A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W _
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- ABORT - graphql.util.TraversalControl
When returned from a Visitor's method, indicates skipping traversal of a subtree.
- AbortExecutionException - Exception in graphql.execution
This Exception indicates that the current execution should be aborted.
- AbortExecutionException() - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- AbortExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- AbortExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- AbortExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- AbortExecutionException(Collection<GraphQLError>) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- ABSENCE_SENTINEL - Static variable in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This magic sentinel value indicates that a value should be removed from a list or object versus being set to null, that is the difference between a value not being present and a value being null
- AbstractAsyncExecutionStrategy - Class in graphql.execution
- AbstractAsyncExecutionStrategy() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.AbstractAsyncExecutionStrategy
- AbstractAsyncExecutionStrategy(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.AbstractAsyncExecutionStrategy
- AbstractDescribedNode<T extends Node> - Class in graphql.language
- AbstractDescribedNode(SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>, Description) - Constructor for class graphql.language.AbstractDescribedNode
- AbstractNode<T extends Node> - Class in graphql.language
- AbstractNode(SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars) - Constructor for class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- AbstractNode(SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- AbstractRule - Class in graphql.validation
- AbstractRule(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
Double-dispatch entry point.
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<Node>, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElement
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
- accept(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- accumulateVariable(NormalizedInputValue) - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableAccumulator
- actionObserver(Consumer<ExecutorInstrumentation.Action>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation.Builder
This is really intended for testing but this consumer will be called during stages to indicate what is happening.
- add(SDLDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Adds a definition to the registry
- add(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- add(String, Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- add(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.Async.CombinedBuilder
- add(List<GraphQLDirective>, GraphQLDirective) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- addAll(Collection<SDLDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Adds a a collections of definitions to the registry
- addAll(List<GraphQLDirective>, List<GraphQLDirective>) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- addArgumentAt(int, Object) - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18nMsg
- addChild(ExecutableNormalizedField) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- addCodeForIntrospectionTypes(GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder) - Static method in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- addCommonData(NodeBuilder, ParserRuleContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- addComparator(GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment, Class<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry.Builder
Registers a
with an environment to control its permitted scope of operation. - addComparator(UnaryOperator<GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder>, Class<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry.Builder
Convenience method which supplies an environment builder function.
- addCompiledPattern(Pattern) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields.Builder
- addCompiledPatterns(Collection<Pattern>) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields.Builder
- addDeferredExecution(DeferredExecution) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField.Builder
- addDeferredExecutions(Collection<NormalizedDeferredExecution>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- addDeferredExecutions(List<DeferredExecution>) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField.Builder
- addDefinition(T) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParseOrder
This adds a new
to the order - addDirective(String, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- addEdge(Edge) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- addError(GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
This method will allow you to add errors into the running execution context, without a check for per field unique-ness
- addError(GraphQLError) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
Adds the error to any existing the errors for this builder
- addError(GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- addError(GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- addError(GraphQLError, ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
This method will only put one error per field path.
- addError(SchemaValidationError) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorCollector
- addError(ValidationError) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationErrorCollector
This will throw
if too many validation errors are added - addError(ValidationError.Builder) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- addError(ValidationErrorType, SourceLocation, String) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- addError(ValidationErrorType, Collection<? extends Node<?>>, String) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- addErrors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
This method will allow you to add errors into the running execution context, without a check for per field unique-ness
- addErrors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
Adds the error list to any existing the errors for this builder
- addErrors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- addErrors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- addExtension(String, Object) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
Adds a new entry into the extensions map for this builder
- addExtension(String, Object) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- addExtension(String, Object) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- addField(Field) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField.Builder
- addIsolatedVertices(int, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- ADDITION - graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
The new API has added something not present in the old API
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeBuilder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(String, String) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeBuilder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- additionalData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference.Builder
- additionalDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- additionalDirectives(Set<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- additionalType(GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- additionalTypes(Set<GraphQLType>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- addNewContexts(Collection<? extends T>, TraverserContext<T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- addObjectTypeNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- addPattern(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields.Builder
- addPatterns(Collection<String>) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields.Builder
- addQuery(Object, String) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.InMemoryPersistedQueryCache.Builder
- addRule(ResultPath, BiFunction<FieldAndArguments, FieldValidationEnvironment, Optional<GraphQLError>>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.SimpleFieldValidation
Adds the rule against the field address path.
- addToList(Collection<? extends T>, T, T...) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
This constructs a new Immutable list from an existing collection and adds a new element to it.
- addToMap(Map<K, V>, K, V) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
- addToSet(Collection<? extends T>, T, T...) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
This constructs a new Immutable set from an existing collection and adds a new element to it.
- addType(String, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- addValue(Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.extensions.ExtensionsBuilder
Adds a single new value into the extension builder
- addValues(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class graphql.extensions.ExtensionsBuilder
Adds new values into the extension builder
- addVertex(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- addVertices(Collection<Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- addVisited(T) - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- adjacentEdgesAndInverseCount(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- alias(String) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- alias(String) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- allDirectivesByName(List<Directive>) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- allDirectivesByName(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- allIsolatedSource - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- allIsolatedTarget - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- analyzeEdits(List<EditOperation>, Mapping) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalyzer
- Anonymizer - Class in graphql.util
Util class which converts schemas and optionally queries into anonymized schemas and queries.
- Anonymizer() - Constructor for class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- Anonymizer.AnonymizeResult - Class in graphql.util
- AnonymizeResult(GraphQLSchema, List<String>) - Constructor for class graphql.util.Anonymizer.AnonymizeResult
- anonymizeSchema(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- anonymizeSchema(String) - Static method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- anonymizeSchemaAndQueries(GraphQLSchema, List<String>) - Static method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- anonymizeSchemaAndQueries(GraphQLSchema, List<String>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- anonymizeSchemaAndQueries(String, List<String>) - Static method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- anonymizeSchemaAndQueries(String, List<String>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- AntlrHelper - Class in graphql.parser
- AntlrHelper() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.AntlrHelper
- apiBreakage() - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- apiDanger() - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- apiInfo() - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- ApolloPersistedQuerySupport - Class in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
This persisted query support class supports the Apollo scheme where the persisted query id is in
. - ApolloPersistedQuerySupport(PersistedQueryCache) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.ApolloPersistedQuerySupport
- append(ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
Appends the provided path to the current one
- APPLIED_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- APPLIED_DIRECTIVE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- AppliedDirectiveAddition(SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveLocationDetail, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveAddition
- AppliedDirectiveArgumentAddition(SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveLocationDetail, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentAddition
- AppliedDirectiveArgumentDeletion(SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveLocationDetail, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentDeletion
- AppliedDirectiveArgumentRename(SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveLocationDetail, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentRename
- AppliedDirectiveArgumentsAreValid - Class in graphql.schema.validation
- AppliedDirectiveArgumentsAreValid() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.AppliedDirectiveArgumentsAreValid
- AppliedDirectiveArgumentValueModification(SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveLocationDetail, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentValueModification
- AppliedDirectiveDeletion(SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveLocationDetail, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDeletion
- AppliedDirectiveDirectiveArgumentLocation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDirectiveArgumentLocation
- AppliedDirectiveEnumLocation(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumLocation
- AppliedDirectiveEnumValueLocation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumValueLocation
- AppliedDirectiveInputObjectFieldLocation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectFieldLocation
- AppliedDirectiveInputObjectLocation(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectLocation
- AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldArgumentLocation(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldArgumentLocation
- AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldLocation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldLocation
- AppliedDirectiveInterfaceLocation(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceLocation
- AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldArgumentLocation(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldArgumentLocation
- AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldLocation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldLocation
- AppliedDirectiveObjectLocation(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectLocation
- AppliedDirectiveRenamed() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveRenamed
- appliedDirectives - Variable in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- AppliedDirectivesAreValid - Class in graphql.schema.validation
- AppliedDirectivesAreValid() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.AppliedDirectivesAreValid
- AppliedDirectiveScalarLocation(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveScalarLocation
- AppliedDirectiveSchemaLocation() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveSchemaLocation
- AppliedDirectiveUnionLocation(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveUnionLocation
- apply(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport
This will transform the schema to have the new extension shapes
- apply(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.transform.FieldVisibilitySchemaTransformation
- apply(String) - Method in interface graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryCacheMiss
You give back the missing query text and graphql-java will compile and validate it.
- argument(QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
- argument(QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
Same effect as the argument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument).
- argument(Argument) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- argument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
- argument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
Same effect as the argument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument).
- argument(GraphQLArgument) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- argument(GraphQLArgument) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- argument(GraphQLArgument.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
Same effect as the argument(GraphQLArgument).
- argument(GraphQLArgument.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
Same effect as the argument(GraphQLArgument).
- argument(UnaryOperator<QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
Take an argument builder in a function definition and apply.
- argument(UnaryOperator<GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
Take an argument builder in a function definition and apply.
- argument(UnaryOperator<GraphQLArgument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
Take an argument builder in a function definition and apply.
- argument(UnaryOperator<GraphQLArgument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
Take an argument builder in a function definition and apply.
- argument(List<GraphQLArgument>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
Deprecated.This is a badly named method and is replaced by
- Argument - Class in graphql.language
- Argument(String, Value) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Argument
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- Argument(String, Value, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Argument
- ARGUMENT - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- ARGUMENT_DEFINITION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- Argument.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- arguments(Supplier<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- arguments(Supplier<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- arguments(List<Argument>) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- arguments(List<Argument>) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- arguments(List<GraphQLArgument>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
This adds the list of arguments to the field.
- arguments(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- ArgumentsOfCorrectType - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- ArgumentsOfCorrectType(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.ArgumentsOfCorrectType
- ArgumentValidationUtil - Class in graphql.validation
- ArgumentValidationUtil(Argument) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- argumentValues(Supplier<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- ArrayValue - Class in graphql.language
- ArrayValue(List<Value>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ArrayValue
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- ArrayValue(List<Value>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- ArrayValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- AS_IS_REGISTRY - Static variable in interface graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
A registry that leaves the elements as there currently are
- asIsOrder() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparators
Returns a comparator that laves
objects as they are - Assert - Class in graphql
- Assert() - Constructor for class graphql.Assert
- AssertException - Exception in graphql
- AssertException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.AssertException
- assertFalse(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertFalse(boolean, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNeverCalled() - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNewChildrenAreEmpty(NodeChildrenContainer) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- assertNonNullFieldPrecondition(NonNullableFieldWasNullException) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
See (...),
- assertNonNullFieldPrecondition(NonNullableFieldWasNullException, CompletableFuture<?>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- assertNotEmpty(Collection<T>) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNotEmpty(Collection<T>, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNotNull(T) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNotNull(T, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNotNullWithNPE(T, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNull(T) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertNull(T, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertShouldNeverHappen() - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertShouldNeverHappen(String, Object...) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertTrue(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertTrue(boolean, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
- assertValidName(String) - Static method in class graphql.Assert
Validates that the Lexical token name matches the current spec.
- assertValidNames() - Method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
Checks the validity of the field coordinate names.
- AST_NODE_ADAPTER - Static variable in class graphql.language.AstNodeAdapter
- astArguments(List<Argument>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- AstComparator - Class in graphql.language
- AstNodeAdapter - Class in graphql.language
Adapts an Ast node to the general node from the util package
- AstPrinter - Class in graphql.language
This can take graphql language AST and print it out as a string
- AstSignature - Class in graphql.language
This will produce signature and privacy safe query documents that can be used for query categorisation and logging.
- AstSignature() - Constructor for class graphql.language.AstSignature
- AstSorter - Class in graphql.language
A class that helps you sort AST nodes
- AstSorter() - Constructor for class graphql.language.AstSorter
- AstTransformer - Class in graphql.language
Allows for an easy way to "manipulate" the immutable Ast by changing specific nodes and getting back a new Ast containing the changed nodes while everything else is the same.
- AstTransformer() - Constructor for class graphql.language.AstTransformer
- async(DataFetcher<T>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher
A factory method for creating asynchronous data fetchers so that when used with static imports allows more readable code such as:
- async(DataFetcher<T>, Executor) - Static method in class graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher
A factory method for creating asynchronous data fetchers and setting the
they run in so that when used with static imports allows more readable code such as: - Async - Class in graphql.execution
- Async() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.Async
- Async.CombinedBuilder<T> - Interface in graphql.execution
- AsyncDataFetcher<T> - Class in graphql.schema
A modifier type that indicates the underlying data fetcher is run asynchronously
- AsyncDataFetcher(DataFetcher<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher
- AsyncDataFetcher(DataFetcher<T>, Executor) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher
- AsyncExecutionStrategy - Class in graphql.execution
The standard graphql execution strategy that runs fields asynchronously non-blocking.
- AsyncExecutionStrategy() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.AsyncExecutionStrategy
The standard graphql execution strategy that runs fields asynchronously
- AsyncExecutionStrategy(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.AsyncExecutionStrategy
Creates a execution strategy that uses the provided exception handler
- AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy - Class in graphql.execution
Async non-blocking execution, but serial: only one field at the time will be resolved.
- AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy
- AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy
- await() - Method in interface graphql.execution.Async.CombinedBuilder
- backRef(TraverserContext<T>) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserVisitor
This method is called when a node was already visited before.
- BACKREF - graphql.util.TraverserContext.Phase
- BadValueForDefaultArg - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- baseEditorialCostForMapping(Mapping, SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditorialCostForMapping
- baseEditorialCostForMapping(Mapping, SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph, List<EditOperation>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditorialCostForMapping
Gets the "editorial cost for mapping" for the base mapping.
- beginDeferredField(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginDeferredField(InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before a deferred field is resolved into a value.
- beginExecuteObject(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecuteObject(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called each time an
object resolution is called, which may be multiple times per query as the engine recursively descends over the query. - beginExecuteObject(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecuteObject(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryDepthInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidationInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before the execution of the query operation is started.
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecuteOperation(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called right at the start of query execution, and it's the first step in the instrumentation chain.
- beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginExecutionStrategy(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecutionStrategy(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginExecutionStrategy(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginExecutionStrategy(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecutionStrategy(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called each time an
is invoked, which may be multiple times per query as the engine recursively descends over the query. - beginExecutionStrategy(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginExecutionStrategy(InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginField(InstrumentationFieldParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginField(InstrumentationFieldParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginField(InstrumentationFieldParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginField(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginField(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginField(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginField(DataFetchingEnvironment, boolean) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingSupport
This should be called to start the trace of a field, with
being called to end the call. - beginFieldComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginFieldComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginFieldComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before the complete field is started.
- beginFieldCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldExecution(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldExecution(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before a field is resolved into a value.
- beginFieldExecution(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldExecution(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before a field
is invoked. - beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldFetch(InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation
- beginFieldListComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldListComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginFieldListComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldListComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldListComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginFieldListComplete(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginFieldListCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldListCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before the complete field list is started.
- beginFieldListCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginFieldListCompletion(InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginParse() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingSupport
This should be called to start the trace of query parsing, with
being called to end the call. - beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before a query is parsed.
- beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginParse(InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation
- beginSubscribedFieldEvent(InstrumentationFieldParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginSubscribedFieldEvent(InstrumentationFieldParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginSubscribedFieldEvent(InstrumentationFieldParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginSubscribedFieldEvent(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginSubscribedFieldEvent(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called each time a subscription field produces a new reactive stream event value and it needs to be mapped over via the graphql field subselection.
- beginSubscribedFieldEvent(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginSubscribedFieldEvent(InstrumentationFieldParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginValidation() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingSupport
This should be called to start the trace of query validation, with
being called to end the call. - beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called just before the parsed query document is validated.
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- beginValidation(InstrumentationValidationParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation
- BlockedFields - Class in graphql.schema.visibility
This helper class will take a list of regular expressions and match them against the fully qualified name of a type and its fields.
- BlockedFields.Builder - Class in graphql.schema.visibility
- BooleanValue - Class in graphql.language
- BooleanValue(boolean) - Constructor for class graphql.language.BooleanValue
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- BooleanValue(boolean, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- BooleanValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- Breadcrumb<T> - Class in graphql.util
A specific
inside a node. - Breadcrumb(T, NodeLocation) - Constructor for class graphql.util.Breadcrumb
- breadthFirst(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- breadthFirst(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- breadthFirst(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>, Object, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- breadthFirstWithNamedChildren(Function<? super T, Map<String, ? extends List<T>>>, Object, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- BREAKING - graphql.schema.diff.DiffLevel
The new API has made a breaking change
- build() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryDepthInfo.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- build() - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.InMemoryPersistedQueryCache.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
- build() - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- build() - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- build() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- build() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.incremental.StreamPayload.Builder
- build() - Static method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder
This will build a default introspection query in
form - build() - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ListType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
Builds the schema
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.BuilderWithoutTypes
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields.Builder
- build() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- build(IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options) - Static method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder
This will build an introspection query in
form based on the options you provide - build(Set<GraphQLType>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
Deprecated.- Use the
methods - build(Set<GraphQLType>, Set<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- buildDocument(IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options) - Static method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder
This will build an introspection query in
form - builder() - Static method in class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.FetchedValue.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.InMemoryPersistedQueryCache.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.incremental.StreamPayload.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields.Builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- Builder(DataFetcherResult<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- Builder(QueryAppliedDirective) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
- Builder(QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- Builder(FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.Builder
- Builder(SchemaDefinition) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- Builder(SchemaDefinition) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- Builder(DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLAppliedDirective) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLArgument) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLDirective) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLEnumType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLEnumValueDefinition) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLInputObjectField) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLInputObjectType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLInterfaceType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLObjectType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLScalarType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLSchema) - Constructor for class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- Builder(GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder
- Builder(GraphQLUnionType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- Builder(T) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- BuilderBase() - Constructor for class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- buildExtensions() - Method in class graphql.extensions.ExtensionsBuilder
This builds an extensions map from this builder, merging together the values provided
- buildRegistry(Document) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
special method to build directly a TypeDefinitionRegistry from a Document useful for Introspection => IDL (Document) => TypeDefinitionRegistry
- buildSchemaField(GraphQLObjectType) - Static method in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- buildTypeField(GraphQLObjectType) - Static method in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- BY_NAME_REGISTRY - Static variable in interface graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
A registry that sorts the elements by their name ascending
- byNameAsc() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparators
Returns a comparator that compares
objects by ascending name
- calcPossibleMappings(List<PossibleMappingsCalculator.VertexContextSegment>, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
- calculate() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator
- calculate() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
- calculate(FieldComplexityEnvironment, int) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityCalculator
Calculates the complexity of a field
- calculateByParents() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator
- callLocked(Supplier<E>) - Method in class graphql.util.LockKit.ReentrantLock
- cancel() - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.DelegatingSubscription
- capitalize(String) - Static method in class graphql.util.StringKit
- captureAstDefinitions(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator.Options
Memory can be saved if the original AST definitions are not associated with the built runtime types.
- captureIgnoredChars(boolean) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- captureLineComments(boolean) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- captureSourceLocation(boolean) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- CapturingReporter - Class in graphql.schema.diff.reporting
A reporter that captures all the difference events as they occur
- CapturingReporter() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- category(DiffCategory) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- cause - Variable in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- cause(Throwable) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- chainedConsume(InstrumentationState, BiConsumer<Instrumentation, InstrumentationState>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- ChainedInstrumentation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation
This allows you to chain together a number of
implementations and run them in sequence. - ChainedInstrumentation(Instrumentation...) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- ChainedInstrumentation(List<Instrumentation>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- chainedMapAndDropNulls(InstrumentationState, BiFunction<Instrumentation, InstrumentationState, T>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- ChainedReporter - Class in graphql.schema.diff.reporting
A reporter that chains together one or more difference reporters
- ChainedReporter(DifferenceReporter...) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.ChainedReporter
- ChainedReporter(List<DifferenceReporter>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.ChainedReporter
- CHANGE_EDGE - graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
- CHANGE_VERTEX - graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
- changeEdge(String, Edge, Edge) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- changeNode(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
This helper method can be used to "change" a node when returning control from this visitor
- changeNode(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- changeNode(TraverserContext<T>, T) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeTransformerUtil
Can be called multiple times to change the current node of the context.
- changeNode(T) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
Called to change the current node to the specific node
- changeNode(T) - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- changeNode(T) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Change the current node to the provided node.
- changeTypeWithPreservedNonNull(GraphQLOutputType) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
This allows you to morph a type into a more specialized form yet return the same parent and non-null ness, for example taking a
and turning it into a specificGraphQLObjectType
after type resolution has occurred - changeVertex(String, Vertex, Vertex) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- CHANNEL_COMMENTS - Static variable in class graphql.parser.Parser
- CHANNEL_WHITESPACE - Static variable in class graphql.parser.Parser
- checkArgument(Argument) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkArgument(Argument) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.ArgumentsOfCorrectType
- checkArgument(Argument) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.KnownArgumentNames
- checkDirective(Directive, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkDirective(Directive, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.KnownDirectives
- checkDirective(Directive, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.ProvidedNonNullArguments
- checkDirective(Directive, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueArgumentNames
- checkDocument(Document) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkDocument(Document) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.ExecutableDefinitions
Executable definitions A GraphQL document is only valid for execution if all definitions are either operation or fragment definitions.
- checkDocument(Document) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation
- checkField(Field) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkField(Field) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.FieldsOnCorrectType
- checkField(Field) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.ProvidedNonNullArguments
- checkField(Field) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.ScalarLeaves
- checkField(Field) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueArgumentNames
- checkField(Field) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation
- checkFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.FragmentsOnCompositeType
- checkFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoFragmentCycles
- checkFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUndefinedVariables
- checkFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedFragments
- checkFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation
- checkFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueFragmentNames
- checkFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.KnownFragmentNames
- checkFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedFragments
- checkFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.PossibleFragmentSpreads
- checkFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation
- checkInlineFragment(InlineFragment) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkInlineFragment(InlineFragment) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.FragmentsOnCompositeType
- checkInlineFragment(InlineFragment) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.PossibleFragmentSpreads
- checkInlineFragment(InlineFragment) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation
- checkObjectValue(ObjectValue) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkObjectValue(ObjectValue) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueObjectFieldName
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.LoneAnonymousOperation
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUndefinedVariables
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedFragments
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedVariables
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.SubscriptionUniqueRootField
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueOperationNames
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueVariableNames
- checkOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.VariableTypesMatch
- checkSelectionSet(SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkTypeName(TypeName) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkTypeName(TypeName) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.KnownTypeNames
- checkTypeRegistry(TypeDefinitionRegistry, RuntimeWiring) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaTypeChecker
- checkVariable(VariableReference) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkVariable(VariableReference) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUndefinedVariables
- checkVariable(VariableReference) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedVariables
- checkVariable(VariableReference) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.VariableTypesMatch
- checkVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- checkVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUndefinedVariables
- checkVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedVariables
- checkVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.VariableDefaultValuesOfCorrectType
- checkVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.VariablesAreInputTypes
- checkVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.VariableTypesMatch
- child(String, Node) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer.Builder
- child(String, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder
- CHILD_APPLIED_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
- CHILD_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class graphql.language.Directive
- CHILD_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class graphql.language.Field
- CHILD_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- CHILD_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- CHILD_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- CHILD_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- CHILD_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- CHILD_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.Document
- CHILD_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVE_LOCATION - Static variable in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.Field
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- CHILD_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
- CHILD_ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- CHILD_FIELD_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- CHILD_FIELD_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- CHILD_FIELD_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- CHILD_FIELD_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- CHILD_IMPLEMENTZ - Static variable in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- CHILD_IMPLEMENTZ - Static variable in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- CHILD_INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- CHILD_INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- CHILD_INPUT_VALUES_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- CHILD_INTERFACES - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- CHILD_INTERFACES - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- CHILD_MEMBER_TYPES - Static variable in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- CHILD_OBJECT_FIELDS - Static variable in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- CHILD_OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- CHILD_SELECTION_SET - Static variable in class graphql.language.Field
- CHILD_SELECTION_SET - Static variable in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- CHILD_SELECTION_SET - Static variable in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- CHILD_SELECTION_SET - Static variable in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- CHILD_SELECTIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.language.ListType
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- CHILD_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- CHILD_TYPE_CONDITION - Static variable in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- CHILD_TYPE_CONDITION - Static variable in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- CHILD_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- CHILD_TYPES - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- CHILD_VALUE - Static variable in class graphql.language.Argument
- CHILD_VALUE - Static variable in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- CHILD_VALUES - Static variable in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- CHILD_VALUES - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- CHILD_VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- CHILD_WRAPPED_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- CHILD_WRAPPED_TYPE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- children(String, Collection<? extends GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder
- children(String, List<? extends Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer.Builder
- children(List<ExecutableNormalizedField>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- children(Map<String, ? extends Collection<? extends GraphQLSchemaElement>>) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder
- children(Map<String, ? extends List<? extends Node>>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer.Builder
- childrenContextMap - Variable in class graphql.util.TraverserState.EndList
- clear() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- clear() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- clearAdditionalTypes() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- clearArguments() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
This is used to clear all the arguments in the builder so far.
- clearArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
This is used to clear all the arguments in the builder so far.
- clearArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
This is used to clear all the arguments in the builder so far.
- clearArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
This is used to clear all the arguments in the builder so far.
- clearChildren() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- clearDataFetchers() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- clearDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
Removes the defaultValue to represent a missing default value (which is different from null)
- clearDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
This is used to clear all the directives in the builder so far.
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- clearDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- clearErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- clearFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
This is used to clear all the fields in the builder so far.
- clearFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
This is used to clear all the fields in the builder so far.
- clearFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
This is used to clear all the fields in the builder so far.
- clearInterfaces() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
This is used to clear all the interfaces in the builder so far.
- clearObjectTypesNames() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- clearPossibleTypes() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
This is used to clear all the types in the builder so far.
- clearReflectionCache() - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
PropertyDataFetcher caches the methods and fields that map from a class to a property for runtime performance reasons as well as negative misses.
- clearReflectionCache() - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper
- clearReflectionCache() - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyFetchingImpl
- clearSchemaDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
This is used to clear all the directives in the builder so far.
- clearTypeResolvers() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- clearValidLocations() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- clearValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
Removes the value to represent a missing value (which is different from null)
- clearValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
Removes the value to represent a missing value (which is different from null)
- clearValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
methods instead - clearValues() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
This is used to clear all the values in the builder so far.
- close() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
- close() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- codeRegistry(GraphQLCodeRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- codeRegistry(GraphQLCodeRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.BuilderWithoutTypes
- codeRegistry(GraphQLCodeRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This allows you to seed in your own
instance - codeRegistry(GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.BuilderWithoutTypes
- codeRegistry(GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This allows you to seed in your own
instance - CodeRegistryVisitor - Class in graphql.schema
This ensure that all fields have data fetchers and that unions and interfaces have type resolvers
- CodeRegistryVisitor(GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.CodeRegistryVisitor
- coercedVariables(CoercedVariables) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
Variables (already coerced) used in the query.
- coercedVariables(CoercedVariables) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives.Builder
- coercedVariables(CoercedVariables) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- coercedVariables(CoercedVariables) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- CoercedVariables - Class in graphql.execution
Holds coerced variables, that is their values are now in a canonical form.
- CoercedVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.CoercedVariables
- coerceVariableValues(GraphQLSchema, List<VariableDefinition>, RawVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
This method coerces the "raw" variables values provided to the engine.
- coercing(Coercing<?, ?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- Coercing<I,O> - Interface in graphql.schema
The Coercing interface is used by
s to parse and serialize object values. - CoercingParseLiteralException - Exception in graphql.schema
- CoercingParseLiteralException() - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException
- CoercingParseLiteralException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException
- CoercingParseLiteralException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException
- CoercingParseLiteralException(String, Throwable, SourceLocation) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException
- CoercingParseLiteralException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException
- CoercingParseLiteralException.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- CoercingParseValueException - Exception in graphql.schema
- CoercingParseValueException() - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException
- CoercingParseValueException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException
- CoercingParseValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException
- CoercingParseValueException(String, Throwable, SourceLocation) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException
- CoercingParseValueException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException
- CoercingParseValueException.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- CoercingSerializeException - Exception in graphql.schema
- CoercingSerializeException() - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException
- CoercingSerializeException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException
- CoercingSerializeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException
- CoercingSerializeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException
- CoercingSerializeException.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- CoercingUtil - Class in graphql.scalar
- CoercingUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.scalar.CoercingUtil
- collectFields(FieldCollectorParameters, MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollector
- collectFields(FieldCollectorParameters, MergedField, boolean) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollector
- collectFields(FieldCollectorParameters, SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollector
Given a selection set this will collect the sub-field selections and return it as a map
- collectFields(FieldCollectorParameters, SelectionSet, boolean) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollector
- CombinedWiringFactory - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This combines a number of
s together to act as one. - CombinedWiringFactory(List<WiringFactory>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- COMMA - graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
- Comment - Class in graphql.language
A single-line comment.
- Comment(String, SourceLocation) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Comment
- CommentParser - Class in graphql.parser
- CommentParser(NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext) - Constructor for class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeBuilder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- comments(List<Comment>) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference.Builder
- comparatorRegistry - Variable in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeBuilder
- comparatorRegistry(GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeBuilder
- comparatorRegistry(GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
You can specify your own sort order of graphql types via
which will tell you what type of objects you are to sort when it asks for a comparator. - CompilerResult(Document, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler.CompilerResult
- compileToDocument(GraphQLSchema, OperationDefinition.Operation, String, List<ExecutableNormalizedField>, Map<ExecutableNormalizedField, QueryDirectives>, VariablePredicate) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler
This will compile an operation text
with possibly variables from the givenExecutableNormalizedField
s - compileToDocument(GraphQLSchema, OperationDefinition.Operation, String, List<ExecutableNormalizedField>, VariablePredicate) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler
This will compile an operation text
with possibly variables from the givenExecutableNormalizedField
s - compileToDocumentWithDeferSupport(GraphQLSchema, OperationDefinition.Operation, String, List<ExecutableNormalizedField>, Map<ExecutableNormalizedField, QueryDirectives>, VariablePredicate) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler
This will compile an operation text
with possibly variables from the givenExecutableNormalizedField
s, with support for the experimental @defer directive. - compileToDocumentWithDeferSupport(GraphQLSchema, OperationDefinition.Operation, String, List<ExecutableNormalizedField>, VariablePredicate) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler
This will compile an operation text
with possibly variables from the givenExecutableNormalizedField
s, with support for the experimental @defer directive. - completeField(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, FetchedValue) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to complete a field based on the type of the field.
- completeInstrumentationCtxCF(InstrumentationContext<T>, CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
- completeValue(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to complete a value for a field based on the type of the field.
- completeValueForEnum(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, GraphQLEnumType, Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to turn an object into a enum value according to the
by asking that enum type to coerce the object into a valid value - completeValueForList(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Iterable<Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to complete a list of value for a field based on a list type.
- completeValueForList(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to complete a list of value for a field based on a list type.
- completeValueForNull(ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- completeValueForObject(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, GraphQLObjectType, Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to turn a java object value into an graphql object value
- completeValueForScalar(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, GraphQLScalarType, Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to turn an object into a scalar value according to the
by asking that scalar type to coerce the object into a valid value - completeValueType(FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.Builder
- CompletionStageMappingPublisher<D,U> - Class in graphql.execution.reactive
A reactive Publisher that bridges over another Publisher of `D` and maps the results to type `U` via a CompletionStage, handling errors in that stage
- CompletionStageMappingPublisher(Publisher<U>, Function<U, CompletionStage<D>>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher
You need the following :
- CompletionStageMappingPublisher.CompletionStageSubscriber - Class in graphql.execution.reactive
- CompletionStageSubscriber(Subscriber<? super D>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher.CompletionStageSubscriber
- complexity(int) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo.Builder
The query complexity.
- components(Object...) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- compute(Object, BiFunction<Object, ? super T, ? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or null if there is no current mapping).
- compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- ComputedOnce() - Constructor for class graphql.util.LockKit.ComputedOnce
- computeIfAbsent(Object, Function<Object, ? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
If the specified key is not already associated with a value (or is mapped to null), attempts to compute its value using the given mapping function and enters it into this map unless null.
- computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- computeIfPresent(Object, BiFunction<Object, ? super T, ? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
If the value for the specified key is present and non-null, attempts to compute a new mapping given the key and its current mapped value.
- computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- computeInitialFeasibleSolution() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Compute an initial feasible solution by assigning zero labels to the workers and by assigning to each job a label equal to the minimum cost among its incident edges.
- concat(List<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
Concatenates two lists into one
- concat(List<T>, T) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
Concatenates (appends) a single elements to an existing list
- concatLists(List<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
- ConditionalNodeDecision - Interface in graphql.execution.conditional
This callback interface allows custom implementations to decide if a field is included in a query or not.
