Class RegExpTree.UnicodePropertyEscape

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class RegExpTree.UnicodePropertyEscape
    extends RegExpTree.RegExpTreeAtom
    Represents a Unicode Property Escape such as in /\p{Script=Greek}/u
    • Method Detail

      • simplify

        public RegExpTree simplify​(java.lang.String flags)
        Description copied from class: RegExpTree
        Returns a simpler regular expression that is semantically the same assuming the given flags.
        Specified by:
        simplify in class RegExpTree
        flags - Regular expression flags, e.g. "igm".
      • appendSourceCode

        protected void appendSourceCode​(java.lang.StringBuilder sb)
        Description copied from class: RegExpTree
        Appends this regular expression source to the given buffer.
        Specified by:
        appendSourceCode in class RegExpTree
      • appendDebugInfo

        protected void appendDebugInfo​(java.lang.StringBuilder sb)
        Specified by:
        appendDebugInfo in class RegExpTree
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Specified by:
        equals in class RegExpTree