Class ValueBinder<R>

  • public abstract class ValueBinder<R>
    extends Object
    An interface for binding a Value in some context. Users of the Cloud Spanner client library never create a ValueBinder directly; instead this interface is returned from other parts of the library involved in Value construction. For example, Mutation.WriteBuilder.set(String) returns a binder to bind a column value, and Statement#bind(String) returns a binder to bind a parameter to a value.

    ValueBinder subclasses typically carry state and are therefore not thread-safe, although the core implementation itself is thread-safe.

    • Method Detail

      • to

        public R to​(boolean value)
        Binds to Value.bool(value)
      • to

        public R to​(long value)
        Binds to Value.int64(value)
      • to

        public R to​(@Nullable
                    Long value)
        Binds to Value.int64(value)
      • to

        public R to​(double value)
        Binds to Value.float64(value)
      • to

        public R to​(BigDecimal value)
        Binds to Value.numeric(value)
      • to

        public R to​(@Nullable
        Binds to Value.bytes(value)
      • to

        public R to​(@Nullable
        Binds to Value.timestamp(value)
      • to

        public R to​(@Nullable
        Binds to
      • to

        public R to​(Struct value)
        Binds a non-NULL struct value to Value.struct(value)
      • to

        public R to​(Type type,
                    Struct value)
        Binds a nullable Struct reference with given Type to Value.struct(type,value
      • toBoolArray

        public R toBoolArray​(@Nullable
                             boolean[] values)
        Binds to Value.boolArray(values)
      • toBoolArray

        public R toBoolArray​(@Nullable
                             boolean[] values,
                             int pos,
                             int length)
        Binds to Value.boolArray(values, int, pos)
      • toInt64Array

        public R toInt64Array​(@Nullable
                              long[] values)
        Binds to Value.int64Array(values)
      • toInt64Array

        public R toInt64Array​(@Nullable
                              long[] values,
                              int pos,
                              int length)
        Binds to Value.int64Array(values, pos, length)
      • toFloat64Array

        public R toFloat64Array​(@Nullable
                                double[] values)
        Binds to Value.float64Array(values)
      • toFloat64Array

        public R toFloat64Array​(@Nullable
                                double[] values,
                                int pos,
                                int length)
        Binds to Value.float64Array(values, pos, length)
      • toPgNumericArray

        public R toPgNumericArray​(@Nullable
                                  Iterable<String> values)
        Binds to Value.pgNumericArray(values)
      • toBytesArray

        public R toBytesArray​(@Nullable
                              Iterable<> values)
        Binds to Value.bytesArray(values)
      • toTimestampArray

        public R toTimestampArray​(@Nullable
                                  Iterable<> values)
        Binds to Value.timestampArray(values)
      • toDateArray

        public R toDateArray​(@Nullable
                             Iterable<> values)
        Binds to Value.dateArray(values)
      • toStructArray

        public R toStructArray​(Type elementType,
                               Iterable<Struct> values)
        Binds to Value.structArray(fieldTypes, values)