Class SloppyTearDown

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class SloppyTearDown
    extends Object
    implements TearDown
    Simple utility for when you want to create a TearDown that may throw an exception but should not fail a test when it does. (The behavior of a TearDown that throws an exception varies; see its documentation for details.) Use it just like a TearDown, except override sloppyTearDown() instead.
    Luiz-Otavio Zorzella
    • Method Detail

      • tearDown

        public final void tearDown()
        Description copied from interface: TearDown
        Performs a single tear-down operation. See test-libraries-for-java's and for example.

        A failing TearDown may or may not fail a tl4j test, depending on the version of JUnit test case you are running under. To avoid failing in the face of an exception regardless of JUnit version, implement a SloppyTearDown instead.

        tl4j details: For backwards compatibility, junit3.TearDownTestCase currently does not fail a test when an exception is thrown from one of its TearDown instances, but this is subject to change. Also, junit4.TearDownTestCase will.

        Specified by:
        tearDown in interface TearDown