Class ReadChangeStreamQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

@InternalApi("Intended for use by the BigtableIO in apache/beam only.") public final class ReadChangeStreamQuery extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable
A simple wrapper to construct a query for the ReadChangeStream RPC.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static ReadChangeStreamQuery create(String tableId)
      Constructs a new ReadChangeStreamQuery object for the specified table id. The table id will be combined with the instance name specified in the BigtableDataSettings.
    • streamPartition

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery streamPartition(@Nonnull RowRange rowRange)
      Adds a partition.
      rowRange - Represents the partition in the form [startKey, endKey). startKey can be null to represent negative infinity. endKey can be null to represent positive infinity.
    • streamPartition

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery streamPartition(String start, String end)
      Adds a partition.
      start - The beginning of the range (inclusive). Can be null to represent negative infinity.
      end - The end of the range (exclusive). Can be null to represent positive infinity.
    • streamPartition

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery streamPartition(@Nullable start, @Nullable end)
      Adds a partition.
      start - The beginning of the range (inclusive). Can be null to represent negative infinity.
      end - The end of the range (exclusive). Can be null to represent positive infinity.
    • streamPartition

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery streamPartition(Range.ByteStringRange range)
      Adds a partition.
    • startTime

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery startTime(org.threeten.bp.Instant value)
      Sets the startTime to read the change stream.
    • endTime

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery endTime(org.threeten.bp.Instant value)
      Sets the endTime to read the change stream.
    • continuationTokens

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery continuationTokens(List<ChangeStreamContinuationToken> changeStreamContinuationTokens)
      Sets the stream continuation tokens to read the change stream.
    • heartbeatDuration

      public ReadChangeStreamQuery heartbeatDuration(org.threeten.bp.Duration duration)
      Sets the heartbeat duration for the change stream.
    • toProto

      @InternalApi("Used in Changestream beam pipeline.") public ReadChangeStreamRequest toProto( requestContext)
      Creates the request protobuf. This method is considered an internal implementation detail and not meant to be used by applications.
    • fromProto

      public static ReadChangeStreamQuery fromProto(@Nonnull ReadChangeStreamRequest request)
      Wraps the protobuf ReadChangeStreamRequest.

      WARNING: Please note that the project id & instance id in the table name will be overwritten by the configuration in the BigtableDataClient.

    • clone

      protected ReadChangeStreamQuery clone()
      clone in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object