- ConditionalNodeDecisionEnvironment - Interface in graphql.execution.conditional
The parameters given to a
- ConditionalNodes - Class in graphql.execution.conditional
- ConditionalNodes() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodes
- Connection<T> - Interface in graphql.relay
- ConnectionCursor - Interface in graphql.relay
Represents a
cursor in Relay which is an opaque string that the server understands. - connectionType(String, GraphQLObjectType, List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- contains(Vertex, boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- contains(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
This will return true if the field selection set matches a specified "glob" pattern matching ie the glob pattern matching supported by
. - contains(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- containsAllOf(String, String...) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
This will return true if the field selection set matches all of the specified "glob" pattern matches ie the glob pattern matching supported by
. - containsAllOf(String, String...) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- containsAnyOf(String, String...) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
This will return true if the field selection set matches any of the specified "glob" pattern matches ie the glob pattern matching supported by
. - containsAnyOf(String, String...) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- containsArgument(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
Returns true of the named argument is present
- containsArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- containsArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- containsDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
Returns true if the named directive is present
- containsDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- containsKey(Object) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- containsKey(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.CoercedVariables
- containsKey(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.RawVariables
- containsSource(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- containsTarget(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- containsType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Returns true if the schema contains a type with the specified name
- containsValidationError(SchemaValidationErrorType) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorCollector
- containsValidationError(ValidationErrorType) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationErrorCollector
- containsValidationError(ValidationErrorType, String) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationErrorCollector
- containsValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- containType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- content - Variable in class graphql.language.Comment
- content - Variable in class graphql.language.Description
- context(GraphQLContext.Builder) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
Deprecated.- the
is a fixed mutable instance now - context(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- context(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- context(Object) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
Deprecated.- the
is a fixed mutable instance now - context(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- context(UnaryOperator<GraphQLContext.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
Deprecated.- the
is a fixed mutable instance now - contexts - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- CONTINUE - graphql.util.TraversalControl
When returned the traversal will continue as planned.
- coordinates(GraphQLFieldsContainer, GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Static method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
Creates new field coordinates
- coordinates(GraphQLFieldsContainer, String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
Creates new field coordinates
- coordinates(String, String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
Creates new field coordinates
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- copy() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElement
Each GraphQLSchemaElement should make a copy of itself when this is called.
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
- copy() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- copyExistingDirectives(GraphQLDirectiveContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- copyMappingWithLastElementRemoved() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- copyOf(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- costMatrix - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
- CR - graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
- createArgument(GraphqlParser.ArgumentContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createArguments(GraphqlParser.ArgumentsContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createCalls() - Method in interface graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport
- createCalls() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.DeferredExecutionSupportImpl
- createCalls() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.NoOp
- createDeferredExecution(Map<String, Object>, List<Directive>, Function<String, T>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.incremental.IncrementalUtils
- createDefinition(GraphqlParser.DefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createDirective(GraphqlParser.DirectiveContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createDirectiveDefinition(GraphqlParser.DirectiveDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createDirectiveLocation(GraphqlParser.DirectiveLocationContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createDirectives(GraphqlParser.DirectivesContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createdMockedSchema(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator
Created a schema from the SDL that is has a mocked runtime.
- createDocument(GraphqlParser.DocumentContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createEnumTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.EnumTypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createEnumTypeExtensionDefinition(GraphqlParser.EnumTypeExtensionDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createEnumValueDefinition(GraphqlParser.EnumValueDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createExecutableNormalizedOperation(GraphQLSchema, Document, String, CoercedVariables) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory
This will create a runtime representation of the graphql operation that would be executed in a runtime sense.
- createExecutableNormalizedOperation(GraphQLSchema, Document, String, CoercedVariables, ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory
This will create a runtime representation of the graphql operation that would be executed in a runtime sense.
- createExecutableNormalizedOperation(GraphQLSchema, OperationDefinition, Map<String, FragmentDefinition>, CoercedVariables) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory
This will create a runtime representation of the graphql operation that would be executed in a runtime sense.
- createExecutableNormalizedOperationWithRawVariables(GraphQLSchema, Document, String, RawVariables) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory
This will create a runtime representation of the graphql operation that would be executed in a runtime sense.
- createExecutableNormalizedOperationWithRawVariables(GraphQLSchema, Document, String, RawVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory
This will create a runtime representation of the graphql operation that would be executed in a runtime sense.
- createExecutableNormalizedOperationWithRawVariables(GraphQLSchema, Document, String, RawVariables, ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory
This will create a runtime representation of the graphql operation that would be executed in a runtime sense.
- createExecutionStepInfo(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, GraphQLFieldDefinition, GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Builds the type info hierarchy for the current field
- createField(GraphqlParser.FieldContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createFieldDefinition(GraphqlParser.FieldDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createFieldDefinitions(GraphqlParser.ExtensionFieldsDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createFieldDefinitions(GraphqlParser.FieldsDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createFragmentDefinition(GraphqlParser.FragmentDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createFragmentSpread(GraphqlParser.FragmentSpreadContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createGetter(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.fetching.LambdaFetchingSupport
This support class will use
to create a dynamic function that allows access to a public getter method on the nominated class. - createGraph(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraphFactory
- createInlineFragment(GraphqlParser.InlineFragmentContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createInputObjectTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.InputObjectTypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createInputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(GraphqlParser.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createInputValueDefinition(GraphqlParser.InputValueDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createInputValueDefinitions(List<GraphqlParser.InputValueDefinitionContext>) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createInterfaceTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.InterfaceTypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createInterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition(GraphqlParser.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createListType(GraphqlParser.ListTypeContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createNonNullType(GraphqlParser.NonNullTypeContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createObjectTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.ObjectTypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(GraphqlParser.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createOperationDefinition(GraphqlParser.OperationDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createOperationTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.OperationTypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createPreview(MultiSourceReader, int) - Static method in class graphql.parser.AntlrHelper
- createRules(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Method in class graphql.validation.Validator
- createScalarTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.ScalarTypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createScalarTypeExtensionDefinition(GraphqlParser.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createSchemaDefinition(ExecutionResult) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionResultToSchema
Returns a IDL Document that represents the schema as defined by the introspection execution result
- createSchemaDefinition(GraphqlParser.SchemaDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createSchemaDefinition(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionResultToSchema
Returns a IDL Document that represents the schema as defined by the introspection result map
- createSelectionSet(GraphqlParser.SelectionSetContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createSourceLocation(MultiSourceReader, int, int) - Static method in class graphql.parser.AntlrHelper
- createSourceLocation(MultiSourceReader, Token) - Static method in class graphql.parser.AntlrHelper
- createSourceLocation(MultiSourceReader, TerminalNode) - Static method in class graphql.parser.AntlrHelper
- createState() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- createState() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- createState() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- createState(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
- createState(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- createState(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- createState(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- createState(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation
- createStateAsync(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- createStateAsync(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This will be called just before execution to create an object, in an asynchronous manner, that is given back to all instrumentation methods to allow them to have per execution request state
- createStateAsync(InstrumentationCreateStateParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- createType(GraphqlParser.TypeContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.TypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createTypeExtension(GraphqlParser.TypeExtensionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createTypeName(GraphqlParser.TypeNameContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createTypeSystemDefinition(GraphqlParser.TypeSystemDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createTypeSystemExtension(GraphqlParser.TypeSystemExtensionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createUnionTypeDefinition(GraphqlParser.UnionTypeDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createUnionTypeExtensionDefinition(GraphqlParser.UnionTypeExtensionDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createValue(GraphqlParser.ValueContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createValue(GraphqlParser.ValueWithVariableContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createVariableDefinition(GraphqlParser.VariableDefinitionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- createVariableDefinitions(GraphqlParser.VariableDefinitionsContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- cursorForObjectInConnection(T) - Method in class graphql.relay.SimpleListConnection
find the object's cursor, or null if the object is not in this connection.
- DANGEROUS - graphql.schema.diff.DiffLevel
The new API has made a dangerous (but non breaking) change
- data(Object) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
Sets new data into the builder
- data(Object) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- data(Object) - Method in class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload.Builder
- data(T) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- dataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
instead - dataFetcher(FieldCoordinates, DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Sets the data fetcher for a specific field inside a container type
- dataFetcher(FieldCoordinates, DataFetcherFactory<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Sets the data fetcher factory for a specific field inside a container type
- dataFetcher(GraphQLFieldsContainer, GraphQLFieldDefinition, DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Deprecated.This is confusing because
s cant have data fetchers. At runtime only aGraphQLObjectType
can be used to fetch a field. This method allows the mapping to be made, but it is never useful if an interface is passed in. - dataFetcher(GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLFieldDefinition, DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Sets the data fetcher for a specific field inside an object type
- dataFetcher(String, DataFetcher) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
Adds a data fetcher for the current type to the specified field
- DataFetcher<T> - Interface in graphql.schema
A data fetcher is responsible for returning a data value back for a given graphql field.
- dataFetcherExceptionHandler - Variable in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- DataFetcherExceptionHandler - Interface in graphql.execution
This is called when an exception is thrown during
execution - DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters - Class in graphql.execution
The parameters available to
s - DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult - Class in graphql.execution
The result object for
s - DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- DataFetcherFactories - Class in graphql.schema
A helper for
- DataFetcherFactories() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactories
- dataFetcherFactory(DataFetcherFactory<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
instead - DataFetcherFactory<T> - Interface in graphql.schema
A DataFetcherFactory allows a level of indirection in providing
s for graphql fields. - DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment - Class in graphql.schema
This is passed to a
when it is invoked to get aDataFetcher
- DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- dataFetcherIfAbsent(FieldCoordinates, DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Sets the data fetcher factory for a specific field inside a container type ONLY if not mapping has already been made
- DataFetcherResult<T> - Class in graphql.execution
An object that can be returned from a
that contains both data, local context and errors to be added to the final result. - DataFetcherResult(T, List<GraphQLError>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
Deprecated.use the
builder instead - DataFetcherResult.Builder<T> - Class in graphql.execution
- dataFetchers(GraphQLCodeRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- dataFetchers(String, Map<String, DataFetcher<?>>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
This allows you you to build all the data fetchers for the fields of a container type.
- dataFetchers(Map<String, DataFetcher>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
Adds data fetchers for the current type to the specified field
- dataFetchingEnvironment(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters.Builder
- DataFetchingEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema
A DataFetchingEnvironment instance of passed to a
as a execution context and its the place where you can find out information to help you resolve a data value given a graphql field input - DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.schema
- DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- DataFetchingException - graphql.ErrorType
- DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet - Interface in graphql.schema
This class allows you to retrieve the selection set of fields that have been asked for when the
was invoked. - DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl - Class in graphql.schema
- DataLoaderDispatchStrategy - Interface in graphql.execution
- dataLoaderRegistry(DataLoaderRegistry) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- dataLoaderRegistry(DataLoaderRegistry) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
You should create new
s and newDataLoader
s for each execution. - dataLoaderRegistry(DataLoaderRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- decorate(GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
This will decorate a graphql type with the original hierarchy of non null and list'ness it originally contained in its definition type
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- deepCopy() - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- deepCopy() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- deepCopy(List<? extends Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- deepCopy(V) - Method in class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface graphql.execution.ValueUnboxer
The default value unboxer handles JDK classes such as
etc.. - DEFAULT - Static variable in interface graphql.extensions.ExtensionsMerger
A default implementation will do the following It will deep merge the maps It concatenate lists when they occur under the same key It will add any keys from the right hand side map that are not present in the left If a key is in both the left and right side, it will prefer the right hand side It will try to maintain key order if the maps are ordered
- DEFAULT_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
- DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ID_PROVIDER - Static variable in interface graphql.execution.ExecutionIdProvider
- DEFAULT_FIELD_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class graphql.schema.visibility.DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility
- defaultComparators() - Static method in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
- DefaultConnection<T> - Class in graphql.relay
A default implementation of
- DefaultConnection(List<Edge<T>>, PageInfo) - Constructor for class graphql.relay.DefaultConnection
A connection consists of a list of edges and page info
- DefaultConnectionCursor - Class in graphql.relay
- DefaultConnectionCursor(String) - Constructor for class graphql.relay.DefaultConnectionCursor
- defaultDataFetcher(DataFetcher) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
All fields in a type need a data fetcher of some sort and this method is called to provide the default data fetcher that will be used for this type if no specific one has been provided per field.
- defaultDataFetcher(DataFetcherFactory<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
This is the default data fetcher factory that will be used for fields that do not have specific data fetchers attached.
- defaultDataFetcherExceptionHandler(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
This allows you to set a default
that will be used to handle exceptions that happen inDataFetcher
invocations. - DefaultEdge<T> - Class in graphql.relay
- DefaultEdge(T, ConnectionCursor) - Constructor for class graphql.relay.DefaultEdge
- DefaultExtensionsMerger - Class in graphql.extensions
- DefaultExtensionsMerger() - Constructor for class graphql.extensions.DefaultExtensionsMerger
- DefaultForNonNullArgument - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility - Class in graphql.schema.visibility
The default field visibility of graphql-java is that everything is visible
- DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.visibility.DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility
- DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry - Class in graphql.schema
Associates a
with aGraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
to control the scope in which theComparator
can be applied. - DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiff.Options
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator.Options
- defaultOptions() - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- DefaultPageInfo - Class in graphql.relay
- DefaultPageInfo(ConnectionCursor, ConnectionCursor, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- DefaultTraverserContext<T> - Class in graphql.util
- DefaultTraverserContext(T, TraverserContext<T>, Set<T>, Map<Class<?>, Object>, Object, NodeLocation, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- defaultValue(Value) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- defaultValue(Value) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- defaultValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- defaultValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- defaultValueLiteral(Value) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- defaultValueLiteral(Value) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- defaultValueProgrammatic(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- defaultValueProgrammatic(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- DefaultValuesAreValid - Class in graphql.schema.validation
- DefaultValuesAreValid() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.DefaultValuesAreValid
- DefaultValueUnboxer - Class in graphql.execution
Public API because it should be used as a delegate when implementing a custom
- DefaultValueUnboxer() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.DefaultValueUnboxer
- DeferDirective - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
The @defer directive can be used to defer sending data for a fragment until later in the query.
- DeferPayload - Class in graphql.incremental
Represents a defer payload
- DeferPayload.Builder - Class in graphql.incremental
- deferredCallContext(DeferredCallContext) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- DeferredCallContext - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
Contains data relevant to the execution of a
. - DeferredCallContext() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredCallContext
- DeferredExecution - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
Represents details about the defer execution that can be associated with a
. - DeferredExecution(String) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecution
- deferredExecutions(LinkedHashSet<NormalizedDeferredExecution>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- DeferredExecutionSupport - Interface in graphql.execution.incremental
The purpose of this class hierarchy is to encapsulate most of the logic for deferring field execution, thus keeping the main execution strategy code clean and focused on the main execution logic.
- DeferredExecutionSupport.DeferredExecutionSupportImpl - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
An implementation that actually executes the deferred fields.
- DeferredExecutionSupport.NoOp - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
A no-op implementation that should be used when incremental support is not enabled for the current execution.
- DeferredExecutionSupportImpl(MergedSelectionSet, ExecutionStrategyParameters, ExecutionContext, BiFunction<ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, CompletableFuture<FieldValueInfo>>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.DeferredExecutionSupportImpl
- deferredField(ExecutionContext, MergedField) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- deferredField(ExecutionContext, MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- deferredFieldsCount() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.DeferredExecutionSupportImpl
- deferredFieldsCount() - Method in interface graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport
- deferredFieldsCount() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.NoOp
- DeferredFragmentCall - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
Represents a deferred call (aka @defer) to get an execution result sometime after the initial query has returned.
- DeferredFragmentCall(String, ResultPath, List<Supplier<CompletableFuture<DeferredFragmentCall.FieldWithExecutionResult>>>, DeferredCallContext) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredFragmentCall
- DeferredFragmentCall.FieldWithExecutionResult - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
- deferSupport(boolean) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
Controls whether defer execution is supported when creating instances of
. - definition(Argument) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- definition(Argument) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- definition(Definition) - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- definition(Directive) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
- definition(Directive) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
- definition(DirectiveDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- definition(EnumTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- definition(EnumValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- definition(FieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- definition(FieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- definition(FieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- definition(InputObjectTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- definition(InputValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- definition(InputValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- definition(InterfaceTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- definition(ObjectTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- definition(ScalarTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- definition(SchemaDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- definition(UnionTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- Definition<T extends Definition> - Interface in graphql.language
- definitions(List<Definition>) - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- definitions(List<FieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- definitions(List<FieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- DelayedIncrementalPartialResult - Interface in graphql.incremental
Represents a result that is delivered asynchronously, after the initial
. - DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl - Class in graphql.incremental
- DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl.Builder - Class in graphql.incremental
- delegateEnvironment - Variable in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment - Class in graphql.schema
DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment implements
by delegating to an underlying instance. - DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
Called to wrap an existing
. - DelegatingSubscription - Class in graphql.execution.reactive
A simple subscription that delegates to another
- DelegatingSubscription(Subscription) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.reactive.DelegatingSubscription
- delete(Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Deletes a key in the context
- DELETE - graphql.util.NodeZipper.ModificationType
- DELETE_EDGE - graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
- DELETE_VERTEX - graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
- deleteEdge(String, Edge) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- deleteNode() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
Called to delete the current node
- deleteNode() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- deleteNode() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- deleteNode() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Deletes the current node.
- deleteNode(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
This helper method can be used to "delete" the current node when returning control from this visitor
- deleteNode(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- deleteNode(TraverserContext<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeTransformerUtil
- deleteVertex(String, Vertex, Vertex) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- deprecate(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- deprecate(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- deprecate(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
- DeprecatedDirective - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
The "deprecated" directive is special and is always available in a graphql schema
- DEPRECATION_ADDED - graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
The new API has newly deprecated something
- DEPRECATION_REMOVED - graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
The new API has removed something previously deprecated in the old API
- deprecationReason(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- depth(int) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryDepthInfo.Builder
The query depth.
- depthFirst(NodeVisitor, Node) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
depthFirst traversal with a enter/leave phase.
- depthFirst(NodeVisitor, Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
depthFirst traversal with a enter/leave phase.
- depthFirst(GraphQLTypeVisitor, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTraverser
- depthFirst(GraphQLTypeVisitor, Collection<? extends GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTraverser
- depthFirst(Traverser<GraphQLSchemaElement>, SchemaTraverser.TraverserDelegateVisitor, Collection<? extends GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTraverser
- depthFirst(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- depthFirst(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- depthFirst(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>, Object, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- depthFirstFullSchema(GraphQLTypeVisitor, GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTraverser
This will visit all of the schema elements in the specified schema and invokes the visitor.
- depthFirstFullSchema(List<GraphQLTypeVisitor>, GraphQLSchema, Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTraverser
This will visit all of the schema elements in the specified schema, invoking each visitor in turn.
- depthFirstWithNamedChildren(Function<? super T, Map<String, ? extends List<T>>>, Object, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- DescribedNode<T extends Node> - Interface in graphql.language
Represents a node that can contain a description.
- description - Variable in class graphql.language.AbstractDescribedNode
- description - Variable in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeBuilder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- description(Description) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.BuilderWithoutTypes
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeBuilder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- description(String) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- Description - Class in graphql.language
- Description(String, SourceLocation, boolean) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Description
- descriptions(boolean) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
This will allow you to include description fields in the introspection query
- descriptionsAsHashComments(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
Descriptions are defined as preceding string literals, however an older legacy versions of SDL supported preceding '#' comments as descriptions.
- diffAndAnalyze(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaDiffing
- DiffCategory - Enum in graphql.schema.diff
A classification of difference events.
- DifferenceReporter - Interface in graphql.schema.diff.reporting
This is called with each different encountered (including info ones) by a
operation - DIFFERENT - graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
The new API has changed something compared to the old API
- DiffEvent - Class in graphql.schema.diff
This represents the events that the
outputs. - DiffEvent.Builder - Class in graphql.schema.diff
- diffGraphQLSchema(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaDiffing
- diffGraphQLSchemaAllEdits(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLSchema, AtomicInteger) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaDiffing
- DiffImpl - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
This is an algorithm calculating the optimal edit to change the source graph into the target graph.
- DiffImpl(PossibleMappingsCalculator, SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph, PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings, SchemaDiffingRunningCheck) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.DiffImpl
- DiffImpl.OptimalEdit - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
An optimal edit from one graph to another.
- DiffLevel - Enum in graphql.schema.diff
This is the level of difference between graphql APIs
- diffNamedList(Set<String>, Set<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Util
- diffSchema(DiffSet, DifferenceReporter) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiff
- diffSchema(SchemaDiffSet, DifferenceReporter) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiff
This will perform a difference on the two schemas.
- diffSet(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffSet
Deprecated.Creates a diff set out of the result of 2 schemas.
- diffSet(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffSet
Deprecated.Creates a diff set out of the result of 2 introspection queries.
- DiffSet - Class in graphql.schema.diff
- DiffSet(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.DiffSet
- diffSetFromIntrospection(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiffSet
Creates an schema diff set out of the result of 2 introspection queries.
- diffSetFromIntrospection(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiffSet
Creates an schema diff set out of the result of 2 introspection queries.
- diffSetFromSdl(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiffSet
Creates an schema diff set out of the two SDL definition Strings.
- diffSetFromSdl(String, String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiffSet
Creates an schema diff set out of the two SDL definition Strings.
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeDirectivesBuilder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directive(Directive) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- directive(String, SchemaDirectiveWiring) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This provides the wiring code for a named directive.
- Directive - Class in graphql.language
- Directive(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Directive
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- Directive(String, List<Argument>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Directive
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- Directive(String, List<Argument>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Directive
- DIRECTIVE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- Directive.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- DirectiveAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveAddition
- DirectiveArgumentAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentAddition
- DirectiveArgumentDefaultValueModification(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDefaultValueModification
- DirectiveArgumentDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDeletion
- DirectiveArgumentRename(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentRename
- DirectiveArgumentTypeModification(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentTypeModification
- DirectiveDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- DirectiveDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- DirectiveDefinition(String, boolean, Description, List<InputValueDefinition>, List<DirectiveLocation>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- DirectiveDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- DirectiveDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveDeletion
- DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError(Node, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- DirectiveIllegalLocationError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- DirectiveIllegalLocationError(DirectiveDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalLocationError
- DirectiveIllegalLocationError(Node, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalLocationError
- DirectiveIllegalReferenceError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- DirectiveIllegalReferenceError(DirectiveDefinition, NamedNode) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalReferenceError
- DirectiveInfo - Class in graphql.schema.idl
Info on all the directives provided by graphql specification
- DirectiveInfo() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.DirectiveInfo
- directiveIsRepeatable(boolean) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
This will allow you to include the `isRepeatable` field for directives in the introspection query.
- directiveLocation(DirectiveLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- DirectiveLocation - Class in graphql.language
- DirectiveLocation(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- DirectiveLocation(String, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- DirectiveLocation.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- directiveLocations(List<DirectiveLocation>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- DirectiveMissingNonNullArgumentError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- DirectiveMissingNonNullArgumentError(Node, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveMissingNonNullArgumentError
- DirectiveModification(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification
- DirectiveModification(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification
- DirectiveRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- DirectiveRedefinitionError(DirectiveDefinition, DirectiveDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveRedefinitionError
- directives - Variable in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeDirectivesBuilder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- directives(List<Directive>) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- Directives - Class in graphql
The directives that are understood by graphql-java
- Directives() - Constructor for class graphql.Directives
- DirectivesContainer<T extends DirectivesContainer> - Interface in graphql.language
Represents a language node that can contain Directives.
- DirectivesHolder(Collection<GraphQLDirective>, Collection<GraphQLAppliedDirective>) - Constructor for class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- DirectivesResolver - Class in graphql.execution.directives
This turns AST directives into runtime directives with resolved types and so on
- DirectivesResolver() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.directives.DirectivesResolver
- directivesString(Class<? extends GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLDirectiveContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
- DirectivesUtil - Class in graphql
- DirectivesUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder - Class in graphql
A holder class that breaks a list of directives into maps to be more easily accessible in using classes
- DirectiveUndeclaredError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- DirectiveUndeclaredError(Node, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveUndeclaredError
- DirectiveUnknownArgumentError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- DirectiveUnknownArgumentError(Node, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveUnknownArgumentError
- directiveWiring(SchemaDirectiveWiring) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This adds a directive wiring that will be called for all directives.
- directiveWithArg(List<GraphQLDirective>, String, String) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- document(Document) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder
- document(Document) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
document to be used to traverse the whole query.
- document(Document) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- document(Document) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables.Builder
- document(Document) - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult.Builder
- document(Document) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- document(Reader) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment.Builder
- document(String) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment.Builder
- Document - Class in graphql.language
- Document(List<Definition>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Document
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- Document(List<Definition>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Document
- Document.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- DocumentAndVariables - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation
- DocumentAndVariables.Builder - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation
- documentFinished(Document) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- documentFinished(Document) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.LoneAnonymousOperation
- documentFinished(Document) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedFragments
- DocumentVisitor - Interface in graphql.validation
- doesVariableTypesMatch(GraphQLType, Value<?>, GraphQLType, Value<?>) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.VariablesTypesMatcher
This method and variable naming was inspired from the reference graphql-js implementation
- doNotAutomaticallyDispatchDataLoader() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
Deactivates the automatic dispatching of DataLoaders.
- dropSegment() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
Drops the last segment off the path
- dummy() - Static method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- DuplicateArgumentNames - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- DUPLICATED_KEYS_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- DuplicateDirectiveName - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- DuplicateFragmentName - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- DuplicateOperationName - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- DuplicateVariableName - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- each(Collection<T>, Function<T, CompletableFuture<U>>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.Async
- eachSequentially(Iterable<T>, BiFunction<T, List<U>, CompletableFuture<U>>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.Async
- EchoingWiringFactory - Class in graphql.schema.idl
A wiring factory that will echo back the objects defined.
- EchoingWiringFactory() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- Edge - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- Edge<T> - Interface in graphql.relay
Represents an edge in Relay which is essentially a node of data T and the cursor for that node.
- Edge(Vertex, Vertex) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- Edge(Vertex, Vertex, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- edgeType(String, GraphQLOutputType, GraphQLInterfaceType, List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- EditOperation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
An edit operation between two graphs can be one of six types: insert vertex, delete vertex, change vertex, insert edge, delete edge, change edge
- EditOperation.Operation - Enum in graphql.schema.diffing
- EditOperationAnalysisResult - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- EditOperationAnalysisResult(Map<String, SchemaDifference.ObjectDifference>, Map<String, SchemaDifference.InterfaceDifference>, Map<String, SchemaDifference.UnionDifference>, Map<String, SchemaDifference.EnumDifference>, Map<String, SchemaDifference.InputObjectDifference>, Map<String, SchemaDifference.ScalarDifference>, Map<String, SchemaDifference.DirectiveDifference>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- EditOperationAnalyzer - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
Higher level GraphQL semantic assigned to
- EditOperationAnalyzer(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLSchema, SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalyzer
- editorialCostForMapping(int, Mapping, SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditorialCostForMapping
Calculates the "editorial cost for mapping" for the non-fixed targets in a
. - EditorialCostForMapping - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- EditorialCostForMapping() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.EditorialCostForMapping
- effectiveType(GraphQLType, Value<?>) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.VariablesTypesMatcher
- elementType(Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder
- EMPTY - Static variable in class graphql.language.IgnoredChars
- EMPTY - Static variable in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- EMPTY_DATALOADER_REGISTRY - Static variable in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.EmptyDataLoaderRegistryInstance
- EmptyDataLoaderRegistryInstance - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader
- EmptyDataLoaderRegistryInstance() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.EmptyDataLoaderRegistryInstance
- emptyList() - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
- emptyMap() - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
- emptyMap() - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- emptyVariables() - Static method in class graphql.execution.CoercedVariables
- emptyVariables() - Static method in class graphql.execution.RawVariables
- ENABLE_INCREMENTAL_SUPPORT - Static variable in annotation type graphql.ExperimentalApi
The key that should be associated with a boolean value which indicates whether @defer and @stream behaviour is enabled for this execution.
- EndList() - Constructor for class graphql.util.TraverserState.EndList
- ENFMerger - Class in graphql.normalized
- ENFMerger() - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.ENFMerger
- enforceDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiff.Options
- enqueue(IncrementalCall<? extends IncrementalPayload>) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.IncrementalCallState
- enqueue(Collection<IncrementalCall<? extends IncrementalPayload>>) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.IncrementalCallState
- enter(Node, List<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.validation.DocumentVisitor
- enter(Node, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.RulesVisitor
- enter(Node, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- enter(TraverserContext<T>) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserVisitor
- enter(TraverserContext<T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserVisitorStub
- ENTER - graphql.util.TraverserContext.Phase
- entrySet() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- Enum - graphql.language.TypeKind
- ENUM - graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType
- ENUM - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- ENUM - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- ENUM - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- ENUM_VALUE - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- ENUM_VALUE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- EnumAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumAddition
- EnumDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumDeletion
- EnumLackOfValueError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- EnumModification(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumModification
- EnumModification(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumModification
- EnumTypeDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- EnumTypeDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- EnumTypeDefinition(String, List<EnumValueDefinition>, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- EnumTypeDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- EnumTypeExtensionDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- EnumTypeExtensionDefinition(String, List<EnumValueDefinition>, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition
- EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- enumTypeExtensions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- EnumValue - Class in graphql.language
- EnumValue(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumValue
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- EnumValue(String, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumValue
- EnumValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- EnumValueAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumValueAddition
- enumValueDefinition(EnumValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- EnumValueDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- EnumValueDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- EnumValueDefinition(String, List<Directive>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- EnumValueDefinition(String, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- EnumValueDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- enumValueDefinitions(List<EnumValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- enumValueDefinitions(List<EnumValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- EnumValueDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumValueDeletion
- EnumValueRenamed(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumValueRenamed
- enumValues(EnumValuesProvider) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
- EnumValuesProvider - Interface in graphql.schema.idl
Provides the Java runtime value for each graphql Enum value.
- equals(GraphQLError, Object) - Static method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorHelper
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionId
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChar
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnection
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnectionCursor
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultEdge
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidCursorException
- equals(Object) - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidPageSizeException
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex.VertexData
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElement
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationError
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.util.Breadcrumb
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeLocation
- equals(Object) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- error(GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.Builder
- error(GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- errorClassification - Variable in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- errorClassification(ErrorClassification) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- errorClassification(String) - Static method in interface graphql.ErrorClassification
This produces a simple ErrorClassification that represents the provided String.
- ErrorClassification - Interface in graphql
Errors in graphql-java can have a classification to help with the processing of errors.
- errors - Variable in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- errors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.Builder
- errors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- errors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue.Builder
- errors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
Sets error list as the errors for this builder
- errors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- errors(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- errorsToSpec(List<GraphQLError>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload
- errorType(ErrorClassification) - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
Sets the
of the message - errorType(ErrorClassification) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- ErrorType - Enum in graphql
All the errors in graphql belong to one of these categories
- escapeJsonString(String) - Static method in class graphql.util.EscapeUtil
Encodes the value as a JSON string according to https://json.org/ rules
- EscapeUtil - Class in graphql.util
- exception(Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters.Builder
- exceptionallyCompletedFuture(Throwable) - Static method in class graphql.execution.Async
- ExceptionWhileDataFetching - Class in graphql
This graphql error will be used if a runtime exception is encountered while a data fetcher is invoked
- ExceptionWhileDataFetching(ResultPath, Throwable, SourceLocation) - Constructor for class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- ExcludeGraphQLSpecifiedDirectivesPredicate - Static variable in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
This predicate excludes all directives which are specified by the GraphQL Specification.
- ExecutableDefinitions - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- ExecutableDefinitions(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.ExecutableDefinitions
- ExecutableNormalizedField - Class in graphql.normalized
represents a field in an executable graphql operation. - ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder - Class in graphql.normalized
- ExecutableNormalizedOperation - Class in graphql.normalized
represent how the text of a graphql operation (sometimes known colloquially as a query) will be executed at runtime according to the graphql specification. - ExecutableNormalizedOperation(OperationDefinition.Operation, String, List<ExecutableNormalizedField>, ImmutableListMultimap<Field, ExecutableNormalizedField>, Map<ExecutableNormalizedField, MergedField>, Map<ExecutableNormalizedField, QueryDirectives>, ImmutableListMultimap<FieldCoordinates, ExecutableNormalizedField>) - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
- ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory - Class in graphql.normalized
This factory can create a
which represents what would be executed during a given graphql operation. - ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options - Class in graphql.normalized
- ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler - Class in graphql.normalized
This class can take a list of
s and compiling out a normalised operationDocument
that would represent how those fields may be executed. - ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler() - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler
- ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler.CompilerResult - Class in graphql.normalized
The result is a
and a map of variables that would go with that document. - execute() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Execute the algorithm.
- execute(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.AsyncExecutionStrategy
- execute(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.AsyncSerialExecutionStrategy
- execute(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
This is the entry point to an execution strategy.
- execute(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.SubscriptionExecutionStrategy
- execute(ExecutionInput) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
Executes the graphql query using the provided input object
- execute(ExecutionInput.Builder) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
Executes the graphql query using the provided input object builder
- execute(Document, GraphQLSchema, ExecutionId, ExecutionInput, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.Execution
- execute(String) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
Executes the specified graphql query/mutation/subscription
- execute(UnaryOperator<ExecutionInput.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
Executes the graphql query using calling the builder function and giving it a new builder.
- executeAsync(ExecutionInput) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
Executes the graphql query using the provided input object
- executeAsync(ExecutionInput.Builder) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
Executes the graphql query using the provided input object builder
- executeAsync(UnaryOperator<ExecutionInput.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
Executes the graphql query using the provided input object builder
- executeObject(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executeObject(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
This is the re-entry point for an execution strategy when an object type needs to be resolved.
- executeObject(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContext - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation
- ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContextAdapter - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters
A class to help adapt old
based ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext from the newerMap
based ones. - ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContextAdapter(ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContextAdapter
- executeObjectOnFieldValuesException(Throwable, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executeObjectOnFieldValuesException(Throwable, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executeObjectOnFieldValuesInfo(List<FieldValueInfo>, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executeObjectOnFieldValuesInfo(List<FieldValueInfo>, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executePhase() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Execute a single phase of the algorithm.
- Execution - Class in graphql.execution
- Execution - graphql.i18n.I18n.BundleType
- Execution(ExecutionStrategy, ExecutionStrategy, ExecutionStrategy, Instrumentation, ValueUnboxer, boolean) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.Execution
- ExecutionAborted - graphql.ErrorType
- ExecutionContext - Class in graphql.execution
- ExecutionContextBuilder - Class in graphql.execution
- ExecutionContextBuilder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- executionId(ExecutionId) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- executionId(ExecutionId) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
A default one will be assigned, but you can set your own.
- executionId(ExecutionId) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- ExecutionId - Class in graphql.execution
This opaque identifier is used to identify a unique query execution
- executionIdProvider(ExecutionIdProvider) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- ExecutionIdProvider - Interface in graphql.execution
A provider of
s - executionInput(ExecutionInput) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- ExecutionInput - Class in graphql
This represents the series of values that can be input on a graphql query execution
- ExecutionInput.Builder - Class in graphql
- ExecutionResult - Interface in graphql
This simple value class represents the result of performing a graphql query.
- ExecutionResult.Builder<B extends ExecutionResult.Builder<B>> - Interface in graphql
- ExecutionResultImpl - Class in graphql
- ExecutionResultImpl(ExecutionResultImpl) - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- ExecutionResultImpl(ExecutionResultImpl.Builder<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- ExecutionResultImpl(GraphQLError) - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- ExecutionResultImpl(Object, List<? extends GraphQLError>) - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- ExecutionResultImpl(Object, List<? extends GraphQLError>, Map<Object, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- ExecutionResultImpl(List<? extends GraphQLError>) - Constructor for class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- ExecutionResultImpl.Builder<T extends ExecutionResultImpl.Builder<T>> - Class in graphql
- ExecutionResultInstrumentationContextAdapter - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters
A class to help adapt old
based InstrumentationContext from the newerObject
based ones. - ExecutionResultInstrumentationContextAdapter(InstrumentationContext<ExecutionResult>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecutionResultInstrumentationContextAdapter
- executionStepInfo(ExecutionStepInfo) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- executionStepInfo(ExecutionStepInfo) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- executionStepInfo(ExecutionStepInfo.Builder) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- executionStepInfo(Supplier<ExecutionStepInfo>) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- ExecutionStepInfo - Class in graphql.execution
As the graphql query executes, it forms a hierarchy from parent fields (and their type) to their child fields (and their type) until a scalar type is encountered; this class captures that execution type information.
- ExecutionStepInfo.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- executionStepInfoFactory - Variable in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- ExecutionStepInfoFactory - Class in graphql.execution
- ExecutionStepInfoFactory() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfoFactory
- executionStrategy(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executionStrategy(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- ExecutionStrategy - Class in graphql.execution
An execution strategy is give a list of fields from the graphql query to execute and find values for using a recursive strategy.
- ExecutionStrategy() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
The default execution strategy constructor uses the
for data fetching errors. - ExecutionStrategy(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
The consumers of the execution strategy can pass in a
to better decide what do when a data fetching error happens - ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation
- executionStrategyOnFieldValuesException(Throwable, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executionStrategyOnFieldValuesException(Throwable, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executionStrategyOnFieldValuesInfo(List<FieldValueInfo>, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- executionStrategyOnFieldValuesInfo(List<FieldValueInfo>, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- ExecutionStrategyParameters - Class in graphql.execution
The parameters that are passed to execution strategies
- ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- ExecutorInstrumentation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools
This instrumentation can be used to control on what thread calls to
s happen on. - ExecutorInstrumentation.Builder - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools
- EXPECTED_ENUM_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- EXPECTED_LIST_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- EXPECTED_NON_NULL_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- EXPECTED_OBJECT_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- EXPECTED_SCALAR_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- ExperimentalApi - Annotation Type in graphql
This represents code that the graphql-java project considers experimental API and while our intention is that it will progress to be
, its existence, signature or behavior may change between releases. - ExtendedBailStrategy - Class in graphql.parser
- ExtendedBailStrategy(MultiSourceReader, ParserEnvironment) - Constructor for class graphql.parser.ExtendedBailStrategy
- extendMapping(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- extensionDefinitions(List<EnumTypeExtensionDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- extensionDefinitions(List<InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- extensionDefinitions(List<InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- extensionDefinitions(List<ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- extensionDefinitions(List<ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- extensionDefinitions(List<SchemaExtensionDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- extensionDefinitions(List<UnionTypeExtensionDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- extensions - Variable in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
- extensions - Variable in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- extensions - Variable in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- extensions(boolean) - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl.Builder
- extensions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
Sets the extensions of the message
- extensions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- extensions(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- extensions(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
Sets the extension map for this builder
- extensions(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- extensions(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- extensions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
- extensions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- extensions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- ExtensionsBuilder - Class in graphql.extensions
This class can be used to help build the graphql `extensions` map.
- ExtensionsMerger - Interface in graphql.extensions
This interface is a callback asking code to merge two maps with an eye to creating the graphql `extensions` value.
- externalValueToInternalValue(GraphqlFieldVisibility, Object, GraphQLInputType, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
Converts an external value to an internal value
- fakeScalar(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- FallbackDataLoaderDispatchStrategy - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader
Used when the execution strategy is not an AsyncExecutionStrategy: simply dispatch always after each DF.
- FallbackDataLoaderDispatchStrategy(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.FallbackDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- fetchedValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue.Builder
- FetchedValue - Class in graphql.execution
Note: This is returned by
and therefore part of the public despite never used in a method signature. - FetchedValue.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- fetchExecutor(Executor) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation.Builder
- fetchField(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to fetch a value for a field from the
associated with the fieldGraphQLFieldDefinition
. - fetching(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
Returns a data fetcher that will use the property name to examine the
object for a getter method or field with that name, or if it's a map, it will look up a value using property name as a key. - fetching(Function<O, T>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
Returns a data fetcher that will present the
object to the supplied function to obtain a value, which allows you to use Java 8 method references say obtain values in a more type safe way. - fetchUnmatchedWorker() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
- field(MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- field(MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- field(MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- field(Field) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives.Builder
- field(Field) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- field(GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- field(GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- field(GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
Same effect as the field(GraphQLFieldDefinition).
- field(GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
Same effect as the field(GraphQLFieldDefinition).
- field(GraphQLInputObjectField) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- field(GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
Same effect as the field(GraphQLFieldDefinition).
- field(UnaryOperator<GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
Take a field builder in a function definition and apply.
- field(UnaryOperator<GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
Take a field builder in a function definition and apply.
- field(UnaryOperator<GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
Take a field builder in a function definition and apply.
- Field - Class in graphql.language
- Field(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Field
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- Field(String, SelectionSet) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Field
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- Field(String, String, List<Argument>, List<Directive>, SelectionSet, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Field
- Field(String, List<Argument>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Field
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- Field(String, List<Argument>, SelectionSet) - Constructor for class graphql.language.Field
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- FIELD - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- FIELD - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- FIELD_DEFINITION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- Field.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- FieldAndArguments - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation
This represents a field and its arguments that may be validated.
- fieldCollector - Variable in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- FieldCollector - Class in graphql.execution
A field collector can iterate over field selection sets and build out the sub fields that have been selected, expanding named and inline fragments as it goes.
- FieldCollector() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.FieldCollector
- FieldCollectorParameters - Class in graphql.execution
Internal because FieldCollector is internal.
- FieldCollectorParameters.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- fieldComplexityCalculator(FieldComplexityCalculator) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder
- FieldComplexityCalculator - Interface in graphql.analysis
Used to calculate the complexity of a field.
- FieldComplexityEnvironment - Class in graphql.analysis
- FieldComplexityEnvironment(Field, GraphQLFieldDefinition, GraphQLCompositeType, Map<String, Object>, FieldComplexityEnvironment) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- fieldContainer(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- FieldCoordinates - Class in graphql.schema
A field in graphql is uniquely located within a parent type and hence code elements like
need to be specified using those coordinates. - fieldDefinition(FieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- fieldDefinition(FieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- fieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- fieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment.Builder
- fieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- FieldDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- FieldDefinition(String, Type) - Constructor for class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- FieldDefinition(String, Type, List<InputValueDefinition>, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- FieldDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- fieldDefinitions(List<FieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- fieldDefinitions(List<FieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- fieldFetched(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, DataFetcher<?>, CompletableFuture<Object>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- fieldFetched(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, DataFetcher<?>, CompletableFuture<Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- fieldName(String) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- fieldName(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- fields(MergedSelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- fields(List<Field>) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField.Builder
- fields(List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- fields(List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- fields(List<GraphQLInputObjectField>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- FieldsConflict - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- FieldsOnCorrectType - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- FieldsOnCorrectType(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.FieldsOnCorrectType
- fieldType(GraphQLOutputType) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- fieldType(GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- FieldUndefined - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- FieldValidation - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation
This pluggable interface allows you to validate the fields and their argument inputs before query execution.
- FieldValidationEnvironment - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation
This contains all of the field and their arguments for a given query.
- FieldValidationInstrumentation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation
allows you to validate the fields of the query before the query is executed. - FieldValidationInstrumentation(FieldValidation) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidationInstrumentation
Your field validation will be called before query execution
- fieldValue(CompletableFuture<Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.Builder
- FieldValueInfo - Class in graphql.execution
- FieldValueInfo.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType - Enum in graphql.execution
- fieldValueInfos(List<FieldValueInfo>) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.Builder
- fieldVisibility(GraphqlFieldVisibility) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- fieldVisibility(GraphqlFieldVisibility) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- fieldVisibility(GraphqlFieldVisibility) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This allows you to add a field visibility that will be associated with the schema
- FieldVisibilitySchemaTransformation - Class in graphql.schema.transform
Transforms a schema by applying a visibility predicate to every field.
- FieldVisibilitySchemaTransformation(VisibleFieldPredicate) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.transform.FieldVisibilitySchemaTransformation
- FieldVisibilitySchemaTransformation(VisibleFieldPredicate, Runnable, Runnable) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.transform.FieldVisibilitySchemaTransformation
- FieldWiringEnvironment - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- FieldWithExecutionResult(String, ExecutionResult) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredFragmentCall.FieldWithExecutionResult
- filter(Vertex, SchemaGraph) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.VertexContextSegment
- filterAndGroupingBy(Collection<T>, Predicate<? super T>, Function<T, NewKey>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- filterList(Collection<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- filterSet(Collection<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- findIndex(List<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- findNodeByName(List<T>, String) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- findOne(Collection<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- findOneOrNull(List<T>, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- findTargetVertex(Vertex, Predicate<Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- first - Variable in class graphql.util.Pair
- fixedOneToOneMappings - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- fixedOneToOneSources - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- fixedOneToOneTargets - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- fixedSize() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- flatList(Collection<List<T>>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- flatList(CompletableFuture<List<List<T>>>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- FloatValue - Class in graphql.language
- FloatValue(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class graphql.language.FloatValue
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- FloatValue(BigDecimal, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.FloatValue
- FloatValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- forEachFieldDefinition(GraphQLSchema, Consumer<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- forEachNonFixedSourceAndTarget(BiConsumer<? super Vertex, ? super Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- forEachNonFixedTarget(Consumer<? super Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- forEachTarget(Consumer<? super Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- FpKit - Class in graphql.util
- FpKit() - Constructor for class graphql.util.FpKit
- FRAGMENT_DEFINITION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- FRAGMENT_SPREAD - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- FragmentCycle - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- FragmentDefinition - Class in graphql.language
Provided to the DataFetcher, therefore public API
- FragmentDefinition(String, TypeName, List<Directive>, SelectionSet, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- FragmentDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- fragments(Map<String, FragmentDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters.Builder
- fragmentsByName - Variable in class graphql.language.NodeUtil.GetOperationResult
- fragmentsByName(Map<String, FragmentDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer.Builder
Fragment by name map.
- fragmentsByName(Map<String, FragmentDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
Fragment by name map.
- fragmentsByName(Map<String, FragmentDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- fragmentsByName(Map<String, FragmentDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- FragmentsOnCompositeType - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- FragmentsOnCompositeType(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.FragmentsOnCompositeType
- FragmentSpread - Class in graphql.language
- FragmentSpread(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- FragmentSpread(String, List<Directive>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- FragmentSpread.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- FragmentTypeConditionInvalid - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- from(ExecutionResult) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult.Builder
Sets values into the builder based on a previous
- from(ExecutionResult) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- from(ExecutionResult) - Method in class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload.Builder
- from(DeferPayload) - Method in class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload.Builder
- from(IncrementalExecutionResult) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- from(IncrementalPayload) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- from(StreamPayload) - Method in class graphql.incremental.StreamPayload.Builder
- from(String) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionId
Create an identifier from the given string
- fromExecutionResult(ExecutionResult) - Static method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl
- fromGlobalId(String) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- fromList(List<?>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
This will create an execution path from the list of objects
- ged - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.DiffImpl.OptimalEdit
- General - graphql.i18n.I18n.BundleType
- generate() - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionId
Create an unique identifier from the given string
- get() - Method in class graphql.util.InterThreadMemoizedSupplier
- get(int) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- get(DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactory
Returns a
- get(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.relay.SimpleListConnection
- get(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher
- get(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetcher
This is called by the graphql engine to fetch the value.
- get(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
- get(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.StaticDataFetcher
- get(GraphQLFieldDefinition, Object, Supplier<DataFetchingEnvironment>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.LightDataFetcher
This is called to by the engine to get a value from the source object in a lightweight fashion.
- get(GraphQLFieldDefinition, Object, Supplier<DataFetchingEnvironment>) - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
- get(Object) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- get(Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Returns a value in the context by key
- get(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.CoercedVariables
- get(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.RawVariables
- get(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- getAccumulatedResult() - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserResult
- getAccumulatedSize() - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableAccumulator
- getAdditionalData() - Method in class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- getAdditionalData() - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
A node can have a map of additional data associated with it.
- getAdditionalTypes() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getAdjacentEdges(Vertex, Predicate<Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentEdgesAndInverseNonCopy(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentEdgesInverse(Vertex, Predicate<Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentEdgesInverseCopied(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentEdgesInverseNonCopy(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentEdgesNonCopy(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentVertices(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentVertices(Vertex, Predicate<Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentVerticesInverse(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAdjacentVerticesInverse(Vertex, Predicate<Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAlias() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getAlias() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getAlias() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getAllAdjacentEdges(List<Vertex>, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
This will return a Map of the all directives that are associated with a
, including both repeatable and non-repeatable directives. - getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getAllAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getAllDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getAllElementsAsList() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This returns all the top level
named types and directives in the schema - getAllImplementationsOf(InterfaceTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns the list of object and interface types that implement the given interface type
- getAllSchemaAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This returns a map of non-repeatable and repeatable directives that have been explicitly applied to the schema object.
- getAllSchemaDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Deprecated.Use the
methods instead - getAllTypesAsList() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This returns all the
named types in th schema - getAntlrToLanguage(CommonTokenStream, MultiSourceReader, ParserEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.parser.NodeToRuleCapturingParser
- getAntlrToLanguage(CommonTokenStream, MultiSourceReader, ParserEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Allows you to override the ANTLR to AST code.
- getAppliedDirective() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
This returns the applied directive that the
was registered against during calls toRuntimeWiring.Builder.directive(String, SchemaDirectiveWiring)
- getAppliedDirective() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
Returns a non-repeatable directive with the provided name.
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
Returns a named applied directive or null
- getAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getAppliedDirectiveContainerForAppliedDirective(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAppliedDirectiveForAppliedArgument(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAppliedDirectiveIndex(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
This will return a list of all the directives that have been put on
as a flat list, which may contain repeatable and non-repeatable directives. - getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.FieldWiringEnvironment
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getAppliedDirectives(String) - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getAppliedDirectives(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
Returns all of the directives with the provided name, including repeatable and non repeatable directives.
- getArgument() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getArgument() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getArgument() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getArgument() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
Returns the named argument
- getArgument(String) - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionDataFetchingEnvironment
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- getArgument(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
Returns the named argument
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- getArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getArgumentDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
The default value of this argument.
- getArgumentDefaultValue(GraphQLArgument) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
This static helper method will give out a java value based on the semantics captured in the
Note : You MUST only call this on aGraphQLArgument
that is part of a fully formed schema. - getArgumentInputValue() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment
- getArgumentInputValue() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentAddition
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentDeletion
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentValueModification
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDirectiveArgumentLocation
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldArgumentLocation
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldArgumentLocation
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentTypeModification
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getArgumentName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getArgumentOrDefault(String, T) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
Returns the named argument or the default value
- getArgumentOrDefault(String, T) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getArgumentOrDefault(String, T) - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getArgumentReferenceCounts() - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This shows how many times a type is referenced by an argument.
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- getArguments() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
All merged fields share the same arguments.
- getArguments() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionDataFetchingEnvironment
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getArguments() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getArguments() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getArguments() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
- getArgumentsByName() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- getArgumentValue() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getArgumentValue() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getArgumentValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getArgumentValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getArgumentValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
instead - getArgumentValue(GraphQLArgument) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
instead - getArgumentValue(String) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldAndArguments
This will return the named field argument value and cast it to the desired type.
- getArgumentValues() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- getArgumentValues() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getArgumentValues(GraphQLCodeRegistry, List<GraphQLArgument>, List<Argument>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
- getArgumentValues(List<GraphQLArgument>, List<Argument>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
This is not used for validation: the argument literals are all validated and the variables are validated (when coerced)
- getArgumentValuesByName() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldAndArguments
This will be a map of argument names to argument values.
- getAstArguments() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getAstDesc(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- getBackwardPaginationConnectionFieldArguments() - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- getBeginningOfBlockComment(Node<?>, String) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getBreadcrumbs() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getBreadcrumbs() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- getBreadcrumbs() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
The exact location of this node inside the tree as a list of
- getBreakageCount() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- getBreakages() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- getBuildContext() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getBuildContext() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getByName(List<T>, Function<T, String>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- getByName(List<T>, Function<T, String>, BinaryOperator<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- getCategory() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- getChangeCount() - Method in class graphql.extensions.ExtensionsBuilder
- getCharPositionInLine() - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParsingListener.Token
- getCharPositionInLine() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- getChildOrNull(String) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- getChildOrNull(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- getChildren() - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getChildren() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElement
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getChildren() - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- getChildren(int) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getChildren(String) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- getChildren(String) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
This returns the child fields that can be used if the object is of the specified object type
- getChildren(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- getChildrenAsList() - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- getChildrenContexts() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getChildrenContexts() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
In case of leave returns the children contexts, which have already been visited.
- getChildrenWithSameResultKey(String) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
Returns the list of child fields that would have the same result key
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElement
- getChildrenWithTypeReferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getClassification() - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationError
- getCodeRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getCodeRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getCodeRegistry() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getCodeRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getCodeRegistry() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
This will return a value if the visitation call was via
- getCoercedVariables() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getCoercing() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getColumn() - Method in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- getCommentOnChannel(List<Token>) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- getCommentOnChannel(List<Token>, Predicate<Token>) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getCommentOnFirstLineOfDocument(Document) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getComments() - Method in class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- getComments() - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
Nodes can have comments made on them, the following is one comment per line before a node.
- getComments(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- getCommentsAfterAllDefinitions(Document) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getCommentsAfterDescription(Node<?>) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getCommonRoot() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- getComparator(GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
Search for the most to least specific registered
otherwise a default is returned. - getComparator(GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
- getComparatorRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getComparatorRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- getCompleteValueType() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo
- getComplexity() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo
This returns the query complexity.
- getComponents() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- getConnectionFieldArguments() - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- getContainer() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.AppliedDirectiveArgumentVisitorEnvironment
- getContainer() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.AppliedDirectiveVisitorEnvironment
- getContainer() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ArgumentVisitorEnvironment
- getContainer() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.EnumValueDefinitionVisitorEnvironment
- getContainer() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.FieldDefinitionVisitorEnvironment
- getContainer() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InputObjectFieldVisitorEnvironment
- getContent() - Method in class graphql.language.Comment
- getContent() - Method in class graphql.language.Description
- getContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
instead - getContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- getContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
instead - getContext() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getContext() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
Deprecated.- use
instead - getContext() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getContext() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getContext() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
instead - getCoordinatesToNormalizedFields() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
This multimap shows how a given
maps to a one or more field coordinate in the schema - getCurNode() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- getCurrentAccumulate() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getCurrentAccumulate() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
The current accumulate value used as "input" for the current step.
- getCursor() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultEdge
- getCursor() - Method in interface graphql.relay.Edge
- getDangerCount() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- getDangers() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- getData() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
- getData() - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult
- getData() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- getData() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload
- getData() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
- getDataFetcher(FieldCoordinates, GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Returns a data fetcher associated with a field located at specified coordinates.
- getDataFetcher(FieldCoordinates, GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
Returns a data fetcher associated with a field located at specified coordinates.
- getDataFetcher(GraphQLFieldsContainer, GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Deprecated.This is confusing because
s cant have data fetchers. At runtime only aGraphQLObjectType
can be used to fetch a field. This method allows the mapping to be made, but it is never useful if an interface is passed in. - getDataFetcher(GraphQLFieldsContainer, GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
Deprecated.This is confusing because
s cant have data fetchers. At runtime only aGraphQLObjectType
can be used to fetch a field. This method allows the mapping to be made, but it is never useful if an interface is passed in. - getDataFetcher(GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Returns a data fetcher associated with a field within an object type
- getDataFetcher(GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
Returns a data fetcher associated with a field within an object type
- getDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- getDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- getDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- getDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
Returns a
given the type definition - getDataFetcherFactory(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- getDataFetcherFactory(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
Returns a
given the type definition - getDataFetcherForType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getDataFetchers() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getDataFetchingEnvironment() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- getDataLoader(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
This allows you to retrieve a named dataloader from the underlying
- getDataLoader(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getDataLoader(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getDataLoaderDispatcherStrategy() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getDataLoaderRegistry() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getDataLoaderRegistry() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getDataLoaderRegistry() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getDataLoaderRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getDataLoaderRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getDebugName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- getDefault() - Static method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
- getDefaultDataFetcher() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring
- getDefaultDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- getDefaultDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- getDefaultDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- getDefaultDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
All fields need a data fetcher of some sort and this method is called to provide the data fetcher that will be used if no specific one has been provided
- getDefaultDataFetcherFactory() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- getDefaultDataFetcherForType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getDefaultOperationParserOptions() - Static method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
By default, for operation parsing, the Parser will not capture ignored characters, and it will not capture line comments into AST elements .
- getDefaultParserOptions() - Static method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
By default, the Parser will not capture ignored characters.
- getDefaultSdlParserOptions() - Static method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
By default, for SDL parsing, the Parser will not capture ignored characters, but it will capture line comments into AST elements.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getDeferredCallContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getDeferredExecutions() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
Get a list of all
s that this field is part of - getDeferredExecutions() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getDeferSupport() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableValueWithDefinition
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLNamedSchemaElement
this schema element is based on. - getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
- getDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- getDefinitionsOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.language.Document
Returns a list of definitions of the specific type.
- getDeprecationReason() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getDeprecationReason() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getDeprecationReason() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getDeprecationReason() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getDepth() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryDepthInfo
This returns the query depth.
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
This will always be null.
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.language.AbstractDescribedNode
- getDescription() - Method in interface graphql.language.DescribedNode
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
This will always be null.
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getDescription() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLNamedSchemaElement
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationError
- getDescription() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- getDetails() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification
- getDetails() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumModification
- getDetails() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification
- getDetails() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification
- getDetails() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectModification
- getDetails() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarModification
- getDetails() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionModification
- getDetails(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification
- getDetails(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumModification
- getDetails(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification
- getDetails(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification
- getDetails(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectModification
- getDetails(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarModification
- getDetails(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionModification
- getDirective() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getDirective() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getDirective() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getDirective() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Returns a named directive that (for legacy reasons) will be only in the set of non repeatable directives
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getDirectiveContainer() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicateEnvironment
The schema element that contained this directive.
- getDirectiveDefinition(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getDirectiveDefinitionName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDirectiveArgumentLocation
- getDirectiveDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getDirectiveDifferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- getDirectiveLocations() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- getDirectiveName() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicateEnvironment
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDirectiveArgumentLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumValueLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectFieldLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldArgumentLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldArgumentLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveScalarLocation
- getDirectiveName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveUnionLocation
- getDirectiveReferenceCounts() - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This shows how many times a directive is applied on some other schema element.
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getDirectives() - Method in interface graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodeDecisionEnvironment
- getDirectives() - Method in interface graphql.language.DirectivesContainer
This will return a list of all the directives that have been put on
as a flat list, which may contain repeatable and non repeatable directives. - getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getDirectives() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This returns the list of directives definitions that are associated with this schema object including built in ones.
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.FieldWiringEnvironment
- getDirectives() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getDirectives(String) - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getDirectives(String) - Method in interface graphql.language.DirectivesContainer
Returns all of the directives with the provided name, including repeatable and non repeatable directives.
- getDirectives(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in interface graphql.language.DirectivesContainer
This will return a Map of the all directives that are associated with a
, including both repeatable and non repeatable directives. - getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getDirectivesContainer() - Method in interface graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodeDecisionEnvironment
This is an AST
that has directives on it. - getDirectiveWiring() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationValidationParameters
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler.CompilerResult
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- getDocument() - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment
- getDocument() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getDocument() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getDocument(ExecutionInput, Function<ExecutionInput, PreparsedDocumentEntry>) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider
- getDocument(ExecutionInput, Function<ExecutionInput, PreparsedDocumentEntry>) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQuerySupport
- getDocument(ExecutionInput, Function<ExecutionInput, PreparsedDocumentEntry>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentProvider
- getDocumentAndVariables() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- getDocumentAsync(ExecutionInput, Function<ExecutionInput, PreparsedDocumentEntry>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentProvider
This is called to get a "cached" pre-parsed query and if it's not present, then the "parseAndValidateFunction" can be called to parse and validate the query.
- getDownstreamSubscriber() - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher.CompletionStageSubscriber
Get instance of downstream subscriber
- getEdge(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getEdgeOrInverse(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getEdges() - Method in interface graphql.relay.Connection
- getEdges() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnection
- getEdges() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getElement() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlElementParentTree
Returns the element represented by this info
- getElement() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getElement() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getElement() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
- getElementComparator() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParseOrder
This comparator will sort according to the original parsed order
- getElementParentTree() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
The type hierarchy depends on the element in question.
- getElementParentTree() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getElementType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
- getEndCursor() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- getEndCursor() - Method in interface graphql.relay.PageInfo
- getEndOfBlockComments(Node<?>, String) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getEnumDifferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- getEnumForEnumValue(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getEnumName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumValueLocation
- getEnumValueDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- getEnumValuesProvider() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring
- getEnumValuesProviders() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getEnvironment() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters
- getErrorExtensions() - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredCallContext
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry
- getErrors() - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
A list of all the errors (parse and validate) that have occurred
- getErrors() - Method in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.SchemaProblem
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorCollector
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- getErrors() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationErrorCollector
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.InputMapDefinesTooManyFieldsException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.MissingRootTypeException
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.OneOfNullValueException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.OneOfTooManyKeysException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.UnknownOperationException
- getErrorType() - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.GraphqlErrorException
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidCursorException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidPageSizeException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException
- getErrorType() - Method in exception graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- getErrorType() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- getEvents() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- getException() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- getException() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- getException() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- getException() - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- getExecutionContext() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidationEnvironment
- getExecutionContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters
- getExecutionContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters
- getExecutionContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
- getExecutionContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldParameters
- getExecutionId() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getExecutionId() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getExecutionId() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getExecutionId() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getExecutionId() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getExecutionInput() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getExecutionInput() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationCreateStateParameters
- getExecutionInput() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- getExecutionResult() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredFragmentCall.FieldWithExecutionResult
- getExecutionStepInfo() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getExecutionStepInfo() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
- getExecutionStepInfo() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldParameters
- getExecutionStepInfo() - Method in exception graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullException
- getExecutionStepInfo() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getExecutionStepInfo() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getExecutionStepInfo() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getExecutionStrategyParameters() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters
- getExecutionStrategyParameters() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
- getExecutor() - Method in class graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher
- getExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
A data fetcher result can supply extension values that will be merged into the result via the
at the end of the operation. - getExtensions() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryIdInvalid
- getExtensions() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryNotFound
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getExtensions() - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- getExtensions() - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- getExtensions() - Method in exception graphql.GraphqlErrorException
- getExtensions() - Method in interface graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResult
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.ScalarWiringEnvironment
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- getExtensions() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- getFetchedValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- getFetchedValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
- getFetchExecutor() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation
- getField() - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- getField() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getField() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getField() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- getField() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
This returns the AST fields that matches the
during execution - getField() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
This returns the current field in its query representations.
- getField() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldAndArguments
- getField() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
- getField() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldParameters
- getField() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getField() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getField() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getField() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getField() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
- getField(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldsContainer
- getField(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getFieldContainer() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
instead as it is named better - getFieldDataFetcher() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
This is useful as a shortcut to get the current fields existing data fetcher
- getFieldDataFetcher() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldDataFetchers() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring
- getFieldDef() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getFieldDef() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getFieldDef(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Field) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to discover the field definition give the current parameters and the AST
- getFieldDef(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLCompositeType, String) - Static method in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
This will look up a field definition by name, and understand that fields like __typename and __schema are special and take precedence in field resolution
- getFieldDef(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLObjectType, Field) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to discover the field definition give the current parameters and the AST
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
This returns the field definition that is in play when this type info was created or null if the type is a root query type
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldAndArguments
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.FieldWiringEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldDefinition(FieldCoordinates) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Returns a
as the specified co-ordinates or null if it does not exist - getFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldsContainer, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields
- getFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldsContainer, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility
- getFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldsContainer, String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility
Called to get a named field from an object type or interface
- getFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldsContainer, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.NoIntrospectionGraphqlFieldVisibility
- getFieldDefinition(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields
- getFieldDefinition(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility
- getFieldDefinition(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer, String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility
Called to get a named field from an input object type
- getFieldDefinition(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldsContainer
- getFieldDefinition(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLInputFieldsContainer
- getFieldDefinition(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getFieldDefinition(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getFieldDefinition(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in interface graphql.language.ImplementingTypeDefinition
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldsContainer
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLInputFieldsContainer
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getFieldDefinitions() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLFieldsContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLFieldsContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLFieldsContainer) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility
Called to get the list of fields from an object type or interface
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLFieldsContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.NoIntrospectionGraphqlFieldVisibility
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.visibility.DefaultGraphqlFieldVisibility
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visibility.GraphqlFieldVisibility
Called to get the list of fields from an input object type
- getFieldDefinitions(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectFieldLocation
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldArgumentLocation
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldLocation
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldArgumentLocation
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldLocation
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDefaultValueModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldTypeModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentAddition
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDeletion
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentRename
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldTypeModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentAddition
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDeletion
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentRename
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldTypeModification
- getFieldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
- getFieldOrDirectiveForArgument(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getFieldReferenceCounts() - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This shows how many times a type is referenced by either an input or output field.
- getFields() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getFields() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidationEnvironment
- getFields() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
All merged fields
- getFields() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getFields() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
This will return all selected fields.
- getFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- getFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getFields() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldsContainer
- getFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getFields(String, String...) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
This will return a list of selected fields that match a specified "glob" pattern matching ie the glob pattern matching supported by
. - getFields(String, String...) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- getFieldsByPath() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidationEnvironment
- getFieldsContainer() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getFieldsContainer() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldsContainer() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getFieldsContainer() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldsContainerForField(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getFieldsGroupedByResultKey() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
The result key of a selected field represents what the graphql return value will be.
- getFieldsGroupedByResultKey() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- getFieldsGroupedByResultKey(String, String...) - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
The result key of a selected field represents what the graphql return value will be.
- getFieldsGroupedByResultKey(String, String...) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- getFieldToNormalizedField() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
This is a multimap and the size of it reflects all the normalized fields in the operation
- getFieldType() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getFieldType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getFieldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getFieldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getFieldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.FieldWiringEnvironment
- getFieldType() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
- getFieldValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo
- getFieldValueFuture() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo
- getFieldValueInfos() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo
- getFieldVisibility() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
- getFieldVisibility() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
instead - getFieldVisibility() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getFirstDefinitionOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.language.Document
Returns the first of the specific type.
- getFirstDirective(String, Map<String, List<GraphQLDirective>>) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- getFixedParentRestrictions() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
- getFixedParentRestrictionsInverse(Map<Vertex, Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
- getForwardPaginationConnectionFieldArguments() - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- getFragment(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getFragment(String) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getFragmentDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironment
- getFragmentDefinition() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl
- getFragmentDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironment
- getFragmentDefinition() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl
- getFragmentsByName() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getFragmentsByName() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters
- getFragmentsByName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getFragmentsByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getFragmentsByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getFragmentsByName(Document) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- getFragmentSpread() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironment
- getFragmentSpread() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl
- getFrom() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
The selected field has a more complex type qualified name which is the path of field names to it as well as the object type of the parent.
