
public class Cluster extends Object
A cluster represents the actual Cloud Bigtable service. Each cluster belongs to a single Cloud Bigtable instance, and an instance can have up to 2 clusters. When your application sends requests to a Cloud Bigtable instance, those requests are actually handled by one of the clusters in the instance.
  • Method Details

    • fromProto

      @InternalApi public static Cluster fromProto(Cluster proto)
      Wraps a protobuf response.

      This method is considered an internal implementation detail and not meant to be used by applications.

    • getId

      public String getId()
      Gets the cluster's id.
    • getInstanceId

      public String getInstanceId()
      Gets the instance id.
    • getZone

      public String getZone()
      Get the zone where this cluster is located.
    • getState

      public Cluster.State getState()
      Gets the current state of the cluster
    • getServeNodes

      public int getServeNodes()
      Get the number of nodes allocated to this cluster. More nodes enable higher throughput and more consistent performance.
    • getAutoscalingMinServeNodes

      public int getAutoscalingMinServeNodes()
      Get the minimum number of nodes to scale down to.
    • getAutoscalingMaxServeNodes

      public int getAutoscalingMaxServeNodes()
      Get the maximum number of nodes to scale up to.
    • getAutoscalingCpuPercentageTarget

      public int getAutoscalingCpuPercentageTarget()
      Get the cpu utilization that the Autoscaler should be trying to achieve. This number is on a scale from 0 (no utilization) to 100 (total utilization).
    • getStorageUtilizationGibPerNode

      public int getStorageUtilizationGibPerNode()
      Get the storage utilization that the Autoscaler should be trying to achieve. This number is limited between 2560 (2.5TiB) and 5120 (5TiB) for a SSD cluster and between 8192 (8TiB) and 16384 (16TiB) for an HDD cluster; otherwise it will return INVALID_ARGUMENT error. If this value is set to 0, it will be treated as if it were set to the default value: 2560 for SSD, 8192 for HDD.
    • getStorageType

      public StorageType getStorageType()
      The type of storage used by this cluster to serve its parent instance's tables, unless explicitly overridden.
    • getKmsKeyName

      public String getKmsKeyName()
      Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) settings for a CMEK-protected Bigtable cluster. This returns the full resource name of the Cloud KMS key in the format `projects/{key_project_id}/locations/{location}/keyRings/{ring_name}/cryptoKeys/{key_name}`
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object