Class CopyWriter

All Implemented Interfaces:<CopyWriter>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class CopyWriter extends Object implements<CopyWriter>
Google Storage blob copy writer. A CopyWriter object allows to copy both blob's data and information. To override source blob's information supply a BlobInfo to the CopyRequest using either Storage.CopyRequest.Builder.setTarget(BlobInfo, Storage.BlobTargetOption...) or Storage.CopyRequest.Builder.setTarget(BlobInfo, Iterable).

This class holds the result of a copy request. If source and destination blobs share the same location and storage class the copy is completed in one RPC call otherwise one or more copyChunk() calls are necessary to complete the copy. In addition, getResult() can be used to automatically complete the copy and return information on the newly created blob.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getResult

      public abstract Blob getResult()
      Returns the updated information for the written blob. Calling this method when isDone() is false will block until all pending chunks are copied.

      This method has the same effect of doing:

       while (!copyWriter.isDone()) {
      StorageException - upon failure
    • getBlobSize

      public abstract long getBlobSize()
      Returns the size of the blob being copied.
    • isDone

      public abstract boolean isDone()
      Returns true if blob copy has finished, false otherwise.
    • getTotalBytesCopied

      public abstract long getTotalBytesCopied()
      Returns the number of bytes copied.
    • copyChunk

      public abstract void copyChunk()
      Copies the next chunk of the blob. An RPC is issued only if copy has not finished yet (isDone() returns false).
      StorageException - upon failure
    • capture

      public abstract<CopyWriter> capture()
      Specified by:
      capture in interface<CopyWriter>