Class Entity

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Entity extends FullEntity<Key>
An entity is the Google Cloud Datastore persistent data object for a specific key. An entity will always have a complete Key.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public static Entity.Builder newBuilder(Key key)
    • newBuilder

      public static Entity.Builder newBuilder(Entity copyFrom)
    • newBuilder

      public static Entity.Builder newBuilder(Key key, FullEntity<?> copyFrom)
    • fromPb

      public static Entity fromPb(Entity entityPb)
    • calculateSerializedSize

      public static int calculateSerializedSize(BaseEntity<? extends IncompleteKey> entity)
      Returns the size in bytes of the protobuf form of the provided entity.
      entity - object whose size is measured.