Class AbstractStatementParser

Direct Known Subclasses:
PostgreSQLStatementParser, SpannerStatementParser

@InternalApi public abstract class AbstractStatementParser extends Object
Internal class for the Spanner Connection API.

Parses ClientSideStatements and normal SQL statements. The parser is able to recognize the type of statement, allowing the connection API to know which method on Spanner should be called. The parser does not validate the validity of statements, except for ClientSideStatements. This means that an invalid DML statement could be accepted by the AbstractStatementParser and sent to Spanner, and Spanner will then reject it with some error message.

  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE_MB
      The default maximum size of the statement cache in Mb.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static AbstractStatementParser getInstance(Dialect dialect)
      Get an instance of AbstractStatementParser for the specified dialect.
    • parse

      @InternalApi public AbstractStatementParser.ParsedStatement parse(Statement statement)
      Parses the given statement and categorizes it as one of the possible AbstractStatementParser.StatementTypes. The validity of the statement is not checked, unless it is a client-side statement.
      statement - The statement to parse.
      the parsed and categorized statement.
    • isDdlStatement

      @InternalApi public boolean isDdlStatement(String sql)
      Checks whether the given statement is (probably) a DDL statement. The method does not check the validity of the statement, only if it is a DDL statement based on the first word in the statement.
      sql - The statement to check (without any comments).
      true if the statement is a DDL statement (i.e. starts with 'CREATE', 'ALTER' or 'DROP').
    • isQuery

      @InternalApi public boolean isQuery(String sql)
      Checks whether the given statement is (probably) a SELECT query. The method does not check the validity of the statement, only if it is a SELECT statement based on the first word in the statement.
      sql - The statement to check (without any comments).
      true if the statement is a SELECT statement (i.e. starts with 'SELECT').
    • isUpdateStatement

      @InternalApi public boolean isUpdateStatement(String sql)
      Checks whether the given statement is (probably) an update statement. The method does not check the validity of the statement, only if it is an update statement based on the first word in the statement.
      sql - The statement to check (without any comments).
      true if the statement is a DML update statement (i.e. starts with 'INSERT', 'UPDATE' or 'DELETE').
    • supportsExplain

      protected abstract boolean supportsExplain()
    • removeCommentsAndTrim

      @InternalApi public String removeCommentsAndTrim(String sql)
      Removes comments from and trims the given sql statement using the dialect of this parser.
      sql - The sql statement to remove comments from and to trim.
      the sql statement without the comments and leading and trailing spaces.
    • convertPositionalParametersToNamedParameters

      @InternalApi public AbstractStatementParser.ParametersInfo convertPositionalParametersToNamedParameters(char paramChar, String sql)
      Converts all positional parameters (?) in the given sql string into named parameters. The parameters are named @p1, @p2, etc. for GoogleSQL, and $1, $2, etc. for PostgreSQL. This method is used when converting a JDBC statement that uses positional parameters to a Cloud Spanner Statement instance that requires named parameters.
      sql - The sql string that should be converted to use named parameters
      A AbstractStatementParser.ParametersInfo object containing a string with named parameters instead of positional parameters and the number of parameters.
      SpannerException - If the input sql string contains an unclosed string/byte literal.
    • checkReturningClauseInternal

      @InternalApi protected abstract boolean checkReturningClauseInternal(String sql)
      Checks if the given SQL string contains a Returning clause. This method is used only in case of a DML statement.
      sql - The sql string without comments that has to be evaluated.
      A boolean indicating whether the sql string has a Returning clause or not.
    • checkReturningClause

      @InternalApi public boolean checkReturningClause(String sql)
      Checks if the given SQL string contains a Returning clause. This method is used only in case of a DML statement.
      sql - The sql string without comments that has to be evaluated.
      A boolean indicating whether the sql string has a Returning clause or not.