C F I L N R U 


CanIgnoreReturnValue - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations
Indicates that the return value of the annotated method can be safely ignored.
com.google.errorprone.annotations - package com.google.errorprone.annotations
com.google.errorprone.annotations.concurrent - package com.google.errorprone.annotations.concurrent
CompileTimeConstant - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations
Annotation for method parameter declarations, which denotes that corresponding actual parameters must be compile-time constant expressions.


ForOverride - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations
Indicates that the annotated method is provided only to be overridden: it should not be invoked from outside its declaring source file (as if it is private), and overriding methods should not be directly invoked at all.


IncompatibleModifiers - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations
Annotation declaring that the target annotation is incompatible with any one of the provided modifiers.


LockMethod - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations.concurrent
The method to which this annotation is applied acquires one or more locks.


NoAllocation - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations
Annotation for method declarations, which denotes that this method will not cause allocations that are visible from source code.


RequiredModifiers - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations
Annotation declaring that the target annotation requires all the specified modifiers.


UnlockMethod - Annotation Type in com.google.errorprone.annotations.concurrent
The method to which this annotation is applied releases one or more locks.
C F I L N R U 

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