- getGraphQLArgument() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getGraphQLArgument() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getGraphQLArgument() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment
- getGraphQLArgument() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- getGraphQlContext() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
Returns a shared context argument that is set up when the
)} method is invoked. - getGraphQlContext() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getGraphQlContext() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in interface graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodeDecisionEnvironment
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
- getGraphQLContext() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getGraphQlSchema() - Method in interface graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodeDecisionEnvironment
- getGraphQLSchema() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getGraphQLSchema() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters
- getGraphQLSchema() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getGraphQLSchema() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionDataFetchingEnvironment
- getGraphQLSchema() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getGraphQLSchema() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getGraphQLSchema() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getI18n() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getI18N() - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment
- getId() - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay.ResolvedGlobalId
- getIdProvider() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getIgnoredChars() - Method in class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- getIgnoredChars() - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
The chars which are ignored by the parser.
- getImmediateAppliedDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives
This will return a list of the named applied directives that are immediately on this merged field.
- getImmediateAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl
- getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByField() - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives
This will return a map of the
s inside aMergedField
and the immediate applied directives that are on each specific field - getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByField() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl
- getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives
This will return a map of the applied directives that are immediately on a merged field
- getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl
- getImmediateDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getImmediateDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl
- getImmediateDirectivesByField() - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getImmediateDirectivesByField() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl
- getImmediateDirectivesByName() - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - getImmediateDirectivesByName() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl
- getImmediateFields() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
This will return all selected fields that are immediate child fields of the field being fetched.
- getImmediateFields() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- getImplementations(GraphQLInterfaceType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This will return the list of
types that implement the given interface type. - getImplementationsOf(InterfaceTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns the list of object interface types that implement the given interface type
- getImplements() - Method in interface graphql.language.ImplementingTypeDefinition
- getImplements() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- getImplements() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- getIncludeDirective() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- getIncludeSchemaElement() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- getIncremental() - Method in interface graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResult
- getIncremental() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl
- getIncremental() - Method in interface graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResult
Returns a list of defer and/or stream payloads that the execution engine decided (for whatever reason) to resolve at the same time as the initial payload.
- getIncremental() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl
- getIncrementalCallsDetected() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.IncrementalCallState
- getIncrementalCallState() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getIncrementalItemPublisher() - Method in interface graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResult
will asynchronously emit events containing defer and/or stream payloads. - getIncrementalItemPublisher() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl
- getIndex() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeLocation
- getInfoCount() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- getInfos() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- getInlineFragment() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironment
- getInlineFragment() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl
- getInNameOrder() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParseOrder
This map is the order in which
s were parsed per uniqueSourceLocation.getSourceName()
and it only containsSDLNamedDefinition
s. - getInOrder() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParseOrder
This map is the order in which
s were parsed per uniqueSourceLocation.getSourceName()
. - getInputElements() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor.InputElements
- getInputFieldDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
The default value of this input field.
- getInputFieldDefaultValue(GraphQLInputObjectField) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
This static helper method will give out a java value based on the semantics captured in the
Note : You MUST only call this on aGraphQLInputObjectField
that is part of a fully formed schema. - getInputFieldReferenceCounts() - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This shows how many times a type is referenced by an input field.
- getInputObjectDifferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- getInputObjectForInputField(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getInputObjectName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectFieldLocation
- getInputStream() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- getInputType() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValue
- getInputType() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValueImpl
- getInputType() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getInputType() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getInputValueDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValue
- getInputValueDefinition() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValueImpl
- getInputValueDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- getInputValueDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- getInputValueDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- getInputValueImpl(GraphQLInputType, InputValueWithState, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
- getInstrumentation() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getInstrumentation() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getInstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo
This returns the instrumentation execute operation parameters.
- getInstrumentations() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- getInstrumentationState() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getInstrumentationState() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- getInstrumentationState() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- getInstrumentationState() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- getInstrumentationState() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- getInstrumentationState() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- getInstrumentationValidationParameters() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo
This returns the instrumentation validation parameters.
- getInterfaceDifferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- getInterfaceName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldArgumentLocation
- getInterfaceName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldLocation
- getInterfaceOrUnionType() - Method in exception graphql.execution.UnresolvedTypeException
- getInterfaceReferenceCounts() - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This shows how many times an interface type is referenced as a member in some other object or interface type.
- getInterfaces() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLImplementingType
- getInterfaces() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getInterfaces() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getInterfaceTypeDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.InterfaceWiringEnvironment
- getIntrospectionSchemaFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getIntrospectionSchemaType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getIntrospectionTypeFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getIntrospectionTypenameFieldDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getItems() - Method in class graphql.incremental.StreamPayload
- getKeys() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- getKeysOnly() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- getKind() - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChar
- getKnownQueries() - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.InMemoryPersistedQueryCache
- getLabel() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecution
- getLabel() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload
- getLabel() - Method in class graphql.normalized.incremental.NormalizedDeferredExecution
- getLabel() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- getLastInputValueDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor.InputElements
This is the last
that pointed to the value during a callback. - getLeadingComments(Node<?>) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getLeadingElements() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
This returns the schema element that led to this element, eg a field is contained in a type which is pointed to be another field say.
- getLeft() - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChars
- getLevel() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- getLevel() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
the level of the
in the operation hierarchy with top level fields starting at 1 - getLevel() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- getLevel() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getLine() - Method in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- getLine() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.SourceAndLine
- getLine() - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParsingListener.Token
- getLine() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- getLineNumber() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
- getListOfEditOperations() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.DiffImpl.OptimalEdit
- getListOfResultKeys() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
This returns the list of the result keys (see
that lead from this field upwards to its parent field - getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
A data fetcher result can supply a context object for that field that is passed down to child fields
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getLocalContext() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
This returns a context object that parent fields may have returned via
which can be used to pass down extra information to fields beyond the normalDataFetchingEnvironment.getSource()
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getLocalContext() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
Returns the local context object set in via
- getLocale() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getLocale() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
This returns the locale of this operation.
- getLocale() - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18n
- getLocale() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
- getLocale() - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment
- getLocale() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getLocale() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getLocale() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getLocation() - Method in exception graphql.parser.InvalidSyntaxException
- getLocation() - Method in class graphql.util.Breadcrumb
- getLocation() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getLocation() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
The location of the current node regarding to the parent node.
- getLocation(GraphQLSchemaElement) - Static method in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
This method can return
that help create the given schema element. - getLocationDetail() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveAddition
- getLocationDetail() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentAddition
- getLocationDetail() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentDeletion
- getLocationDetail() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentRename
- getLocationDetail() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentValueModification
- getLocationDetail() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDeletion
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.execution.InputMapDefinesTooManyFieldsException
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.execution.MissingRootTypeException
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.execution.OneOfNullValueException
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.execution.OneOfTooManyKeysException
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.execution.UnknownOperationException
- getLocations() - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.GraphqlErrorException
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidCursorException
- getLocations() - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidPageSizeException
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- getLocations() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- getMaxCharacters() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
A graphql hacking vector is to send nonsensical queries that contain a repeated characters that burn lots of parsing CPU time and burn memory representing a document that won't ever execute.
- getMaxChildrenDepth() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
- getMaxRuleDepth() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
A graphql hacking vector is to send nonsensical queries that have lots of rule depth to them which can cause stack overflow exceptions during the query parsing.
- getMaxTokens() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
A graphql hacking vector is to send nonsensical queries that burn lots of parsing CPU time and burns memory representing a document that won't ever execute.
- getMaxValidationErrors() - Static method in class graphql.validation.Validator
- getMaxWhitespaceTokens() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
A graphql hacking vector is to send larges amounts of whitespace that burn lots of parsing CPU time and burn memory representing a document.
- getMemberTypes() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- getMergedField() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
It can happen that a query has overlapping fields which are querying the same data.
- getMergedField() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getMergedField() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getMergedField(ExecutableNormalizedField) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
Looks up the
given aExecutableNormalizedField
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- getMessage() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryIdInvalid
- getMessage() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryNotFound
- getMessage() - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- getMessage() - Method in exception graphql.parser.InvalidSyntaxException
- getMessage() - Method in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.SchemaProblem
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- getMessage() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- getModificationType() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- getMsgAndArgs() - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- getMsgArguments() - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18nMsg
- getMsgKey() - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18nMsg
- getMutationStrategy() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getMutationStrategy() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getMutationType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getName() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValue
- getName() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValueImpl
- getName() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- getName() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getName() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
All merged fields have the same name.
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- getName() - Method in interface graphql.language.NamedNode
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- getName() - Method in interface graphql.language.SDLNamedDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- getName() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
All merged fields have the same name so this is the name of the
. - getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumLocation
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectLocation
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceLocation
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectLocation
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveScalarLocation
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveUnionLocation
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumValueAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumValueDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceInterfaceImplementationAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceInterfaceImplementationDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectInterfaceImplementationAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectInterfaceImplementationDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionMemberAddition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionMemberDeletion
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- getName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLNamedSchemaElement
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getName() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- getName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getName() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeLocation
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- getNamedChildren() - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
Alternative to
where the children are not all in one list regardless of type but grouped by name/type of the child. - getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- getNamedChildren() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- getNamedChildren(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.AstNodeAdapter
- getNamedChildren(GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElementAdapter
- getNamedChildren(T) - Method in interface graphql.util.NodeAdapter
- getNew() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffSet
- getNewAccumulate() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getNewAccumulate() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
The new accumulate value, previously set by
not invoked. - getNewDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDefaultValueModification
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentRename
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentRename
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumModification
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumValueRenamed
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldRename
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentRename
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldRename
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentRename
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldRename
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectModification
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarModification
- getNewName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionModification
- getNewNode() - Method in class graphql.util.ReplaceNode
- getNewSchemaDefinitionDoc() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiffSet
- getNewType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentTypeModification
- getNewType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldTypeModification
- getNewType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getNewType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldTypeModification
- getNewType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getNewType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldTypeModification
- getNewValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentValueModification
- getNewValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getNewValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getNewValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getNode() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeParentTree
Returns the node represented by this info
- getNode() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultEdge
- getNode() - Method in interface graphql.relay.Edge
- getNode() - Method in class graphql.util.Breadcrumb
- getNodeParentTree() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
The node hierarchy depends on the element in question.
- getNodeParentTree() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getNodeToRuleMap() - Method in class graphql.parser.NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext
- getNonDeferredFieldNames(List<String>) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.DeferredExecutionSupportImpl
- getNonDeferredFieldNames(List<String>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport
- getNonDeferredFieldNames(List<String>) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.NoOp
- getNonFixedParentRestrictions(SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph, Mapping) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
This computes the initial set of parent restrictions based on the given non-fixed mapping.
- getNonNullFieldValidator() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getNormalizedArgument(String) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
Returns an argument value as a
which contains its type name and its current value - getNormalizedArguments() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getNormalizedArgumentValues(List<GraphQLArgument>, List<Argument>, Map<String, NormalizedInputValue>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
No validation as the arguments are assumed valid
- getNormalizedField(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Supplier<ExecutionStepInfo>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- getNormalizedField(MergedField, GraphQLFieldsContainer, ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
This will find a
given a merged field and a result path. - getNormalizedFields(Field) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
Looks up one or more
s given aField
AST element in the operation - getNormalizedFieldToMergedField() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
- getNormalizedFieldToQueryDirectives() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
- getNormalizedQueryTree() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getNormalizedVariableValues(GraphQLSchema, List<VariableDefinition>, RawVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
Normalized variables values are Literals with type information.
- getObject() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
You will be passed the specific source object that needs to be resolved into a concrete graphql object type
- getObjectDifferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- getObjectFields() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- getObjectName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldArgumentLocation
- getObjectName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldLocation
- getObjectType() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
The GraphQLObjectType where fieldDefinition is defined.
- getObjectType() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters
- getObjectType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Called to return a named
from the schema - getObjectTypeNames() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
can sometimes (for non-concrete types like interfaces and unions) have more than one object type it could be when executed. - getObjectTypeNames() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getObjectTypes() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getOffendingToken() - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- getOffendingToken() - Method in exception graphql.parser.InvalidSyntaxException
- getOld() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffSet
- getOldDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDefaultValueModification
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentRename
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentRename
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumModification
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumValueRenamed
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldRename
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentRename
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldRename
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentRename
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldRename
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectModification
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarModification
- getOldName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionModification
- getOldSchemaDefinitionDoc() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiffSet
- getOldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentTypeModification
- getOldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldTypeModification
- getOldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getOldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldTypeModification
- getOldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentTypeModification
- getOldType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldTypeModification
- getOldValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentValueModification
- getOldValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getOldValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getOldValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- getOperation() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- getOperation() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- getOperation() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
- getOperation() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- getOperation(Document, String) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- getOperationDefinition() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getOperationDefinition() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getOperationDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getOperationDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getOperationDefinition(String) - Method in class graphql.language.Document
This will allow you to find a
with the specified name in the document - getOperationName() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getOperationName() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
- GetOperationResult() - Constructor for class graphql.language.NodeUtil.GetOperationResult
- getOperationRootType(GraphQLSchema, OperationDefinition) - Static method in class graphql.schema.impl.SchemaUtil
- getOperationTypeDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- getOrDefault(Object, T) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Returns a value in the context by key
- getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- getOrEmpty(Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Returns a
value in the context by key - getOriginalWrappedType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- getOriginalWrappedType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- getOutputFieldReferenceCounts() - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This shows how many times a type is referenced by an output field.
- getOutputType() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getOutputType() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getOverallLineNumber() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
- getPageInfo() - Method in interface graphql.relay.Connection
- getPageInfo() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnection
- getParent() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValue
- getParent() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValueImpl
- getParent() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- getParent() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getParent() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- getParent() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getParent() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- getParentContext() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getParentContext() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Returns parent context.
- getParentElement() - Method in interface graphql.schema.transform.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment
Get the element's immediate parent node.
- getParentElement() - Method in class graphql.schema.transform.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironmentImpl
- getParentEnvironment() - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- getParentEnvironment() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getParentEnvironment() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getParentEnvironment() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getParentEnvironment() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getParentField() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
This will return the parent of the selected field OR null if there is no single parent, it that field was a top level field OR the parent was a non concrete field.
- getParentFieldAndArguments() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldAndArguments
- getParentInfo() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeParentTree
- getParentInfo() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlElementParentTree
- getParentNode() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getParentNode() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
The parent node.
- getParentNodes() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getParentNodes() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
The list of parent nodes starting from the current parent.
- getParentRestriction(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- getParentType() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getParentType() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldAndArguments
- getParentType() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionDataFetchingEnvironment
- getParentType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.FieldWiringEnvironment
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getParentType() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getParseOrder() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getParserContext() - Method in class graphql.parser.NodeToRuleCapturingParser
- getParserOptions() - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- getParserOptions() - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment
- getParsingListener() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredFragmentCall
- getPath() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldAndArguments
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- getPath() - Method in exception graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullException
- getPath() - Method in exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- getPath() - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError
The graphql spec says that the (optional) path field of any error must be a list of path entries starting at the root of the response and ending with the field associated with the error https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-Errors.Error-Result-Format
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- getPath() - Method in exception graphql.GraphqlErrorException
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeParentTree
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- getPath() - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- getPathWithoutListEnd() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- getPersistedQueryDocument(Object, ExecutionInput, PersistedQueryCacheMiss) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.InMemoryPersistedQueryCache
- getPersistedQueryDocument(Object, ExecutionInput, PersistedQueryCacheMiss) - Method in interface graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryCache
- getPersistedQueryDocumentAsync(Object, ExecutionInput, PersistedQueryCacheMiss) - Method in interface graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryCache
This is called to get a persisted query from cache.
- getPersistedQueryId() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryIdInvalid
- getPersistedQueryId() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryNotFound
- getPersistedQueryId(ExecutionInput) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.ApolloPersistedQuerySupport
- getPersistedQueryId(ExecutionInput) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQuerySupport
This method is required for concrete types to work out the query id (often a hash) that should be used to look up the persisted query in the cache.
- getPhase() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getPhase() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
- getPossibleTypes() - Method in class graphql.normalized.incremental.NormalizedDeferredExecution
- getPreparsedDocumentProvider() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getProcessingExecutor() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation
- getProperties() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- getProperty(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- getPropertyName() - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
- getPropertyValue(String, Object, GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper
- getPropertyValue(String, Object, GraphQLType, boolean, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyFetchingImpl
- getPropertyValue(String, Object, GraphQLType, Supplier<DataFetchingEnvironment>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper
- getQualifiedName() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
The selected field has a simple qualified name which is the path of field names to it.
- getQueries() - Method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer.AnonymizeResult
- getQuery() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- getQuery() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getQueryDirectives() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
This gives you access to the directives related to this field
- getQueryDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getQueryDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getQueryDirectives(ExecutableNormalizedField) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
This looks up the
associated with the givenExecutableNormalizedField
- getQueryPath() - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- getQueryPath() - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- getQueryPath() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getQueryPath() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- getQueryStrategy() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getQueryStrategy() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getQueryType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getRawFetchedValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- getRawType() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- getRawVariables() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getReasonMsg() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- getRegisteredDirectiveWiring() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getRegistry() - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
- getRegistry() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- getResolvedArguments() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getResourceBundle() - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18n
- getResult() - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- getResultKey() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- getResultKey() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
Returns the key of this MergedField for the overall result.
- getResultKey() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getResultKey() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
Returns the result key of this
within the overall result. - getResultKey() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
The result key is either the field query alias OR the field name in that preference order
- getRight() - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChars
- getRoot() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getRoot() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getRoot() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
This is the source object for the root query.
- getRoot() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getRoot() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getRules() - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidator
- getScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- getScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- getScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- getScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
Returns a
given scalar defined in IDL - getScalarDifferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- getScalars() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getScalarTypeDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.ScalarWiringEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationCreateStateParameters
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicateEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer.AnonymizeResult
- getSchema() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getSchemaAppliedDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This returns the named directive that have been explicitly applied to the schema object.
- getSchemaAppliedDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This returns the list of directives that have been explicitly applied to the schema object.
- getSchemaAppliedDirectives(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getSchemaDirective(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Deprecated.Use the
methods instead - getSchemaDirectiveByName() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Deprecated.Use the
methods instead - getSchemaDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Deprecated.Use the
methods instead - getSchemaDirectives(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Deprecated.Use the
methods instead - getSchemaDirectiveWiring(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- getSchemaDirectiveWiring(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
Returns a
given the environment - getSchemaElement() - Method in interface graphql.schema.transform.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment
- getSchemaElement() - Method in class graphql.schema.transform.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironmentImpl
- getSchemaExtensionDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getSchemaGeneratorPostProcessings() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getSchemaUsage(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsageSupport
This builds out
statistics about the usage of types and directives within a schema - getSegmentIndex() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- getSegmentName() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- getSegmentValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- getSelections() - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- getSelectionSet() - Method in interface graphql.language.SelectionSetContainer
- getSelectionSet() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getSelectionSet() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getSelectionSet() - Method in class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
- getSelectionSetContainer() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getSelectionSetContainer() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getSelectionsOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
Returns a list of selections of the specific type.
- getSharedContextData() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getSharedContextData() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Used to share something across all TraverserContext.
- getSingleAdjacentEdge(Vertex, Predicate<Edge>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getSingleAdjacentInverseVertex(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
Gets the one inverse adjacent edge to the input and gets the other vertex.
- getSingleField() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
The first of the merged fields.
- getSingleObjectTypeName() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
This returns the first entry in
. - getSource() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- getSource() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionDataFetchingEnvironment
- getSource() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
This is the value of the current object to be queried.
- getSource() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getSource() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getSource(int) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- getSource(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- getSourceAndLineFromOverallLine(int) - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
This returns the source name and line number given an overall line number This is zeroes based like
- getSourceEdge() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- getSourceLocation() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- getSourceLocation() - Method in class graphql.language.AbstractNode
- getSourceLocation() - Method in class graphql.language.Comment
- getSourceLocation() - Method in class graphql.language.Description
- getSourceLocation() - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChar
- getSourceLocation() - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
- getSourceLocation(ParserRuleContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- getSourceLocation(Token) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- getSourceName() - Method in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- getSourceName() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
- getSourceName() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.SourceAndLine
- getSourceName() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- getSourcePreview() - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- getSourcePreview() - Method in exception graphql.parser.InvalidSyntaxException
- getSourceVertex() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- getSpecifiedByUrl() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- getStartCursor() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- getStartCursor() - Method in interface graphql.relay.PageInfo
- getStrategy(OperationDefinition.Operation) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getStronglyConnectedComponentsTopologicallySorted(Map<GraphQLSchemaElement, List<GraphQLSchemaElement>>, Map<String, List<GraphQLSchemaElement>>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.impl.StronglyConnectedComponentsTopologicallySorted
- getSubField(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- getSubFields() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- getSubFieldsList() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- getSubscriptionStrategy() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getSubscriptionStrategy() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getSubscriptionType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getSyntaxException() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- getTarget(int) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- getTarget(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- getTargetEdge() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- getTargetVertex() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- getText() - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParsingListener.Token
- getTo() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- getTokenFactory() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- getTokens() - Method in class graphql.parser.NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext
- getTopLevelFields() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperation
- getTrailingComment(Node<?>) - Method in class graphql.parser.CommentParser
- getTraversalContext() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- getTraverserContext() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getTraverserContext() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getTraverserContext() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment
- getTraverserContext() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- getTraverserContext() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- getTraverserContext() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- getTraverserContext() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironment
- getTraverserContext() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl
- getTraverserContext() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironment
- getTraverserContext() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl
- getTraverserContext() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironment
- getTraverserContext() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl
- getType() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getType() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
This returns the type for the current step.
- getType() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- getType() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- getType() - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- getType() - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- getType() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- getType() - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay.ResolvedGlobalId
- getType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- getType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- getType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- getType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- getType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- getType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLInputValueDefinition
- getType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- getType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Gets the named type from the schema or null if it's not present
- getType(Type) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getType(Type, Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getType(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getType(TypeResolutionEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.TypeResolver
This call back is invoked passing in a context object to allow you to know what type to use dynamically during runtime for
s andGraphQLUnionType
s - getType(TypeResolutionEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.TypeResolverProxy
- getType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getType(String, Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- getTypeAs(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Gets the named type from the schema or null if it's not present.
- getTypeCondition() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- getTypeCondition() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- getTypeFromAST(GraphQLSchema, Type) - Static method in class graphql.execution.TypeFromAST
- getTypeInfo() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
- getTypeKind() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- getTypeKind(TypeDefinition) - Static method in enum graphql.language.TypeKind
- getTypeMap() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- getTypeName() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- getTypeName() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
This can be a wrapped type: e.g.
- getTypeName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- getTypeName() - Method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
- getTypeName() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- getTypeName() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring
- getTypeRefFragmentDepth() - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- getTypeResolver() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring
- getTypeResolver() - Method in class graphql.schema.TypeResolverProxy
- getTypeResolver(GraphQLInterfaceType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Returns the type resolver associated with this interface type
- getTypeResolver(GraphQLInterfaceType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
Returns the type resolver associated with this interface type
- getTypeResolver(GraphQLUnionType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Returns the type resolver associated with this union type
- getTypeResolver(GraphQLUnionType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
Returns the type resolver associated with this union type
- getTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
Returns a
given the type interface - getTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- getTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
Returns a
given the type union - getTypeResolvers() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getTypes() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- getTypes(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- getTypes(Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns a list of types in the registry of that specified class
- getTypes(Collection<String>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
All types with the provided names.
- getTypesMap(Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns a map of types in the registry of that specified class keyed by name
- getUnderlyingErrors() - Method in exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
- getUnionDifferences() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.EditOperationAnalysisResult
- getUnionReferenceCounts() - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This shows how many times an object type is referenced as a member in some other union type.
- getUnionTypeDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.UnionWiringEnvironment
- getUnmodifiedType(Type<?>) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- getUnReferencedElements(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
This returns all the unreferenced named elements in a schema.
- getUnwrappedInputElements() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor.InputElements
This is the list of input schema elements that are unwrapped, e.g.
- getUnwrappedLeadingElements() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
This returns the schema element that led to this element but with
wrappers removed. - getUnwrappedNonNullType() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
This returns the type which is unwrapped if it was
wrapped - getUnwrappedType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.AppliedDirectiveArgumentVisitorEnvironment
- getUnwrappedType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ArgumentVisitorEnvironment
- getUnwrappedType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.FieldDefinitionVisitorEnvironment
- getUnwrappedType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InputObjectFieldVisitorEnvironment
- getUnwrappedTypeName() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- getUpstreamPublisher() - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher
Get instance of an upstreamPublisher
- getUpstreamPublisher() - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.SubscriptionPublisher
- getUpstreamSubscription() - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.DelegatingSubscription
Get instance of upstreamSubscription
- getValidationContext() - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- getValidationErrorCollector() - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- getValidationErrors() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- getValidationErrorType() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- getValidationUtil() - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- getValue() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValue
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValueImpl
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
This swill give out an internal java value based on the semantics captured in the
Note : You MUST only call this on aQueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
that is part of a fully formed schema. - getValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChar
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
Depending on the type it returns: Scalar or Enum: the ast literal of the Scalar.
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableValueWithDefinition
- getValue() - Method in interface graphql.relay.ConnectionCursor
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnectionCursor
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
This will give out an internal java value based on the semantics captured in the
Note : You MUST only call this on aGraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
that is part of a fully formed schema. - getValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- getValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- getValue(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getValue(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.EnumValuesProvider
- getValue(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MapEnumValuesProvider
- getValue(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NaturalEnumValuesProvider
- getValueName() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumValueLocation
- getValues() - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- getValues() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- getValueUnboxer() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- getValueUnboxer() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- getVar(Class<? super S>) - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getVar(Class<? super S>) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Obtains a context local variable
- getVarFromParents(Class<? super S>) - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- getVarFromParents(Class<? super S>) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Searches for a context variable starting from the parent up the hierarchy of contexts until the first variable is found.
- getVariableDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- getVariableDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableAccumulator
- getVariableReference() - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableValueWithDefinition
- getVariables() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- getVariables() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- getVariables() - Method in interface graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodeDecisionEnvironment
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
instead - getVariables() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationToAstCompiler.CompilerResult
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- getVariables() - Method in interface graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment
This returns the variables that have been passed into the query.
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- getVariables() - Method in class graphql.schema.DelegatingDataFetchingEnvironment
- getVariablesMap() - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableAccumulator
- getVertices() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getVerticesByType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getVerticesByType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- getWiringFactory() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- getWrappedDataFetcher() - Method in class graphql.schema.AsyncDataFetcher
- getWrappedType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- getWrappedType() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLModifiedType
- getWrappedType() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- getZipperForNode(T) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- getZippers() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- graphql - package graphql
- GraphQL - Class in graphql
This class is where all graphql-java query execution begins.
- GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_DIRECTIVE_MAP - Static variable in class graphql.schema.idl.DirectiveInfo
A map from directive name to directive which provided by specification
- GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_DIRECTIVES - Static variable in class graphql.schema.idl.DirectiveInfo
A set of directives which provided by graphql specification
- GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_SCALARS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.idl.ScalarInfo
A list of the built-in scalar types as defined by the graphql specification
- GRAPHQL_SPECIFICATION_SCALARS_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class graphql.schema.idl.ScalarInfo
A map of scalar type definitions provided by graphql-java
- graphql.analysis - package graphql.analysis
- graphql.analysis.values - package graphql.analysis.values
- GraphQL.Builder - Class in graphql
- graphql.collect - package graphql.collect
- graphql.execution - package graphql.execution
- graphql.execution.conditional - package graphql.execution.conditional
- graphql.execution.directives - package graphql.execution.directives
- graphql.execution.incremental - package graphql.execution.incremental
- graphql.execution.instrumentation - package graphql.execution.instrumentation
- graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters - package graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters
- graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader - package graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader
- graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation - package graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation
- graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters - package graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
- graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools - package graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools
- graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing - package graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing
- graphql.execution.preparsed - package graphql.execution.preparsed
- graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted - package graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
- graphql.execution.reactive - package graphql.execution.reactive
- graphql.execution.values - package graphql.execution.values
- graphql.execution.values.legacycoercing - package graphql.execution.values.legacycoercing
- graphql.extensions - package graphql.extensions
- graphql.i18n - package graphql.i18n
- graphql.incremental - package graphql.incremental
- graphql.introspection - package graphql.introspection
- graphql.language - package graphql.language
- graphql.normalized - package graphql.normalized
- graphql.normalized.incremental - package graphql.normalized.incremental
- graphql.parser - package graphql.parser
- graphql.parser.exceptions - package graphql.parser.exceptions
- graphql.relay - package graphql.relay
- graphql.scalar - package graphql.scalar
- graphql.schema - package graphql.schema
- graphql.schema.diff - package graphql.schema.diff
- graphql.schema.diff.reporting - package graphql.schema.diff.reporting
- graphql.schema.diffing - package graphql.schema.diffing
- graphql.schema.diffing.ana - package graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- graphql.schema.fetching - package graphql.schema.fetching
- graphql.schema.idl - package graphql.schema.idl
- graphql.schema.idl.errors - package graphql.schema.idl.errors
- graphql.schema.impl - package graphql.schema.impl
- graphql.schema.transform - package graphql.schema.transform
- graphql.schema.usage - package graphql.schema.usage
- graphql.schema.validation - package graphql.schema.validation
- graphql.schema.visibility - package graphql.schema.visibility
- graphql.schema.visitor - package graphql.schema.visitor
- graphql.util - package graphql.util
- graphql.validation - package graphql.validation
- graphql.validation.rules - package graphql.validation.rules
- GraphqlAntlrToLanguage - Class in graphql.parser
- GraphqlAntlrToLanguage(CommonTokenStream, MultiSourceReader, ParserOptions, I18n, Map<Node<?>, ParserRuleContext>) - Constructor for class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- GraphQLAppliedDirective - Class in graphql.schema
An applied directive represents the instance of a directive that is applied to a schema element, as opposed to it definition
- GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument - Class in graphql.schema
This represents the argument values that can be placed on an
. - GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLArgument - Class in graphql.schema
This defines an argument that can be supplied to a graphql field (via
. - GraphQLArgument.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLBoolean - Static variable in class graphql.Scalars
This represents the "Boolean" type as defined in the graphql specification : https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-Boolean
- GraphqlBooleanCoercing - Class in graphql.scalar
The deprecated methods still have implementations in case code outside graphql-java is calling them but internally the call paths have been replaced.
- GraphqlBooleanCoercing() - Constructor for class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- GraphQLCodeRegistry - Class in graphql.schema
holds that execution code that is associated with graphql types, namely theDataFetcher
s associated with fields, theTypeResolver
s associated with abstract types and theGraphqlFieldVisibility
- GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLCompositeType - Interface in graphql.schema
- graphQLContext(GraphQLContext) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives.Builder
- graphQLContext(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- graphQLContext(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- graphQLContext(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters.Builder
- graphQLContext(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- graphQLContext(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
Context object to use when parsing the operation.
- graphQLContext(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- graphQLContext(Consumer<GraphQLContext.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
This will give you a builder of
and any values you set will be copied into the underlyingGraphQLContext
of this execution input - graphQLContext(Map<?, Object>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
This will put all the values from the map into the underlying
of this execution input - GraphQLContext - Class in graphql
This context object can be used to contain key values that can be useful as "context" when executing
s - GraphQLContext.Builder - Class in graphql
- GraphQLDirective - Class in graphql.schema
A directive can be used to modify the behavior of a graphql field or type.
- GraphQLDirective.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLDirectiveContainer - Interface in graphql.schema
Represents a graphql runtime type that can have
s. - GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder<B extends GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder<B,BASE>,BASE extends GraphqlTypeBuilder<BASE>> - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- GraphqlElementParentTree - Class in graphql.schema
This represents a hierarchy an graphql runtime element upwards to its associated parent elements.
- GraphqlElementParentTree(Deque<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphqlElementParentTree
- GraphQLEnumType - Class in graphql.schema
A graphql enumeration type has a limited set of values.
- GraphQLEnumType.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLEnumValueDefinition - Class in graphql.schema
A graphql enumeration type has a limited set of values and this defines one of those unique values
- GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLError - Interface in graphql
The interface describing graphql errors NOTE: This class implements
and hence it can be serialised and placed into a distributed cache. - GraphQLError.Builder<B extends GraphQLError.Builder<B>> - Interface in graphql
A builder of
s - GraphqlErrorBuilder<B extends GraphqlErrorBuilder<B>> - Class in graphql
This helps you build
s and also has a quick way to make aDataFetcherResult
s from that error. - GraphqlErrorBuilder() - Constructor for class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- GraphqlErrorException - Exception in graphql
A base class for graphql runtime exceptions that also implement
and can be used in a general sense direct or have specialisations made of it. - GraphqlErrorException(GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase<?, ?>) - Constructor for exception graphql.GraphqlErrorException
- GraphqlErrorException.Builder - Class in graphql
- GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase<T extends GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase<T,B>,B extends GraphqlErrorException> - Class in graphql
A trait like base class that contains the properties that GraphqlErrorException handles and can be used by other classes to derive their own builders.
