Class Storage.PostPolicyV4Option

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static class Storage.PostPolicyV4Option extends Object implements Serializable
Class for specifying Post Policy V4 options. *
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • signWith

      @TransportCompatibility(HTTP) public static Storage.PostPolicyV4Option signWith( signer)
      Provides a service account signer to sign the policy. If not provided an attempt is made to get it from the environment.
      See Also:
    • withVirtualHostedStyle

      @TransportCompatibility(HTTP) public static Storage.PostPolicyV4Option withVirtualHostedStyle()
      Use a virtual hosted-style hostname, which adds the bucket into the host portion of the URI rather than the path, e.g. ''. The bucket name is obtained from the resource passed in.
      See Also:
    • withPathStyle

      Generates a path-style URL, which places the bucket name in the path portion of the URL instead of in the hostname, e.g ''. Note that this cannot be used alongside withVirtualHostedStyle(). Virtual hosted-style URLs, which can be used via the withVirtualHostedStyle() method, should generally be preferred instead of path-style URLs.
      See Also:
    • withBucketBoundHostname

      @TransportCompatibility(HTTP) public static Storage.PostPolicyV4Option withBucketBoundHostname(String bucketBoundHostname)
      Use a bucket-bound hostname, which replaces the host with the name of a CNAME bucket, e.g. a bucket named '', or a Google Cloud Load Balancer which routes to a bucket you own, e.g. 'my-load-balancer-domain.tld'. Note that this cannot be used alongside withVirtualHostedStyle() or withPathStyle(). This method signature uses HTTP for the URI scheme, and is equivalent to calling withBucketBoundHostname("...", UriScheme.HTTP).
      See Also:
    • withBucketBoundHostname

      @TransportCompatibility(HTTP) public static Storage.PostPolicyV4Option withBucketBoundHostname(String bucketBoundHostname, Storage.UriScheme uriScheme)
      Use a bucket-bound hostname, which replaces the host with the name of a CNAME bucket, e.g. a bucket named '', or a Google Cloud Load Balancer which routes to a bucket you own, e.g. 'my-load-balancer-domain.tld'. Note that this cannot be used alongside withVirtualHostedStyle() or withPathStyle(). The bucket name itself should not include the URI scheme (http or https), so it is specified via a local enum.
      See Also: