Interface HtmlChangeListener<T>

  • public interface HtmlChangeListener<T>
    Receives events when an HTML tag, or attribute is discarded. This can be hooked into an intrusion detection system to alert code when suspicious HTML passes through the sanitizer.

    Note: If a string sanitizes with no change notifications, it is not the case that the input string is necessarily safe to use. Only use the output of the sanitizer. The sanitizer ensures that the output is in a sub-set of HTML that commonly used HTML parsers will agree on the meaning of, but the absence of notifications does not mean that the input is in such a sub-set, only that it does not contain structural features that were removed.

    • Method Detail

      • discardedTag

        void discardedTag​(@Nullable
                          T context,
                          String elementName)
        Called when a tag is discarded from the input.
      • discardedAttributes

        void discardedAttributes​(@Nullable
                                 T context,
                                 String tagName,
                                 String... attributeNames)
        Called when attributes are discarded from the input but the containing tag is not.