Class Instance


public class Instance extends InstanceInfo
Represents a Cloud Spanner Instance. Instance adds a layer of service related functionality over InstanceInfo.
  • Method Details

    • reload

      public Instance reload()
    • delete

      public void delete()
    • update

      public<Instance,UpdateInstanceMetadata> update(InstanceInfo.InstanceField... fieldsToUpdate)
    • listDatabases

      public<Database> listDatabases(Options.ListOption... options)
    • getDatabase

      public Database getDatabase(String databaseId)
    • createDatabase

      public<Database,CreateDatabaseMetadata> createDatabase(String databaseId, Iterable<String> statements) throws SpannerException
      Creates a new database in this instance.
      databaseId - the id of the database which will be created. It must conform to the regular expression [a-z][a-z0-9_\-]*[a-z0-9] and be between 2 and 30 characters in length
      statements - DDL statements to run while creating the database, for example CREATE TABLE MyTable ( ... ). This should not include CREATE DATABASE statement.
    • listBackups

      public<Backup> listBackups(Options.ListOption... options)
      Returns the backups belonging to this instance.
    • getBackup

      public Backup getBackup(String backupId)
      Returns the backup with the given id on this instance.
    • listDatabaseOperations

      public<> listDatabaseOperations(Options.ListOption... options)
      Returns the long-running database operations on this instance.
    • listBackupOperations

      public<> listBackupOperations(Options.ListOption... options)
      Returns the long-running backup operations on this instance.
    • getIAMPolicy

      public getIAMPolicy()
      Returns the IAM Policy for this instance.
    • setIAMPolicy

      public setIAMPolicy( policy)
      Updates the IAM policy for this instance and returns the resulting policy. It is highly recommended to first get the current policy and base the updated policy on the returned policy. See Policy.Builder.setEtag(String) for information on the recommended read-modify-write cycle.
    • testIAMPermissions

      public Iterable<String> testIAMPermissions(Iterable<String> permissions)
      Tests for the given permissions on this instance for the caller.
      permissions - the permissions to test for. Permissions with wildcards (such as '*', 'spanner.*', 'spanner.instances.*') are not allowed.
      the subset of the tested permissions that the caller is allowed.
    • toBuilder

      public Instance.Builder toBuilder()
      toBuilder in class InstanceInfo