Class SchemaPrinter.Options

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class SchemaPrinter.Options
    extends java.lang.Object
    Options to use when printing a schema
    • Method Detail

      • isIncludeIntrospectionTypes

        public boolean isIncludeIntrospectionTypes()
      • isIncludeScalars

        public boolean isIncludeScalars()
      • isIncludeSchemaDefinition

        public boolean isIncludeSchemaDefinition()
      • isIncludeDirectiveDefinitions

        public boolean isIncludeDirectiveDefinitions()
      • getIncludeDirective

        public java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String> getIncludeDirective()
      • getIncludeSchemaElement

        public java.util.function.Predicate<GraphQLSchemaElement> getIncludeSchemaElement()
      • isDescriptionsAsHashComments

        public boolean isDescriptionsAsHashComments()
      • isUseAstDefinitions

        public boolean isUseAstDefinitions()
      • isIncludeAstDefinitionComments

        public boolean isIncludeAstDefinitionComments()
      • includeIntrospectionTypes

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeIntrospectionTypes​(boolean flag)
        This will allow you to include introspection types that are contained in a schema
        flag - whether to include them
      • includeScalarTypes

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeScalarTypes​(boolean flag)
        This will allow you to include scalar types that are contained in a schema
        flag - whether to include them
      • includeSchemaDefinition

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeSchemaDefinition​(boolean flag)
        This will force the printing of the graphql schema definition even if the query, mutation, and/or subscription types use the default names. Some graphql parsers require this information even if the schema uses the default type names. The schema definition will always be printed if any of the query, mutation, or subscription types do not use the default names.
        flag - whether to force include the schema definition
      • includeDirectiveDefinitions

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeDirectiveDefinitions​(boolean flag)
        This flag controls whether schema printer will include directive definitions at the top of the schema, but does not remove them from the field or type usage.

        In some schema definitions, like Apollo Federation, the schema should be printed without the directive definitions. This simplified schema is returned by a GraphQL query to other services, in a format that is different that the introspection query.

        On by default.

        flag - whether to print directive definitions
        new instance of options
      • includeDirectives

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeDirectives​(boolean flag)
        Allow to print directives. In some situations, auto-generated schemas contain a lot of directives that make the printout noisy and having this flag would allow cleaner printout. On by default.
        flag - whether to print directives
        new instance of options
      • includeDirectives

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeDirectives​(java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String> includeDirective)
        This is a Predicate that decides whether a directive element is printed.
        includeDirective - the predicate to decide of a directive is printed
        new instance of options
      • includeSchemaElement

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeSchemaElement​(java.util.function.Predicate<GraphQLSchemaElement> includeSchemaElement)
        This is a general purpose Predicate that decides whether a schema element is printed ever.
        includeSchemaElement - the predicate to decide of a schema is printed
        new instance of options
      • useAstDefinitions

        public SchemaPrinter.Options useAstDefinitions​(boolean flag)
        This flag controls whether schema printer will use the GraphQLType's original Ast TypeDefinitions when printing the type. This allows access to any `extend type` declarations that might have been originally made.
        flag - whether to print via AST type definitions
        new instance of options
      • descriptionsAsHashComments

        public SchemaPrinter.Options descriptionsAsHashComments​(boolean flag)
        Descriptions are defined as preceding string literals, however an older legacy versions of SDL supported preceding '#' comments as descriptions. Set this to true to enable this deprecated behavior. This option is provided to ease adoption and may be removed in future versions.
        flag - whether to print description as # comments
        new instance of options
      • setComparators

        public SchemaPrinter.Options setComparators​(GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry comparatorRegistry)
        The comparator registry controls the printing order for registered GraphQLTypes.

        The default is to sort elements by name but you can put in your own code to decide on the field order

        comparatorRegistry - The registry containing the Comparator and environment scoping rules.
      • includeAstDefinitionComments

        public SchemaPrinter.Options includeAstDefinitionComments​(boolean flag)
        Sometimes it is useful to allow printing schema comments. This can be achieved by providing comments in the AST definitions.

        The default is to ignore these for backward compatibility and due to this being relatively uncommon need.

        flag - whether to include AST definition comments.
        new instance of Options