- GraphqlErrorHelper - Class in graphql
This little helper allows GraphQlErrors to implement common things (hashcode/ equals ) and to specification more easily
- GraphqlErrorHelper() - Constructor for class graphql.GraphqlErrorHelper
- GraphQLException - Exception in graphql
- GraphQLException() - Constructor for exception graphql.GraphQLException
- GraphQLException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.GraphQLException
- GraphQLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.GraphQLException
- GraphQLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception graphql.GraphQLException
- GraphQLFieldDefinition - Class in graphql.schema
Fields are the ways you get data values in graphql and a field definition represents a field, its type, the arguments it takes and the
used to get data values for that field. - GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLFieldsContainer - Interface in graphql.schema
Types that can contain output fields are marked with this interface
- GraphqlFieldVisibility - Interface in graphql.schema.visibility
This allows you to control the visibility of graphql fields.
- GraphQLFloat - Static variable in class graphql.Scalars
This represents the "Float" type as defined in the graphql specification : https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-Float
- GraphqlFloatCoercing - Class in graphql.scalar
The deprecated methods still have implementations in case code outside graphql-java is calling them but internally the call paths have been replaced.
- GraphqlFloatCoercing() - Constructor for class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- GraphQLID - Static variable in class graphql.Scalars
This represents the "ID" type as defined in the graphql specification : https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-ID
- GraphqlIDCoercing - Class in graphql.scalar
The deprecated methods still have implementations in case code outside graphql-java is calling them but internally the call paths have been replaced.
- GraphqlIDCoercing() - Constructor for class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- GraphQLImplementingType - Interface in graphql.schema
A GraphQLType which can implement interfaces
- GraphQLInputFieldsContainer - Interface in graphql.schema
Types that can contain input fields are marked with this interface
- GraphQLInputObjectField - Class in graphql.schema
Input objects defined via
contains these input fields. - GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLInputObjectType - Class in graphql.schema
graphql clearly delineates between the types of objects that represent the output of a query and input objects that can be fed into a graphql mutation.
- GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLInputSchemaElement - Interface in graphql.schema
A schema element that is concerned with input.
- GraphQLInputType - Interface in graphql.schema
Input types represent those set of types that are allowed to be accepted as graphql mutation input, as opposed to
s which can only be used as graphql response output. - GraphQLInputValueDefinition - Interface in graphql.schema
Named schema elements that contain input type information.
- GraphQLInt - Static variable in class graphql.Scalars
This represents the "Int" type as defined in the graphql specification : https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-Int
- GraphqlIntCoercing - Class in graphql.scalar
The deprecated methods still have implementations in case code outside graphql-java is calling them but internally the call paths have been replaced.
- GraphqlIntCoercing() - Constructor for class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- GraphQLInterfaceType - Class in graphql.schema
In graphql, an interface is an abstract type that defines the set of fields that a type must include to implement that interface.
- GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLList - Class in graphql.schema
A modified type that indicates there is a list of the underlying wrapped type, eg a list of strings or a list of booleans.
- GraphQLList(GraphQLType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- GraphQLModifiedType - Interface in graphql.schema
A modified type wraps another graphql type and modifies it behavior
- GraphQLNamedInputType - Interface in graphql.schema
Input types represent those set of types that are allowed to be accepted as graphql mutation input, as opposed to
s which can only be used as graphql response output. - GraphQLNamedOutputType - Interface in graphql.schema
Output types represent those set of types that are allowed to be sent back as a graphql response, as opposed to
s which can only be used as graphql mutation input. - GraphQLNamedSchemaElement - Interface in graphql.schema
A Schema element which has a name and also a description and AST Node which it is based on.
- GraphQLNamedType - Interface in graphql.schema
A GraphQLType which is also a named element, which means it has a getName() method.
- GraphQLNonNull - Class in graphql.schema
A modified type that indicates there the underlying wrapped type will not be null.
- GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLType) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- GraphQLNullableType - Interface in graphql.schema
- GraphQLObjectType - Class in graphql.schema
This is the work horse type and represents an object with one or more field values that can be retrieved by the graphql system.
- GraphQLObjectType.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLOutputType - Interface in graphql.schema
Output types represent those set of types that are allowed to be sent back as a graphql response, as opposed to
s which can only be used as graphql mutation input. - GraphQLScalarType - Class in graphql.schema
A scalar type is a leaf node in the graphql tree of types.
- GraphQLScalarType.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- graphQLSchema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- graphQLSchema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- GraphQLSchema - Class in graphql.schema
The schema represents the combined type system of the graphql engine.
- GraphQLSchema(GraphQLSchema.BuilderWithoutTypes) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- GraphQLSchema(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLCodeRegistry, ImmutableMap<String, GraphQLNamedType>, ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableList<GraphQLObjectType>>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- GraphQLSchema.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLSchema.BuilderWithoutTypes - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLSchemaElement - Interface in graphql.schema
A GraphQLSchema can be viewed as a graph of GraphQLSchemaElement.
- GraphQLSchemaElementAdapter - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLSchemaTraversalControl - Class in graphql.schema.visitor
This indicates what traversal control to apply during the visitation and can be created via calls to methods like
say - GraphQLSchemaVisitor - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
This visitor interface offers more "smarts" above
and aims to be easier to use with more type safe helpers. - GraphQLSchemaVisitor.AppliedDirectiveArgumentVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.AppliedDirectiveVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLAppliedDirective
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ArgumentVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLArgument
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.DirectiveVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.EnumTypeVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLEnumType
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.EnumValueDefinitionVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.FieldDefinitionVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLFieldDefinition
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InputObjectFieldVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLInputObjectField
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InputObjectTypeVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLInputObjectType
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InterfaceTypeVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLInterfaceType
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ObjectVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLObjectType
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ScalarTypeVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLScalarType
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.SchemaElementVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLSchemaElement
- GraphQLSchemaVisitor.UnionTypeVisitorEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
environment specific toGraphQLUnionType
- GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment<T extends GraphQLSchemaElement> - Interface in graphql.schema.visitor
- GraphQLString - Static variable in class graphql.Scalars
This represents the "String" type as defined in the graphql specification : https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-String
- GraphqlStringCoercing - Class in graphql.scalar
The deprecated methods still have implementations in case code outside graphql-java is calling them but internally the call paths have been replaced.
- GraphqlStringCoercing() - Constructor for class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- GraphQLType - Interface in graphql.schema
A type inside the GraphQLSchema.
- GraphqlTypeBuilder<B extends GraphqlTypeBuilder<B>> - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphqlTypeBuilder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeBuilder
- GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor - Class in graphql.schema.impl
- GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment - Class in graphql.schema
Defines the scope to control where the registered
can be applied. - GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry - Interface in graphql.schema
- GraphqlTypeComparators - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphqlTypeComparators() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparators
- GraphQLTypeReference - Class in graphql.schema
A special type to allow a object/interface types to reference itself.
- GraphQLTypeReference(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
- GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor(Map<String, GraphQLNamedType>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- GraphQLTypeUtil - Class in graphql.schema
A utility class that helps work with
s - GraphQLTypeUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
- GraphQLTypeVisitor - Interface in graphql.schema
GraphQLTypeVisitor can be used to visit all the elements of a schema (types, fields, directives and so on) in a visitor pattern.
- GraphQLTypeVisitorStub - Class in graphql.schema
Base implementation of
for convenience. - GraphQLTypeVisitorStub() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- GraphQLUnionType - Class in graphql.schema
A union type is a polymorphic type that dynamically represents one of more concrete object types.
- GraphQLUnionType.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- GraphQLUnmodifiedType - Interface in graphql.schema
- greedyMatch() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Find a valid matching by greedily selecting among zero-cost matchings.
- groupImplementationsForInterfacesAndObjects(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.SchemaUtil
- groupingBy(Collection<T>, Function<T, NewKey>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- groupingBy(Stream<T>, Function<T, NewKey>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- groupingByUniqueKey(Collection<T>, Function<T, NewKey>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- groupingByUniqueKey(Stream<T>, Function<T, NewKey>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- groupInterfaceImplementationsByName(List<GraphQLNamedType>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.impl.SchemaUtil
- handleEnumError(Value<?>, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleEnumError(Value<?>, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandler
When an exception occurs during a call to a
then this handler is called to shape the errors that should be placed in theExecutionResult.getErrors()
list of errors. - handleException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler
- handleExtraFieldError(Value<?>, GraphQLInputObjectType, ObjectField) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleExtraFieldError(Value<?>, GraphQLInputObjectType, ObjectField) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleFetchingException(DataFetchingEnvironment, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- handleFieldNotValidError(ObjectField, GraphQLInputObjectType) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleFieldNotValidError(ObjectField, GraphQLInputObjectType) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleFieldNotValidError(Value<?>, GraphQLType, int) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleFieldNotValidError(Value<?>, GraphQLType, int) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleMissingFieldsError(Value<?>, GraphQLInputObjectType, Set<String>) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleMissingFieldsError(Value<?>, GraphQLInputObjectType, Set<String>) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleNonNullException(ExecutionContext, CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult>, Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- handleNotObjectError(Value<?>, GraphQLInputObjectType) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleNotObjectError(Value<?>, GraphQLInputObjectType) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleNullError(Value<?>, GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleNullError(Value<?>, GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleResults(ExecutionContext, List<String>, CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult>) - Method in class graphql.execution.AbstractAsyncExecutionStrategy
- handleScalarError(Value<?>, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.validation.ArgumentValidationUtil
- handleScalarError(Value<?>, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- handleTypeReference(GraphQLTypeReference, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- handleValueException(CompletableFuture<T>, Throwable, ExecutionContext) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- hasAppliedDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
This will return true if the element has a directive (repeatable or non repeatable) with the specified name
- hasBeenComputed() - Method in class graphql.util.LockKit.ComputedOnce
- hasChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- hasChildren() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- hasChildrenRestrictions(Vertex) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
- hasDataFetcher(FieldCoordinates) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Returns true if the code registry contained a data fetcher at the specified co-ordinates
- hasDataFetcher(FieldCoordinates) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
Returns true if the code registry contained a data fetcher at the specified co-ordinates
- hasDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.language.DirectivesContainer
This returns true if the AST node contains one or more directives by the specified name
- hasDirective(String) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLDirectiveContainer
- hasErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- hasErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
- hasErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry
- hasField(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- hasField(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- hasField(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionId
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChar
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnection
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnectionCursor
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultEdge
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- hashCode() - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidCursorException
- hashCode() - Method in exception graphql.relay.InvalidPageSizeException
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex.VertexData
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElement
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
No GraphQLSchemaElement implements `equals/hashCode` because we need object identity to treat a GraphQLSchema as an abstract graph.
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationError
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.util.Breadcrumb
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeLocation
- hashCode() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- hashCode(GraphQLError) - Static method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorHelper
- hasKey(Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Returns true if the context contains a value for that key
- hasNext() - Method in interface graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResult
Indicates whether the stream will continue emitting
s after this one. - hasNext() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl
- hasNext() - Method in interface graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResult
Indicates whether there are pending incremental data.
- hasNext() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl
- hasNext(boolean) - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl.Builder
- hasNext(boolean) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- hasParent() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- hasParentRestriction(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- hasParentRestrictions(Vertex) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
- hasSetDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- hasSetDefaultValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- hasSetValue() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- hasSetValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- hasSetValue() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- hasType(TypeName) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- hasTypeResolver(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Returns true of a type resolver has been registered for this type name
- hasValue(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- HungarianAlgorithm - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
An implementation of the Hungarian algorithm for solving the assignment problem.
- HungarianAlgorithm(double[][]) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Construct an instance of the algorithm.
- i18n(I18n.BundleType, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.i18n.I18n
- i18n(ValidationErrorType, I18nMsg) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
Creates an I18n message using the
- i18n(ValidationErrorType, String, Object...) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
Creates an I18N message using the key and arguments
- i18n(String, Object...) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
Creates an I18N message using the key and arguments
- I18n - Class in graphql.i18n
- I18n(I18n.BundleType, Locale) - Constructor for class graphql.i18n.I18n
- I18n.BundleType - Enum in graphql.i18n
This enum is a type safe way to control what resource bundle to load from
- i18nMsg(Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class graphql.scalar.CoercingUtil
- I18nMsg - Class in graphql.i18n
A class that represents the intention to create a I18n message
- I18nMsg(String, Object...) - Constructor for class graphql.i18n.I18nMsg
- I18nMsg(String, List<Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.i18n.I18nMsg
- idForVertex(Vertex, SchemaGraph) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.VertexContextSegment
- IgnoredChar - Class in graphql.language
Graphql syntax has a series of characters, such as spaces, new lines and commas that are not considered relevant to the syntax.
- IgnoredChar(String, IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind, SourceLocation) - Constructor for class graphql.language.IgnoredChar
- IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind - Enum in graphql.language
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeBuilder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- ignoredChars(IgnoredChars) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference.Builder
- IgnoredChars - Class in graphql.language
Graphql syntax has a series of characters, such as spaces, new lines and commas that are not considered relevant to the syntax.
- IgnoredChars(List<IgnoredChar>, List<IgnoredChar>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.IgnoredChars
- IllegalNameError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- IllegalNameError(NamedNode) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.IllegalNameError
- ImmutableKit - Class in graphql.collect
- ImmutableKit() - Constructor for class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
- ImmutableMapWithNullValues<K,V> - Class in graphql.collect
The standard ImmutableMap does not allow null values.
- ImplementingTypeDefinition<T extends TypeDefinition> - Interface in graphql.language
that might implement interfaces - ImplementingTypeLackOfFieldError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- implementz(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- implementz(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- implementz(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- implementz(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- implementz(List<Type>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- implementz(List<Type>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- implementz(List<Type>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- implementz(List<Type>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- includeAstDefinitionComments(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
Sometimes it is useful to allow printing schema comments.
- IncludeDirective - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
- includeDirectiveDefinitions(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
This flag controls whether schema printer will include directive definitions at the top of the schema, but does not remove them from the field or type usage.
- includeDirectives(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
Allow to print directives.
- includeDirectives(Predicate<String>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
This is a Predicate that decides whether a directive element is printed.
- includeIntrospectionTypes(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
This will allow you to include introspection types that are contained in a schema
- includeScalarTypes(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
This will allow you to include scalar types that are contained in a schema
- includeSchemaDefinition(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
This will force the printing of the graphql schema definition even if the query, mutation, and/or subscription types use the default names.
- includeSchemaElement(Predicate<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
This is a general purpose Predicate that decides whether a schema element is printed ever.
- includeTrivialDataFetchers(boolean) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation.Options
By default trivial data fetchers (those that simple pull data from an object into field) are included in tracing but you can control this behavior.
- increment(int, int) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- incremental - Variable in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- incremental(List<IncrementalPayload>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- IncrementalCall<T extends IncrementalPayload> - Interface in graphql.execution.incremental
Represents an incremental call (resulted from the usage of @defer or @stream).
- IncrementalCallState - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
This provides support for @defer directives on fields that mean that results will be sent AFTER the main result is sent via a Publisher stream.
- IncrementalCallState() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.IncrementalCallState
- IncrementalExecutionResult - Interface in graphql.incremental
A result that is part of an execution that includes incrementally delivered data (data has been deferred of streamed).
- IncrementalExecutionResultImpl - Class in graphql.incremental
- IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder - Class in graphql.incremental
- incrementalItemPublisher(Publisher<DelayedIncrementalPartialResult>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl.Builder
- incrementalItems(List<IncrementalPayload>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl.Builder
- IncrementalPayload - Class in graphql.incremental
Represents a payload that can be resolved after the initial response.
- IncrementalPayload(List<Object>, String, List<GraphQLError>, Map<Object, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload
- IncrementalPayload.Builder<T extends IncrementalPayload.Builder<T>> - Class in graphql.incremental
- IncrementalUtils - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
- indentType(PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.IndentType) - Method in class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.Builder
- indentWith(int) - Method in class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.Builder
- INFO - graphql.schema.diff.DiffLevel
A simple info object coming out of the difference engine
- initializePhase(int) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Initialize the next phase of the algorithm by clearing the committed workers and jobs sets and by initializing the slack arrays to the values corresponding to the specified root worker.
- INLINE_FRAGMENT - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- InlineFragment - Class in graphql.language
- InlineFragment(TypeName) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InlineFragment
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- InlineFragment(TypeName, SelectionSet) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InlineFragment
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- InlineFragment(TypeName, List<Directive>, SelectionSet, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- InlineFragment.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- InlineFragmentTypeConditionInvalid - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- InMemoryPersistedQueryCache - Class in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
A PersistedQueryCache that is just an in memory map of known queries.
- InMemoryPersistedQueryCache(Map<Object, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.InMemoryPersistedQueryCache
- InMemoryPersistedQueryCache.Builder - Class in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
- INPUT_FIELD - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- INPUT_OBJECT - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- INPUT_OBJECT - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- INPUT_OBJECT - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- InputAndOutputTypesUsedAppropriately - Class in graphql.schema.validation
Schema validation rule ensuring no input type forms an unbroken non-nullable recursion, as such a type would be impossible to satisfy
- InputAndOutputTypesUsedAppropriately() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.InputAndOutputTypesUsedAppropriately
- InputInterceptor - Interface in graphql.execution.values
This INTERNAL class can be used to intercept input values before they are coerced into runtime values by the
code. - InputMapDefinesTooManyFieldsException - Exception in graphql.execution
https://facebook.github.io/graphql/#sec-Input-Objects - This unordered map should not contain any entries with names not defined by a field of this input object type, otherwise an error should be thrown.
- InputMapDefinesTooManyFieldsException(GraphQLType, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.InputMapDefinesTooManyFieldsException
- InputObject - graphql.language.TypeKind
- InputObjectAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectAddition
- InputObjectDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectDeletion
- InputObjectFieldAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldAddition
- InputObjectFieldDefaultValueModification(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDefaultValueModification
- InputObjectFieldDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDeletion
- InputObjectFieldRename(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldRename
- InputObjectFieldTypeModification(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldTypeModification
- InputObjectModification(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification
- InputObjectModification(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification
- InputObjectTypeDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- InputObjectTypeDefinition(String, List<Directive>, List<InputValueDefinition>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(String, List<Directive>, List<InputValueDefinition>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- inputObjectTypeExtensions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- InputObjectTypeLackOfFieldError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- inputTypeFactory(SchemaGeneratorHelper.BuildContext) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorHelper
- InputTypeUsedInOutputTypeContext - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- inputValueDefinition(InputValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- inputValueDefinition(InputValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- inputValueDefinition(InputValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- inputValueDefinition(InputValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- InputValueDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- InputValueDefinition(String, Type) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- InputValueDefinition(String, Type, Value) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- InputValueDefinition(String, Type, Value, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- InputValueDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- inputValueDefinitions(List<InputValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- inputValueDefinitions(List<InputValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- inputValueDefinitions(List<InputValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- inputValueDefinitions(List<InputValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- inputValueDeprecation(boolean) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
This will allow you to include deprecated input fields in the introspection query.
- inputValueWithState(InputValueWithState) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- inputValueWithState(InputValueWithState) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- InputValueWithState - Class in graphql.schema
Used by @
to represent different value states. - INSERT_AFTER - graphql.util.NodeZipper.ModificationType
- INSERT_BEFORE - graphql.util.NodeZipper.ModificationType
- INSERT_EDGE - graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
- INSERT_VERTEX - graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
- insertAfter(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
This helper method can be used to "insert a new node" AFTER the current node when returning control from this visitor
- insertAfter(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- insertAfter(TraverserContext<T>, T) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeTransformerUtil
- insertAfter(T) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
Called to insert the current schema element after the specified schema element
- insertAfter(T) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- insertBefore(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
This helper method can be used to "insert a new node" BEFORE the current node when returning control from this visitor
- insertBefore(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- insertBefore(TraverserContext<T>, T) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeTransformerUtil
- insertBefore(T) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
Called to insert the current schema element before the specified schema element
- insertBefore(T) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- insertEdge(String, Edge) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- insertVertex(String, Vertex, Vertex) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentation
Deprecated.A singleton instance of a
that does nothing - INSTANCE - Static variable in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
A singleton instance of a
that does nothing - INSTANCE - Static variable in class graphql.execution.preparsed.NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider
- instrumentation(Instrumentation) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- instrumentation(Instrumentation) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- Instrumentation - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation
Provides the capability to instrument the execution steps of a GraphQL query.
- InstrumentationContext<T> - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation
When a
.'beginXXX()' method is called then it must return a non null InstrumentationContext that will be invoked when the step is first dispatched and then when it completes. - InstrumentationCreateStateParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationCreateStateParameters(GraphQLSchema, ExecutionInput) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationCreateStateParameters
- instrumentationExecuteOperationParameters(InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo.Builder
- InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters
- InstrumentationExecutionParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationExecutionParameters(ExecutionInput, GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationState) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
- InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters
- InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Supplier<ExecutionStepInfo>, Object) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
- InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters(ExecutionContext, Supplier<DataFetchingEnvironment>, ExecutionStrategyParameters, boolean) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters
- InstrumentationFieldParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationFieldParameters(ExecutionContext, Supplier<ExecutionStepInfo>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldParameters
- instrumentations - Variable in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentationState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- InstrumentationState - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation
implementation can create this as a stateful object that is then passed to each instrumentation method, allowing state to be passed down with the request execution - instrumentationValidationParameters(InstrumentationValidationParameters) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo.Builder
The instrumentation validation parameters.
- InstrumentationValidationParameters - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters
Parameters sent to
methods - InstrumentationValidationParameters(ExecutionInput, Document, GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationState) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationValidationParameters
- instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called to instrument a
just before it is used to fetch a field, allowing you to adjust what information is passed back or record information about specific data fetches. - instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>, InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation
- instrumentDocumentAndVariables(DocumentAndVariables, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentDocumentAndVariables(DocumentAndVariables, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- instrumentDocumentAndVariables(DocumentAndVariables, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentDocumentAndVariables(DocumentAndVariables, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentDocumentAndVariables(DocumentAndVariables, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called to instrument a
and variables before it is used allowing you to adjust the query AST if you so desire - instrumentDocumentAndVariables(DocumentAndVariables, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionContext(ExecutionContext, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionContext(ExecutionContext, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- instrumentExecutionContext(ExecutionContext, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionContext(ExecutionContext, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionContext(ExecutionContext, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called to instrument a
before it is used to execute a query, allowing you to adjust the base data used. - instrumentExecutionContext(ExecutionContext, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionInput(ExecutionInput, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionInput(ExecutionInput, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- instrumentExecutionInput(ExecutionInput, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionInput(ExecutionInput, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionInput(ExecutionInput, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called to instrument a
before it is used to parse, validate and execute a query, allowing you to adjust what query input parameters are used - instrumentExecutionInput(ExecutionInput, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called to allow instrumentation to instrument the execution result in some way
- instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation
- instrumentSchema(GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentSchema(GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
- instrumentSchema(GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationExecutionParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- instrumentSchema(GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.ChainedInstrumentation
- instrumentSchema(GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation
This is called to instrument a
before it is used to parse, validate and execute a query, allowing you to adjust what types are used. - instrumentSchema(GraphQLSchema, InstrumentationExecutionParameters, InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- intercept(Object, GraphQLInputType, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in interface graphql.execution.values.InputInterceptor
This is called with a value that is to be presented to the
code. - intercept(Object, GraphQLInputType, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.execution.values.legacycoercing.LegacyCoercingInputInterceptor
- Interface - graphql.language.TypeKind
- INTERFACE - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- INTERFACE - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- INTERFACE - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- InterfaceAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceAddition
- InterfaceDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceDeletion
- InterfaceFieldAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldAddition
- InterfaceFieldArgumentAddition(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentAddition
- InterfaceFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- InterfaceFieldArgumentDeletion(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDeletion
- InterfaceFieldArgumentNotOptionalError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- InterfaceFieldArgumentNotOptionalError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition, FieldDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.InterfaceFieldArgumentNotOptionalError
- InterfaceFieldArgumentRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- InterfaceFieldArgumentRedefinitionError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition, FieldDefinition, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.InterfaceFieldArgumentRedefinitionError
- InterfaceFieldArgumentRename(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentRename
- InterfaceFieldArgumentTypeModification(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentTypeModification
- InterfaceFieldDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldDeletion
- InterfaceFieldRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- InterfaceFieldRedefinitionError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition, FieldDefinition, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.InterfaceFieldRedefinitionError
- InterfaceFieldRename(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldRename
- InterfaceFieldTypeModification(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldTypeModification
- InterfaceImplementedMoreThanOnceError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- InterfaceImplementedMoreThanOnceError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.InterfaceImplementedMoreThanOnceError
- InterfaceImplementingItselfError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- InterfaceImplementingItselfError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.InterfaceImplementingItselfError
- InterfaceInterfaceImplementationAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceInterfaceImplementationAddition
- InterfaceInterfaceImplementationDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceInterfaceImplementationDeletion
- InterfaceModification(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification
- InterfaceModification(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification
- InterfaceTypeDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- InterfaceTypeDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- InterfaceTypeDefinition(String, List<Type>, List<FieldDefinition>, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition(String, List<Type>, List<FieldDefinition>, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition
- InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- interfaceTypeExtensions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- InterfaceWiringEnvironment - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- InterfaceWithCircularImplementationHierarchyError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- InterfaceWithCircularImplementationHierarchyError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.InterfaceWithCircularImplementationHierarchyError
- Internal - Annotation Type in graphql
This represents code that the graphql-java project considers internal code that MAY not be stable within major releases.
- INTERNAL_VALIDATION_PREDICATE_HINT - Static variable in class graphql.ParseAndValidate
hint can be used to supply a Predicate to the Validator so that certain rules can be skipped. - intersection(Set<T>, Set<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
Faster set intersection.
- interThreadMemoize(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
This will memoize the Supplier across threads and make sure the Supplier is exactly called once.
- InterThreadMemoizedSupplier<T> - Class in graphql.util
This memoizing supplier DOES use locked double locking to set its value.
- InterThreadMemoizedSupplier(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.util.InterThreadMemoizedSupplier
- intraThreadMemoize(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
This will memoize the Supplier within the current thread's visibility, that is it does not use volatile reads but rather use a sentinel check and re-reads the delegate supplier value if the read has not stuck to this thread.
- Introspection - Class in graphql.introspection
- Introspection() - Constructor for class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- INTROSPECTION_QUERY - Static variable in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQuery
This is the default introspection query provided by graphql-java
- INTROSPECTION_SYSTEM_FIELDS - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- Introspection.DirectiveLocation - Enum in graphql.introspection
- Introspection.TypeKind - Enum in graphql.introspection
- IntrospectionDataFetcher<T> - Interface in graphql.introspection
Special DataFetcher which is only used inside
- IntrospectionDataFetchingEnvironment - Interface in graphql.introspection
Extracted from
to only capture the data really needed forIntrospection
- IntrospectionQuery - Interface in graphql.introspection
- IntrospectionQueryBuilder - Class in graphql.introspection
allows you to build introspection queries controlled by the options you specify - IntrospectionQueryBuilder() - Constructor for class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder
- IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options - Class in graphql.introspection
- IntrospectionResultToSchema - Class in graphql.introspection
- IntrospectionResultToSchema() - Constructor for class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionResultToSchema
- introspectionSchemaType(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport - Class in graphql.introspection
The graphql specification does not allow you to retrieve the directives and their argument values that are present on types, enums, fields and input fields, so this class allows you to change the schema and enhance the Introspection types to contain this information.
- IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport() - Constructor for class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport
This version lists all directives on a schema element
- IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport(IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicate) - Constructor for class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport
This version allows you to filter what directives are listed via the provided predicate
- IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport(IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicate, String) - Constructor for class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport
This version allows you to filter what directives are listed via the provided predicate Some graphql systems (graphql-js in 2021) cannot cope with extra types starting with `__` so we use a `_` as a prefix by default.
- IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicate - Interface in graphql.introspection
A callback which allows you to decide what directives may be included in introspection extensions
- IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicateEnvironment - Interface in graphql.introspection
The parameter environment on a call to
- IntValue - Class in graphql.language
- IntValue(BigInteger) - Constructor for class graphql.language.IntValue
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- IntValue(BigInteger, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.IntValue
- IntValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- INVALID - graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
The new API has an invalid structure
- InvalidAppliedDirective - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- InvalidAppliedDirectiveArgument - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- InvalidCursorException - Exception in graphql.relay
- InvalidCustomizedNameError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- InvalidDefaultValue - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- InvalidFragmentType - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- InvalidPageSizeException - Exception in graphql.relay
- InvalidSchemaException - Exception in graphql.schema.validation
- InvalidSchemaException(Collection<SchemaValidationError>) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.validation.InvalidSchemaException
- InvalidSyntax - graphql.ErrorType
- InvalidSyntax - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- InvalidSyntaxError - Class in graphql
- InvalidSyntaxError(SourceLocation, String) - Constructor for class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- InvalidSyntaxError(List<SourceLocation>, String) - Constructor for class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- InvalidSyntaxError(List<SourceLocation>, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- InvalidSyntaxException - Exception in graphql.parser
This exception is thrown by the
if the graphql syntax is not valid - InvalidSyntaxException(String, SourceLocation, String, String, Exception) - Constructor for exception graphql.parser.InvalidSyntaxException
- InvalidUnicodeSyntaxException - Exception in graphql.parser.exceptions
- InvalidUnicodeSyntaxException(I18n, String, SourceLocation, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.parser.exceptions.InvalidUnicodeSyntaxException
- InvalidUnionMemberTypeError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- invert() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- invoke() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredFragmentCall
- invoke() - Method in interface graphql.execution.incremental.IncrementalCall
- invoke() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.StreamedCall
- isAllNonRepeatable(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- isBuiltInType() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- isCaptureAstDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator.Options
- isCaptureIgnoredChars() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
Significant memory savings can be made if we do NOT capture ignored characters, especially in SDL parsing.
- isCaptureLineComments() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
s do not have any semantic meaning in GraphQL source documents, as such you may wish to ignore them. - isCaptureSourceLocation() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
Memory savings can be made if we do NOT set
s on AST nodes, especially in SDL parsing. - isChanged() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- isChanged() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
- isConditional() - Method in interface graphql.schema.SelectedField
- isConditional(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
Determines whether this
needs a fragment to select the field. - isDataPresent() - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult
The graphql specification specifies: "If an error was encountered before execution begins, the data entry should not be present in the result.
- isDataPresent() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- isDeferredField(MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.DeferredExecutionSupportImpl
- isDeferredField(MergedField) - Method in interface graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport
- isDeferredField(MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.NoOp
- isDefinedDirective() - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicateEnvironment
A schema has two list of directives.
- isDeleted() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- isDeleted() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
- isDeprecated() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- isDeprecated() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- isDeprecated() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- isDeprecated() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- isDescriptions() - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- isDescriptionsAsHashComments() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- isDirectiveIncluded(IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicateEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.introspection.IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicate
Return true if the directive should be included
- isDirectiveIsRepeatable() - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- isDoNotAutomaticallyDispatchDataLoader() - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
- isEmpty() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- isEmpty() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- isEmpty() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- isEmpty() - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- isEmpty() - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- isEnum(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is an enum type
- isEqual(Node, Node) - Static method in class graphql.language.AstComparator
- isEqual(List<Node>, List<Node>) - Static method in class graphql.language.AstComparator
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
Compares just the content and not the children.
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- isEqualTo(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- isEqualTo(Edge) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- isEqualTo(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- isEqualTo(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- isEqualTo(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- isExternal() - Method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- isFailure() - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- isGraphqlSpecifiedDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.DirectiveInfo
Returns true if the provided directive has been defined in graphql specification
- isGraphqlSpecifiedDirective(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.DirectiveInfo
Returns true if a directive with provided directiveName has been defined in graphql specification
- isGraphqlSpecifiedScalar(GraphQLScalarType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.ScalarInfo
Returns true if the scalar type is a scalar that is specified by the graphql specification
- isGraphqlSpecifiedScalar(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.ScalarInfo
Returns true if the scalar type is a scalar that is specified by the graphql specification
- isHasNextPage() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- isHasNextPage() - Method in interface graphql.relay.PageInfo
- isHasPreviousPage() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- isHasPreviousPage() - Method in interface graphql.relay.PageInfo
- isIncludeAstDefinitionComments() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- isIncludeDirectiveDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- isIncludeIntrospectionTypes() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- isIncludeScalars() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- isIncludeSchemaDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- isIncludeTrivialDataFetchers() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation.Options
- isInput(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is an input type
- isInputValueDeprecation() - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- isInterfaceOrUnion(Type) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns true if the specified type exists in the registry and is an abstract (Interface or Union) type
- isInterfaceOrUnion(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
- isInternal() - Method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- isIntrospectionTypes(GraphQLNamedType) - Static method in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- isIsolated() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- isIterable(Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- isLeaf(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is a leaf type, that it cant contain any more fields
- isList() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- isList(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeUtil
if the provided type is a list type, otherwise returnsfalse
. - isList(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is a list type
- isListLike() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- isListSegment() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- isListType() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- isLiteral() - Method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- isMultiLine() - Method in class graphql.language.Description
- isNameChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification
- isNameChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.EnumModification
- isNameChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification
- isNameChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification
- isNameChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectModification
- isNameChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarModification
- isNameChanged() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionModification
- isNamedSegment() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- isNonNull() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- isNonNull(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeUtil
if the provided type is a non null type, otherwise returnsfalse
. - isNonNull(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is a non null type
- isNonNullable() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- isNonNullType() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- isNonRepeatable() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- isNotSet() - Method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- isNotWrapped(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is NOT a non null or list type
- isNullable() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- isNullable(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is a nullable type
- isNumberIsh(Object) - Static method in class graphql.scalar.CoercingUtil
- isObjectType(Type) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns true if the specified type exists in the registry and is an object type
- isObjectType(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
- isObjectTypeOrInterface(Type) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns true if the specified type exists in the registry and is an object type or interface
- isOfType(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- ISOLATED - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- isOneOf() - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- isOneOf() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
An Input Object is considered a OneOf Input Object if it has the `@oneOf` directive applied to it.
