Uses of Interface

Packages that use Feature   

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Feature
protected  Set<Feature<?>> FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder.getFeatures()

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 B FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder.withFeatures(Feature<?>... features)
          Configures this builder to produce tests appropriate for the given features.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Feature
protected static String FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder.formatFeatureSet(Set<? extends Feature<?>> features)
 B FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder.withFeatures(Iterable<? extends Feature<?>> features)

Uses of Feature in

Classes in that implement Feature
 class CollectionFeature
          Optional features of classes derived from Collection.
 class CollectionSize
          When describing the features of the collection produced by a given generator (i.e.
 class ListFeature
          Optional features of classes derived from List.
 class MapFeature
          Optional features of classes derived from Map.
 class SetFeature
          Optional features of classes derived from Set.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Feature
static Set<Feature<?>> FeatureUtil.addImpliedFeatures(Set<Feature<?>> features)
          Given a set of features, add to it all the features directly or indirectly implied by any of them, and return it.
 Set<Feature<?>> TesterRequirements.getAbsentFeatures()
 Set<Feature<?>> ConflictingRequirementsException.getConflicts()
 Set<Feature<? super Set>> SetFeature.getImpliedFeatures()
 Set<Feature<? super List>> ListFeature.getImpliedFeatures()
 Set<Feature<? super Collection>> CollectionFeature.getImpliedFeatures()
 Set<Feature<? super Map>> MapFeature.getImpliedFeatures()
 Set<Feature<? super Collection>> CollectionSize.getImpliedFeatures()
 Set<Feature<? super T>> Feature.getImpliedFeatures()
          Returns the set of features that are implied by this feature.
 Set<Feature<?>> TesterRequirements.getPresentFeatures()
static Set<Feature<?>> FeatureUtil.impliedFeatures(Set<Feature<?>> features)
          Given a set of features, return a new set of all features directly or indirectly implied by any of them.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Feature
static Set<Feature<?>> FeatureUtil.addImpliedFeatures(Set<Feature<?>> features)
          Given a set of features, add to it all the features directly or indirectly implied by any of them, and return it.
static Set<Feature<?>> FeatureUtil.impliedFeatures(Set<Feature<?>> features)
          Given a set of features, return a new set of all features directly or indirectly implied by any of them.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Feature
ConflictingRequirementsException(String message, Set<Feature<?>> conflicts, Object source)
TesterRequirements(Set<Feature<?>> presentFeatures, Set<Feature<?>> absentFeatures)
TesterRequirements(Set<Feature<?>> presentFeatures, Set<Feature<?>> absentFeatures)

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