Uses of Class

Uses of Descriptors.MethodDescriptor in

Methods in that return Descriptors.MethodDescriptor
 Descriptors.MethodDescriptor Descriptors.ServiceDescriptor.findMethodByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find a method by name.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Descriptors.MethodDescriptor
 java.util.List<Descriptors.MethodDescriptor> Descriptors.ServiceDescriptor.getMethods()
          Get a list of methods for this service.

Methods in with parameters of type Descriptors.MethodDescriptor
 void RpcChannel.callMethod(Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, RpcController controller, Message request, Message responsePrototype, RpcCallback<Message> done)
          Call the given method of the remote service.
 void Service.callMethod(Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method, RpcController controller, Message request, RpcCallback<Message> done)
          Call a method of the service specified by MethodDescriptor.
 Message Service.getRequestPrototype(Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method)
          callMethod() requires that the request passed in is of a particular subclass of Message.
 Message Service.getResponsePrototype(Descriptors.MethodDescriptor method)
          Like getRequestPrototype(), but gets a prototype of the response message.

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