrunner to use when accessing Google Cloud APIs.
- setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The base URL for accessing Google Cloud APIs.
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
OAuth bearer token.
- setBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Boolean value for And, Or.
- setBundles(List<DerivedSource>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
If outcome is SPLITTING_HAPPENED, then this is a list of bundles into which the source was
- setByteOffset(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is a byte offset.
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setCallback(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
- setClientRequestId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Client's unique identifier of the job, re-used by SDK across retried attempts.
- setClusterManagerApiService(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The type of cluster manager API to use.
- setCode(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageCode
The code is a string intended for consumption by a machine that identifies the type of message
being sent.
- setCodec(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionOutput
The codec to use to encode data being written via this output.
- setCodec(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Sink
The codec to use to encode data written to the sink.
- setCodec(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
The codec to use to decode data read from the source.
- setCommand(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ShellTask
The shell command to run.
- setCommandlinesFileName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Store preprocessing commands in this file.
- setCompleted(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
True if the WorkItem was completed (successfully or unsuccessfully).
- setComputationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The ID of the computation.
- setComputationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
Unique identifier for this computation.
- setComputationId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationRanges
The ID of the computation.
- setComputationRanges(List<StreamingComputationRanges>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
Contains ranges of a streaming computation this task should apply to.
- setComputations(List<ComputationTopology>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
The computations associated with a streaming Dataflow job.
- setConcatPosition(ConcatPosition) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
CloudPosition is a concat position.
- setConfiguration(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Work item-specific configuration as an opaque blob.
- setConsumedParallelism(ReportedParallelism) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
Total amount of parallelism in the portion of input of this task that has already been consumed
and is no longer active.
- setContext(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricStructuredName
Zero or more labeled fields which identify the part of the job this metric is associated with,
such as the name of a step or collection.
- setContinueOnException(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Do we continue taskrunner if an exception is hit?
- setCount(SplitInt64) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointMean
The number of values being aggregated.
- setCount(SplitInt64) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerMean
The number of values being aggregated.
- setCreateTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Timestamp when job was initially created.
- setCumulative(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
True if this metric is reported as the total cumulative aggregate value accumulated since the
worker started working on this WorkItem.
- setCumulative(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
True if this metric is reported as the total cumulative aggregate value accumulated since the
worker started working on this WorkItem.
- setCurrentState(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The current state of the job.
- setCurrentStateTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The timestamp associated with the current state.
- setCurrentWorkerTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
The current timestamp at the worker.
- setCurrentWorkerTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
The current timestamp at the worker.
- setCustomSourceLocation(CustomSourceLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is a custom source.
- setDataDisk(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
The name of the data disk where data for this range is stored.
- setDataDisk(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The name of the data disk where data for this range is stored.
- setDataDisk(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MountedDataDisk
The name of the data disk.
- setDataDiskAssignments(List<DataDiskAssignment>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
The disks assigned to a streaming Dataflow job.
- setDataDisks(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataDiskAssignment
Mounted data disks.
- setDataDisks(List<MountedDataDisk>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
Describes the set of data disks this task should apply to.
- setDataDisks(List<Disk>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Data disks that are used by a VM in this workflow.
- setDataflowApiVersion(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
API version of endpoint, e.g.
- setDataflowRequestInitializer(DataflowRequestInitializer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setDataset(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The dataset for the current project where various workflow related tables are stored.
- setDefaultPackageSet(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The default package set to install.
- setDeliveryEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The physical location of this range assignment to be used for streaming computation cross-
worker message delivery.
- setDerivationMode(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DerivedSource
What source to base the produced source on (if any).
- setDerivationMode(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitShard
- setDesiredBundleSizeBytes(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitOptions
The source should be split into a set of bundles where the estimated size of each is
approximately this many bytes.
- setDesiredShardSizeBytes(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitOptions
DEPRECATED in favor of desired_bundle_size_bytes.
- setDetails(List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
A list of messages that carry the error details.
- setDisableGZipContent(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
- setDiskSizeGb(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Size of root disk for VMs, in GB.
- setDiskSourceImage(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Fully qualified source image for disks.
- setDiskType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Disk
Disk storage type, as defined by Google Compute Engine.
- setDiskType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Type of root disk for VMs.
- setDoesNotNeedSplitting(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
Setting this value to true hints to the framework that the source doesn't need splitting, and
using SourceSplitRequest on it would yield SOURCE_SPLIT_OUTCOME_USE_CURRENT.
- setDrain(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The user has requested drain.
- setDropLateData(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
Indicates whether the pipeline allows late-arriving data.
- setDynamicSourceSplit(DynamicSourceSplit) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
See documentation of stop_position.
- setElements(List<Double>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointList
Elements of the list.
- setElements(List<SplitInt64>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerList
Elements of the list.
- setElements(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StringList
Elements of the list.
- setEnd(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
The end (exclusive) of the key range.
- setEnd(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The end (exclusive) of the key range.
- setEnd(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is past all other positions.
- setEndTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
Return only messages with timestamps < end_time.
- setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Environment for the job.
- setErrors(List<Status>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Specifies errors which occurred during processing.
- setEstimatedSizeBytes(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
An estimate of the total size (in bytes) of the data that would be read from this source.
- setExecutionInfo(JobExecutionInfo) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Information about how the Dataflow service will actually run the job.
- setExitCode(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ShellTask
Exit code for the task.
- setExperiments(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The list of experiments to enable.
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setFields(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
- setFilter(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
The kind of filter to use.
- setFlatten(FlattenInstruction) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for Flatten instructions.
- setFloatingPoint(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Floating point value for Sum, Max, Min.
- setFloatingPointList(FloatingPointList) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
List of floating point numbers, for Set.
- setFloatingPointMean(FloatingPointMean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Floating point mean aggregation value for Mean.
- setForwardingKeyBits(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
The size (in bits) of keys that will be assigned to source messages.
- setFractionConsumed(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
Completion as fraction of the input consumed, from 0.0 (beginning, nothing consumed), to 1.0
(end of the input, entire input consumed).
- setFractionConsumed(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateSplitRequest
A fraction at which to split the work item, from 0.0 (beginning of the input) to 1.0 (end of
the input).
- setGetMetadata(SourceGetMetadataRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationRequest
Information about a request to get metadata about a source.
- setGetMetadata(SourceGetMetadataResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationResponse
A response to a request to get metadata about a source.
- setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(GoogleClientRequestInitializer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setHarnessCommand(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Command to launch the worker harness.
- setHarnessData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
Other data returned by the service, specific to the particular worker harness.
- setHighBits(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SplitInt64
The high order bits, including the sign: n >> 32.
- setHttpRequestInitializer(HttpRequestInitializer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The unique ID of this job.
- setId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
Identifies the message.
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Identifies this WorkItem.
- setIdLabel(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
If set, contains a pubsub label from which to extract record ids.
- setIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ConcatPosition
Index of the inner source.
- setInfinite(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
Specifies that the size of this source is known to be infinite (this is a streaming source).
- setInitialReportIndex(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
The initial index to use when reporting the status of the WorkItem.
- setInput(InstructionInput) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
The input.
- setInput(InstructionInput) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
Describes the input to the partial group-by-key instruction.
- setInput(InstructionInput) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WriteInstruction
The input.
- setInputElementCodec(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
The codec to use for interpreting an element in the input PTable.
- setInputs(List<StreamLocation>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The inputs to the computation.
- setInputs(List<InstructionInput>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FlattenInstruction
Describes the inputs to the flatten instruction.
- setInputs(List<SideInputInfo>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
Information about each of the inputs.
- setInstructions(List<ParallelInstruction>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MapTask
The instructions in the MapTask.
- setInstructions(List<ParallelInstruction>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
Instructions that comprise the computation.
- setInteger(SplitInt64) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Integer value for Sum, Max, Min.
- setIntegerList(IntegerList) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
List of integers, for Set.
