Class CssSchema

  • public final class CssSchema
    extends Object
    Describes the kinds of tokens a CSS property's value can safely contain.
    • Field Detail

      • DEFAULT

        public static final CssSchema DEFAULT
        A schema that includes only those properties on the default schema white-list.
    • Method Detail

      • withProperties

        public static CssSchema withProperties​(Iterable<? extends String> propertyNames)
        A schema that includes all and only the named properties.
        propertyNames - a series of lower-case CSS property names that appear in the built-in CSS definitions. It is an error to mention an unknown property name. This class's main method will dump a list of known property names when run with zero arguments.
      • withProperties

        public static CssSchema withProperties​(Map<? extends String,​? extends CssSchema.Property> properties)
        A schema that includes all and only the named properties.
        properties - maps lower-case CSS property names to property objects.
      • union

        public static CssSchema union​(CssSchema... cssSchemas)
        A schema that represents the union of the input schemas.
        A schema that allows all and only CSS properties that are allowed by at least one of the inputs.
        IllegalArgumentException - if two schemas have properties with the same name, but different (per .equals) CssSchema.Property values.
      • allowedProperties

        public Set<String> allowedProperties()
        The set of CSS properties allowed by this schema.
        an immutable set.
      • main

        public static void main​(String... argv)
        Dumps key and literal list to stdout for easy examination.