Interface MutationApi<T extends MutationApi<T>>

All Known Implementing Classes:
Mutation, RowMutation, RowMutationEntry

@InternalExtensionOnly public interface MutationApi<T extends MutationApi<T>>
The API for creating mutations for a single row.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addToCell(String familyName, Value qualifier, Value timestamp, Value input)
    Adds a Value to an aggregate cell.
    default T
    addToCell(String familyName, qualifier, long timestamp, long input)
    Adds an int64 value to an aggregate cell.
    default T
    addToCell(String familyName, String qualifier, long timestamp, long value)
    Adds an int64 value to an aggregate cell.
    deleteCells(String familyName, qualifier)
    Adds a mutation which deletes cells from the specified column.
    deleteCells(String familyName, qualifier, Range.TimestampRange timestampRange)
    Adds a mutation which deletes cells from the specified column, restricted to a given timestamp range.
    deleteCells(String familyName, String qualifier)
    Adds a mutation which deletes cells from the specified column.
    deleteFamily(String familyName)
    Adds a mutation which deletes all cells from the specified column family.
    Adds a mutation which deletes all cells from the containing row.
    mergeToCell(String familyName, Value qualifier, Value timestamp, Value input)
    Merges a Value accumulator to an aggregate cell.
    default T
    mergeToCell(String familyName, qualifier, long timestamp, input)
    Merges a ByteString accumulator value to a cell in an aggregate column family.
    default T
    mergeToCell(String familyName, String qualifier, long timestamp, value)
    Merges a ByteString accumulator value to a cell in an aggregate column family.
    setCell(String familyName, qualifier, long value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
    setCell(String familyName, qualifier, long timestamp, long value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
    setCell(String familyName, qualifier, long timestamp, value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
    setCell(String familyName, qualifier, value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
    setCell(String familyName, String qualifier, long value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
    setCell(String familyName, String qualifier, long timestamp, long value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
    setCell(String familyName, String qualifier, long timestamp, String value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
    setCell(String familyName, String qualifier, String value)
    Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.
  • Method Details

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull String qualifier, @Nonnull String value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      This a convenience method that converts Strings to ByteStrings and uses microseconds since epoch as the timestamp.

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull String qualifier, long timestamp, @Nonnull String value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      This is a convenience override that converts Strings to ByteStrings.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier, @Nonnull value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      Uses microseconds since epoch as the timestamp.

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier, long timestamp, @Nonnull value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull String qualifier, long value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      This a convenience method that converts Strings to ByteStrings and uses microseconds since epoch as the timestamp. Also it accepts long value.

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull String qualifier, long timestamp, long value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      This is a convenience override that converts Strings to ByteStrings.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier, long value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      Uses microseconds since epoch as the timestamp.

    • setCell

      T setCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier, long timestamp, long value)
      Adds a mutation which sets the value of the specified cell.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • deleteCells

      T deleteCells(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull String qualifier)
      Adds a mutation which deletes cells from the specified column.
    • deleteCells

      T deleteCells(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier)
      Adds a mutation which deletes cells from the specified column.
    • deleteCells

      T deleteCells(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier, @Nonnull Range.TimestampRange timestampRange)
      Adds a mutation which deletes cells from the specified column, restricted to a given timestamp range.
      familyName - The family name.
      qualifier - The qualifier.
      timestampRange - The timestamp range in microseconds.
    • deleteFamily

      T deleteFamily(@Nonnull String familyName)
      Adds a mutation which deletes all cells from the specified column family.
    • deleteRow

      T deleteRow()
      Adds a mutation which deletes all cells from the containing row.
    • addToCell

      default T addToCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull String qualifier, long timestamp, long value)
      Adds an int64 value to an aggregate cell. The column family must be an aggregate family and have an "int64" input type or this mutation will be rejected.

      This is a convenience override that converts Strings to ByteStrings.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • mergeToCell

      default T mergeToCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull String qualifier, long timestamp, value)
      Merges a ByteString accumulator value to a cell in an aggregate column family.

      This is a convenience override that converts Strings to ByteStrings.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • addToCell

      default T addToCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier, long timestamp, long input)
      Adds an int64 value to an aggregate cell. The column family must be an aggregate family and have an "int64" input type or this mutation will be rejected.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • mergeToCell

      default T mergeToCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull qualifier, long timestamp, input)
      Merges a ByteString accumulator value to a cell in an aggregate column family.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • addToCell

      T addToCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull Value qualifier, @Nonnull Value timestamp, @Nonnull Value input)
      Adds a Value to an aggregate cell. The column family must be an aggregate family and have an input type matching the type of Value or this mutation will be rejected.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.

    • mergeToCell

      T mergeToCell(@Nonnull String familyName, @Nonnull Value qualifier, @Nonnull Value timestamp, @Nonnull Value input)
      Merges a Value accumulator to an aggregate cell. The column family must be an aggregate family or this mutation will be rejected.

      Note: The timestamp values are in microseconds but must match the granularity of the table(defaults to `MILLIS`). Therefore, the given value must be a multiple of 1000 (millisecond granularity). For example: `1571902339435000`.