- setIntegerMean(IntegerMean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Integer mean aggregation value for Mean.
- setInternal(Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for internal use by the Dataflow service.
- setInternal(Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Value for internally-defined metrics use by the Dataflow service.
- setInternalExperiments(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
Experimental settings.
- setIsInfinite(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportedParallelism
Specifies whether the parallelism is infinite.
- setIsRead(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StateFamilyConfig
If true, this family corresponds to a read operation.
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
Identifies a single job.
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
The job to get messages for.
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
The job to get messages about.
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
Identifies a single job.
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
Identifies the workflow job this worker belongs to.
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
The job which the WorkItem is part of.
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Identifies the workflow job this WorkItem belongs to.
- setJobMessages(List<JobMessage>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobMessagesResponse
Messages in ascending timestamp order.
- setJobs(List<Job>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobsResponse
A subset of the requested job information.
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
API key.
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is a string key, ordered lexicographically.
- setKeyRanges(List<KeyRangeLocation>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The key ranges processed by the computation.
- setKind(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Metric aggregation kind.
- setKind(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.NameAndKind
Metric aggregation kind.
- setKind(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
How to interpret the source element(s) as a side input value.
- setKind(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
The kind of step in the dataflow Job.
- setKind(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The kind of the worker pool; currently only 'harness' and 'shuffle' are supported.
- setLabels(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
Labels are used to group WorkerMessages.
- setLanguageHint(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Suggested backend language.
- setLeaseExpireTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Time when the lease on this Work will expire.
- setLeaseExpireTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
Time at which the current lease will expire.
- setLocation(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataflowPackage
The resource to read the package from.
- setLogDir(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Directory on the VM to store logs.
- setLogToSerialconsole(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Send taskrunner log into to Google Compute Engine VM serial console?
- setLogUploadLocation(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Indicates where to put logs.
- setLowBits(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SplitInt64
The low order bits: n & 0xffffffff.
- setMachineType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Machine type (e.g.
- setMapTask(MapTask) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for MapTask WorkItems.
- setMaxNumWorkers(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.AutoscalingSettings
The maximum number of workers to cap scaling at.
- setMeanCount(Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for the "Mean" aggregation kind.
- setMeanSum(Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for the "Mean" aggregation kind.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
A developer-facing error message, which should be in English.
- setMessageImportance(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
Importance level of the message.
- setMessageText(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
The text of the message.
- setMetadata(SourceMetadata) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
Optionally, metadata for this source can be supplied right away, avoiding a
SourceGetMetadataOperation roundtrip (see SourceOperationRequest).
- setMetadata(SourceMetadata) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataResponse
The computed metadata.
- setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Metadata to set on the Google Compute Engine VMs.
- setMetricIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricShortId
The index of the corresponding metric in the ReportWorkItemStatusRequest.
- setMetrics(List<MetricUpdate>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMetrics
All metrics for this job.
- setMetricShortId(List<MetricShortId>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
The short ids that workers should use in subsequent metric updates.
- setMetricTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMetrics
Timestamp as of which metric values are current.
- setMetricUpdates(List<MetricUpdate>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
DEPRECATED in favor of worker_metric_update.
- setMinimumImportance(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
Filter to only get messages with importance >= level
- setMountPoint(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Disk
Directory in a VM where disk is mounted.
- setMultiOutputInfos(List<MultiOutputInfo>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
Information about each of the outputs, if user_fn is a MultiDoFn.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataflowPackage
The name of the package.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionOutput
The user-provided name of this output.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The user-specified Dataflow job name.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricStructuredName
Worker-defined metric name.
- setName(MetricStructuredName) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Name of the metric.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.NameAndKind
Name of the metric.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
User-provided name of this operation.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
The user-provided name of the SeqDo operation.
- setName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
Name identifying the step.
- setNameAndKind(NameAndKind) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
Metric name and aggregation type.
- setNetwork(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Network to which VMs will be assigned.
- setNextPageToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobMessagesResponse
The token to obtain the next page of results if there are more.
- setNextPageToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ListJobsResponse
Set if there may be more results than fit in this response.
- setNextReportIndex(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
The index value to use for the next report sent by the worker.
- setNumOutputs(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
The number of outputs.
- setNumThreadsPerWorker(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The number of threads per worker harness.
- setNumWorkers(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Number of Google Compute Engine workers in this pool needed to execute the job.
- setOauthScopes(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
OAuth2 scopes to be requested by the taskrunner in order to access the dataflow API.
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setOauthToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.
- setOnHostMaintenance(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
The action to take on host maintenance, as defined by the Google Compute Engine API.
- setOptions(SourceSplitOptions) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitRequest
Hints for tuning the splitting process.
- setOrigin(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricStructuredName
Origin (namespace) of metric name.
- setOutcome(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
Indicates whether splitting happened and produced a list of bundles.
- setOutputInfos(List<SeqMapTaskOutputInfo>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
Information about each of the outputs.
- setOutputNum(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionInput
The output index (origin zero) within the producer.
- setOutputs(List<StreamLocation>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The outputs from the computation.
- setOutputs(List<InstructionOutput>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Describes the outputs of the instruction.
- setPackages(List<DataflowPackage>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Packages to be installed on workers.
- setPackages(List<DataflowPackage>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Any required packages that need to be fetched in order to execute this WorkItem.
- setPageSize(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
If there are many jobs, limit response to at most this many.
- setPageSize(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
If specified, determines the maximum number of messages to return.
- setPageToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
Set this to the 'next_page_token' field of a previous response to request additional
results in a long list.
- setPageToken(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
If supplied, this should be the value of next_page_token returned by an earlier call.
- setParallelWorkerSettings(WorkerSettings) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Settings to pass to the parallel worker harness.
- setParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageCode
Parameters contains specific information about the code.
- setParDo(ParDoInstruction) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for ParDo instructions.
- setPartialGroupByKey(PartialGroupByKeyInstruction) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for PartialGroupByKey instructions.
- setPercentComplete(Float) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateProgress
- setPersistentDirectory(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The location of the persistent state for this range, as a persistent directory in the worker
local filesystem.
- setPersistentStateVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
Version number for persistent state.
- setPods(List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
The pods running on the worker.
- setPoolArgs(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Extra arguments for this worker pool.
- setPosition(Position) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateProgress
- setPosition(Position) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
A Position within the work to represent a progress.
- setPosition(Position) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateSplitRequest
A Position at which to split the work item.
- setPosition(Position) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ConcatPosition
Position within the inner source.
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setPp(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Pretty-print response.
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setPrettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Returns response with indentations and line breaks.
- setPrimary(DerivedSource) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DynamicSourceSplit
Primary part (continued to be processed by worker).
- setPrimary(SourceSplitShard) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- setPrimarySource(DerivedSource) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- setProducerInstructionIndex(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionInput
The index (origin zero) of the parallel instruction that produces the output to be consumed by
this input.
- setProducesSortedKeys(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
Whether this source is known to produce key/value pairs with the (encoded) keys in
lexicographically sorted order.
- setProgress(ApproximateProgress) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
DEPRECATED in favor of reported_progress.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
The project which owns the job.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
The project which owns the job.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
A project id.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
The project which owns the jobs.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
A project id.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
The project which owns the job.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
Identifies the project this worker belongs to.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
The project which owns the WorkItem's job.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
The project to send the WorkerMessages to.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The project which owns the job.
- setProjectId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Identifies the cloud project this WorkItem belongs to.
- setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
Named properties associated with the step.
- setPubsubLocation(PubsubLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is a pubsub stream.
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setQuotaUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications.
- setRangeAssignments(List<KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationRanges
Data disk assignments for ranges from this computation.
- setRead(ReadInstruction) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for Read instructions.
- setReceiveWorkPort(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The TCP port on which the worker should listen for messages from other streaming computation
- setRecordIndex(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
Position is a record index.
