Class Template<M extends TemplateMatch>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Template

        public Template()
    • Method Detail

      • annotations

        public abstract<Annotation> annotations()
      • templateTypeVariables

        public abstract<UTypeVar> templateTypeVariables()
      • expressionArgumentTypes

        public abstract<String,​UType> expressionArgumentTypes()
      • match

        public abstract Iterable<M> match​( tree,
      • replace

        public abstract Fix replace​(M match)
      • expectedTypes

        protected<> expectedTypes​(Inliner inliner)
                                                                                      throws CouldNotResolveImportException
        Returns a list of the expected types to be matched. This consists of the argument types from the @BeforeTemplate method, concatenated with the return types of expression placeholders, sorted by the name of the placeholder method.
        CouldNotResolveImportException - if a referenced type could not be resolved
      • actualTypes

        protected<> actualTypes​(Inliner inliner)
        Returns a list of the actual types to be matched. This consists of the types of the expressions bound to the @BeforeTemplate method parameters, concatenated with the types of the expressions bound to expression placeholders, sorted by the name of the placeholder method.
      • typecheck

        protected<Unifier> typecheck​(Unifier unifier,
                                                                     Inliner inliner,
                                                           <> expectedTypes,
                                                           <> actualTypes)
      • pretty

        protected static pretty​( context,
                                                                Writer writer)