Class PKIXCertificateValidationProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class PKIXCertificateValidationProvider extends Object implements CertificateValidationProvider
Implementation of CertificateValidationProvider using a PKIX CertPathBuilder.

Since the Java's PKIX API doesn't allow to access the CRLs used in the certification path validation, this is manually done. There has to be a CRL for each issuer in the path which is valid at the moment of validation (signature and date).

The builder(KeyStore) builder} method can be used to configure and create a new instance.

  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static PKIXCertificateValidationProvider.Builder builder(KeyStore trustAnchors)
      Create a builder to configure a new PKIXCertificateValidationProvider.
      trustAnchors - the keystore with the trust-anchors (TrustedCertificateEntry)
      the builder
    • validate

      public ValidationData validate(X509CertSelector certSelector, Date validationDate, Collection<X509Certificate> otherCerts) throws CertificateValidationException, UnexpectedJCAException
      Description copied from interface: CertificateValidationProvider
      Validates the certificate identified by the given certificate selector and returns the resulting validation data (certificate chain and possibly CRLs).

      This method receives a set of certificates collected from the validation context that can be used to build the acertification path. For instance, when verifying the signature's certificate, certificates collected from KeyInfo are supplied; when verifying a timestamp token, the certificates contained on the timestamp token itself are supplied.

      Additional certificates may be needed to build a certification path. This means that the provider must have access to those additional certificates out of band.

      Specified by:
      validate in interface CertificateValidationProvider
      certSelector - identifies the intended leaf certificate for the current validation. This certificate may or may not be available on the validation context (usually is). This selector is created using information from the different X509Data elements within KeyInfo.
      validationDate - the time for which the validity of the certification path should be determined
      otherCerts - a set of certificates that can be used to validate the leaf certificate, collected from the validation context. May include the certificate that will be selected by certSelector.
      the validation data resulting from the validation of the certificate selected by certSelector
      CertificateValidationException - if the certificate cannot be validated (see subclasses of the exception)