- setRemainingParallelism(ReportedParallelism) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateReportedProgress
Total amount of parallelism in the input of this task that remains, (i.e.
- setRemainingTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ApproximateProgress
- setReplacedByJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
If another job is an update of this job (and thus, this job is in JOB_STATE_UPDATED), this
field will contain the ID of that job.
- setReplaceJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setReplaceJobId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
If this job is an update of an existing job, this field will be the ID of the job it replaced.
- setReportedProgress(ApproximateReportedProgress) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
The worker's progress through this WorkItem.
- setReportIndex(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
The report index.
- setReportingEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
Send work progress updates to service.
- setReportInterval(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
The interval at which the worker is sending health reports.
- setReportInterval(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReportResponse
A positive value indicates the worker should change its reporting interval to the specified
- setReportStatusInterval(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Recommended reporting interval.
- setReportStatusInterval(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
New recommended reporting interval.
- setRequestedLeaseDuration(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
The initial lease period.
- setRequestedLeaseDuration(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Amount of time the worker requests for its lease.
- setRequestedState(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The job's requested state.
- setRequestHeaders(HttpHeaders) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
- setResidual(DerivedSource) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DynamicSourceSplit
Residual part (returned to the pool of work).
- setResidual(SourceSplitShard) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- setResidualSource(DerivedSource) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- setRootUrl(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setScalar(Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for aggregation kinds "Sum", "Max", "Min", "And", and "Or".
- setSdkPipelineOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The Dataflow SDK pipeline options specified by the user.
- setSeqMapTask(SeqMapTask) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for SeqMapTask WorkItems.
- setServicePath(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setServicePath(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The Dataflow service path relative to the root URL, for example, "dataflow/v1b3/projects".
- setSet(Object) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Worker-computed aggregate value for the "Set" aggregation kind.
- setShards(List<SourceSplitShard>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
DEPRECATED in favor of bundles.
- setShellTask(ShellTask) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for ShellTask WorkItems.
- setShortId(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricShortId
The service-generated short identifier for the metric.
- setShortId(Long) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
The service-generated short identifier for this metric.
- setShufflePosition(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Position
CloudPosition is a base64 encoded BatchShufflePosition (with FIXED sharding).
- setShuffleServicePath(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The Shuffle service path relative to the root URL, for example, "shuffle/v1beta1".
- setSideInputLocation(StreamingSideInputLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is a streaming side input.
- setSideInputs(List<SideInputInfo>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
Zero or more side inputs.
- setSideInputs(List<SideInputInfo>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
Zero or more side inputs.
- setSink(Sink) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTaskOutputInfo
The sink to write the output value to.
- setSink(Sink) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WriteInstruction
The sink to write to.
- setSizeGb(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Disk
Size of disk in GB.
- setSource(Source) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DerivedSource
Specification of the source.
- setSource(Source) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReadInstruction
The source to read from.
- setSource(Source) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataRequest
Specification of the source whose metadata should be computed.
- setSource(Source) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitRequest
Specification of the source to be split.
- setSource(Source) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitShard
- setSourceFork(SourceFork) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
DEPRECATED in favor of dynamic_source_split.
- setSourceOperationResponse(SourceOperationResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
If the work item represented a SourceOperationRequest, and the work is completed, contains the
result of the operation.
- setSourceOperationTask(SourceOperationRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for source operation WorkItems.
- setSources(List<Source>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
The source(s) to read element(s) from to get the value of this side input.
- setSpec(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Sink
The sink to write to, plus its parameters.
- setSpec(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
The source to read from, plus its parameters.
- setSplit(SourceSplitRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationRequest
Information about a request to split a source.
- setSplit(SourceSplitResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationResponse
A response to a request to split a source.
- setSplitRequest(ApproximateSplitRequest) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
The progress point in the WorkItem where the Dataflow service suggests that the worker truncate
the task.
- setStageName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MapTask
System-defined name of the stage containing this MapTask.
