Class ListValue

java.lang.Object<List<? extends Value<?>>>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ListValue extends Value<List<? extends Value<?>>>
A Google Cloud Datastore list value. A list value is a list of Value objects.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ListValue

      public ListValue(List<? extends Value<?>> values)
    • ListValue

      public ListValue(Value<?> first, Value<?>... other)
  • Method Details

    • toBuilder

      public ListValue.Builder toBuilder()
      Returns a builder for the list value object.
      Specified by:
      toBuilder in class Value<List<? extends Value<?>>>
    • of

      public static ListValue of(List<? extends Value<?>> values)
      Creates a ListValue object given a list of Value objects.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(Value<?> first, Value<?>... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of Value objects.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(String first, String... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of string values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(long first, long... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of long values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(double first, double... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of double values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(boolean first, boolean... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of boolean values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of( first, other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of Timestamp values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(LatLng first, LatLng... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of LatLng values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(Key first, Key... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of Key values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(FullEntity<?> first, FullEntity<?>... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of FullEntity values.
    • of

      public static ListValue of(Blob first, Blob... other)
      Creates a ListValue object given a number of Blob values.
    • newBuilder

      public static ListValue.Builder newBuilder()
      Returns a builder for ListValue objects.