Package com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.piff

Class Summary
PiffSampleEncryptionBox aligned(8) class SampleEncryptionBox extends FullBox(‘uuid’, extended_type= 0xA2394F52-5A9B-4f14-A244-6C427C648DF4, version=0, flags=0) { if (flags & 0x000001) { unsigned int(24) AlgorithmID; unsigned int(8) IV_size; unsigned int(8)[16] KID; } unsigned int (32) sample_count; { unsigned int(IV_size) InitializationVector; if (flags & 0x000002) { unsigned int(16) NumberOfEntries; { unsigned int(16) BytesOfClearData; unsigned int(32) BytesOfEncryptedData; } [ NumberOfEntries] } }[ sample_count ] }
PiffTrackEncryptionBox aligned(8) class TrackEncryptionBox extends FullBox(‘uuid’, extended_type=0x8974dbce-7be7-4c51-84f9-7148f9882554, version=0, flags=0) { unsigned int(24) default_AlgorithmID; unsigned int(8) default_IV_size; unsigned int(8)[16] default_KID; }
PlayReadyHeader Specifications > Microsoft PlayReady Format Specification > 2.
TfrfBox The syntax of the fields defined in this section, specified in ABNF [RFC5234], is as follows: TfrfBox = TfrfBoxLength TfrfBoxType [TfrfBoxLongLength] TfrfBoxUUID TfrfBoxFields TfrfBoxChildren TfrfBoxType = "u" "u" "i" "d" TfrfBoxLength = BoxLength TfrfBoxLongLength = LongBoxLength TfrfBoxUUID = %xD4 %x80 %x7E %xF2 %xCA %x39 %x46 %x95 %x8E %x54 %x26 %xCB %x9E %x46 %xA7 %x9F TfrfBoxFields = TfrfBoxVersion TfrfBoxFlags FragmentCount (1* TfrfBoxDataFields32) / (1* TfrfBoxDataFields64) TfrfBoxVersion = %x00 / %x01 TfrfBoxFlags = 24*24 RESERVED_BIT FragmentCount = UINT8 TfrfBoxDataFields32 = FragmentAbsoluteTime32 FragmentDuration32 TfrfBoxDataFields64 = FragmentAbsoluteTime64 FragmentDuration64 FragmentAbsoluteTime64 = UNSIGNED_INT32 FragmentDuration64 = UNSIGNED_INT32 FragmentAbsoluteTime64 = UNSIGNED_INT64 FragmentDuration64 = UNSIGNED_INT64 TfrfBoxChildren = *( VendorExtensionUUIDBox )
TfxdBox The syntax of the fields defined in this section, specified in ABNF [RFC5234], is as follows: TfxdBox = TfxdBoxLength TfxdBoxType [TfxdBoxLongLength] TfxdBoxUUID TfxdBoxFields TfxdBoxChildren TfxdBoxType = "u" "u" "i" "d" TfxdBoxLength = BoxLength TfxdBoxLongLength = LongBoxLength TfxdBoxUUID = %x6D %x1D %x9B %x05 %x42 %xD5 %x44 %xE6 %x80 %xE2 %x14 %x1D %xAF %xF7 %x57 %xB2 TfxdBoxFields = TfxdBoxVersion TfxdBoxFlags TfxdBoxDataFields32 / TfxdBoxDataFields64 TfxdBoxVersion = %x00 / %x01 TfxdBoxFlags = 24*24 RESERVED_BIT TfxdBoxDataFields32 = FragmentAbsoluteTime32 FragmentDuration32 TfxdBoxDataFields64 = FragmentAbsoluteTime64 FragmentDuration64 FragmentAbsoluteTime64 = UNSIGNED_INT32 FragmentDuration64 = UNSIGNED_INT32 FragmentAbsoluteTime64 = UNSIGNED_INT64 FragmentDuration64 = UNSIGNED_INT64 TfxdBoxChildren = *( VendorExtensionUUIDBox )
UuidBasedProtectionSystemSpecificHeaderBox aligned(8) class UuidBasedProtectionSystemSpecificHeaderBox extends FullBox(‘uuid’, extended_type=0xd08a4f18-10f3-4a82-b6c8-32d8aba183d3, version=0, flags=0) { unsigned int(8)[16] SystemID; unsigned int(32) DataSize; unsigned int(8)[DataSize] Data; }

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