- setStageName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
System-defined name of the stage containing the SeqDo operation.
- setStageName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
Stage name of this computation.
- setStages(Map<String, JobExecutionStageInfo>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobExecutionInfo
A mapping from each stage to the information about that stage.
- setStart(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment
The start (inclusive) of the key range.
- setStart(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.KeyRangeLocation
The start (inclusive) of the key range.
- setStartTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
Return only metric data that has changed since this time.
- setStartTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
If specified, return only messages with timestamps >= start_time.
- setStateFamilies(List<StateFamilyConfig>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The state family values.
- setStateFamily(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StateFamilyConfig
The state family value.
- setStateFamily(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSideInputLocation
Identifies the state family where this side input is stored.
- setStateful(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.CustomSourceLocation
Whether this source is stateful.
- setStepName(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobExecutionStageInfo
The steps associated with the execution stage.
- setSteps(List<Step>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The top-level steps that constitute the entire job.
- setStopPosition(Position) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
A worker may split an active map task in two parts, "primary" and "residual", continuing to
process the primary part and returning the residual part into the pool of available work.
- setStreamId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingStageLocation
Identifies the particular stream within the streaming Dataflow job.
- setStreamingComputationConfigs(List<StreamingComputationConfig>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingConfigTask
Set of computation configuration information.
- setStreamingComputationTask(StreamingComputationTask) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for StreamingComputationTask WorkItems.
- setStreamingComputationTopology(TopologyConfig) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The global topology of the streaming Dataflow job.
- setStreamingConfigTask(StreamingConfigTask) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for StreamingConfigTask WorkItems.
- setStreamingSetupTask(StreamingSetupTask) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItem
Additional information for StreamingSetupTask WorkItems.
- setStreamingStageLocation(StreamingStageLocation) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
The stream is part of another computation within the current streaming Dataflow job.
- setStreamingWorkerMainClass(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Streaming worker main class name.
- setStringList(StringList) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemMetricUpdate
List of strings, for Set.
- setSubnetwork(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Subnetwork to which VMs will be assigned, if desired.
- setSubscription(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
A pubsub subscription, in the form of "pubsub.googleapis.com/subscriptions/ /"
- setSuggestedStopPoint(ApproximateProgress) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
DEPRECATED in favor of split_request.
- setSuggestedStopPosition(Position) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemServiceState
Obsolete, always empty.
- setSum(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.FloatingPointMean
The sum of all values being aggregated.
- setSum(SplitInt64) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.IntegerMean
The sum of all values being aggregated.
- setSuppressAllChecks(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setSuppressPatternChecks(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setSuppressRequiredParameterChecks(boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Builder
- setSystemName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.InstructionOutput
System-defined name of this output.
- setSystemName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MapTask
System-defined name of this MapTask.
- setSystemName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
System-defined name of this operation.
- setSystemName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
System-defined name of the SeqDo operation.
- setSystemName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
System defined name for this computation.
- setSystemStageName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The system stage name.
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MultiOutputInfo
The id of the tag the user code will emit to this output by; this should correspond to the tag
of some SideInputInfo.
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTaskOutputInfo
The id of the TupleTag the user code will tag the output value by.
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
The id of the tag the user code will access this side input by; this should correspond to the
tag of some MultiOutputInfo.
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSideInputLocation
Identifies the particular side input within the streaming Dataflow job.
- setTaskGroup(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The UNIX group ID on the worker VM to use for tasks launched by taskrunner; e.g.
- setTaskrunnerSettings(TaskRunnerSettings) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Settings passed through to Google Compute Engine workers when using the standard Dataflow task
- setTaskType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
A type of streaming computation task.
- setTaskUser(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The UNIX user ID on the worker VM to use for tasks launched by taskrunner; e.g.
- setTeardownPolicy(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Sets the policy for determining when to turndown worker pool.
- setTempFiles(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
A set of files the system should be aware of that are used for temporary storage.
- setTempStoragePrefix(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
The prefix of the resources the system should use for temporary storage.
