Interface MessageOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        Message getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Description copied from interface: MessageLiteOrBuilder
        Get an instance of the type with no fields set. Because no fields are set, all getters for singular fields will return default values and repeated fields will appear empty. This may or may not be a singleton. This differs from the getDefaultInstance() method of generated message classes in that this method is an abstract method of the MessageLite interface whereas getDefaultInstance() is a static method of a specific class. They return the same thing.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface MessageLiteOrBuilder
      • findInitializationErrors

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> findInitializationErrors()
        Returns a list of field paths (e.g. "") of required fields which are not set in this message. You should call MessageLiteOrBuilder.isInitialized() first to check if there are any missing fields, as that method is likely to be much faster than this one even when the message is fully-initialized.
      • getInitializationErrorString

        java.lang.String getInitializationErrorString()
        Returns a comma-delimited list of required fields which are not set in this message object. You should call MessageLiteOrBuilder.isInitialized() first to check if there are any missing fields, as that method is likely to be much faster than this one even when the message is fully-initialized.
      • getDescriptorForType

        Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType()
        Get the message's type's descriptor. This differs from the getDescriptor() method of generated message classes in that this method is an abstract method of the Message interface whereas getDescriptor() is a static method of a specific class. They return the same thing.
      • getAllFields

        java.util.Map<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor,​java.lang.Object> getAllFields()
        Returns a collection of all the fields in this message which are set and their corresponding values. A singular ("required" or "optional") field is set iff hasField() returns true for that field. A "repeated" field is set iff getRepeatedFieldCount() is greater than zero. The values are exactly what would be returned by calling getField(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) for each field. The map is guaranteed to be a sorted map, so iterating over it will return fields in order by field number.
        If this is for a builder, the returned map may or may not reflect future changes to the builder. Either way, the returned map is itself unmodifiable.
      • hasOneof

        boolean hasOneof​(Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
        Returns true if the given oneof is set.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if oneof.getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType().
      • hasField

        boolean hasField​(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
        Returns true if the given field is set. This is exactly equivalent to calling the generated "has" accessor method corresponding to the field. The return value of hasField() is semantically meaningful only for fields where field.hasPresence() == true.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The field is a repeated field, or field.getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType().
      • getField

        java.lang.Object getField​(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
        Obtains the value of the given field, or the default value if it is not set. For primitive fields, the boxed primitive value is returned. For enum fields, the EnumValueDescriptor for the value is returned. For embedded message fields, the sub-message is returned. For repeated fields, a java.util.List is returned.
      • getRepeatedFieldCount

        int getRepeatedFieldCount​(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field)
        Gets the number of elements of a repeated field. This is exactly equivalent to calling the generated "Count" accessor method corresponding to the field.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The field is not a repeated field, or field.getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType().
      • getRepeatedField

        java.lang.Object getRepeatedField​(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field,
                                          int index)
        Gets an element of a repeated field. For primitive fields, the boxed primitive value is returned. For enum fields, the EnumValueDescriptor for the value is returned. For embedded message fields, the sub-message is returned.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - The field is not a repeated field, or field.getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType().