Class JobInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JobInfo extends Object implements Serializable
Google BigQuery Job information. Jobs are objects that manage asynchronous tasks such as running queries, loading data, and exporting data. Use CopyJobConfiguration for a job that copies an existing table. Use ExtractJobConfiguration for a job that exports a table to Google Cloud Storage. Use LoadJobConfiguration for a job that loads data from Google Cloud Storage into a table. Use QueryJobConfiguration for a job that runs a query.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getEtag

      public String getEtag()
      Returns the hash of the job resource.
    • getGeneratedId

      public String getGeneratedId()
      Returns the service-generated id for the job.
    • getJobId

      public JobId getJobId()
      Returns the job identity.
    • getSelfLink

      public String getSelfLink()
      Returns an URL that can be used to access the resource again. The returned URL can be used for GET requests.
    • getStatus

      public JobStatus getStatus()
      Returns the status of this job. Examine this value when polling an asynchronous job to see if the job is complete.
    • getStatistics

      public <S extends JobStatistics> S getStatistics()
      Returns information about the job, including starting time and ending time of the job.
    • getUserEmail

      public String getUserEmail()
      Returns the email address of the user who ran the job.
    • getConfiguration

      public <C extends JobConfiguration> C getConfiguration()
      Returns the job's configuration.
    • toBuilder

      public JobInfo.Builder toBuilder()
      Returns a builder for the job object.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • newBuilder

      public static JobInfo.Builder newBuilder(JobConfiguration configuration)
      Returns a builder for a JobInfo object given the job configuration. Use CopyJobConfiguration for a job that copies an existing table. Use ExtractJobConfiguration for a job that exports a table to Google Cloud Storage. Use LoadJobConfiguration for a job that loads data from Google Cloud Storage into a table. Use QueryJobConfiguration for a job that runs a query.
    • of

      public static JobInfo of(JobConfiguration configuration)
      Returns a JobInfo object given the job configuration. Use CopyJobConfiguration for a job that copies an existing table. Use ExtractJobConfiguration for a job that exports a table to Google Cloud Storage. Use LoadJobConfiguration for a job that loads data from Google Cloud Storage into a table. Use QueryJobConfiguration for a job that runs a query.
    • of

      public static JobInfo of(JobId jobId, JobConfiguration configuration)
      Returns a builder for a JobInfo object given the job identity and configuration. Use CopyJobConfiguration for a job that copies an existing table. Use ExtractJobConfiguration for a job that exports a table to Google Cloud Storage. Use LoadJobConfiguration for a job that loads data from Google Cloud Storage into a table. Use QueryJobConfiguration for a job that runs a query.