- setTempStoragePrefix(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
The prefix of the resources the taskrunner should use for temporary storage.
- setTempStoragePrefix(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
The prefix of the resources the system should use for temporary storage.
- setTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.JobMessage
The timestamp of the message.
- setTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
The timestamp of the worker_message.
- setTimestampLabel(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
If set, contains a pubsub label from which to extract record timestamps.
- setTopic(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
A pubsub topic, in the form of "pubsub.googleapis.com/topics/ /"
- setTrackingSubscription(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PubsubLocation
If set, specifies the pubsub subscription that will be used for tracking custom time timestamps
for watermark estimation.
- setTransformNameMapping(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
Map of transform name prefixes of the job to be replaced to the corresponding name prefixes of
the new job.
- setType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Job
The type of dataflow job.
- setUpdateTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.MetricUpdate
Timestamp associated with the metric value.
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setUploadProtocol(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Upload protocol for media (e.g.
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.GetMetrics
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Messages.List
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Update
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.Lease
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.WorkItems.ReportStatus
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.WorkerMessages
- setUploadType(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.DataflowRequest
Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g.
- setUserAgent(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
A description of the process that generated the request.
- setUserFn(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParDoInstruction
The user function to invoke.
- setUserFn(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SeqMapTask
The user function to invoke.
- setUserStageName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ComputationTopology
The user stage name.
- setUserStageToComputationNameMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TopologyConfig
Maps user stage names to stable computation names.
- setUserStepToStateFamilyNameMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingConfigTask
Map from user step names to state families.
- setValue(Double) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportedParallelism
Specifies the level of parallelism in case it is finite.
- setValueCombiningFn(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.PartialGroupByKeyInstruction
The value combining function to invoke.
- setVersion(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
A structure describing which components and their versions of the service are required in order
to run the job.
- setView(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Create
Level of information requested in response.
- setView(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.Get
Level of information requested in response.
- setView(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.Dataflow.Projects.Jobs.List
Level of information requested in response.
- setVmId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
ID string of VM.
- setVmInstance(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.DataDiskAssignment
VM instance name the data disks mounted to, for example "myproject-1014-104817-4c2-harness-0".
- setVmIsHealthy(Boolean) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
Whether the VM is healthy.
- setVmStartupTime(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerHealthReport
The time the VM was booted.
- setWorkerCapabilities(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
Worker capabilities.
- setWorkerHarnessContainerImage(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Docker container image that executes Dataflow worker harness, residing in Google Container
- setWorkerHarnessPort(Integer) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
The TCP port used by the worker to communicate with the Dataflow worker harness.
- setWorkerHealthReport(WorkerHealthReport) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
The health of a worker.
- setWorkerHealthReportResponse(WorkerHealthReportResponse) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessageResponse
The service's response to a worker's health report.
- setWorkerId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
Identifies the worker leasing work -- typically the ID of the virtual machine running the
- setWorkerId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
The ID of the worker reporting the WorkItem status.
- setWorkerId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerSettings
ID of the worker running this pipeline.
- setWorkerMessageCode(WorkerMessageCode) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerMessage
A worker message code.
- setWorkerMessageResponses(List<WorkerMessageResponse>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesResponse
The servers response to the worker messages.
- setWorkerMessages(List<WorkerMessage>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SendWorkerMessagesRequest
The WorkerMessages to send.
- setWorkerPools(List<WorkerPool>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Environment
Worker pools.
- setWorkflowFileName(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.TaskRunnerSettings
Store the workflow in this file.
- setWorkItemId(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Identifies the WorkItem.
- setWorkItemMetricUpdates(List<WorkItemMetricUpdate>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkItemStatus
Worker output metrics (counters) for this WorkItem.
- setWorkItems(List<WorkItem>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemResponse
A list of the leased WorkItems.
- setWorkItemServiceStates(List<WorkItemServiceState>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusResponse
A set of messages indicating the service-side state for each WorkItem whose status was
reported, in the same order as the WorkItemStatus messages in the ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
which resulting in this response.
