Class GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by<MessageType>
All Implemented Interfaces:
GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType>, Message, MessageLite, MessageLiteOrBuilder, MessageOrBuilder,
Direct Known Subclasses:
DescriptorProtos.EnumOptions, DescriptorProtos.EnumValueOptions, DescriptorProtos.FieldOptions, DescriptorProtos.FileOptions, DescriptorProtos.MessageOptions, DescriptorProtos.MethodOptions, DescriptorProtos.ServiceOptions
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>
extends GeneratedMessage
implements GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType>

Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.

This class implements type-safe accessors for extensions. They implement all the same operations that you can do with normal fields -- e.g. "has", "get", and "getCount" -- but for extensions. The extensions are identified using instances of the class GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension; the protocol compiler generates a static instance of this class for every extension in its input. Through the magic of generics, all is made type-safe.

For example, imagine you have the .proto file:

 option java_class = "MyProto";

 message Foo {
   extensions 1000 to max;

 extend Foo {
   optional int32 bar;

Then you might write code like:

 MyProto.Foo foo = getFoo();
 int i = foo.getExtension(;

See also GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected  class GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage.ExtensionWriter
          Used by subclasses to serialize extensions.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
GeneratedMessage.Builder<BuilderType extends GeneratedMessage.Builder>, GeneratedMessage.BuilderParent, GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder>, GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>, GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>, GeneratedMessage.FieldAccessorTable, GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<ContainingType extends Message,Type>
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
protected GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage()
protected GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage(GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType,?> builder)
Method Summary
protected  boolean extensionsAreInitialized()
          Called by subclasses to check if all extensions are initialized.
protected  int extensionsSerializedSize()
          Called by subclasses to compute the size of extensions.
protected  int extensionsSerializedSizeAsMessageSet()
 java.util.Map<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor,java.lang.Object> getAllFields()
          Returns a collection of all the fields in this message which are set and their corresponding values.
<Type> Type
getExtension(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,java.util.List<Type>> extension, int index)
          Get one element of a repeated extension.
<Type> Type
getExtension(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,Type> extension)
          Get the value of an extension.
<Type> int
getExtensionCount(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,java.util.List<Type>> extension)
          Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
protected  java.util.Map<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor,java.lang.Object> getExtensionFields()
 java.lang.Object getField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
          Obtains the value of the given field, or the default value if it is not set.
 java.lang.Object getRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field, int index)
          Gets an element of a repeated field.
 int getRepeatedFieldCount(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
          Gets the number of elements of a repeated field.
<Type> boolean
hasExtension(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,Type> extension)
          Check if a singular extension is present.
 boolean hasField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
          Returns true if the given field is set.
 boolean isInitialized()
          Returns true if all required fields in the message and all embedded messages are set, false otherwise.
protected  GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage.ExtensionWriter newExtensionWriter()
protected  GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage.ExtensionWriter newMessageSetExtensionWriter()
Methods inherited from class
getDescriptorForType, getUnknownFields, internalGetFieldAccessorTable, newBuilderForType, newFileScopedGeneratedExtension, newMessageScopedGeneratedExtension, writeReplace
Methods inherited from class
equals, getSerializedSize, hashBoolean, hashCode, hashEnum, hashEnumList, hashFields, hashLong, toString, writeTo
Methods inherited from class
toByteArray, toByteString, writeDelimitedTo, writeTo
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getUnknownFields
Methods inherited from interface
newBuilderForType, toBuilder
Methods inherited from interface
toByteArray, toByteString, writeDelimitedTo, writeTo

Constructor Detail


protected GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage()


protected GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage(GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType,?> builder)
Method Detail


public final <Type> boolean hasExtension(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,Type> extension)
Check if a singular extension is present.

Specified by:
hasExtension in interface GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>


public final <Type> int getExtensionCount(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,java.util.List<Type>> extension)
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.

Specified by:
getExtensionCount in interface GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>


public final <Type> Type getExtension(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,Type> extension)
Get the value of an extension.

Specified by:
getExtension in interface GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>


public final <Type> Type getExtension(GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension<MessageType,java.util.List<Type>> extension,
                                      int index)
Get one element of a repeated extension.

Specified by:
getExtension in interface GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>


protected boolean extensionsAreInitialized()
Called by subclasses to check if all extensions are initialized.


public boolean isInitialized()
Description copied from interface: MessageLiteOrBuilder
Returns true if all required fields in the message and all embedded messages are set, false otherwise.

Specified by:
isInitialized in interface MessageLiteOrBuilder
isInitialized in class GeneratedMessage


protected GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage.ExtensionWriter newExtensionWriter()


protected GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage.ExtensionWriter newMessageSetExtensionWriter()


protected int extensionsSerializedSize()
Called by subclasses to compute the size of extensions.


protected int extensionsSerializedSizeAsMessageSet()


protected java.util.Map<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor,java.lang.Object> getExtensionFields()


public java.util.Map<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor,java.lang.Object> getAllFields()
Description copied from interface: MessageOrBuilder
Returns a collection of all the fields in this message which are set and their corresponding values. A singular ("required" or "optional") field is set iff hasField() returns true for that field. A "repeated" field is set iff getRepeatedFieldSize() is greater than zero. The values are exactly what would be returned by calling MessageOrBuilder.getField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) for each field. The map is guaranteed to be a sorted map, so iterating over it will return fields in order by field number.
If this is for a builder, the returned map may or may not reflect future changes to the builder. Either way, the returned map is itself unmodifiable.

Specified by:
getAllFields in interface MessageOrBuilder
getAllFields in class GeneratedMessage


public boolean hasField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
Description copied from interface: MessageOrBuilder
Returns true if the given field is set. This is exactly equivalent to calling the generated "has" accessor method corresponding to the field.

Specified by:
hasField in interface MessageOrBuilder
hasField in class GeneratedMessage


public java.lang.Object getField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
Description copied from interface: MessageOrBuilder
Obtains the value of the given field, or the default value if it is not set. For primitive fields, the boxed primitive value is returned. For enum fields, the EnumValueDescriptor for the value is returend. For embedded message fields, the sub-message is returned. For repeated fields, a java.util.List is returned.

Specified by:
getField in interface MessageOrBuilder
getField in class GeneratedMessage


public int getRepeatedFieldCount(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
Description copied from interface: MessageOrBuilder
Gets the number of elements of a repeated field. This is exactly equivalent to calling the generated "Count" accessor method corresponding to the field.

Specified by:
getRepeatedFieldCount in interface MessageOrBuilder
getRepeatedFieldCount in class GeneratedMessage


public java.lang.Object getRepeatedField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field,
                                         int index)
Description copied from interface: MessageOrBuilder
Gets an element of a repeated field. For primitive fields, the boxed primitive value is returned. For enum fields, the EnumValueDescriptor for the value is returend. For embedded message fields, the sub-message is returned.

Specified by:
getRepeatedField in interface MessageOrBuilder
getRepeatedField in class GeneratedMessage

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