Uses of Class

Uses of Descriptors.Descriptor in

Methods in that return Descriptors.Descriptor
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.FileDescriptor.findMessageTypeByName(java.lang.String name)
          Find a message type in the file by name.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.Descriptor.findNestedTypeByName(java.lang.String name)
          Finds a nested message type by name.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.Descriptor.getContainingType()
          If this is a nested type, get the outer descriptor, otherwise null.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.FieldDescriptor.getContainingType()
          Get the field's containing type.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.EnumDescriptor.getContainingType()
          If this is a nested type, get the outer descriptor, otherwise null.
 Descriptors.Descriptor MessageOrBuilder.getDescriptorForType()
          Get the message's type's descriptor.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Message.Builder.getDescriptorForType()
          Get the message's type's descriptor.
 Descriptors.Descriptor GeneratedMessage.getDescriptorForType()
 Descriptors.Descriptor GeneratedMessage.Builder.getDescriptorForType()
 Descriptors.Descriptor DynamicMessage.getDescriptorForType()
 Descriptors.Descriptor DynamicMessage.Builder.getDescriptorForType()
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.FieldDescriptor.getExtensionScope()
          For extensions defined nested within message types, gets the outer type.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.MethodDescriptor.getInputType()
          Get the method's input type.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.FieldDescriptor.getMessageType()
          For embedded message and group fields, gets the field's type.
 Descriptors.Descriptor Descriptors.MethodDescriptor.getOutputType()
          Get the method's output type.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Descriptors.Descriptor
 java.util.List<Descriptors.Descriptor> Descriptors.FileDescriptor.getMessageTypes()
          Get a list of top-level message types declared in this file.
 java.util.List<Descriptors.Descriptor> Descriptors.Descriptor.getNestedTypes()
          Get a list of message types nested within this one.

Methods in with parameters of type Descriptors.Descriptor
 ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionInfo ExtensionRegistry.findExtensionByNumber(Descriptors.Descriptor containingType, int fieldNumber)
          Find an extension by containing type and field number.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.getDefaultInstance(Descriptors.Descriptor type)
          Get a DynamicMessage representing the default instance of the given type.
static DynamicMessage.Builder DynamicMessage.newBuilder(Descriptors.Descriptor type)
          Construct a DynamicMessage.Builder for the given type.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, byte[] data)
          Parse data as a message of the given type and return it.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, byte[] data, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry)
          Parse data as a message of the given type and return it.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, ByteString data)
          Parse data as a message of the given type and return it.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, ByteString data, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry)
          Parse data as a message of the given type and return it.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, CodedInputStream input)
          Parse a message of the given type from the given input stream.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry)
          Parse a message of the given type from the given input stream.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, input)
          Parse a message of the given type from input and return it.
static DynamicMessage DynamicMessage.parseFrom(Descriptors.Descriptor type, input, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry)
          Parse a message of the given type from input and return it.

Constructors in with parameters of type Descriptors.Descriptor
GeneratedMessage.FieldAccessorTable(Descriptors.Descriptor descriptor, java.lang.String[] camelCaseNames, java.lang.Class<? extends GeneratedMessage> messageClass, java.lang.Class<? extends GeneratedMessage.Builder> builderClass)
          Construct a FieldAccessorTable for a particular message class.

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