Class ConfigServiceV2StubSettings.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class ConfigServiceV2StubSettings.Builder extends<ConfigServiceV2StubSettings,ConfigServiceV2StubSettings.Builder>
Builder for ConfigServiceV2StubSettings.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      protected Builder()
    • Builder

      protected Builder( clientContext)
    • Builder

      protected Builder(ConfigServiceV2StubSettings settings)
  • Method Details

    • applyToAllUnaryMethods

      public ConfigServiceV2StubSettings.Builder applyToAllUnaryMethods(<<?,?>,Void> settingsUpdater)
      Applies the given settings updater function to all of the unary API methods in this service.

      Note: This method does not support applying settings to streaming methods.

    • unaryMethodSettingsBuilders

      public<<?,?>> unaryMethodSettingsBuilders()
    • listBucketsSettings

      public<ListBucketsRequest,ListBucketsResponse,ConfigClient.ListBucketsPagedResponse> listBucketsSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listBuckets.
    • getBucketSettings

      public<GetBucketRequest,LogBucket> getBucketSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getBucket.
    • createBucketAsyncSettings

      public<CreateBucketRequest,> createBucketAsyncSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createBucketAsync.
    • createBucketAsyncOperationSettings

      public<CreateBucketRequest,LogBucket,BucketMetadata> createBucketAsyncOperationSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createBucketAsync.
    • updateBucketAsyncSettings

      public<UpdateBucketRequest,> updateBucketAsyncSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateBucketAsync.
    • updateBucketAsyncOperationSettings

      public<UpdateBucketRequest,LogBucket,BucketMetadata> updateBucketAsyncOperationSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateBucketAsync.
    • createBucketSettings

      public<CreateBucketRequest,LogBucket> createBucketSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createBucket.
    • updateBucketSettings

      public<UpdateBucketRequest,LogBucket> updateBucketSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateBucket.
    • deleteBucketSettings

      public<DeleteBucketRequest,> deleteBucketSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteBucket.
    • undeleteBucketSettings

      public<UndeleteBucketRequest,> undeleteBucketSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to undeleteBucket.
    • listViewsSettings

      public<ListViewsRequest,ListViewsResponse,ConfigClient.ListViewsPagedResponse> listViewsSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listViews.
    • getViewSettings

      public<GetViewRequest,LogView> getViewSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getView.
    • createViewSettings

      public<CreateViewRequest,LogView> createViewSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createView.
    • updateViewSettings

      public<UpdateViewRequest,LogView> updateViewSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateView.
    • deleteViewSettings

      public<DeleteViewRequest,> deleteViewSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteView.
    • listSinksSettings

      public<ListSinksRequest,ListSinksResponse,ConfigClient.ListSinksPagedResponse> listSinksSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listSinks.
    • getSinkSettings

      public<GetSinkRequest,LogSink> getSinkSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getSink.
    • createSinkSettings

      public<CreateSinkRequest,LogSink> createSinkSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createSink.
    • updateSinkSettings

      public<UpdateSinkRequest,LogSink> updateSinkSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateSink.
    • deleteSinkSettings

      public<DeleteSinkRequest,> deleteSinkSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteSink.
    • createLinkSettings

      public<CreateLinkRequest,> createLinkSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createLink.
    • createLinkOperationSettings

      public<CreateLinkRequest,Link,LinkMetadata> createLinkOperationSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createLink.
    • deleteLinkSettings

      public<DeleteLinkRequest,> deleteLinkSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteLink.
    • deleteLinkOperationSettings

      public<DeleteLinkRequest,,LinkMetadata> deleteLinkOperationSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteLink.
    • listLinksSettings

      public<ListLinksRequest,ListLinksResponse,ConfigClient.ListLinksPagedResponse> listLinksSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listLinks.
    • getLinkSettings

      public<GetLinkRequest,Link> getLinkSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getLink.
    • listExclusionsSettings

      public<ListExclusionsRequest,ListExclusionsResponse,ConfigClient.ListExclusionsPagedResponse> listExclusionsSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listExclusions.
    • getExclusionSettings

      public<GetExclusionRequest,LogExclusion> getExclusionSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getExclusion.
    • createExclusionSettings

      public<CreateExclusionRequest,LogExclusion> createExclusionSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createExclusion.
    • updateExclusionSettings

      public<UpdateExclusionRequest,LogExclusion> updateExclusionSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateExclusion.
    • deleteExclusionSettings

      public<DeleteExclusionRequest,> deleteExclusionSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteExclusion.
    • getCmekSettingsSettings

      public<GetCmekSettingsRequest,CmekSettings> getCmekSettingsSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getCmekSettings.
    • updateCmekSettingsSettings

      public<UpdateCmekSettingsRequest,CmekSettings> updateCmekSettingsSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateCmekSettings.
    • getSettingsSettings

      public<GetSettingsRequest,Settings> getSettingsSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getSettings.
    • updateSettingsSettings

      public<UpdateSettingsRequest,Settings> updateSettingsSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateSettings.
    • copyLogEntriesSettings

      public<CopyLogEntriesRequest,> copyLogEntriesSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to copyLogEntries.
    • copyLogEntriesOperationSettings

      public<CopyLogEntriesRequest,CopyLogEntriesResponse,CopyLogEntriesMetadata> copyLogEntriesOperationSettings()
      Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to copyLogEntries.
    • getEndpoint

      public String getEndpoint()
      Returns the endpoint set by the user or the the service's default endpoint.
      getEndpoint in class<ConfigServiceV2StubSettings,ConfigServiceV2StubSettings.Builder>
    • build

      Specified by:
      build in class<ConfigServiceV2StubSettings,ConfigServiceV2StubSettings.Builder>