Class BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.LifecycleAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.AbortIncompleteMPUAction, BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.DeleteLifecycleAction, BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.SetStorageClassLifecycleAction
Enclosing class:

public static class BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.LifecycleAction extends Object implements Serializable
Base class for the Action to take when a Lifecycle Condition is met. Supported Actions are expressed as subclasses of this class, accessed by static factory methods.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LifecycleAction

      public LifecycleAction(String actionType)
  • Method Details

    • getActionType

      public String getActionType()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • newDeleteAction

      public static BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.DeleteLifecycleAction newDeleteAction()
      Creates a new DeleteLifecycleAction. Blobs that meet the Condition associated with this action will be deleted.
    • newSetStorageClassAction

      public static BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.SetStorageClassLifecycleAction newSetStorageClassAction(@NonNull StorageClass storageClass)
      Creates a new SetStorageClassLifecycleAction. A Blob's storage class that meets the action's conditions will be changed to the specified storage class.
      storageClass - The new storage class to use when conditions are met for this action.
    • newAbortIncompleteMPUploadAction

      public static BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.LifecycleAction newAbortIncompleteMPUploadAction()
      Create a new AbortIncompleteMPUAction. An incomplete multipart upload will be aborted when the multipart upload meets the specified condition. Age is the only condition supported for this action. See:
    • newLifecycleAction

      public static BucketInfo.LifecycleRule.LifecycleAction newLifecycleAction(@NonNull String actionType)
      Creates a new LifecycleAction, with no specific supported action associated with it. This is only intended as a "backup" for when the library doesn't recognize the type, and should generally not be used, instead use the supported actions, and upgrade the library if necessary to get new supported actions.