Enum AddressType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.google.maps.internal.StringJoin.UrlValue, java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<AddressType>

    public enum AddressType
    extends java.lang.Enum<AddressType>
    implements com.google.maps.internal.StringJoin.UrlValue
    The Address types. Please see Address Types and Address Component Types for more detail. Some addresses contain additional place categories. Please see Place Types for more detail.
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final AddressType STREET_ADDRESS
        A precise street address.

        public static final AddressType STREET_NUMBER
        A precise street number.
      • FLOOR

        public static final AddressType FLOOR
        The floor in the address of the building.
      • ROOM

        public static final AddressType ROOM
        The room in the address of the building
      • POST_BOX

        public static final AddressType POST_BOX
        A specific mailbox.
      • ROUTE

        public static final AddressType ROUTE
        A named route (such as "US 101").

        public static final AddressType INTERSECTION
        A major intersection, usually of two major roads.

        public static final AddressType CONTINENT
        A continent.

        public static final AddressType POLITICAL
        A political entity. Usually, this type indicates a polygon of some civil administration.
      • COUNTRY

        public static final AddressType COUNTRY
        The national political entity, typically the highest order type returned by the Geocoder.

        public static final AddressType ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1
        A first-order civil entity below the country level. Within the United States, these administrative levels are states. Not all nations exhibit these administrative levels.

        public static final AddressType ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2
        A second-order civil entity below the country level. Within the United States, these administrative levels are counties. Not all nations exhibit these administrative levels.

        public static final AddressType ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3
        A third-order civil entity below the country level. This type indicates a minor civil division. Not all nations exhibit these administrative levels.

        public static final AddressType ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4
        A fourth-order civil entity below the country level. This type indicates a minor civil division. Not all nations exhibit these administrative levels.

        public static final AddressType ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_5
        A fifth-order civil entity below the country level. This type indicates a minor civil division. Not all nations exhibit these administrative levels.

        public static final AddressType COLLOQUIAL_AREA
        A commonly-used alternative name for the entity.
      • LOCALITY

        public static final AddressType LOCALITY
        An incorporated city or town political entity.
      • WARD

        public static final AddressType WARD
        A specific type of Japanese locality, used to facilitate distinction between multiple locality components within a Japanese address.

        public static final AddressType SUBLOCALITY
        A first-order civil entity below a locality. Some locations may receive one of the additional types: SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1 to SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_5. Each sublocality level is a civil entity. Larger numbers indicate a smaller geographic area.

        public static final AddressType SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1

        public static final AddressType SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_2

        public static final AddressType SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_3

        public static final AddressType SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_4

        public static final AddressType SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_5

        public static final AddressType NEIGHBORHOOD
        A named neighborhood.
      • PREMISE

        public static final AddressType PREMISE
        A named location, usually a building or collection of buildings with a common name.

        public static final AddressType SUBPREMISE
        A first-order entity below a named location, usually a singular building within a collection of buildings with a common name.

        public static final AddressType POSTAL_CODE
        A postal code as used to address postal mail within the country.

        public static final AddressType POSTAL_CODE_PREFIX
        A postal code prefix as used to address postal mail within the country.

        public static final AddressType POSTAL_CODE_SUFFIX
        A postal code prefix as used to address postal mail within the country.

        public static final AddressType NATURAL_FEATURE
        A prominent natural feature.
      • AIRPORT

        public static final AddressType AIRPORT
        An airport.

        public static final AddressType UNIVERSITY
        A university.
      • PARK

        public static final AddressType PARK
        A named park.
      • MUSEUM

        public static final AddressType MUSEUM
        A museum.

        public static final AddressType POINT_OF_INTEREST
        A named point of interest. Typically, these "POI"s are prominent local entities that don't easily fit in another category, such as "Empire State Building" or "Statue of Liberty."

        public static final AddressType ESTABLISHMENT
        A place that has not yet been categorized.

        public static final AddressType BUS_STATION
        The location of a bus stop.

        public static final AddressType TRAIN_STATION
        The location of a train station.

        public static final AddressType SUBWAY_STATION
        The location of a subway station.

        public static final AddressType TRANSIT_STATION
        The location of a transit station.

        public static final AddressType LIGHT_RAIL_STATION
        The location of a light rail station.
      • CHURCH

        public static final AddressType CHURCH
        The location of a church.

        public static final AddressType PRIMARY_SCHOOL
        The location of a primary school.

        public static final AddressType SECONDARY_SCHOOL
        The location of a secondary school.
      • FINANCE

        public static final AddressType FINANCE
        The location of a finance institute.

        public static final AddressType POST_OFFICE
        The location of a post office.

        public static final AddressType PLACE_OF_WORSHIP
        The location of a place of worship.