- setWorkItemStatuses(List<WorkItemStatus>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ReportWorkItemStatusRequest
The order is unimportant, except that the order of the WorkItemServiceState messages in the
ReportWorkItemStatusResponse corresponds to the order of WorkItemStatus messages here.
- setWorkItemTypes(List<String>) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.LeaseWorkItemRequest
Filter for WorkItem type.
- setWrite(WriteInstruction) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ParallelInstruction
Additional information for Write instructions.
- setZone(String) - Method in class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.WorkerPool
Zone to run the worker pools in.
- ShellTask - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A task which consists of a shell command for the worker to execute.
- ShellTask() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.ShellTask
- SideInputInfo - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Information about a side input of a DoFn or an input of a SeqDoFn.
- SideInputInfo() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SideInputInfo
- Sink - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A sink that records can be encoded and written to.
- Sink() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Sink
- Source - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A source that records can be read and decoded from.
- Source() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Source
- SourceFork - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
DEPRECATED in favor of DynamicSourceSplit.
- SourceFork() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceFork
- SourceGetMetadataRequest - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A request to compute the SourceMetadata of a Source.
- SourceGetMetadataRequest() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataRequest
- SourceGetMetadataResponse - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
The result of a SourceGetMetadataOperation.
- SourceGetMetadataResponse() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceGetMetadataResponse
- SourceMetadata - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Metadata about a Source useful for automatically optimizing and tuning the pipeline, etc.
- SourceMetadata() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceMetadata
- SourceOperationRequest - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A work item that represents the different operations that can be performed on a user-defined
Source specification.
- SourceOperationRequest() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationRequest
- SourceOperationResponse - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
The result of a SourceOperationRequest, specified in ReportWorkItemStatusRequest.source_operation
when the work item is completed.
- SourceOperationResponse() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceOperationResponse
- SourceSplitOptions - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Hints for splitting a Source into bundles (parts for parallel processing) using
- SourceSplitOptions() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitOptions
- SourceSplitRequest - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Represents the operation to split a high-level Source specification into bundles (parts for
parallel processing).
- SourceSplitRequest() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitRequest
- SourceSplitResponse - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
The response to a SourceSplitRequest.
- SourceSplitResponse() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitResponse
- SourceSplitShard - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
DEPRECATED in favor of DerivedSource.
- SourceSplitShard() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SourceSplitShard
- SplitInt64 - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A representation of an int64, n, that is immune to precision loss when encoded in JSON.
- SplitInt64() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.SplitInt64
- StateFamilyConfig - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
State family configuration.
- StateFamilyConfig() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StateFamilyConfig
- Status - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming
environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
- Status() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Status
- Step - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Defines a particular step within a Dataflow job.
- Step() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.Step
- StreamingComputationConfig - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Configuration information for a single streaming computation.
- StreamingComputationConfig() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationConfig
- StreamingComputationRanges - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Describes full or partial data disk assignment information of the computation ranges.
- StreamingComputationRanges() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationRanges
- StreamingComputationTask - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A task which describes what action should be performed for the specified streaming computation
- StreamingComputationTask() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingComputationTask
- StreamingConfigTask - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A task that carries configuration information for streaming computations.
- StreamingConfigTask() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingConfigTask
- StreamingSetupTask - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A task which initializes part of a streaming Dataflow job.
- StreamingSetupTask() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSetupTask
- StreamingSideInputLocation - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Identifies the location of a streaming side input.
- StreamingSideInputLocation() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingSideInputLocation
- StreamingStageLocation - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Identifies the location of a streaming computation stage, for stage-to-stage communication.
- StreamingStageLocation() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamingStageLocation
- StreamLocation - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
Describes a stream of data, either as input to be processed or as output of a streaming Dataflow
- StreamLocation() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StreamLocation
- StringList - Class in com.google.api.services.dataflow.model
A metric value representing a list of strings.
- StringList() - Constructor for class com.google.api.services.dataflow.model.StringList