Interface MessageLite.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • clear

        MessageLite.Builder clear()
        Resets all fields to their default values.
      • buildPartial

        MessageLite buildPartial()
        Like build(), but does not throw an exception if the message is missing required fields. Instead, a partial message is returned. Subsequent changes to the Builder will not affect the returned message.
      • mergeFrom

        MessageLite.Builder mergeFrom​(CodedInputStream input)
        Parses a message of this type from the input and merges it with this message.

        Warning: This does not verify that all required fields are present in the input message. If you call build() without setting all required fields, it will throw an UninitializedMessageException, which is a RuntimeException and thus might not be caught. There are a few good ways to deal with this:

        Note: The caller should call CodedInputStream.checkLastTagWas(int) after calling this to verify that the last tag seen was the appropriate end-group tag, or zero for EOF.

        InvalidProtocolBufferException - the bytes read are not syntactically correct according to the protobuf wire format specification. The data is corrupt, incomplete, or was never a protobuf in the first place. - an I/O error reading from the stream
      • mergeFrom

        MessageLite.Builder mergeFrom​(CodedInputStream input,
                                      ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
        Like mergeFrom(CodedInputStream), but also parses extensions. The extensions that you want to be able to parse must be registered in extensionRegistry. Extensions not in the registry will be treated as unknown fields.
        InvalidProtocolBufferException - the bytes read are not syntactically correct according to the protobuf wire format specification. The data is corrupt, incomplete, or was never a protobuf in the first place. - an I/O error reading from the stream
      • mergeFrom

        MessageLite.Builder mergeFrom​( input)
        Parse a message of this type from input and merge it with the message being built. This is just a small wrapper around mergeFrom(CodedInputStream). Note that this method always reads the entire input (unless it throws an exception). If you want it to stop earlier, you will need to wrap your input in some wrapper stream that limits reading. Or, use MessageLite.writeDelimitedTo(OutputStream) to write your message and mergeDelimitedFrom(InputStream) to read it.

        Despite usually reading the entire input, this does not close the stream.

        InvalidProtocolBufferException - the bytes read are not syntactically correct according to the protobuf wire format specification. The data is corrupt, incomplete, or was never a protobuf in the first place. - an I/O error reading from the stream
      • mergeFrom

        MessageLite.Builder mergeFrom​(MessageLite other)
        Merge other into the message being built. other must have the exact same type as this (i.e. getClass().equals(getDefaultInstanceForType().getClass())).

        Merging occurs as follows. For each field:
        * For singular primitive fields, if the field is set in other, then other's value overwrites the value in this message.
        * For singular message fields, if the field is set in other, it is merged into the corresponding sub-message of this message using the same merging rules.
        * For repeated fields, the elements in other are concatenated with the elements in this message. * For oneof groups, if the other message has one of the fields set, the group of this message is cleared and replaced by the field of the other message, so that the oneof constraint is preserved.

        This is equivalent to the Message::MergeFrom method in C++.

      • mergeDelimitedFrom

        boolean mergeDelimitedFrom​( input)
        Like mergeFrom(InputStream), but does not read until EOF. Instead, the size of the message (encoded as a varint) is read first, then the message data. Use MessageLite.writeDelimitedTo(OutputStream) to write messages in this format.
        true if successful, or false if the stream is at EOF when the method starts. Any other error (including reaching EOF during parsing) causes an exception to be thrown.
        InvalidProtocolBufferException - the bytes read are not syntactically correct according to the protobuf wire format specification. The data is corrupt, incomplete, or was never a protobuf in the first place. - an I/O error reading from the stream
      • mergeDelimitedFrom

        boolean mergeDelimitedFrom​( input,
                                   ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
        Like mergeDelimitedFrom(InputStream) but supporting extensions.
        true if successful, or false if the stream is at EOF when the method starts. Any other error (including reaching EOF during parsing) causes an exception to be thrown.
        InvalidProtocolBufferException - the bytes read are not syntactically correct according to the protobuf wire format specification. The data is corrupt, incomplete, or was never a protobuf in the first place. - an I/O error reading from the stream