Class MapEntryLite<K,​V>

  • public class MapEntryLite<K,​V>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Implements the lite version of map entry messages.

    This class serves as an utility class to help do serialization/parsing of map entries. It's used in generated code and also in the full version MapEntry message.

    Protobuf internal. Users shouldn't use.

    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public K getKey()
      • getValue

        public V getValue()
      • newDefaultInstance

        public static <K,​V> MapEntryLite<K,​V> newDefaultInstance​(WireFormat.FieldType keyType,
                                                                             K defaultKey,
                                                                             WireFormat.FieldType valueType,
                                                                             V defaultValue)
        Creates a default MapEntryLite message instance.

        This method is used by generated code to create the default instance for a map entry message. The created default instance should be used to create new map entry messages of the same type. For each map entry message, only one default instance should be created.

      • serializeTo

        public void serializeTo​(CodedOutputStream output,
                                int fieldNumber,
                                K key,
                                V value)
        Serializes the provided key and value as though they were wrapped by a MapEntryLite to the output stream. This helper method avoids allocation of a MapEntryLite built with a key and value and is called from generated code directly.
      • computeMessageSize

        public int computeMessageSize​(int fieldNumber,
                                      K key,
                                      V value)
        Computes the message size for the provided key and value as though they were wrapped by a MapEntryLite. This helper method avoids allocation of a MapEntryLite built with a key and value and is called from generated code directly.