Class Field.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static final class Field.Builder extends Object
  • Method Details

    • setName

      public Field.Builder setName(String name)
      Sets the field name. The name must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), or underscores (_), and must start with a letter or underscore. The maximum length is 128 characters.
    • setType

      public Field.Builder setType(LegacySQLTypeName type, Field... subFields)
      Sets the type of the field.
      type - BigQuery data type
      subFields - nested schema fields in case if type is LegacySQLTypeName.RECORD, empty otherwise
      IllegalArgumentException - if type == LegacySQLTypeName.RECORD && subFields.length == 0 or if type != LegacySQLTypeName.RECORD && subFields.length != 0
      See Also:
    • setType

      public Field.Builder setType(StandardSQLTypeName type, Field... subFields)
      Sets the type of the field.
      type - BigQuery data type
      subFields - nested schema fields in case if type is StandardSQLTypeName.STRUCT, empty otherwise
      IllegalArgumentException - if type == StandardSQLTypeName.STRUCT && subFields.length == 0 or if type != StandardSQLTypeName.STRUCT && subFields.length != 0
      See Also:
    • setType

      public Field.Builder setType(LegacySQLTypeName type, FieldList subFields)
      Sets the type of the field.
      type - BigQuery data type
      subFields - nested schema fields, in case if type is LegacySQLTypeName.RECORD, null otherwise.
      IllegalArgumentException - if type == LegacySQLTypeName.RECORD && (subFields == null || subFields.isEmpty()) or if type != LegacySQLTypeName.RECORD && subFields != null
      See Also:
    • setType

      public Field.Builder setType(StandardSQLTypeName type, FieldList subFields)
      Sets the type of the field.
      type - BigQuery data type
      subFields - nested schema fields in case if type is StandardSQLTypeName.STRUCT, empty otherwise
      IllegalArgumentException - if type == StandardSQLTypeName.STRUCT && subFields.length == 0 or if type != StandardSQLTypeName.STRUCT && subFields.length != 0
      See Also:
    • setMode

      public Field.Builder setMode(Field.Mode mode)
      Sets the mode of the field. When not specified Field.Mode.NULLABLE is used.
    • setDescription

      public Field.Builder setDescription(String description)
      Sets the field description. The maximum length is 16K characters.
    • setPolicyTags

      public Field.Builder setPolicyTags(PolicyTags policyTags)
      Sets the policy tags for the field.
    • setMaxLength

      public Field.Builder setMaxLength(Long maxLength)
      Sets the maximum length of the field for STRING or BYTES type.

      It is invalid to set value for types other than STRING or BYTES.

      For STRING type, this represents the maximum UTF-8 length of strings allowed in the field. For BYTES type, this represents the maximum number of bytes in the field.

    • setScale

      public Field.Builder setScale(Long scale)
      Scale can be used to constrain the maximum number of digits in the fractional part of a NUMERIC or BIGNUMERIC type. If the Scale value is set, the Precision value must be set as well. It is invalid to set values for Scale for types other than NUMERIC or BIGNUMERIC. See the Precision field for additional guidance about valid values.
    • setPrecision

      public Field.Builder setPrecision(Long precision)
      Precision can be used to constrain the maximum number of total digits allowed for NUMERIC or BIGNUMERIC types. It is invalid to set values for Precision for types other than // NUMERIC or BIGNUMERIC. For NUMERIC type, acceptable values for Precision must be: 1 ≤ (Precision - Scale) ≤ 29. Values for Scale must be: 0 ≤ Scale ≤ 9. For BIGNUMERIC type, acceptable values for Precision must be: 1 ≤ (Precision - Scale) ≤ 38. Values for Scale must be: 0 ≤ Scale ≤ 38.
    • setDefaultValueExpression

      public Field.Builder setDefaultValueExpression(String defaultValueExpression)
      DefaultValueExpression is used to specify the default value of a field using a SQL expression. It can only be set for top level fields (columns).

      You can use struct or array expression to specify default value for the entire struct or array. The valid SQL expressions are:

         Literals for all data types, including STRUCT and ARRAY.
         The following functions:
            - CURRENT_TIME
            - CURRENT_DATE
            - CURRENT_DATETIME
            - GENERATE_UUID
            - RAND
            - SESSION_USER
            - ST_GEOGPOINT
         Struct or array composed with the above allowed functions, for example:
            "[CURRENT_DATE(), DATE '2020-01-01']"
    • setCollation

      public Field.Builder setCollation(String collation)
      Optional. Field collation can be set only when the type of field is STRING. The following values are supported:

      * 'und:ci': undetermined locale, case insensitive. * '': empty string. Default to case-sensitive behavior. (-- A wrapper is used here because it is possible to set the value to the empty string. --)

    • build

      public Field build()
      Creates a Field object.