
public final class Filters extends Object
A Fluent DSL to create a hierarchy of filters for the CheckAndMutateRow RPCs and ReadRows Query.

Intended usage is to statically import, or in case of conflict, assign the static variable FILTERS and use its fluent API to build filters.

Sample code:

 import static;

 void main() {
   // Build the filter expression
   RowFilter filter = FILTERS.chain()

   // Use it in a Query
   Query query = Query.create("[TABLE]")

  • Field Details


      public static final Filters FILTERS
      Entry point into the DSL.
  • Method Details

    • chain

      public Filters.ChainFilter chain()
      Creates an empty chain filter list. Filters can be added to the chain by invoking Filters.ChainFilter.filter(Filters.Filter).

      The elements of "filters" are chained together to process the input row:

      in row -> filter0 -> intermediate row -> filter1 -> ... -> filterN -> out row
      The full chain is executed atomically.
    • interleave

      public Filters.InterleaveFilter interleave()
      Creates an empty interleave filter list. Filters can be added to the interleave by invoking Filters.InterleaveFilter.filter(Filters.Filter).

      The elements of "filters" all process a copy of the input row, and the results are pooled, sorted, and combined into a single output row. If multiple cells are produced with the same column and timestamp, they will all appear in the output row in an unspecified mutual order. The full chain is executed atomically.

    • condition

      public Filters.ConditionFilter condition(@Nonnull Filters.Filter predicate)
      Creates an empty condition filter. The filter results of the predicate can be configured by invoking Filters.ConditionFilter.then(Filters.Filter) and Filters.ConditionFilter.otherwise(Filters.Filter).

      A RowFilter which evaluates one of two possible RowFilters, depending on whether or not a predicate RowFilter outputs any cells from the input row.

      IMPORTANT NOTE: The predicate filter does not execute atomically with the Filters.ConditionFilter.then(Filters.Filter) and Filters.ConditionFilter.otherwise(Filters.Filter) (Filter)} filters, which may lead to inconsistent or unexpected results. Additionally, Filters.ConditionFilter may have poor performance, especially when filters are set for the Filters.ConditionFilter.otherwise(Filters.Filter).

    • key

      public Filters.KeyFilter key()
      Returns the builder for row key related filters.
    • family

      public Filters.FamilyFilter family()
      Returns the builder for column family related filters.
    • qualifier

      public Filters.QualifierFilter qualifier()
      Returns the builder for column qualifier related filters.
    • timestamp

      public Filters.TimestampFilter timestamp()
      Returns the builder for timestamp related filters.
    • value

      public Filters.ValueFilter value()
      Returns the builder for value related filters.
    • offset

      public Filters.OffsetFilter offset()
      Returns the builder for offset related filters.
    • limit

      public Filters.LimitFilter limit()
      Returns the builder for limit related filters.
    • fromProto

      public Filters.Filter fromProto(RowFilter rowFilter)
      Wraps protobuf representation of a filter.

      For advanced use only.

    • pass

      public Filters.Filter pass()
      Matches all cells, regardless of input. Functionally equivalent to having no filter.
    • block

      public Filters.Filter block()
      Does not match any cells, regardless of input. Useful for temporarily disabling just part of a filter.
    • sink

      public Filters.Filter sink()
      Outputs all cells directly to the output of the read rather than to any parent filter. For advanced usage, see comments in for more details.
    • label

      public Filters.Filter label(@Nonnull String label)
      Applies the given label to all cells in the output row. This allows the caller to determine which results were produced from which part of the filter.

      Due to a technical limitation, it is not currently possible to apply multiple labels to a cell. As a result, a Filters.ChainFilter may have no more than one sub-filter which contains a label. It is okay for an Filters.InterleaveFilter to contain multiple labels, as they will be applied to separate copies of the input. This may be relaxed in the future.