        public static final AddressType POSTAL_TOWN
        A grouping of geographic areas, such as locality and sublocality, used for mailing addresses in some countries.

        public static final AddressType SYNAGOGUE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • FOOD

        public static final AddressType FOOD
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType GROCERY_OR_SUPERMARKET
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • STORE

        public static final AddressType STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType DRUGSTORE
        The location of a drugstore.
      • LAWYER

        public static final AddressType LAWYER
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • HEALTH

        public static final AddressType HEALTH
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType INSURANCE_AGENCY
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType GAS_STATION
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CAR_DEALER

        public static final AddressType CAR_DEALER
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CAR_REPAIR

        public static final AddressType CAR_REPAIR
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType MEAL_TAKEAWAY
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType FURNITURE_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType HOME_GOODS_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType SHOPPING_MALL
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • GYM

        public static final AddressType GYM
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType ACCOUNTING
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType MOVING_COMPANY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • LODGING

        public static final AddressType LODGING
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • STORAGE

        public static final AddressType STORAGE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CASINO

        public static final AddressType CASINO
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • PARKING

        public static final AddressType PARKING
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • STADIUM

        public static final AddressType STADIUM
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType TRAVEL_AGENCY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • NIGHT_CLUB

        public static final AddressType NIGHT_CLUB
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType BEAUTY_SALON
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • HAIR_CARE

        public static final AddressType HAIR_CARE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • SPA

        public static final AddressType SPA
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • SHOE_STORE

        public static final AddressType SHOE_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • BAKERY

        public static final AddressType BAKERY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • PHARMACY

        public static final AddressType PHARMACY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • SCHOOL

        public static final AddressType SCHOOL
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • BOOK_STORE

        public static final AddressType BOOK_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType DEPARTMENT_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType RESTAURANT
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType REAL_ESTATE_AGENCY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • BAR

        public static final AddressType BAR
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • DOCTOR

        public static final AddressType DOCTOR
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • HOSPITAL

        public static final AddressType HOSPITAL
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType FIRE_STATION
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType SUPERMARKET
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CITY_HALL

        public static final AddressType CITY_HALL
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType LOCAL_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • ATM

        public static final AddressType ATM
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • BANK

        public static final AddressType BANK
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • LIBRARY

        public static final AddressType LIBRARY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CAR_WASH

        public static final AddressType CAR_WASH
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType HARDWARE_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType AMUSEMENT_PARK
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • AQUARIUM

        public static final AddressType AQUARIUM
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType ART_GALLERY
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType BICYCLE_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType BOWLING_ALLEY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CAFE

        public static final AddressType CAFE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType CAMPGROUND
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CAR_RENTAL

        public static final AddressType CAR_RENTAL
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • CEMETERY

        public static final AddressType CEMETERY
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType CLOTHING_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType CONVENIENCE_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType COURTHOUSE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • DENTIST

        public static final AddressType DENTIST
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType ELECTRICIAN
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType ELECTRONICS_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • EMBASSY

        public static final AddressType EMBASSY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • FLORIST

        public static final AddressType FLORIST
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType FUNERAL_HOME
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType GENERAL_CONTRACTOR
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType HINDU_TEMPLE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType JEWELRY_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • LAUNDRY

        public static final AddressType LAUNDRY
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType LIQUOR_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType LOCKSMITH
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType MEAL_DELIVERY
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • MOSQUE

        public static final AddressType MOSQUE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType MOVIE_RENTAL
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType MOVIE_THEATER
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • PAINTER

        public static final AddressType PAINTER
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • PET_STORE

        public static final AddressType PET_STORE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType PHYSIOTHERAPIST
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • PLUMBER

        public static final AddressType PLUMBER
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • POLICE

        public static final AddressType POLICE
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType ROOFING_CONTRACTOR
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • RV_PARK

        public static final AddressType RV_PARK
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • TAXI_STAND

        public static final AddressType TAXI_STAND
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType VETERINARY_CARE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • ZOO

        public static final AddressType ZOO
        Currently not a documented return type.

        public static final AddressType ARCHIPELAGO
        An archipelago.

        public static final AddressType TOURIST_ATTRACTION
        A tourist attraction

        public static final AddressType TOWN_SQUARE
        Currently not a documented return type.
      • UNKNOWN

        public static final AddressType UNKNOWN
        Indicates an unknown address type returned by the server. The Java Client for Google Maps Services should be updated to support the new value.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static AddressType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (AddressType c : AddressType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static AddressType valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Enum<AddressType>
      • toCanonicalLiteral

        public java.lang.String toCanonicalLiteral()
      • toUrlValue

        public java.lang.String toUrlValue()
        Specified by:
        toUrlValue in interface com.google.maps.internal.StringJoin.UrlValue