Interface PropertyDataObjectGenerator<TProp extends QualifyingProperty>

public interface PropertyDataObjectGenerator<TProp extends QualifyingProperty>
Interface for generators of property data objects. This is used during signature generation to create the low-level data for a property. For each type of property (Java class) there has to be a corresponding PropertyDataObjectGenerator.

This is one of the core items in signature generation since it may need to do all the "heavy" work, such as calculating digests and obtaining time-stamp tokens.

Classes or instances of PropertyDataObjectGenerator for properties that are not supported by the library have to be registered through the withPropertyDataObjectGenerator method in a XadesSigningProfile. The library includes default implementations for all the supported properties but these may be overridden.

The classes that implement this interface may have dependencies on other library components (and also external components configured in the signing profile). To that end, the constructors and/or setters should use the Inject annotation from Guice.
