class |
AbstractMessage |
A partial implementation of the Message interface which implements as many methods of
that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
class |
Any |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Any
class |
Api |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Api
class |
BoolValue |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.BoolValue
class |
BytesValue |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.BytesValue
static class |
DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange
static class |
DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange
static class |
DescriptorProtos.EnumDescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange
static class |
DescriptorProtos.EnumOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.EnumValueDescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.EnumValueOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.ExtensionRangeOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.ExtensionRangeOptions.Declaration |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions.Declaration
static class |
DescriptorProtos.FieldDescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.FieldOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet
static class |
DescriptorProtos.FileOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FileOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.GeneratedCodeInfo |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo
static class |
DescriptorProtos.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation
static class |
DescriptorProtos.MessageOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MessageOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.MethodDescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.MethodOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.MethodOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.OneofDescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.OneofOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.OneofOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.ServiceDescriptorProto |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto
static class |
DescriptorProtos.ServiceOptions |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ServiceOptions
static class |
DescriptorProtos.SourceCodeInfo |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo
static class |
DescriptorProtos.SourceCodeInfo.Location |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location
static class |
DescriptorProtos.UninterpretedOption |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption
static class |
DescriptorProtos.UninterpretedOption.NamePart |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart
class |
DoubleValue |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.DoubleValue
class |
Duration |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Duration
class |
DynamicMessage |
class |
Empty |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Empty
class |
Enum |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Enum
class |
EnumValue |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.EnumValue
class |
Field |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Field
class |
FieldMask |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FieldMask
class |
FloatValue |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.FloatValue
class |
GeneratedMessage |
All generated protocol message classes extend this class.
static class |
GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage> |
Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
class |
GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.Builder<MessageType,BuilderType>> |
static class |
GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType,BuilderType>,BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableBuilder<MessageType,BuilderType>> |
class |
GeneratedMessageV3 |
All generated protocol message classes extend this class.
static class |
GeneratedMessageV3.ExtendableMessage<MessageT extends GeneratedMessageV3.ExtendableMessage<MessageT>> |
Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
class |
Int32Value |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Int32Value
class |
Int64Value |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Int64Value
class |
ListValue |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.ListValue
class |
MapEntry<K,V> |
Implements MapEntry messages.
class |
Method |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Method
class |
Mixin |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Mixin
class |
Option |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Option
class |
SourceContext |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.SourceContext
class |
StringValue |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.StringValue
class |
Struct |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Struct
class |
Timestamp |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Timestamp
class |
Type |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Type
class |
UInt32Value |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UInt32Value
class |
UInt64Value |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.UInt64Value
class |
Value |
Protobuf type google.protobuf.Value