- isOneOf(boolean) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
This will allow you to include the `isOneOf` field for one of input types in the introspection query.
- isParallel() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- isParallel() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
- isPlain() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- isPossibleType(Type, Type) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns true of the abstract type is in implemented by the object type or interface
- isPossibleType(GraphQLNamedType, GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
Returns true if a specified concrete type is a possible type of a provided abstract type.
- isPossibleType(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
Returns true of the object type is a member of this Union type.
- isReaderTrackData() - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
Controls whether the underlying
should track previously read data or not. - isRepeatable() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
An AST node can have multiple directives associated with it IF the directive definition allows repeatable directives.
- isRepeatable() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- isRootContext() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- isRootContext() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Returns true for the root context, which doesn't have a node or a position.
- isRootPath() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- isScalar(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is a scalar type
- isSchemaDescription() - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- isSet() - Method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- isSpecifiedByUrl() - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
- isStronglyReferenced(GraphQLSchema, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsage
Returns true if the named element is strongly reference somewhere in the schema back to the root types such as the schema query, mutation or subscription types.
- isSubTypeOf(Type, Type) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Returns true if the maybe type is either equal or a subset of the second super type (covariant).
- isSupportingMutations() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- isSupportingSubscriptions() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- isSystemCoordinates() - Method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
- isSystemElement() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
This predicate returns true if the schema element is an inbuilt schema element such as the system scalars and directives or introspection types
- isTrivialDataFetcher() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters
- isTypeNameIntrospectionField() - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment
- isTypeNameIntrospectionField() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- isUseAppliedDirectivesOnly() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator.Options
- isUseAstDefinitions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
- isUseCommentsAsDescription() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator.Options
- isValidLiteralValue(Value<?>, GraphQLType, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- isValue() - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- isVisible(VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.transform.VisibleFieldPredicate
Test whether a field should be visible.
- isVisited() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- isVisited() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Informs that the current node has been already "visited"
- isVisitFragmentSpreads() - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- isWrapped(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeUtil
if the given type is a non null or list type, that is a wrapped type, otherwise returnsfalse
. - isWrapped(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Returns true if the given type is a non null or list type, that is a wrapped type
- items(List<Object>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.StreamPayload.Builder
- keySet() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- keySet() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- KnownArgumentNames - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- KnownArgumentNames(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.KnownArgumentNames
- KnownDirectives - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- KnownDirectives(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.KnownDirectives
- KnownFragmentNames - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- KnownFragmentNames(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.KnownFragmentNames
- KnownTypeNames - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- KnownTypeNames(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.KnownTypeNames
- label - Variable in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- label(String) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- LambdaFetchingSupport - Class in graphql.schema.fetching
- LambdaFetchingSupport() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.fetching.LambdaFetchingSupport
- LanguageTraversal - Class in graphql.validation
- LanguageTraversal() - Constructor for class graphql.validation.LanguageTraversal
- LanguageTraversal(List<Node>) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.LanguageTraversal
- LEADING_SURROGATE_LOWER_BOUND - Static variable in class graphql.parser.UnicodeUtil
- LEADING_SURROGATE_UPPER_BOUND - Static variable in class graphql.parser.UnicodeUtil
- leave(Node, List<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.validation.DocumentVisitor
- leave(Node, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.RulesVisitor
- leave(Node, List<Node>) - Method in class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- leave(TraverserContext<T>) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserVisitor
- leave(TraverserContext<T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserVisitorStub
- LEAVE - graphql.util.TraverserContext.Phase
- leaveOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- leaveOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedVariables
- leaveSelectionSet(SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- leaveSelectionSet(SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.validation.rules.OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
- LegacyCoercingInputInterceptor - Class in graphql.execution.values.legacycoercing
- level(int) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- level(DiffLevel) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- LevelMap - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader
This data structure tracks the number of expected calls on a given level
- LevelMap() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- LevelMap(int) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- LF - graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
- LightDataFetcher<T> - Interface in graphql.schema
is a specialised version ofDataFetcher
that is passed more lightweight arguments when it is asked to fetch values. - list(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
A factory method for creating list types so that when used with static imports allows more readable code such as
- LIST - graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType
- LIST - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- ListType - Class in graphql.language
- ListType(Type) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ListType
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- ListType(Type, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ListType
- ListType.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- LITERAL - graphql.execution.ValuesResolver.ValueMode
- literalToNormalizedValue(GraphqlFieldVisibility, GraphQLType, Value, Map<String, NormalizedInputValue>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
- localContext(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult.Builder
- localContext(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- localContext(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- localContext(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue.Builder
- localContext(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- localContext(Object) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
Sets initial localContext in root data fetchers
- localContext(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- locale(Locale) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives.Builder
- locale(Locale) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- locale(Locale) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- locale(Locale) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
Sets the locale to use for this operation
- locale(Locale) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
Locale to use when parsing the query.
- locale(Locale) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment.Builder
- locale(Locale) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- location(SourceLocation) - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
This adds a location to the error
- location(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- location(SourceLocation) - Static method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorHelper
- locations(List<SourceLocation>) - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
This adds locations to the error
- locations(List<SourceLocation>) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- locations(List<SourceLocation>) - Static method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorHelper
- lock() - Method in class graphql.util.LockKit.ReentrantLock
Sometimes you need to directly lock things like for checked exceptions
- LockKit - Class in graphql.util
This provides reentrant locking support for our code base.
- LockKit() - Constructor for class graphql.util.LockKit
- LockKit.ComputedOnce - Class in graphql.util
Will allow for lazy computation of some values just once
- LockKit.ReentrantLock - Class in graphql.util
A class to run code inside a reentrant lock
- logException(ExceptionWhileDataFetching, Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler
Called to log the exception - a subclass could choose to something different in logging terms
- LoneAnonymousOperation - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- LoneAnonymousOperation(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.LoneAnonymousOperation
- LoneAnonymousOperationViolation - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- makeExecutableSchema(SchemaGenerator.Options, TypeDefinitionRegistry, RuntimeWiring) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator
This will take a
and aRuntimeWiring
and put them together to create a executable schema controlled by the provided options. - makeExecutableSchema(TypeDefinitionRegistry, RuntimeWiring) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator
This will take a
and aRuntimeWiring
and put them together to create a executable schema - makeUnExecutableSchema(TypeDefinitionRegistry) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.UnExecutableSchemaGenerator
- map(Collection<? extends T>, Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
This is more efficient than `c.stream().map().collect()` because it does not create the intermediate objects needed for the flexible style.
- map(Function<T, R>) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
Transforms the data of the current DataFetcherResult using the provided function.
- mapAndDropNulls(Collection<? extends T>, Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
This will map a collection of items but drop any that are null from the input.
- mapEntries(Map<K, V>, BiFunction<K, V, U>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- MapEnumValuesProvider - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- MapEnumValuesProvider(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.MapEnumValuesProvider
- mapping - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.DiffImpl.OptimalEdit
- Mapping - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
A mapping (in the math sense) from a list of vertices to another list of vertices.
- mappingPossible(Vertex, Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- mark(int) - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- markSupported() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- match(int, int) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Helper method to record a matching between worker w and job j.
- matchJobByWorker - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
- MAX_QUERY_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
A graphql hacking vector is to send nonsensical queries with large tokens that contain a repeated characters that burn lots of parsing CPU time and burn memory representing a document that won't ever execute.
- MAX_QUERY_TOKENS - Static variable in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
A graphql hacking vector is to send nonsensical queries with lots of tokens that burn lots of parsing CPU time and burn memory representing a document that won't ever execute.
- MAX_RULE_DEPTH - Static variable in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
A graphql hacking vector is to send nonsensical queries that have lots of grammar rule depth to them which can cause stack overflow exceptions during the query parsing.
- MAX_UNICODE_CODE_POINT - Static variable in class graphql.parser.UnicodeUtil
- MAX_WHITESPACE_TOKENS - Static variable in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
Another graphql hacking vector is to send large amounts of whitespace in operations that burn lots of parsing CPU time and burn memory representing a document.
- maxCharacters(int) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- maxChildrenDepth(int) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory.Options
Controls the maximum depth of the operation.
- MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation - Class in graphql.analysis
Prevents execution if the query complexity is greater than the specified maxComplexity.
- MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation(int) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
new Instrumentation with default complexity calculator which is `1 + childComplexity`
- MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation(int, FieldComplexityCalculator) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
new Instrumentation with custom complexity calculator
- MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation(int, FieldComplexityCalculator, Function<QueryComplexityInfo, Boolean>) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
new Instrumentation with custom complexity calculator
- MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation(int, Function<QueryComplexityInfo, Boolean>) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
new Instrumentation with default complexity calculator which is `1 + childComplexity`
- MaxQueryDepthInstrumentation - Class in graphql.analysis
Prevents execution if the query depth is greater than the specified maxDepth.
- MaxQueryDepthInstrumentation(int) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryDepthInstrumentation
Creates a new instrumentation that tracks the query depth.
- MaxQueryDepthInstrumentation(int, Function<QueryDepthInfo, Boolean>) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryDepthInstrumentation
Creates a new instrumentation that tracks the query depth.
- maxRuleDepth(int) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- maxTokens(int) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- MaxValidationErrorsReached - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- maxWhitespaceTokens(int) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- memberType(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- memberType(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- memberTypes(List<Type>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- memberTypes(List<Type>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- merge(Map<Object, Object>, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class graphql.extensions.DefaultExtensionsMerger
- merge(Map<Object, Object>, Map<Object, Object>) - Method in interface graphql.extensions.ExtensionsMerger
Called to merge the map on the left with the map on the right according to whatever code strategy some-one might envisage
- merge(ExecutableNormalizedField, List<ExecutableNormalizedField>, GraphQLSchema, boolean) - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ENFMerger
- merge(TypeDefinitionRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
This will merge these type registries together and return this one
- merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- mergedField(MergedField) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives.Builder
- mergedField(MergedField) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- mergedField(MergedField) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- MergedField - Class in graphql.execution
This represents all Fields in a query which overlap and are merged into one.
- MergedField.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- MergedSelectionSet - Class in graphql.execution
- MergedSelectionSet(Map<String, MergedField>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- MergedSelectionSet.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- mergeFirst() - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- message - Variable in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- message(String) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- message(String, Object...) - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
Sets the message of the error using
String.format(String, Object...)
with the arguments - message(String, Object...) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- migratesValues() - Static method in class graphql.execution.values.legacycoercing.LegacyCoercingInputInterceptor
This will change legacy values as it encounters them to something acceptable to the more strict coercion rules.
- migratesValues(BiConsumer<Object, GraphQLInputType>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.values.legacycoercing.LegacyCoercingInputInterceptor
This will change legacy values as it encounters them to something acceptable to the more strict coercion rules.
- MisplacedDirective - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- MISSING - graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
The new API is missing something compared to the old API
- MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- MissingDirectiveArgument - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- MissingFieldArgument - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- MissingInterfaceFieldArgumentsError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- MissingInterfaceFieldArgumentsError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition, FieldDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingInterfaceFieldArgumentsError
- MissingInterfaceFieldError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- MissingInterfaceFieldError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition, FieldDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingInterfaceFieldError
- MissingInterfaceTypeError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- MissingInterfaceTypeError(String, TypeDefinition, TypeName) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingInterfaceTypeError
- MissingRootTypeException - Exception in graphql.execution
This is thrown if a query is attempting to perform an operation not defined in the GraphQL schema
- MissingRootTypeException(String, SourceLocation) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.MissingRootTypeException
- MissingScalarImplementationError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- MissingScalarImplementationError(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingScalarImplementationError
- MissingTransitiveInterfaceError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- MissingTransitiveInterfaceError(String, ImplementingTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition, InterfaceTypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingTransitiveInterfaceError
- MissingTypeError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- MissingTypeError(String, Node, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingTypeError
- MissingTypeError(String, Node, String, TypeName) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingTypeError
- MissingTypeError(String, TypeDefinition, TypeName) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingTypeError
- MissingTypeResolverError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- MissingTypeResolverError(TypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.MissingTypeResolverError
- mkAbortException(int, int) - Method in class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryComplexityInstrumentation
Called to generate your own error message or custom exception class
- mkAbortException(int, int) - Method in class graphql.analysis.MaxQueryDepthInstrumentation
Called to generate your own error message or custom exception class
- mkError(String) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidationEnvironment
This helper method allows you to make error messages to be passed back out in case of validation failure.
- mkError(String, FieldAndArguments) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidationEnvironment
This helper method allows you to make error messages to be passed back out in case of validation failure.
- mkMissingError(PersistedQueryError) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQuerySupport
Allows you to customize the graphql error that is sent back on a missing persisted query
- mkNameForPath(MergedField) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- mkNameForPath(Field) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- mkNameForPath(List<Field>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- MOCKED_WIRING - Static variable in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
This is a Runtime wiring which provides mocked types resolver and scalars.
- MockedWiringFactory - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- MockedWiringFactory() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- modifyDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- modifyDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.FallbackDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- modifyNode(Function<T, T>) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- MoreTokensSyntaxException - Exception in graphql.parser.exceptions
- MoreTokensSyntaxException(I18n, SourceLocation, String, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.parser.exceptions.MoreTokensSyntaxException
- moveUp() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- msg(String, Object...) - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18n
Creates an I18N message using the key and arguments
- msg(String, List<Object>) - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18n
Creates an I18N message using the key and arguments
- multiLine - Variable in class graphql.language.Description
- MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor - Class in graphql.schema.impl
A delegating type visitor that allows you to call N visitors in a list and always continues via
- MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor(List<GraphQLTypeVisitor>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- MultiSourceReader - Class in graphql.parser
This reader allows you to read N number readers and combine them as one logical reader however you can then map back to the underlying readers in terms of their source name and the relative lines numbers.
- MultiSourceReader.Builder - Class in graphql.parser
- MultiSourceReader.SourceAndLine - Class in graphql.parser
- MUST_BE_VALID_ENUM_VALUE_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- Mutable - Annotation Type in graphql
This marks a type as mutable which means after constructing it can be changed.
- MutableRef<T> - Class in graphql.util
This class is useful for creating a mutable reference to a variable that can be changed when you are in an effectively final bit of code.
- MutableRef() - Constructor for class graphql.util.MutableRef
- mutation(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- mutation(GraphQLObjectType.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- mutation(String, String, List<GraphQLInputObjectField>, List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>, DataFetcher) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- MUTATION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- MUTATION - graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Operation
- mutationExecutionStrategy(ExecutionStrategy) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- mutationStrategy(ExecutionStrategy) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- mutationWithClientMutationId(String, String, List<GraphQLInputObjectField>, List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>, DataFetcher) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- name - Variable in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeBuilder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeBuilder
- name(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- NamedNode<T extends NamedNode> - Interface in graphql.language
Represents a language node that has a name
- NaturalEnumValuesProvider<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> - Class in graphql.schema.idl
Simple EnumValuesProvided which maps the GraphQL Enum name to the Java Enum instance.
- NaturalEnumValuesProvider(Class<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.NaturalEnumValuesProvider
- newArgument() - Static method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- newArgument() - Static method in class graphql.language.Argument
- newArgument() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- newArgument() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- newArgument(QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument) - Static method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- newArgument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- newArgument(GraphQLArgument) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- newArgument(String, Value) - Static method in class graphql.language.Argument
- newArrayValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- newBlock() - Static method in class graphql.schema.visibility.BlockedFields
- newBooleanValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- newBooleanValue(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- newCalculator() - Static method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator
- newCodeRegistry() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
- newCodeRegistry(GraphQLCodeRegistry) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
Returns a new builder of
objects based on the existing one - newCoercingParseLiteralException() - Static method in exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseLiteralException
- newCoercingParseValueException() - Static method in exception graphql.schema.CoercingParseValueException
- newCoercingSerializeException() - Static method in exception graphql.schema.CoercingSerializeException
- newCollector(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLOutputType, Supplier<ExecutableNormalizedField>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- newComparators() - Static method in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
- newContext() - Static method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Creates a new GraphqlContext builder
- newDataFetchingEnvironment() - Static method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- newDataFetchingEnvironment(ExecutionContext) - Static method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- newDataFetchingEnvironment(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Static method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- newDataFetchingFactoryEnvironment() - Static method in class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment
- newDeferredItem() - Static method in class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload
- newDescription(GraphqlParser.DescriptionContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- newDirective() - Static method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- newDirective() - Static method in class graphql.language.Directive
- newDirective() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- newDirective() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- newDirective(QueryAppliedDirective) - Static method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- newDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- newDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- newDirectiveDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- newDirectiveLocation() - Static method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- newDocument() - Static method in class graphql.language.Document
- newDocumentAndVariables() - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables
- newEchoingWiring() - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- newEchoingWiring(Consumer<RuntimeWiring.Builder>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- newEnum() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- newEnum(GraphQLEnumType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- newEnumTypeDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- newEnumTypeExtensionDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition
- newEnumValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- newEnumValue(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- newEnumValueDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- newEnumValueDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- newEnumValueDefinition(GraphQLEnumValueDefinition) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- newEnvironment() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
- newEnvironment(GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
- newError() - Static method in interface graphql.GraphQLError
- newError() - Static method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- newError(DataFetchingEnvironment) - Static method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
This will set up the
for you from the fetching environment. - newErrorException() - Static method in exception graphql.GraphqlErrorException
- newExceptionParameters() - Static method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters
- newExecutionContextBuilder() - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- newExecutionContextBuilder(ExecutionContext) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
Creates a new builder based on a previous execution context
- newExecutionInput() - Static method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- newExecutionInput(String) - Static method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
Creates a new builder of ExecutionInput objects with the given query
- newExecutionResult() - Static method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult
- newExecutionResult() - Static method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- newExecutionStepInfo() - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- newExecutionStepInfo(ExecutionStepInfo) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- newExecutionStepInfoForListElement(ExecutionStepInfo, ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfoFactory
- newExtensionsBuilder() - Static method in class graphql.extensions.ExtensionsBuilder
- newExtensionsBuilder(ExtensionsMerger) - Static method in class graphql.extensions.ExtensionsBuilder
This creates a new ExtensionsBuilder with the provided
- newExternalValue(Object) - Static method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- newFetchedValue() - Static method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- newFetchedValue(FetchedValue) - Static method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- newField() - Static method in class graphql.language.Field
- newField(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.Field
- newField(String, SelectionSet) - Static method in class graphql.language.Field
- newFieldDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- newFieldDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- newFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- newFieldValueInfo(FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType) - Static method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo
- newFloatValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- newFloatValue(BigDecimal) - Static method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- newFragmentDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- newFragmentSpread() - Static method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- newFragmentSpread(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- newGraphQL(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.GraphQL
Helps you build a GraphQL object ready to execute queries
- newIncrementalExecutionResult() - Static method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl
- newIncrementalExecutionResult() - Static method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl
- newInlineFragment() - Static method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- newInMemoryPersistedQueryCache() - Static method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.InMemoryPersistedQueryCache
- newInputObject() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- newInputObject(GraphQLInputObjectType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- newInputObjectDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- newInputObjectField() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- newInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- newInputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- newInputValueDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- newInterface() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- newInterface(GraphQLInterfaceType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- newInterfaceTypeDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- newInterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition
- newInternalValue(Object) - Static method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- newIntValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- newIntValue(BigInteger) - Static method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- newIsolatedNode(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- newIsolatedNodes(int, String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- newList() - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
Used in simple
Map.computeIfAbsent(Object, java.util.function.Function)
cases - newListType() - Static method in class graphql.language.ListType
- newListType(Type) - Static method in class graphql.language.ListType
- newLiteralValue(Value) - Static method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- newMapping(Map<Vertex, Vertex>, BiMap<Vertex, Vertex>, List<Vertex>, List<Vertex>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- newMergedField() - Static method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
- newMergedField(Field) - Static method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
- newMergedField(List<Field>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
- newMergedSelectionSet() - Static method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- newMultiSourceReader() - Static method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
- newNodeChildrenContainer() - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- newNodeChildrenContainer(NodeChildrenContainer) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- newNodeChildrenContainer(Map<String, ? extends List<? extends Node>>) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- newNodeMultiZipperTrusted(T, List<NodeZipper<T>>, NodeAdapter<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- newNonNullType() - Static method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- newNonNullType(Type) - Static method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- newNormalizedField() - Static method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- newNullValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- newObject() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- newObject(GraphQLObjectType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- newObjectField() - Static method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- newObjectTypeDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- newObjectTypeExtensionDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- newObjectValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- newOperationDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- newOperationTypeDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- newOptions() - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation.Options
- newParameters() - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- newParameters() - Static method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters
- newParameters() - Static method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters
- newParameters(ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- newParserEnvironment() - Static method in interface graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment
- newParserOptions() - Static method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
- newQueryComplexityInfo() - Static method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo
- newQueryDepthInfo() - Static method in class graphql.analysis.QueryDepthInfo
- newQueryDirectives() - Static method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives
- newQueryTransformer() - Static method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer
- newQueryTraverser() - Static method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser
- newQueueState(Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- newResult() - Static method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult
- newResult() - Static method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
Creates a new data fetcher result builder
- newResult() - Static method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- newResult(GraphQLError) - Static method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult
- newRootContext(Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- newRootContext(Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTransformer
- newRootContext(Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- newRuntimeWiring() - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- newRuntimeWiring(RuntimeWiring) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
- newScalar() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- newScalar(GraphQLScalarType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- newScalarTypeDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- newScalarTypeExtensionDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition
- newSchema() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
- newSchema(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This allows you to build a schema from an existing schema.
- newSchemaDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- newSchemaElementChildrenContainer() - Static method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- newSchemaElementChildrenContainer(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Static method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- newSchemaElementChildrenContainer(Map<String, ? extends List<? extends GraphQLSchemaElement>>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- newSchemaExtensionDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition
- newSelectionSet() - Static method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- newSelectionSet(Collection<? extends Selection>) - Static method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- newStackState(Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- newStreamedItem() - Static method in class graphql.incremental.StreamPayload
- newStringValue() - Static method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- newStringValue(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- newThreadPoolExecutionInstrumentation() - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation
- newTypeName() - Static method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- newTypeName(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- newTypeWiring(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring
Creates a new type wiring builder
- newTypeWiring(String, UnaryOperator<TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring
This form allows a lambda to be used as the builder
- newUnionType() - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- newUnionType(GraphQLUnionType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- newUnionTypeDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- newUnionTypeExtensionDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition
- newValidationError() - Static method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- newVariableDefinition() - Static method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- newVariableDefinition(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- newVariableDefinition(String, Type) - Static method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- newVariableDefinition(String, Type, Value) - Static method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- newVariableReference() - Static method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- nextChild() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
- nextToken() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- NO_INTROSPECTION_FIELD_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class graphql.schema.visibility.NoIntrospectionGraphqlFieldVisibility
- NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
- NO_OP - Static variable in interface graphql.execution.DataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- NoContextChainedInstrumentation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation
This version of
will call a list ofInstrumentation
s but it will never back on the returnedInstrumentationContext
objects, hence it is only suitable to certain use cases. - NoContextChainedInstrumentation(Instrumentation...) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- NoContextChainedInstrumentation(List<Instrumentation>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.NoContextChainedInstrumentation
- Node<T extends Node> - Interface in graphql.language
The base interface for virtually all graphql language elements NOTE: This class implements
and hence it can be serialised and placed into a distributed cache. - NODE - Static variable in class graphql.relay.Relay
- NodeAdapter<T> - Interface in graphql.util
Adapts an arbitrary class to behave as a node.
- NodeBuilder - Interface in graphql.language
- nodeByName(List<T>) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- NodeChildrenContainer - Class in graphql.language
Container of children of a
. - NodeChildrenContainer.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- NodeDirectivesBuilder - Interface in graphql.language
- nodeField(GraphQLInterfaceType, DataFetcher) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- nodeInterface(TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- NodeLocation - Class in graphql.util
General position of a Node inside a parent.
- NodeLocation(String, int) - Constructor for class graphql.util.NodeLocation
- NodeMultiZipper<T> - Class in graphql.util
- NodeMultiZipper(T, List<NodeZipper<T>>, NodeAdapter<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- NodeParentTree<T extends Node> - Class in graphql.language
This represents a hierarchy from a graphql language node upwards to its associated parent nodes.
- NodeParentTree(Deque<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.NodeParentTree
- NodeToRuleCapturingParser - Class in graphql.parser
A parser that will capture parsing context data which can be later used for accessing tokens that are discarded during the conventional parsing process (like comments).
- NodeToRuleCapturingParser() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.NodeToRuleCapturingParser
- NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext - Class in graphql.parser
- NodeTraverser - Class in graphql.language
Lets you traverse a
tree. - NodeTraverser() - Constructor for class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
- NodeTraverser(Map<Class<?>, Object>, Function<? super Node, ? extends List<Node>>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
- NodeUtil - Class in graphql.language
Helper class for working with
s - NodeUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- NodeUtil.GetOperationResult - Class in graphql.language
- NodeVisitor - Interface in graphql.language
Used by
to visitNode
. - NodeVisitorStub - Class in graphql.language
Convenient implementation of
for easy subclassing methods handling different types of Nodes in one method. - NodeVisitorStub() - Constructor for class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking - Class in graphql.analysis
Internally used node visitor which delegates to a
with type information about the visited field. - NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking(QueryVisitor, QueryVisitor, Map<String, Object>, GraphQLSchema, Map<String, FragmentDefinition>) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- NodeZipper<T> - Class in graphql.util
- NodeZipper(T, List<Breadcrumb<T>>, NodeAdapter<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- NodeZipper(T, List<Breadcrumb<T>>, NodeAdapter<T>, NodeZipper.ModificationType) - Constructor for class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- NodeZipper.ModificationType - Enum in graphql.util
- NoFragmentCycles - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- NoFragmentCycles(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.NoFragmentCycles
- NoIntrospectionGraphqlFieldVisibility - Class in graphql.schema.visibility
This field visibility will prevent Introspection queries from being performed.
- NoIntrospectionGraphqlFieldVisibility() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.visibility.NoIntrospectionGraphqlFieldVisibility
- noMoreData() - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.SingleSubscriberPublisher
Called by the producing code to say there is no more data to offer and the stream is complete
- NON_NULL - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- NonExecutableDefinition - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- nonFixedSize() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- NonInputTypeOnVariable - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- nonNull(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
A factory method for creating non null types so that when used with static imports allows more readable code such as
- NonNullableFieldValidator - Class in graphql.execution
This will check that a value is non-null when the type definition says it must be and, it will throw
if this is not the case. - NonNullableFieldValidator(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStepInfo) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldValidator
- NonNullableFieldWasNullError - Class in graphql.execution
This is the base error that indicates that a non null field value was in fact null.
- NonNullableFieldWasNullError(NonNullableFieldWasNullException) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- NonNullableFieldWasNullException - Exception in graphql.execution
See (https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-Errors-and-Non-Nullability), but if a non nullable field actually resolves to a null value and the parent type is nullable then the parent must in fact become null so we use exceptions to indicate this special case
- NonNullableFieldWasNullException(ExecutionStepInfo, ResultPath) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullException
- NonNullableFieldWasNullException(NonNullableFieldWasNullException) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException - Exception in graphql.execution
This is thrown if a non nullable value is coerced to a null value
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(VariableDefinition, GraphQLType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(VariableDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(VariableDefinition, String, GraphQLType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(VariableDefinition, String, List<Object>, GraphQLType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(GraphQLArgument) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(GraphQLInputObjectField) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(GraphQLInputObjectField, List<Object>) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(GraphQLType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException(String, List<Object>, GraphQLType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.NonNullableValueCoercedAsNullException
- nonNullCopyOf(Collection<T>) - Static method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableKit
- nonNullCtx(ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContext) - Static method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContext
This creates a no-op
if the one pass in is null - nonNullCtx(ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext) - Static method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext
This creates a no-op
if the one pass in is null - nonNullCtx(InstrumentationContext<T>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
This creates a no-op
if the one pass in is null - nonNullFieldValidator(NonNullableFieldValidator) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- NonNullType - Class in graphql.language
- NonNullType(Type) - Constructor for class graphql.language.NonNullType
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- NonNullType(Type, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.NonNullType
- NonNullType.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- NonNullWrapNonNullError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- nonRepeatableDirectivesByName(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
- NonSDLDefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- NonSDLDefinitionError(Definition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonSDLDefinitionError
- NonUniqueArgumentError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- NonUniqueArgumentError(TypeDefinition, EnumValueDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueArgumentError
- NonUniqueArgumentError(TypeDefinition, FieldDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueArgumentError
- NonUniqueArgumentError(TypeDefinition, InputValueDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueArgumentError
- NonUniqueDirectiveError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- NonUniqueDirectiveError(TypeDefinition, EnumValueDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueDirectiveError
- NonUniqueDirectiveError(TypeDefinition, FieldDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueDirectiveError
- NonUniqueDirectiveError(TypeDefinition, InputValueDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueDirectiveError
- NonUniqueNameError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- NonUniqueNameError(DirectiveDefinition, InputValueDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueNameError
- NonUniqueNameError(InputObjectTypeDefinition, InputValueDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueNameError
- NonUniqueNameError(TypeDefinition, EnumValueDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueNameError
- NonUniqueNameError(TypeDefinition, FieldDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueNameError
- NonUniqueNameError(TypeDefinition, InputValueDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueNameError
- NonUniqueNameError(UnionTypeDefinition, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NonUniqueNameError
- noOp() - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
A context that does nothing
- NoOp() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport.NoOp
- NOOP - Static variable in interface graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredExecutionSupport
- NOOP - Static variable in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContext
- NOOP - Static variable in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext
- NOOP - Static variable in interface graphql.parser.ParsingListener
A NoOp implementation of
- NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider - Class in graphql.execution.preparsed
- NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.NoOpPreparsedDocumentProvider
- NoopWiringFactory - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- NoopWiringFactory() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- NORMALIZED - graphql.execution.ValuesResolver.ValueMode
- normalizedArguments(Map<String, NormalizedInputValue>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- NormalizedDeferredExecution - Class in graphql.normalized.incremental
Represents details about the defer execution that can be associated with a
. - NormalizedDeferredExecution(String, Set<GraphQLObjectType>) - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.incremental.NormalizedDeferredExecution
- NormalizedInputValue - Class in graphql.normalized
An argument value with type information.
- NormalizedInputValue(String, Object) - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- NOT_A_VALID_SCALAR_LITERAL_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- NOT_SET - Static variable in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- NotAnInputTypeError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- NotAnInputTypeError(Type, TypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NotAnInputTypeError
- NotAnOutputTypeError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- NotAnOutputTypeError(Type, TypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.NotAnOutputTypeError
- NoUnbrokenInputCycles - Class in graphql.schema.validation
Schema validation rule ensuring no input type forms an unbroken non-nullable recursion, as such a type would be impossible to satisfy
- NoUnbrokenInputCycles() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.NoUnbrokenInputCycles
- NoUndefinedVariables - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- NoUndefinedVariables(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.NoUndefinedVariables
- NoUnusedFragments - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- NoUnusedFragments(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedFragments
- NoUnusedVariables - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- NoUnusedVariables(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.NoUnusedVariables
- NULL - graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType
- NullValue - Class in graphql.language
- NullValue(SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.NullValue
- NullValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- NullValueForNonNullArgument - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- NullValueInNonNullableField - graphql.ErrorType
- Object - graphql.language.TypeKind
- OBJECT - graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType
- OBJECT - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- OBJECT - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- OBJECT - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- ObjectAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectAddition
- ObjectDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectDeletion
- ObjectDoesNotImplementItsInterfaces - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- objectField(ObjectField) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- ObjectField - Class in graphql.language
- ObjectField(String, Value) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectField
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- ObjectField(String, Value, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectField
- ObjectField.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- ObjectFieldAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldAddition
- ObjectFieldArgumentAddition(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentAddition
- ObjectFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification
- ObjectFieldArgumentDeletion(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDeletion
- ObjectFieldArgumentRename(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentRename
- ObjectFieldArgumentTypeModification(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentTypeModification
- ObjectFieldDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldDeletion
- ObjectFieldRename(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldRename
- objectFields(List<ObjectField>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- ObjectFieldTypeModification(String, String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldTypeModification
- ObjectInterfaceImplementationAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectInterfaceImplementationAddition
- ObjectInterfaceImplementationDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectInterfaceImplementationDeletion
- ObjectModification(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectModification
- ObjectModification(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ObjectModification
- objectType(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters.Builder
- ObjectTypeDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- ObjectTypeDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- ObjectTypeDefinition(String, List<Type>, List<Directive>, List<FieldDefinition>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(String, List<Type>, List<Directive>, List<FieldDefinition>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- objectTypeExtensions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- objectTypeNames(List<String>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- objectTypeNamesToString() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- ObjectValue - Class in graphql.language
- ObjectValue(List<ObjectField>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectValue
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- ObjectValue(List<ObjectField>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- ObjectValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- observesValues(BiConsumer<Object, GraphQLInputType>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.values.legacycoercing.LegacyCoercingInputInterceptor
This will ONLY observe legacy values and invoke the callback when it gets one.
- of() - Static method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- of(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- of(double) - Static method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- of(int) - Static method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- of(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
Adds all of the values in the map into the context builder.
