Anonymizer |
Util class which converts schemas and optionally queries
into anonymized schemas and queries.
Anonymizer.AnonymizeResult |
Breadcrumb<T> |
DefaultTraverserContext<T> |
EscapeUtil |
FpKit |
InterThreadMemoizedSupplier<T> |
This memoizing supplier DOES use locked double locking to set its value.
LockKit |
This provides reentrant locking support for our code base.
LockKit.ComputedOnce |
Will allow for lazy computation of some values just once
LockKit.ReentrantLock |
A class to run code inside a reentrant lock
MutableRef<T> |
This class is useful for creating a mutable reference to a variable that can be changed when you are in an
effectively final bit of code.
NodeLocation |
General position of a Node inside a parent.
NodeMultiZipper<T> |
NodeZipper<T> |
Pair<T,U> |
ReplaceNode |
StringKit |
Traverser<T> |
TraverserResult |
TraverserState<T> |
TraverserState.EndList<U> |
TraverserVisitorStub<T> |
TreeParallelTransformer<T> |
TreeParallelTraverser<T> |
TreeTransformer<T> |
TreeTransformerUtil |