Class Optional<T>

  extended by<T>
Type Parameters:
T - the type of instance that can be contained. Optional is naturally covariant on this type, so it is safe to cast an Optional<T> to Optional<S> for any supertype S of T.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class Optional<T>
extends Object
implements Serializable

An immutable object that may contain a non-null reference to another object. Each instance of this type either contains a non-null reference, or contains nothing (in which case we say that the reference is "absent"); it is never said to "contain null".

A non-null Optional<T> reference can be used as a replacement for a nullable T reference. It allows you to represent "a T that must be present" and a "a T that might be absent" as two distinct types in your program, which can aid clarity.

Some uses of this class include

A common alternative to using this class is to find or create a suitable null object for the type in question.

This class is not intended as a direct analogue of any existing "option" or "maybe" construct from other programming environments, though it may bear some similarities.

Kurt Alfred Kluever, Kevin Bourrillion
See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
<T> Optional<T>
          Returns an Optional instance with no contained reference.
abstract  Set<T> asSet()
          Returns an immutable singleton Set whose only element is the contained instance if it is present; an empty immutable Set otherwise.
abstract  boolean equals(Object object)
          Returns true if object is an Optional instance, and either the contained references are equal to each other or both are absent.
<T> Optional<T>
fromNullable(T nullableReference)
          If nullableReference is non-null, returns an Optional instance containing that reference; otherwise returns absent().
abstract  T get()
          Returns the contained instance, which must be present.
abstract  int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code for this instance.
abstract  boolean isPresent()
          Returns true if this holder contains a (non-null) instance.
<T> Optional<T>
of(T reference)
          Returns an Optional instance containing the given non-null reference.
abstract  Optional<T> or(Optional<? extends T> secondChoice)
          Returns this Optional if it has a value present; secondChoice otherwise.
abstract  T or(Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
          Returns the contained instance if it is present; supplier.get() otherwise.
abstract  T or(T defaultValue)
          Returns the contained instance if it is present; defaultValue otherwise.
abstract  T orNull()
          Returns the contained instance if it is present; null otherwise.
<T> Iterable<T>
presentInstances(Iterable<Optional<T>> optionals)
          Returns the value of each present instance from the supplied optionals, in order, skipping over occurrences of absent().
abstract  String toString()
          Returns a string representation for this instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static <T> Optional<T> absent()
Returns an Optional instance with no contained reference.


public static <T> Optional<T> of(T reference)
Returns an Optional instance containing the given non-null reference.


public static <T> Optional<T> fromNullable(@Nullable
                                           T nullableReference)
If nullableReference is non-null, returns an Optional instance containing that reference; otherwise returns absent().


public abstract boolean isPresent()
Returns true if this holder contains a (non-null) instance.


public abstract T get()
Returns the contained instance, which must be present. If the instance might be absent, use or(Object) or orNull() instead.

IllegalStateException - if the instance is absent (isPresent() returns false)


public abstract T or(T defaultValue)
Returns the contained instance if it is present; defaultValue otherwise. If no default value should be required because the instance is known to be present, use get() instead. For a default value of null, use orNull().


public abstract Optional<T> or(Optional<? extends T> secondChoice)
Returns this Optional if it has a value present; secondChoice otherwise.


public abstract T or(Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
Returns the contained instance if it is present; supplier.get() otherwise. If the supplier returns null, a NullPointerException will be thrown.

NullPointerException - if the supplier returns null


public abstract T orNull()
Returns the contained instance if it is present; null otherwise. If the instance is known to be present, use get() instead.


public abstract Set<T> asSet()
Returns an immutable singleton Set whose only element is the contained instance if it is present; an empty immutable Set otherwise.



public abstract boolean equals(@Nullable
                               Object object)
Returns true if object is an Optional instance, and either the contained references are equal to each other or both are absent. Note that Optional instances of differing parameterized types can be equal.

equals in class Object


public abstract int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this instance.

hashCode in class Object


public abstract String toString()
Returns a string representation for this instance. The form of this string representation is unspecified.

toString in class Object


public static <T> Iterable<T> presentInstances(Iterable<Optional<T>> optionals)
Returns the value of each present instance from the supplied optionals, in order, skipping over occurrences of absent(). Iterators are unmodifiable and are evaluated lazily.


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