Class SQLiteDiskIdentityIndex<A extends Comparable<A>,​O>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SQLiteDiskIdentityIndex

        public SQLiteDiskIdentityIndex​(SimpleAttribute<O,​A> primaryKeyAttribute)
    • Method Detail

      • getEffectiveIndex

        public Index<O> getEffectiveIndex()
        Description copied from interface: Index
        Returns the effective index, which Persistence objects will use to determine the identity of the index making persistence requests. Most Index implementations will typically return a reference to themselves ('this'). However in advanced cases when one index delegates to another, the implementation of the wrapping index will create a subclass the delegate index, and override this method in the delegate index so that when the delegate index interacts with the persistence, it will identify itself as the outer or "effective" index.
        Specified by:
        getEffectiveIndex in interface Index<A extends Comparable<A>>
        getEffectiveIndex in class SQLiteIdentityIndex<A extends Comparable<A>,​O>
        The effective index, in the case that this index is wrapped by another index.