Class LogEntry.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class LogEntry.Builder extends Object
A builder for LogEntry objects.
  • Method Details

    • setLogName

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setLogName(String logName)
      Sets the name of the log to which this log entry belongs. The log name must be less than 512 characters long and can only include the following characters: upper and lower case alphanumeric characters: [A-Za-z0-9]; and punctuation characters: _-./. The forward-slash (/) characters in the log name must be URL-encoded. Examples: syslog,
    • setResource

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setResource( resource)
      Sets the monitored resource associated with this log entry. Example: a log entry that reports a database error would be associated with the monitored resource designating the particular database that reported the error.
    • setTimestamp

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue @Deprecated public LogEntry.Builder setTimestamp(long milliseconds)
      This method is no longer recommended to setup the entry timestamp.

      Use setTimestamp(Instant) instead.

      Sets the time at which the event described by the log entry occurred, in milliseconds. If omitted, the Logging service will use the time at which the log entry is received.
    • setTimestamp

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setTimestamp(Instant timestamp)
      Sets the time at which the event described by the log entry occurred. If omitted, the Logging service will use the time at which the log entry is received.
    • setReceiveTimestamp

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue @Deprecated public LogEntry.Builder setReceiveTimestamp(long milliseconds)
      This method is no longer recommended to setup the receive time timestamp.

      Use setReceiveTimestamp(java.time.Instant) instead.

      Sets the time the log entry was received by Cloud Logging, in milliseconds. If omitted, the Logging service will set the time at which the log entry is received.
    • setReceiveTimestamp

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setReceiveTimestamp(Instant receiveTimestamp)
      Sets the time the log entry was received by Cloud Logging. If omitted, the Logging service will set the time at which the log entry is received.
    • setSeverity

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setSeverity(Severity severity)
      Sets the severity of the log entry. If not set, Severity.DEFAULT is used.
    • setInsertId

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setInsertId(String insertId)
      Sets a unique ID for the log entry. If you provide this field, the Logging service considers other log entries in the same log with the same ID as duplicates which can be removed. If omitted, the Logging service will generate a unique ID for this log entry.
    • setHttpRequest

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setHttpRequest(HttpRequest httpRequest)
      Sets information about the HTTP request associated with this log entry, if applicable.
    • setLabels

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setLabels(Map<String,String> labels)
      Sets an optional set of user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional information about the log entry.
    • addLabel

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder addLabel(String key, String value)
      Adds a label to the log entry's labels. Labels are user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional information about the log entry.
    • clearLabels

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder clearLabels()
      Clears all the labels of the log entry. Labels are user-defined (key, value) data that provides additional information about the log entry.
    • setOperation

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setOperation(Operation operation)
      Sets information about an operation associated with the log entry, if applicable.
    • setTrace

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setTrace(String trace)
      Sets the resource name of the trace associated with the log entry, if any. If it contains a relative resource name, the name is assumed to be relative to `//`.
    • setTrace

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setTrace(Object trace)
      Sets the resource name of the trace associated with the log entry, if any. If it contains a relative resource name, the name is assumed to be relative to `//`.
    • setSpanId

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setSpanId(String spanId)
      Sets the ID of the trace span associated with the log entry, if any.
    • setSpanId

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setSpanId(Object spanId)
      Sets the ID of the trace span associated with the log entry, if any.
    • setTraceSampled

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setTraceSampled(boolean traceSampled)
      Sets the sampling decision of the trace span associated with the log entry.
    • setSourceLocation

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setSourceLocation(SourceLocation sourceLocation)
      Sets the source code location information associated with the log entry if any.
    • setPayload

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setPayload(Payload<?> payload)
      Sets the payload for this log entry. The log entry payload can be provided as an UTF-8 string (see Payload.StringPayload), a JSON object (see Payload.JsonPayload, or a protobuf object (see Payload.ProtoPayload).
      See Also:
    • setDestination

      @CanIgnoreReturnValue public LogEntry.Builder setDestination(LogDestinationName destination)
      Sets the log path destination name type associated with the log entry.
    • build

      public LogEntry build()
      Creates a LogEntry object for this builder.