- of(GraphQLContext.Builder) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
Adds all of the values in the map into the context builder.
- of(Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- of(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- of(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- of(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- of(String) - Static method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- of(Consumer<GraphQLContext.Builder>) - Static method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Creates a new GraphqlContext with the map of context added to it
- of(Map<?, Object>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
Adds all of the values in the map into the context builder.
- of(Map<?, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Creates a new GraphqlContext with the map of context added to it
- of(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.CoercedVariables
- of(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.RawVariables
- ofExpectedSize(int) - Static method in class graphql.execution.Async
Combines 0 or more CF into one.
- offer(T) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.SingleSubscriberPublisher
Called from the producing code to offer data up ready for a subscriber to read it
- offerError(Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.SingleSubscriberPublisher
- ofState(InstrumentationState) - Static method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.InstrumentationState
This helper method allows you to cast from
to a custom classes more easily. - ok() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
- onArgument(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLArgument>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when an argument is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onComplete() - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher.CompletionStageSubscriber
- onCompleted(Object, Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecutionResultInstrumentationContextAdapter
- onCompleted(Map<String, Object>, Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContextAdapter
- onCompleted(T, Throwable) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.InstrumentationContext
This is invoked when the instrumentation step is fully completed
- onCompleted(T, Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
- onDispatched(CompletableFuture<Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecutionResultInstrumentationContextAdapter
- onDispatched(CompletableFuture<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContextAdapter
- onDispatched(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.InstrumentationContext
This is invoked when the instrumentation step is initially dispatched
- onDispatched(CompletableFuture<T>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
- ONE_OF_DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
- onEnd() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingSupport.TracingContext
Call this to end the current trace context
- onEnd() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- onEnd() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.ChainedReporter
- onEnd() - Method in interface graphql.schema.diff.reporting.DifferenceReporter
Called when the difference operation if finished
- onEnd() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.PrintStreamReporter
- onEnum(GraphQLEnumType, SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper.Parameters) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
- onEnum(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLEnumType>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when an enum is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onEnumValue(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLEnumValueDefinition>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when an enum value is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- OneOfDefaultValueOnField - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- OneOfDirective - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
- OneOfInputObjectRules - Class in graphql.schema.validation
- OneOfInputObjectRules() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.OneOfInputObjectRules
- OneOfNonNullableField - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- OneOfNullValueException - Exception in graphql.execution
The input map to One Of Input Types MUST only have 1 entry with a non null value
- OneOfNullValueException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.OneOfNullValueException
- OneOfTooManyKeysException - Exception in graphql.execution
The input map to One Of Input Types MUST only have 1 entry
- OneOfTooManyKeysException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.OneOfTooManyKeysException
- onError(GraphQLError) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredCallContext
- onError(Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher.CompletionStageSubscriber
- oneVisitWithResult(Node, NodeVisitor) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
- onFetchingException(ResultPath, SourceLocation, Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.DeferredCallContext
- onField(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when a field is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onFieldValuesException() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContextAdapter
- onFieldValuesException() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContext
- onFieldValuesException() - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext
- onFieldValuesInfo(List<FieldValueInfo>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.adapters.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContextAdapter
- onFieldValuesInfo(List<FieldValueInfo>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContext
- onFieldValuesInfo(List<FieldValueInfo>) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext
- onInputObjectField(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLInputObjectField>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when an input object field is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper.Parameters) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
- onInputObjectType(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLInputObjectType>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when an input object is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onInterface(GraphQLInterfaceType, SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper.Parameters) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
- onInterface(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLInterfaceType>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when an interface is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onNext(U) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher.CompletionStageSubscriber
- onObject(GraphQLObjectType, SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper.Parameters) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
- onObject(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLObjectType>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when an object is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onScalar(GraphQLScalarType, SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper.Parameters) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
- onScalar(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLScalarType>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when a custom scalar is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- onSubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher.CompletionStageSubscriber
- onSubscription() - Method in interface graphql.execution.reactive.SingleSubscriberPublisher.OnSubscriptionCallback
The call back when some one has subscribed.
- onToken(ParsingListener.Token) - Method in interface graphql.parser.ParsingListener
This is called for each token found during parsing
- onUnion(GraphQLUnionType, SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper.Parameters) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
- onUnion(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<GraphQLUnionType>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiring
This is called when a union is encountered, which gives the schema directive a chance to modify the shape and behaviour of that DSL element
- operation(OperationDefinition.Operation) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- Operation - graphql.language.TypeKind
- operationDefinition - Variable in class graphql.language.NodeUtil.GetOperationResult
- operationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- operationDefinition(OperationDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- OperationDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- OperationDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- OperationDefinition(String, OperationDefinition.Operation) - Constructor for class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- OperationDefinition(String, OperationDefinition.Operation, List<VariableDefinition>, List<Directive>, SelectionSet, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- OperationDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- OperationDefinition.Operation - Enum in graphql.language
- operationName(String) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder
- operationName(String) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
specify the operation if a document is traversed and there are more than one operation.
- operationName(String) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
- OperationNotSupported - graphql.ErrorType
- OperationRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- OperationRedefinitionError(OperationTypeDefinition, OperationTypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.OperationRedefinitionError
- operationTypeDefinition(OperationTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- operationTypeDefinition(OperationTypeDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- OperationTypeDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- OperationTypeDefinition(String, TypeName) - Constructor for class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- OperationTypeDefinition(String, TypeName, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- OperationTypeDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- operationTypeDefinitions(List<OperationTypeDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- operationTypeDefinitions(List<OperationTypeDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- OperationTypesMustBeObjects - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- OperationTypesMustBeObjects(OperationTypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.OperationTypesMustBeObjects
- OptimalEdit(SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.DiffImpl.OptimalEdit
- OptimalEdit(SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph, Mapping, int) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.DiffImpl.OptimalEdit
- originalThisNode() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- originalThisNode() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Returns the original, unchanged, not deleted Node.
- orNullCompletedFuture(CompletableFuture<T>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.Async
If the passed in CompletableFuture is null then it creates a CompletableFuture that resolves to null
- OTHER - graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
- OutputTypeUsedInInputTypeContext - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged
- PageInfo - Interface in graphql.relay
Represents pagination information in Relay about
when used inside aconnection
See https://facebook.github.io/relay/graphql/connections.htm#sec-undefined.PageInfo - pageInfoType - Static variable in class graphql.relay.Relay
- pair(T, U) - Static method in class graphql.util.Pair
- Pair<T,U> - Class in graphql.util
- Pair(T, U) - Constructor for class graphql.util.Pair
- parallelTransformer(NodeAdapter<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTransformer
- parallelTransformer(NodeAdapter<T>, ForkJoinPool) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTransformer
- parallelTraverser(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- parallelTraverser(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- parallelTraverser(Function<? super T, ? extends List<T>>, Object, ForkJoinPool) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- parallelTraverserWithNamedChildren(Function<? super T, Map<String, ? extends List<T>>>, Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- parallelTraverserWithNamedChildren(Function<? super T, Map<String, ? extends List<T>>>, Object, ForkJoinPool) - Static method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- parent(ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- parent(ExecutableNormalizedField) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- parentInfo(ExecutionStepInfo) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- parentType(GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- parentType(Class<T>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder
- parse(ExecutionInput) - Static method in class graphql.ParseAndValidate
This can be called to parse (but not validate) a graphql query.
- parse(ParserEnvironment) - Static method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Parses a string input into a graphql AST
- parse(File) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
Parse a file of schema definitions and create a
- parse(InputStream) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
Parse a inputStream of schema definitions and create a
- parse(Reader) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
Parse a reader of schema definitions and create a
- parse(Reader, ParserOptions) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
Parse a reader of schema definitions and create a
- parse(String) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
Parses an execution path from the provided path string in the format /segment1/segment2[index]/segmentN
- parse(String) - Static method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Parses a string input into a graphql AST
- parse(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
Parse a string of schema definitions and create a
- parseAndValidate(GraphQLSchema, ExecutionInput) - Static method in class graphql.ParseAndValidate
This can be called to parse and validate a graphql query against a schema, which is useful if you want to know if it would be acceptable for execution.
- ParseAndValidate - Class in graphql
This class allows you to parse and validate a graphql query without executing it.
- ParseAndValidate() - Constructor for class graphql.ParseAndValidate
- ParseAndValidateResult - Class in graphql
A result object used in
helper that indicates the outcomes of a parse and validate operation. - ParseAndValidateResult.Builder - Class in graphql
- parseAndWriteUnicode(I18n, StringWriter, String, int, SourceLocation) - Static method in class graphql.parser.UnicodeUtil
- ParseCancelledException - Exception in graphql.parser.exceptions
- ParseCancelledException(I18n, SourceLocation, String, int, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.parser.exceptions.ParseCancelledException
- ParseCancelledTooDeepException - Exception in graphql.parser.exceptions
- ParseCancelledTooDeepException(I18n, SourceLocation, String, int, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.parser.exceptions.ParseCancelledTooDeepException
- ParseCancelledTooManyCharsException - Exception in graphql.parser.exceptions
- ParseCancelledTooManyCharsException(I18n, int) - Constructor for exception graphql.parser.exceptions.ParseCancelledTooManyCharsException
- parseDocument(ParserEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Parses document text into a graphql AST
- parseDocument(Reader) - Method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Parses reader input into a graphql AST
- parseDocument(Reader, ParserOptions) - Method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Deprecated.use {#
} instead - parseDocument(String) - Method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Parses a string input into a graphql AST
- parseDocument(String, ParserOptions) - Method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Deprecated.use {#
} instead - parseDocument(String, String) - Method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Deprecated.use {#
} instead - parseImpl(Reader) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
- parseLiteral(Value<?>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- parseLiteral(Value<?>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- parseLiteral(Value<?>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- parseLiteral(Value<?>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- parseLiteral(Value<?>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- parseLiteral(Value<?>, CoercedVariables, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
Called during query execution to convert a query input AST node into a Java object acceptable for the scalar type.
- parseLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- parseLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- parseLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- parseLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- parseLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- parseLiteral(Object) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
- parseLiteral(Value<?>, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- parseLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- parseLiteral(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
- parseOperation(GraphqlParser.OperationTypeContext) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- Parser - Class in graphql.parser
This can parse graphql syntax, both Query syntax and Schema Definition Language (SDL) syntax, into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) represented by a
- Parser() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.Parser
- ParserContext() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext
- ParserEnvironment - Interface in graphql.parser
This is the arguments that can be passed to a
- ParserEnvironment.Builder - Class in graphql.parser
- parserOptions(ParserOptions) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserEnvironment.Builder
- ParserOptions - Class in graphql.parser
Options that control how the
behaves. - ParserOptions.Builder - Class in graphql.parser
- parseSingleQuotedString(I18n, String, SourceLocation) - Static method in class graphql.parser.StringValueParsing
- parseTripleQuotedString(String) - Static method in class graphql.parser.StringValueParsing
- parseType(String) - Static method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Parses a string input into a graphql AST Type
- parseValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- parseValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- parseValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- parseValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- parseValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- parseValue(Object) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
- parseValue(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- parseValue(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- parseValue(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- parseValue(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- parseValue(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- parseValue(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
Called to resolve an input from a query variable into a Java object acceptable for the scalar type.
- parseValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- parseValue(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- parseValue(String) - Static method in class graphql.parser.Parser
Parses a string input into a graphql AST
- Parsing - graphql.i18n.I18n.BundleType
- parsingListener(ParsingListener) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- ParsingListener - Interface in graphql.parser
This listener interface is invoked for each token parsed by the graphql parser code.
- ParsingListener.Token - Interface in graphql.parser
This represents a token that has been parsed
- path - Variable in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- path - Variable in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- path(ResultPath) - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
Sets the path of the message
- path(ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- path(List<Object>) - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError.Builder
Sets the path of the message
- path(List<Object>) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
- path(ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- path(ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- path(ResultPath) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- path(List<Object>) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- path(List<Object>) - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload.Builder
- PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader
- PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.PerLevelDataLoaderDispatchStrategy
- PERSISTED_QUERY_MARKER - Static variable in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQuerySupport
In order for
to never be null, use this to mark them so that invariant can be satisfied while assuming that the persisted query id is elsewhere - PersistedQueryCache - Interface in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
This interface is used to abstract an actual cache that can cache parsed persistent queries.
- PersistedQueryCacheMiss - Interface in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
The call back when a valid persisted query is not in cache and it needs to be compiled and validated by the graphql engine.
- PersistedQueryError - Exception in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
- PersistedQueryError() - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryError
- PersistedQueryIdInvalid - Exception in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
- PersistedQueryIdInvalid(Object) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryIdInvalid
- persistedQueryIdIsInvalid(Object, String) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.ApolloPersistedQuerySupport
- persistedQueryIdIsInvalid(Object, String) - Method in class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQuerySupport
- PersistedQueryNotFound - Exception in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
An exception that indicates the query id is not valid and can be found ever in cache
- PersistedQueryNotFound(Object) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryNotFound
- PersistedQuerySupport - Class in graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted
This abstract class forms the basis for persistent query support.
- PersistedQuerySupport(PersistedQueryCache) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQuerySupport
- pop() - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- PossibleFragmentSpreads - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- PossibleFragmentSpreads(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.PossibleFragmentSpreads
- possibleMappings - Variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- PossibleMappings() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- PossibleMappingsCalculator - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
We don't want to allow arbitrary schema changes.
- PossibleMappingsCalculator(SchemaGraph, SchemaGraph, SchemaDiffingRunningCheck) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator
- PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- PossibleMappingsCalculator.VertexContextSegment - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- possibleType(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- possibleType(GraphQLTypeReference) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- possibleTypes(GraphQLObjectType...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- possibleTypes(GraphQLTypeReference...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- postOrder(NodeVisitor, Node) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
Version of
NodeTraverser.postOrder(NodeVisitor, Collection)
with one root. - postOrder(NodeVisitor, Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
Post-Order traversal: This is a specialized version of depthFirst with only the leave phase.
- preOrder(NodeVisitor, Node) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
Version of
NodeTraverser.preOrder(NodeVisitor, Collection)
with one root. - preOrder(NodeVisitor, Collection<? extends Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeTraverser
Pre-Order traversal: This is a specialized version of depthFirst with only the enter phase.
- PreparsedDocumentEntry - Class in graphql.execution.preparsed
An instance of a preparsed document entry represents the result of a query parse and validation.
- PreparsedDocumentEntry(GraphQLError) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry
- PreparsedDocumentEntry(Document) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry
- PreparsedDocumentEntry(Document, List<? extends GraphQLError>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry
- PreparsedDocumentEntry(List<? extends GraphQLError>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.preparsed.PreparsedDocumentEntry
- preparsedDocumentProvider(PreparsedDocumentProvider) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- PreparsedDocumentProvider - Interface in graphql.execution.preparsed
Interface that allows clients to hook in Document caching and/or the whitelisting of queries.
- PrettyAstPrinter - Class in graphql.language
A printer that acts as a code formatter.
- PrettyAstPrinter(NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext) - Constructor for class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter
- PrettyAstPrinter(NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext, PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions) - Constructor for class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter
- PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions - Class in graphql.language
Contains options that modify how a document is printed.
- PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.IndentType - Enum in graphql.language
- print(Document) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
This can print an in memory GraphQL IDL document back to a logical schema definition.
- print(Node) - Method in class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter
- print(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
- print(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
This can print an in memory GraphQL schema back to a logical schema definition
- print(GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
- print(String, PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions) - Static method in class graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter
- print(List<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
- printAst(Node) - Static method in class graphql.language.AstPrinter
This will pretty print the AST node in graphql language format
- printAst(Writer, Node) - Static method in class graphql.language.AstPrinter
This will pretty print the AST node in graphql language format
- printAstCompact(Node) - Static method in class graphql.language.AstPrinter
This will print the Ast node in graphql language format in a compact manner, with no new lines and descriptions stripped out of the text.
- printDetails() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- PrintStreamReporter - Class in graphql.schema.diff.reporting
A reporter that prints its output to a PrintStream
- PrintStreamReporter() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.PrintStreamReporter
- PrintStreamReporter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.PrintStreamReporter
- privacySafeQuery(Document, String) - Method in class graphql.language.AstSignature
This can produce a "privacy safe" AST that some what conforms to the algorithm as outlined here which removes excess operations, removes any field aliases, hides some literal values and sorts the result.
- process(GraphQLSchema) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorPostProcessing
Deprecated.Called to transform the schema from its built state into something else
- processingExecutor(Executor) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.threadpools.ExecutorInstrumentation.Builder
- PropertyDataFetcher<T> - Class in graphql.schema
This is the default data fetcher used in graphql-java, and it will examine maps, records and POJO java beans for values that match the desired name, typically the field name, or it will use a provided function to obtain values.
- PropertyDataFetcher(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
This constructor will use the property name and examine the
object for a getter method or field with that name. - PropertyDataFetcherHelper - Class in graphql.schema
This class is the guts of a property data fetcher and also used in AST code to turn in memory java objects into AST elements
- PropertyDataFetcherHelper() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper
- PropertyFetchingImpl - Class in graphql.schema
A re-usable class that can fetch from POJOs
- PropertyFetchingImpl(Class<?>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.PropertyFetchingImpl
- provide(String, String, Object) - Method in interface graphql.execution.ExecutionIdProvider
Allows provision of a unique identifier per query execution.
- ProvidedNonNullArguments - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- ProvidedNonNullArguments(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.ProvidedNonNullArguments
- providesDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- providesDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- providesDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- providesDataFetcher(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
This is called to ask if this factory can provide a data fetcher for the definition
- providesDataFetcherFactory(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- providesDataFetcherFactory(FieldWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
This is called to ask if this factory can provide a
for the definition - providesScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- providesScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- providesScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- providesScalar(ScalarWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
This is called to ask if this factory can provide a custom scalar
- providesSchemaDirectiveWiring(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- providesSchemaDirectiveWiring(SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
This is called to ask if this factory can provide a schema directive wiring.
- providesTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(InterfaceWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
This is called to ask if this factory can provide a type resolver for the interface
- providesTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.CombinedWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.EchoingWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.MockedWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.NoopWiringFactory
- providesTypeResolver(UnionWiringEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.WiringFactory
This is called to ask if this factory can provide a type resolver for the union
- PublicApi - Annotation Type in graphql
This represents code that the graphql-java project considers public API and has an imperative to be stable within major releases.
- PublicSpi - Annotation Type in graphql
This represents code that the graphql-java project considers public SPI and has an imperative to be stable within major releases.
- pushAll(TraverserContext<T>, Function<? super T, Map<String, ? extends List<T>>>) - Method in class graphql.util.TraverserState
- put(Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
- put(Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Puts a value into the context
- put(K, V) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- putAll(GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Puts all of the values into the context
- putAll(GraphQLContext.Builder) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Puts all of the values into the context
- putAll(Consumer<GraphQLContext.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Puts all of the values into the context
- putAll(Map<?, Object>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext.Builder
Adds all of the values in the map into the context builder.
- putAll(Map<?, Object>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
Puts all of the values into the context
- putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- putPossibleMappings(List<String>, Collection<Vertex>, Collection<Vertex>, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.PossibleMappings
- query(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- query(GraphQLObjectType.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- query(String) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
- QUERY - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- QUERY - graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Operation
- QueryAppliedDirective - Class in graphql.execution.directives
An applied directive represents the instance of a directive that is applied to a query element such as a field or fragment.
- QueryAppliedDirective.Builder - Class in graphql.execution.directives
- QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument - Class in graphql.execution.directives
This represents the argument values that can be placed on an
. - QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder - Class in graphql.execution.directives
- QueryComplexityCalculator - Class in graphql.analysis
This can calculate the complexity of an operation using the specified
you pass into it. - QueryComplexityCalculator(QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator
- QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryComplexityInfo - Class in graphql.analysis
The query complexity info.
- QueryComplexityInfo.Builder - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryDepthInfo - Class in graphql.analysis
The query depth info.
- QueryDepthInfo.Builder - Class in graphql.analysis
- queryDirectives(QueryDirectives) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- QueryDirectives - Interface in graphql.execution.directives
This gives you access to the immediate directives on a
. - QueryDirectives.Builder - Interface in graphql.execution.directives
- QueryDirectivesBuilder - Class in graphql.execution.directives
- QueryDirectivesBuilder() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- QueryDirectivesImpl - Class in graphql.execution.directives
These objects are ALWAYS in the context of a single MergedField
- QueryDirectivesImpl(MergedField, GraphQLSchema, Map<String, Object>, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesImpl
- queryExecutionStrategy(ExecutionStrategy) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- QueryOperationMissingError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- QueryOperationMissingError() - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.QueryOperationMissingError
- queryPath(List<String>) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- QueryReducer<T> - Interface in graphql.analysis
Used by
to reduce the fields of a Document (or part of it) to a single value. - queryStrategy(ExecutionStrategy) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- QueryTransformer - Class in graphql.analysis
Helps to transform a Document (or parts of it) and tracks at the same time the corresponding Schema types.
- QueryTransformer.Builder - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryTraverser - Class in graphql.analysis
Helps to traverse (or reduce) a Document (or parts of it) and tracks at the same time the corresponding Schema types.
- QueryTraverser.Builder - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitor - Interface in graphql.analysis
Used by
to visit the nodes of a Query. - QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment - Interface in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl(GraphQLFieldDefinition, Argument, GraphQLArgument, Object, Map<String, Object>, QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment, TraverserContext<Node>, GraphQLSchema) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValue - Interface in graphql.analysis
This describes the tree structure that forms from a argument input type, especially with `input ComplexType { ....}` types that might in turn contain other complex types and hence form a tree of values.
- QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValueImpl - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment - Interface in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLFieldDefinition, GraphQLArgument, QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValue, TraverserContext<Node>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment - Interface in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl(boolean, Field, GraphQLFieldDefinition, GraphQLOutputType, GraphQLFieldsContainer, QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment, Map<String, Object>, SelectionSetContainer, TraverserContext<Node>, GraphQLSchema) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironment - Interface in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl(FragmentDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>, GraphQLSchema) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl
- QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironment - Interface in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl(FragmentSpread, FragmentDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>, GraphQLSchema) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironmentImpl
- QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironment - Interface in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl(InlineFragment, TraverserContext<Node>, GraphQLSchema) - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl
- QueryVisitorStub - Class in graphql.analysis
- QueryVisitorStub() - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorStub
- quit() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitorEnvironment
- QUIT - graphql.util.TraversalControl
When returned from a Visitor's method, indicates exiting the traversal
- quotedString(TerminalNode) - Method in class graphql.parser.GraphqlAntlrToLanguage
- rawFetchedValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue.Builder
- RawVariables - Class in graphql.execution
Holds raw variables, which have not been coerced yet into
- RawVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.RawVariables
- read() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- read(char[], int, int) - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader
- read(char[]) - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- read(char[], int, int) - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- read(CharBuffer) - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- reader(Reader, String) - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.Builder
- readerTrackData(boolean) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions.Builder
- ready() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- reasonMsg(String, Object...) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- recordNewNamesForSchema(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.util.Anonymizer
- recover(Parser, RecognitionException) - Method in class graphql.parser.ExtendedBailStrategy
- recoverInline(Parser) - Method in class graphql.parser.ExtendedBailStrategy
- reduce() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Reduce the cost matrix by subtracting the smallest element of each row from all elements of the row as well as the smallest element of each column from all elements of the column.
- reduceField(QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment, T) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryReducer
Called each time a field is visited.
- reducePostOrder(QueryReducer<T>, T) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser
Reduces the fields of a Document (or parts of it) to a single value.
- reducePreOrder(QueryReducer<T>, T) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser
Reduces the fields of a Document (or parts of it) to a single value.
- ReentrantLock() - Constructor for class graphql.util.LockKit.ReentrantLock
- Relay - Class in graphql.relay
This can be used to compose graphql runtime types that implement that Relay specification.
- Relay() - Constructor for class graphql.relay.Relay
- Relay.ResolvedGlobalId - Class in graphql.relay
- remove(SDLDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Removes a
from the definition list. - remove(Object) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- remove(Object, Object) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- remove(String, SDLDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
Removes a
from a map. - removeChild(Node, NodeLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.AstNodeAdapter
- removeChild(Node, NodeLocation) - Static method in class graphql.language.NodeUtil
- removeChild(GraphQLSchemaElement, NodeLocation) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElementAdapter
- removeChild(String, int) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer.Builder
- removeChild(String, int) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder
- removeChild(T, NodeLocation) - Method in interface graphql.util.NodeAdapter
- removeDefinition(T) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParseOrder
This removes a
from the order - removeIndentation(String) - Static method in class graphql.parser.StringValueParsing
- renameAs(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
This will rename the type with the specified new name but will preserve the wrapping that was present
- repeatable(boolean) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- repeatable(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- RepetitiveElementError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- replace(K, V) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- replace(K, V, V) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- REPLACE - graphql.util.NodeZipper.ModificationType
- replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- replaceAppliedDirectives(List<GraphQLAppliedDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- replaceArguments(List<QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument>) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective.Builder
- replaceArguments(List<GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder
- replaceArguments(List<GraphQLArgument>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- replaceArguments(List<GraphQLArgument>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- replaceChild(String, int, Node) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer.Builder
- replaceChild(String, int, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- replaceDirectives(List<GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- replaceFields(List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- replaceFields(List<GraphQLFieldDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- replaceFields(List<GraphQLInputObjectField>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- replaceInterfaces(List<? extends GraphQLNamedOutputType>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- replaceInterfaces(List<GraphQLInterfaceType>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- replaceInterfacesOrReferences(List<? extends GraphQLNamedOutputType>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- ReplaceNode - Class in graphql.util
Special class to be set as var in
TraverserContext.setVar(Class, Object)
to indicate that the current node should be replaced. - ReplaceNode(Object) - Constructor for class graphql.util.ReplaceNode
- replaceParent(ExecutableNormalizedField) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- replacePossibleTypes(List<? extends GraphQLNamedOutputType>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- replaceSegment(int) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
Replaces the last segment on the path eg ResultPath.parse("/a/b[1]").replaceSegment(9) equals "/a/b[9]"
- replaceSegment(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
Replaces the last segment on the path eg ResultPath.parse("/a/b[1]").replaceSegment("x") equals "/a/b/x"
- replaceTypeReferences(GraphQLSchema) - Static method in class graphql.schema.impl.SchemaUtil
- replaceValues(List<GraphQLEnumValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- report(DiffEvent) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.CapturingReporter
- report(DiffEvent) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.ChainedReporter
- report(DiffEvent) - Method in interface graphql.schema.diff.reporting.DifferenceReporter
Called to report a difference
- report(DiffEvent) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.reporting.PrintStreamReporter
- request(long) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.DelegatingSubscription
- reset() - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- resetErrors() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- resolvedArguments(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
- ResolvedGlobalId(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.relay.Relay.ResolvedGlobalId
- resolveDirectives(List<Directive>, GraphQLSchema, Map<String, Object>, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.DirectivesResolver
- resolveField(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to fetch a value for a field and resolve it further in terms of the graphql query.
- resolveFieldWithInfo(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
Called to fetch a value for a field and its extra runtime info and resolve it further in terms of the graphql query.
- resolveType(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, GraphQLType) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- resolveType(ExecutionContext, MergedField, Object, ExecutionStepInfo, GraphQLType, Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResolveType
- ResolveType - Class in graphql.execution
- ResolveType() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.ResolveType
- resolveTypeForInterface(TypeResolutionEnvironment, GraphQLInterfaceType) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResolveType
- resolveTypeForUnion(TypeResolutionEnvironment, GraphQLUnionType) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResolveType
- ResultPath - Class in graphql.execution
As a graphql query is executed, each field forms a hierarchical path from parent field to child field and this class represents that path as a series of segments.
- root(Node) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer.Builder
Specify the root node for the transformation.
- root(Node) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
Specify the root node for the traversal.
- root(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- root(Object) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
- root(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- rootParentType(GraphQLCompositeType) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer.Builder
The type of the parent of the root node.
- rootParentType(GraphQLCompositeType) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
The type of the parent of the root node.
- rootPath() - Static method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
All paths start from here
- rootVar(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- rootVar(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTransformer
- rootVar(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- rootVars(Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- rootVars(Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTransformer
- rootVars(Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- rootZipper(T, NodeAdapter<T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- RulesVisitor - Class in graphql.validation
- RulesVisitor(ValidationContext, List<AbstractRule>) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.RulesVisitor
- runLocked(Runnable) - Method in class graphql.util.LockKit.ReentrantLock
- runOnce(Runnable) - Method in class graphql.util.LockKit.ComputedOnce
- RuntimeWiring - Class in graphql.schema.idl
A runtime wiring is a specification of data fetchers, type resolvers and custom scalars that are needed to wire together a functional
- RuntimeWiring.Builder - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- SafeTokenReader - Class in graphql.parser
This reader will only emit a maximum number of characters from it.
- SafeTokenReader(Reader, int, Consumer<Integer>) - Constructor for class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- SafeTokenSource - Class in graphql.parser
This token source can wrap a lexer and if it asks for more than a maximum number of tokens the user can take some action, typically throw an exception to stop lexing.
- SafeTokenSource(TokenSource, int, int, BiConsumer<Integer, Token>) - Constructor for class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- sameValue(Value, Value) - Static method in class graphql.language.AstComparator
- scalar(GraphQLScalarType) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This allows you to add in new custom Scalar implementations beyond the standard set.
- Scalar - graphql.language.TypeKind
- SCALAR - graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType
- SCALAR - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- SCALAR - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- SCALAR - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- ScalarAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarAddition
- ScalarDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarDeletion
- ScalarInfo - Class in graphql.schema.idl
Info on all the standard scalar objects provided by graphql-java
- ScalarInfo() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.ScalarInfo
- ScalarLeaves - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- ScalarLeaves(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.ScalarLeaves
- ScalarModification(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarModification
- ScalarModification(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.ScalarModification
- scalars() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- Scalars - Class in graphql
This contains the implementations of the Scalar types that ship with graphql-java.
- Scalars - graphql.i18n.I18n.BundleType
- Scalars() - Constructor for class graphql.Scalars
- ScalarTypeDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- ScalarTypeDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- ScalarTypeDefinition(String, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition(String, List<Directive>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition
- ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- scalarTypeExtensions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- ScalarValue<T extends Value> - Interface in graphql.language
- ScalarWiringEnvironment - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer.Builder
The schema used to identify the types of the query.
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
The schema used to identify the types of the query.
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in interface graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectives.Builder
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryDirectivesBuilder
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters.Builder
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- schema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- SCHEMA - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- SCHEMA - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- SCHEMA_ELEMENT_ADAPTER - Static variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElementAdapter
- schemaDefinition() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- SchemaDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- SchemaDefinition(List<Directive>, List<OperationTypeDefinition>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>, Description) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- SchemaDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- schemaDescription(boolean) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
This will allow you to include the `description` field for the schema type in the introspection query.
- SchemaDiff - Class in graphql.schema.diff
The SchemaDiff is called with a
and will report the differences in the graphql schema APIs by raising events to aDifferenceReporter
- SchemaDiff() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiff
Constructs a differ using default options
- SchemaDiff(SchemaDiff.Options) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiff
Constructs a differ with the specified options
- SchemaDiff.Options - Class in graphql.schema.diff
Options for controlling the diffing process
- SchemaDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
Any kind of difference between two schemas is a SchemaDifference.
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentRename - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveArgumentValueModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveDirectiveArgumentLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveEnumValueLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectFieldLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInputObjectLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldArgumentLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceFieldLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveInterfaceLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveLocationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldArgumentLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectFieldLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveObjectLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveRenamed - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveScalarLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveSchemaLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.AppliedDirectiveUnionLocation - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDefaultValueModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentRename - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveArgumentTypeModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.DirectiveModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumValueAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumValueDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.EnumValueRenamed - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDefaultValueModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldRename - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectFieldTypeModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InputObjectModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentRename - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldArgumentTypeModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldRename - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceFieldTypeModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceInterfaceImplementationAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceInterfaceImplementationDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.InterfaceModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDefaultValueModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentRename - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldArgumentTypeModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldRename - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectFieldTypeModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectInterfaceImplementationAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectInterfaceImplementationDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ObjectModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ScalarAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ScalarDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ScalarDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ScalarModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.ScalarModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.SchemaAddition - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.SchemaDeletion - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.SchemaModification - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.SchemaModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.UnionAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.UnionDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.UnionDifference - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.UnionMemberAddition - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.UnionMemberDeletion - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.UnionModification - Class in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDifference.UnionModificationDetail - Interface in graphql.schema.diffing.ana
- SchemaDiffing - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- SchemaDiffing() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaDiffing
- SchemaDiffingCancelledException - Exception in graphql.schema.diffing
- SchemaDiffSet - Class in graphql.schema.diff
Interface used to define 2 schemas that can be diffed by the
operation. - SchemaDirectiveWiring - Interface in graphql.schema.idl
A SchemaDirectiveWiring is responsible for enhancing a runtime element based on directives placed on that element in the Schema Definition Language (SDL).
- SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment<T extends GraphQLDirectiveContainer> - Interface in graphql.schema.idl
is passed this object as parameters when it builds out behaviour - SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl<T extends GraphQLDirectiveContainer> - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl(T, List<GraphQLDirective>, List<GraphQLAppliedDirective>, GraphQLAppliedDirective, GraphQLDirective, SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper.Parameters) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- schemaDirectiveWiringIsRequired(T, TypeDefinitionRegistry, RuntimeWiring) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
This will return true if something in the RuntimeWiring requires a
. - SchemaElementChildrenContainer - Class in graphql.schema
- SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder - Class in graphql.schema
- SchemaExtensionDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- SchemaExtensionDefinition(List<Directive>, List<OperationTypeDefinition>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition
- SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- SchemaExtensionsChecker - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- SchemaExtensionsChecker() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaExtensionsChecker
- SchemaGenerator - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This can generate a working runtime schema from a type registry and runtime wiring
- SchemaGenerator() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator
- SchemaGenerator.Options - Class in graphql.schema.idl
These options control how the schema generation works
- SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This contains the helper code that allows
implementations to be invoked during schema generation. - SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorDirectiveHelper
- SchemaGeneratorHelper - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- SchemaGeneratorHelper() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGeneratorHelper
- SchemaGeneratorPostProcessing - Interface in graphql.schema.idl
Deprecated.This mechanism can be achieved in a better way via
after the schema is built - SchemaGraph - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- SchemaGraph() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- SchemaGraph(List<Vertex>, List<Edge>, Table<Vertex, Vertex, Edge>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- SchemaGraphFactory - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- SchemaGraphFactory() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraphFactory
- SchemaGraphFactory(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraphFactory
- SchemaMetaFieldDef - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- SchemaMetaFieldDefDataFetcher - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- SchemaMissingError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- SchemaMissingError() - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.SchemaMissingError
- SchemaParseOrder - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This class will track what order
were parsed in viaSchemaParser
- SchemaParseOrder() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParseOrder
- SchemaParser - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This can take a graphql schema definition and parse it into a
of definitions ready to be placed intoSchemaGenerator
say - SchemaParser() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParser
- SchemaPrinter - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This can print an in memory GraphQL schema back to a logical schema definition
- SchemaPrinter() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
- SchemaPrinter(SchemaPrinter.Options) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter
- SchemaPrinter.Options - Class in graphql.schema.idl
Options to use when printing a schema
- SchemaProblem - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
A number of problems can occur when using the schema tools like
classes and they are reported via this exception as a list ofGraphQLError
s - SchemaProblem(List<GraphQLError>) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.SchemaProblem
- SchemaRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- SchemaRedefinitionError(SchemaDefinition, SchemaDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.SchemaRedefinitionError
- SchemaTransformer - Class in graphql.schema
Transforms a
object by calling bac on a provided visitor. - SchemaTransformer() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.SchemaTransformer
- SchemaTraverser - Class in graphql.schema
- SchemaTraverser() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.SchemaTraverser
- SchemaTraverser(Function<? super GraphQLSchemaElement, ? extends List<GraphQLSchemaElement>>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.SchemaTraverser
- SchemaTypeChecker - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This helps pre check the state of the type system to ensure it can be made into an executable schema.
- SchemaTypeChecker() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaTypeChecker
- SchemaUsage - Class in graphql.schema.usage
This class shows schema usage information.
- SchemaUsageSupport - Class in graphql.schema.usage
- SchemaUsageSupport() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.usage.SchemaUsageSupport
- SchemaUtil - Class in graphql.schema.impl
- SchemaUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.impl.SchemaUtil
- SchemaValidationError - Class in graphql.schema.validation
- SchemaValidationError(SchemaValidationErrorType, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationError
- SchemaValidationErrorClassification - Interface in graphql.schema.validation
Error in graphql schema validation can have a classification, and all the error classifications implement this interface.
- SchemaValidationErrorCollector - Class in graphql.schema.validation
- SchemaValidationErrorCollector() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorCollector
- SchemaValidationErrorType - Enum in graphql.schema.validation
- SchemaValidator - Class in graphql.schema.validation
- SchemaValidator() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidator
- SDLDefinition<T extends SDLDefinition> - Interface in graphql.language
An interface for Schema Definition Language (SDL) definitions.
- SDLExtensionDefinition - Interface in graphql.language
A marker interface for Schema Definition Language (SDL) extension definitions.
- SDLNamedDefinition<T extends SDLNamedDefinition> - Interface in graphql.language
A interface for named Schema Definition Language (SDL) definition.
- second - Variable in class graphql.util.Pair
- segment(int) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
Takes the current path and adds a new segment to it, returning a new path
- segment(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
Takes the current path and adds a new segment to it, returning a new path
- segmentToString() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- SelectedField - Interface in graphql.schema
represents a field that occurred in a query selection set during execution and they are returned from using theDataFetchingFieldSelectionSet
interface returned viaDataFetchingEnvironment.getSelectionSet()
- selection(Selection) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- Selection<T extends Selection<T>> - Interface in graphql.language
- selections(Collection<? extends Selection>) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- selectionSet(SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- selectionSet(SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- selectionSet(SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- selectionSet(SelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- selectionSet(DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- selectionSet(DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- SelectionSet - Class in graphql.language
- SelectionSet(Collection<? extends Selection>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SelectionSet
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- SelectionSet(Collection<? extends Selection>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- SelectionSet.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- SelectionSetContainer<T extends Node> - Interface in graphql.language
- sensibleGroupedOrder() - Static method in class graphql.schema.DefaultGraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry
This orders the schema into a sensible grouped order
- SerializationError - Class in graphql
- SerializationError(ResultPath, CoercingSerializeException) - Constructor for class graphql.SerializationError
- serialize(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- serialize(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- serialize(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- serialize(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- serialize(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- serialize(Object) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
- serialize(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- serialize(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- serialize(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- serialize(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- serialize(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- serialize(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
Called to convert a Java object result of a DataFetcher to a valid runtime value for the scalar type.
- serialize(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- serialize(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- set(int, int) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- setAccumulate(Object) - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- setAccumulate(Object) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Sets the new accumulate value.
- setBuiltInType(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- setComparators(GraphqlTypeComparatorRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
The comparator registry controls the printing order for registered
s. - setDataLoaderDispatcherStrategy(DataLoaderDispatchStrategy) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
- setDefaultOperationParserOptions(ParserOptions) - Static method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
By default, the Parser will not capture ignored characters or line comments.
- setDefaultParserOptions(ParserOptions) - Static method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
By default, the Parser will not capture ignored characters.
- setDefaultSdlParserOptions(ParserOptions) - Static method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
By default, for SDL parsing, the Parser will not capture ignored characters, but it will capture line comments into AST elements .
- setDeferredExecutions(Collection<NormalizedDeferredExecution>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- setExtensions(ExecutionResult) - Method in class graphql.extensions.ExtensionsBuilder
This sets new extensions into the provided
, overwriting any previous values - setFieldDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironment
This is a shortcut method to set a new data fetcher in the underlying
against the current field. - setFieldDataFetcher(DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaDirectiveWiringEnvironmentImpl
- setFrom(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- setLabel(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- setMaxValidationErrors(int) - Static method in class graphql.validation.Validator
`graphql-java` will stop validation after a maximum number of validation messages has been reached.
- setObjectTypeNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- setTo(Vertex) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- setTokenFactory(TokenFactory<?>) - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenSource
- setTypeResolver(TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.TypeResolverProxy
- setUseLambdaFactory(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper
- setUseLambdaFactory(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyFetchingImpl
- setUseNegativeCache(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
This can be used to control whether PropertyDataFetcher will cache negative lookups for a property for performance reasons.
- setUseNegativeCache(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper
- setUseNegativeCache(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyFetchingImpl
- setUseSetAccessible(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcher
This can be used to control whether PropertyDataFetcher will use
to gain access to property values. - setUseSetAccessible(boolean) - Static method in class graphql.schema.PropertyDataFetcherHelper
- setUseSetAccessible(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.PropertyFetchingImpl
- setVar(Class<? super S>, S) - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- setVar(Class<? super S>, S) - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Stores a variable in the context
- setVertices(List<Vertex>) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- setVisitFragmentSpreads(boolean) - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- shouldInclude(ConditionalNodeDecisionEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodeDecision
This is called to decide if a
should be included or not - shouldInclude(DirectivesContainer<?>, Map<String, Object>, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLContext) - Method in class graphql.execution.conditional.ConditionalNodes
- shouldMakeVariable(ExecutableNormalizedField, String, NormalizedInputValue) - Method in class graphql.normalized.VariableAccumulator
- shouldMakeVariable(ExecutableNormalizedField, String, NormalizedInputValue) - Method in interface graphql.normalized.VariablePredicate
Return true if a variable should be made for this field argument
- sibling(int) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- sibling(String) - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- signatureQuery(Document, String) - Method in class graphql.language.AstSignature
This can produce a "signature" canonical AST that conforms to the algorithm as outlined here which removes excess operations, removes any field aliases, hides literal values and sorts the result into a canonical query.
- simple(T) - Static method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler - Class in graphql.execution
The standard handling of data fetcher error involves placing a
error into the error collection - SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler
- SimpleFieldValidation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation
This very simple field validation will run the supplied function for a given field path and if it returns an error it will be added to the list of problems.
- SimpleFieldValidation() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.SimpleFieldValidation
- SimpleInstrumentation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation
instead as a base class. - SimpleInstrumentation() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentation
- SimpleInstrumentationContext<T> - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation
A simple implementation of
- SimpleInstrumentationContext() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
- SimpleListConnection<T> - Class in graphql.relay
- SimpleListConnection(List<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.relay.SimpleListConnection
- SimpleListConnection(List<T>, String) - Constructor for class graphql.relay.SimpleListConnection
- SimplePerformantInstrumentation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation
An implementation of
that does nothing. - SimplePerformantInstrumentation() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimplePerformantInstrumentation
- simplePrint() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- simplePrint(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeUtil
This will return the type in graphql SDL format, eg [typeName!]!
- simplePrint(GraphQLSchemaElement) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
- simplePrint(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
This will return the type in graphql SDL format, eg [typeName!]!
- SingleSubscriberPublisher<T> - Class in graphql.execution.reactive
A Publisher of things that are buffered and handles a single subscriber at a time.
- SingleSubscriberPublisher() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.reactive.SingleSubscriberPublisher
Constructs a publisher with no callback when subscribed
- SingleSubscriberPublisher(SingleSubscriberPublisher.OnSubscriptionCallback) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.reactive.SingleSubscriberPublisher
The producing code can provide a callback to know when the subscriber attaches
- SingleSubscriberPublisher.OnSubscriptionCallback - Interface in graphql.execution.reactive
This is called when a subscription is made to the publisher
- size() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- size() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet
- size() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Mapping
- size() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- size() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- skip(long) - Method in class graphql.parser.SafeTokenReader
- SkipDirective - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
- snapshotTracingData() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingSupport
This will snapshot this tracing and return a map of the results
- sort(T) - Method in class graphql.language.AstSorter
This will sort nodes in specific orders and then alphabetically.
- sortTypes(Comparator<? super GraphQLSchemaElement>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparators
This sorts the list of
objects (by name) and allocates a new sorted list back. - source(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder
- source(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- SourceAndLine() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.SourceAndLine
- sourceLocation - Variable in class graphql.language.Comment
- sourceLocation - Variable in class graphql.language.Description
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.Document.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.Field.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeBuilder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference.Builder
- sourceLocation(SourceLocation) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- SourceLocation - Class in graphql.language
- SourceLocation(int, int) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- SourceLocation(int, int, String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- sourceLocations - Variable in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- sourceLocations(List<SourceLocation>) - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorException.BuilderBase
- sourceLocations(List<SourceLocation>) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- SPACE - graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
- SPACE - graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.IndentType
- SPECIFIED_BY_DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
- SpecifiedByDirective - Static variable in class graphql.Directives
The "specifiedBy" directive allows to provide a specification URL for a Scalar
- specifiedByUrl(boolean) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
This will allow you to include the `specifiedByURL` field for scalar types in the introspection query.
- specifiedByUrl(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- startDeferredCalls() - Method in class graphql.execution.incremental.IncrementalCallState
When this is called the deferred execution will begin
- StaticDataFetcher - Class in graphql.schema
that always returns the same value - StaticDataFetcher(Object) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.StaticDataFetcher
- staticValue(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
instead - stop() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaDiffing
Tries to stop the algorithm from execution ASAP by throwing a
. - stream() - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
- StreamedCall - Class in graphql.execution.incremental
Represents a call that fetches data that was streamed, via the @stream directive.
- StreamedCall() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.incremental.StreamedCall
- StreamPayload - Class in graphql.incremental
Represents a stream payload
- StreamPayload.Builder - Class in graphql.incremental
- STRICTER - graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
The new API has become stricter for existing clients than the old API
- string(String, String) - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.Builder
- StringKit - Class in graphql.util
- StringKit() - Constructor for class graphql.util.StringKit
- StringValue - Class in graphql.language
- StringValue(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.StringValue
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- StringValue(String, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.StringValue
- StringValue.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- StringValueParsing - Class in graphql.parser
Contains parsing code for the StringValue types in the grammar
- StringValueParsing() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.StringValueParsing
- StronglyConnectedComponentsTopologicallySorted - Class in graphql.schema.impl
This class returns a list of strongly connected components (SCC) which are topologically sorted.
- subFields(Map<String, MergedField>) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedSelectionSet.Builder
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super D>) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.CompletionStageMappingPublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super ExecutionResult>) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.SubscriptionPublisher
- subscribe(Subscriber<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.execution.reactive.SingleSubscriberPublisher
- subscription(GraphQLObjectType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- subscription(GraphQLObjectType.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- SUBSCRIPTION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- SUBSCRIPTION - graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Operation
- subscriptionExecutionStrategy(ExecutionStrategy) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- SubscriptionExecutionStrategy - Class in graphql.execution
An execution strategy that implements graphql subscriptions by using reactive-streams as the output result of the subscription query.
- SubscriptionExecutionStrategy() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.SubscriptionExecutionStrategy
- SubscriptionExecutionStrategy(DataFetcherExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.SubscriptionExecutionStrategy
- SubscriptionIntrospectionRootField - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- SubscriptionMultipleRootFields - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- SubscriptionPublisher - Class in graphql.execution.reactive
Subscription queries return an instance of this class in the
data element for the subscribed field. - SubscriptionPublisher(Publisher<Object>, Function<Object, CompletionStage<ExecutionResult>>) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.reactive.SubscriptionPublisher
Subscription consuming code is not expected to create instances of this class
- subscriptionStrategy(ExecutionStrategy) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- SubscriptionUniqueRootField - Class in graphql.validation.rules
A subscription operation must only have one root field A subscription operation's single root field must not be an introspection field https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-Single-root-field
- SubscriptionUniqueRootField(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.SubscriptionUniqueRootField
- SubselectionNotAllowed - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- SubselectionRequired - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- supportsEnforcingDirectives() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.SchemaDiffSet
- syntaxException(InvalidSyntaxException) - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult.Builder
- systemCoordinates(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
The exception to the general rule is the system __xxxx Introspection fields which have no parent type and are able to be specified on any type
- systemDataFetcher(FieldCoordinates, DataFetcher<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
Called to place system data fetchers (eg Introspection fields) into the mix
- TAB - graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
- TAB - graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.IndentType
- thisNode() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- thisNode() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Returns current node being visited.
- ThreadSafe - Annotation Type in graphql
This represents code that is known to be mutable but thread safe.
- toAppliedArgument() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
This method can be used to turn an argument that was being use as an applied argument into one.
- toAppliedDirective() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
This method can be used to turn a directive that was being use as an applied directive into one.
- toAppliedDirectives(GraphQLDirectiveContainer) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
This can take a collection of legacy directives and turn them applied directives, and combine them with any applied directives.
- toAppliedDirectives(Collection<GraphQLAppliedDirective>, Collection<GraphQLDirective>) - Static method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil
This can take a collection of legacy directives and turn them applied directives, and combine them with any applied directives.
- toCollection(Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
Converts an object that should be an Iterable into a Collection efficiently, leaving it alone if it is already is one.
- toCompletableFuture(T) - Static method in class graphql.execution.Async
Turns an object T into a CompletableFuture if it's not already
- toData() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- toExecutionResult() - Method in exception graphql.execution.AbortExecutionException
This is useful for turning this abort signal into an execution result which is an error state with the underlying errors in it.
- toGlobalId(String, String) - Method in class graphql.relay.Relay
- toI18n(I18n) - Method in class graphql.i18n.I18nMsg
- toInvalidSyntaxError() - Method in exception graphql.parser.InvalidSyntaxException
- toIterable(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- toIterable(Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- toList() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- toList() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeParentTree
- toList() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlElementParentTree
- toListOrSingletonList(Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
Converts a value into a list if it's really a collection or array of things else it turns it into a singleton list containing that one value
- toMap() - Method in class graphql.execution.CoercedVariables
- toMap() - Method in class graphql.execution.RawVariables
- toResult() - Method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorBuilder
A helper method that allows you to return this error as a
- toRoot() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- toRootNode() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- toSize(Object) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- toSpecification() - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult
The graphql specification says that result of a call should be a map that follows certain rules on what items should be present.
- toSpecification() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- toSpecification() - Method in interface graphql.GraphQLError
The graphql specification says that result of a call should be a map that follows certain rules on what items should be present.
- toSpecification() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DeferPayload
- toSpecification() - Method in interface graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResult
- toSpecification() - Method in class graphql.incremental.DelayedIncrementalPartialResultImpl
- toSpecification() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalExecutionResultImpl
- toSpecification() - Method in class graphql.incremental.IncrementalPayload
- toSpecification() - Method in class graphql.incremental.StreamPayload
- toSpecification(GraphQLError) - Method in interface graphql.ErrorClassification
This is called to create a representation of the error classification that can be put into the `extensions` map of the graphql error under the key 'classification' when
is called - toSpecification(GraphQLError) - Static method in class graphql.GraphqlErrorHelper
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.FieldComplexityEnvironment
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityInfo
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryDepthInfo
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironmentImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentInputValueImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironmentImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFieldEnvironmentImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironmentImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironmentImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- toString() - Method in class graphql.DirectivesUtil.DirectivesHolder
- toString() - Method in class graphql.ExceptionWhileDataFetching
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionId
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullError
- toString() - Method in exception graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldWasNullException
- toString() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryIdInvalid
- toString() - Method in exception graphql.execution.preparsed.persisted.PersistedQueryNotFound
- toString() - Method in class graphql.execution.ResultPath
- toString() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
- toString() - Method in class graphql.ExecutionResultImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.GraphQLContext
- toString() - Method in class graphql.InvalidSyntaxError
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.IgnoredChar
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.NodeParentTree
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.SourceLocation
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- toString() - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
- toString() - Method in class graphql.normalized.NormalizedInputValue
- toString() - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.SourceAndLine
- toString() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnection
- toString() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultConnectionCursor
- toString() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultEdge
- toString() - Method in class graphql.relay.DefaultPageInfo
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingFieldSelectionSetImpl
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Edge
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.FieldCoordinates
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlElementParentTree
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- toString() - Method in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.SchemaProblem
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaParseOrder
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.InputValueWithState
- toString() - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationError
- toString() - Method in class graphql.SerializationError
- toString() - Method in class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- toString() - Method in class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- toString() - Method in class graphql.util.Breadcrumb
- toString() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeLocation
- toString() - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- toString() - Method in class graphql.util.Pair
- toString() - Method in class graphql.validation.AbstractRule
- toString() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- toString() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError
- toString() - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationErrorCollector
- toString(int) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.dataloader.LevelMap
- toTypeVisitor() - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
This allows you to turn this smarter visitor into the base
interface - TracingInstrumentation - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing
implementation usesTracingSupport
to capture tracing information and puts it into theExecutionResult
- TracingInstrumentation() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation
- TracingInstrumentation(TracingInstrumentation.Options) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingInstrumentation
- TracingInstrumentation.Options - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing
- TracingSupport - Class in graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing
This creates a map of tracing information as outlined in https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-tracing
- TracingSupport(boolean) - Constructor for class graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing.TracingSupport
The timer starts as soon as you create this object
- TracingSupport.TracingContext - Interface in graphql.execution.instrumentation.tracing
A simple object that you need to call
on - trackChanges() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
A helper method to track if the builder changes from the point at which this method was called.
- trackData(boolean) - Method in class graphql.parser.MultiSourceReader.Builder
- TRAILING_SURROGATE_LOWER_BOUND - Static variable in class graphql.parser.UnicodeUtil
- TRAILING_SURROGATE_UPPER_BOUND - Static variable in class graphql.parser.UnicodeUtil
- transform(QueryVisitor) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer
Visits the Document in pre-order and allows to transform it using
methods. - transform(Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.AstTransformer
Transforms the input tree using the Visitor Pattern.
- transform(Node, NodeVisitor, Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.language.AstTransformer
Transforms the input tree using the Visitor Pattern.
- transform(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTransformer
- transform(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLTypeVisitor, Consumer<GraphQLSchema.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTransformer
- transform(Consumer<DataFetcherResult.Builder<T>>) - Method in class graphql.execution.DataFetcherResult
This helps you transform the current DataFetcherResult into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<QueryAppliedDirective.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirective
This helps you transform the current GraphQLDirective into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument
This helps you transform the current GraphQLArgument into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<ExecutionContextBuilder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContext
This helps you transform the current ExecutionContext object into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<ExecutionStepInfo.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo
- transform(Consumer<ExecutionStrategyParameters.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategyParameters
- transform(Consumer<FetchedValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.FetchedValue
- transform(Consumer<DocumentAndVariables.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables
- transform(Consumer<MergedField.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.execution.MergedField
- transform(Consumer<ExecutionInput.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput
This helps you transform the current ExecutionInput object into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<ExecutionResult.Builder<?>>) - Method in interface graphql.ExecutionResult
This helps you transform the current
object into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want. - transform(Consumer<GraphQL.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL
This helps you transform the current GraphQL object into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<Argument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- transform(Consumer<ArrayValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- transform(Consumer<BooleanValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- transform(Consumer<Directive.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- transform(Consumer<DirectiveDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- transform(Consumer<DirectiveLocation.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- transform(Consumer<Document.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- transform(Consumer<EnumTypeDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- transform(Consumer<EnumValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- transform(Consumer<EnumValueDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- transform(Consumer<Field.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- transform(Consumer<FieldDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- transform(Consumer<FloatValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- transform(Consumer<FragmentDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- transform(Consumer<FragmentSpread.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- transform(Consumer<InlineFragment.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- transform(Consumer<InputObjectTypeDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- transform(Consumer<InputValueDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- transform(Consumer<InterfaceTypeDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- transform(Consumer<IntValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- transform(Consumer<ListType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- transform(Consumer<NodeChildrenContainer.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeChildrenContainer
- transform(Consumer<NonNullType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- transform(Consumer<NullValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- transform(Consumer<ObjectField.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- transform(Consumer<ObjectTypeDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- transform(Consumer<ObjectValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- transform(Consumer<OperationDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- transform(Consumer<OperationTypeDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- transform(Consumer<ScalarTypeDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- transform(Consumer<SchemaDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- transform(Consumer<SelectionSet.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- transform(Consumer<StringValue.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- transform(Consumer<TypeName.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- transform(Consumer<UnionTypeDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- transform(Consumer<VariableDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- transform(Consumer<VariableReference.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- transform(Consumer<ExecutableNormalizedField.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
Allows this
to be transformed via aExecutableNormalizedField.Builder
consumer callback - transform(Consumer<ParseAndValidateResult.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult
- transform(Consumer<ParserOptions.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.parser.ParserOptions
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
This helps you transform the current GraphQLDirective into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
This helps you transform the current GraphQLArgument into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLArgument.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
This helps you transform the current GraphQLArgument into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry
This helps you transform the current
object into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want. - transform(Consumer<GraphQLDirective.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
This helps you transform the current GraphQLDirective into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLEnumType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
This helps you transform the current GraphQLEnumType into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
This helps you transform the current GraphQLEnumValueDefinition into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
This helps you transform the current GraphQLFieldDefinition into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
This helps you transform the current GraphQLInputObjectField into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
This helps you transform the current GraphQLInputObjectType into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
This helps you transform the current GraphQLInterfaceType into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLObjectType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
This helps you transform the current GraphQLObjectType into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLScalarType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
This helps you transform the current GraphQLObjectType into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphQLSchema.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This helps you transform the current GraphQLSchema object into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlTypeComparatorEnvironment
This helps you transform the current
into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want. - transform(Consumer<GraphQLUnionType.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
This helps you transform the current GraphQLUnionType into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<RuntimeWiring.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring
This helps you transform the current RuntimeWiring object into another one by starting a builder with all the current values and allows you to transform it how you want.
- transform(Consumer<SchemaElementChildrenContainer.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaElementChildrenContainer
- transform(T, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTransformer
- transform(T, TraverserVisitor<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTransformer
- transform(T, TraverserVisitor<T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeTransformer
- transform(T, TraverserVisitor<T>, Map<Class<?>, Object>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeTransformer
- transformer(SchemaGeneratorPostProcessing) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
Deprecated.This mechanism can be achieved in a better way via
after the schema is built - transformExtension(Consumer<EnumTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition
- transformExtension(Consumer<InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- transformExtension(Consumer<InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition
- transformExtension(Consumer<ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- transformExtension(Consumer<ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition
- transformExtension(Consumer<SchemaExtensionDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition
- transformExtension(Consumer<UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition
- transformImpl(T, TraverserVisitor<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTransformer
- transformParallel(Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class graphql.language.AstTransformer
- transformParallel(Node, NodeVisitor, ForkJoinPool) - Method in class graphql.language.AstTransformer
- transformSchema(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Static method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTransformer
Transforms a GraphQLSchema and returns a new GraphQLSchema object.
- transformSchema(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLTypeVisitor, Consumer<GraphQLSchema.Builder>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTransformer
Transforms a GraphQLSchema and returns a new GraphQLSchema object.
- transformSchema(T, GraphQLTypeVisitor) - Static method in class graphql.schema.SchemaTransformer
Transforms a
and returns a new element. - transformWithoutTypes(Consumer<GraphQLSchema.BuilderWithoutTypes>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
This helps you transform the current GraphQLSchema object into another one by using a builder that only allows you to change simple values and does not involve changing the complex schema type graph.
- transposeMatrix(List<? extends List<T>>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- TraversalContext - Class in graphql.validation
- TraversalContext(GraphQLSchema) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.TraversalContext
- TraversalControl - Enum in graphql.util
Special traversal control values
- traverse(Node, DocumentVisitor) - Method in class graphql.validation.LanguageTraversal
- traverse(Collection<? extends T>, TraverserVisitor<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- traverse(Collection<? extends T>, TraverserVisitor<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- traverse(T, TraverserVisitor<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.util.Traverser
- traverse(T, TraverserVisitor<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- traverseImpl(Collection<? extends T>, TraverserVisitor<? super T>) - Method in class graphql.util.TreeParallelTraverser
- Traverser<T> - Class in graphql.util
- TraverserContext<T> - Interface in graphql.util
Traversal context.
- TraverserContext.Phase - Enum in graphql.util
- TraverserResult - Class in graphql.util
- TraverserResult(Object) - Constructor for class graphql.util.TraverserResult
- TraverserState<T> - Class in graphql.util
- TraverserState.EndList<U> - Class in graphql.util
- TraverserVisitor<T> - Interface in graphql.util
- TraverserVisitorStub<T> - Class in graphql.util
- TraverserVisitorStub() - Constructor for class graphql.util.TraverserVisitorStub
- traverseSubTree(Consumer<ExecutableNormalizedField>) - Method in class graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
Traverse from this
down into itself and all of its children - TreeParallelTransformer<T> - Class in graphql.util
- TreeParallelTraverser<T> - Class in graphql.util
- TreeTransformer<T> - Class in graphql.util
- TreeTransformer(NodeAdapter<T>) - Constructor for class graphql.util.TreeTransformer
- TreeTransformerUtil - Class in graphql.util
- TreeTransformerUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.util.TreeTransformerUtil
- TrivialDataFetcher<T> - Interface in graphql
Mark a DataFetcher as trivial: If a data fetcher is simply mapping data from an object to a field, it can be considered a trivial data fetcher for the purposes of tracing and so on.
- tryCatch(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.Async
- type(ListType) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- type(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition.Builder
- type(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition.Builder
- type(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType.Builder
- type(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- type(Type) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition.Builder
- type(TypeName) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType.Builder
- type(GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- type(GraphQLInputType) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- type(GraphQLInputType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- type(GraphQLInputType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- type(GraphQLInputType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- type(GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- type(GraphQLObjectType.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- type(GraphQLOutputType) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStepInfo.Builder
- type(GraphQLOutputType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- type(GraphQLUnionType.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- type(TypeRuntimeWiring) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This adds a type wiring
- type(TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This allows you to add a new type wiring via a builder
- type(String, UnaryOperator<TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder>) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
This form allows a lambda to be used as the builder of a type wiring
- Type<T extends Type> - Interface in graphql.language
- TypeAndFieldRule - Class in graphql.schema.validation
The validation about GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInterfaceType, GraphQLUnionType, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLInputObjectType, GraphQLScalarType.
- TypeAndFieldRule() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.TypeAndFieldRule
- typeCondition(TypeName) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition.Builder
- typeCondition(TypeName) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment.Builder
- TypeDefinition<T extends TypeDefinition> - Interface in graphql.language
An interface for type definitions in a Schema Definition Language (SDL).
- TypeDefinitionRegistry - Class in graphql.schema.idl
contains the set of type definitions that come from compiling a graphql schema definition file viaSchemaParser.parse(String)
- TypeDefinitionRegistry() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- TypeExtensionDirectiveRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- TypeExtensionDirectiveRedefinitionError(TypeDefinition, Directive) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.TypeExtensionDirectiveRedefinitionError
- TypeExtensionEnumValueRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- TypeExtensionEnumValueRedefinitionError(TypeDefinition, EnumValueDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.TypeExtensionEnumValueRedefinitionError
- TypeExtensionFieldRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- TypeExtensionFieldRedefinitionError(TypeDefinition, FieldDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.TypeExtensionFieldRedefinitionError
- TypeExtensionFieldRedefinitionError(TypeDefinition, InputValueDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.TypeExtensionFieldRedefinitionError
- TypeExtensionMissingBaseTypeError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- TypeExtensionMissingBaseTypeError(TypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.TypeExtensionMissingBaseTypeError
- TypeFromAST - Class in graphql.execution
- TypeFromAST() - Constructor for class graphql.execution.TypeFromAST
- typeInfo(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- TypeInfo - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This helper gives you access to the type info given a type definition
- typeKind(TypeKind) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- TypeKind - Enum in graphql.language
And enumeration of the the kind of things that can be in a graphql type system
- typeMap - Variable in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- TypeMetaFieldDef - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- TypeMetaFieldDefDataFetcher - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- TypeMismatchError - Class in graphql
- TypeMismatchError(ResultPath, GraphQLType) - Constructor for class graphql.TypeMismatchError
- typeName(TypeName) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition.Builder
- typeName(Object) - Static method in class graphql.scalar.CoercingUtil
- typeName(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.diff.DiffEvent.Builder
- typeName(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
Sets the type name for this type wiring.
- TypeName - Class in graphql.language
- TypeName(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.TypeName
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- TypeName(String, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.TypeName
- TypeName.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- TypeNameMetaFieldDef - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- TypeNameMetaFieldDefDataFetcher - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- TypeRedefinitionError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- TypeRedefinitionError(TypeDefinition, TypeDefinition) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.TypeRedefinitionError
- typeRef(String) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeReference
A factory method for creating type references so that when used with static imports allows more readable code such as
- typeRefFragmentDepth(int) - Method in class graphql.introspection.IntrospectionQueryBuilder.Options
This will allow you to control the depth of the `TypeRef` fragment in the introspection query.
- TypeResolutionEnvironment - Class in graphql
This is passed to a
to help with object type resolution. - TypeResolutionEnvironment(TypeResolutionParameters) - Constructor for class graphql.TypeResolutionEnvironment
- TypeResolutionParameters - Class in graphql.execution
This class is a classic builder style one that SHOULD have been on have been on
but for legacy reasons was not. - TypeResolutionParameters.Builder - Class in graphql.execution
- typeResolver(GraphQLInterfaceType, TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- typeResolver(GraphQLUnionType, TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- typeResolver(TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- typeResolver(TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- typeResolver(TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder
Adds a
to the current type. - typeResolver(String, TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- TypeResolver - Interface in graphql.schema
This is called during type resolution to work out what concrete
should be used dynamically during runtime forGraphQLInterfaceType
s andGraphQLUnionType
s - typeResolverIfAbsent(GraphQLInterfaceType, TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- typeResolverIfAbsent(GraphQLUnionType, TypeResolver) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- TypeResolverProxy - Class in graphql.schema
- TypeResolverProxy() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.TypeResolverProxy
- typeResolvers(GraphQLCodeRegistry) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLCodeRegistry.Builder
- TypeRuntimeWiring - Class in graphql.schema.idl
A type runtime wiring is a specification of the data fetchers and possible type resolver for a given type name.
- TypeRuntimeWiring.Builder - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- types() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- TypesImplementInterfaces - Class in graphql.schema.validation
Schema validation rule ensuring object and interface types have all the fields that they need to implement the interfaces they say they implement.
- TypesImplementInterfaces() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.validation.TypesImplementInterfaces
- TypeUtil - Class in graphql.schema.idl
This class consists of
utility methods for operating onType
. - TypeUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.TypeUtil
- unbox(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.DefaultValueUnboxer
- unbox(Object) - Method in interface graphql.execution.ValueUnboxer
Unboxes 'object' if it is boxed in an
like type that this unboxer can handle. - unboxPossibleDataFetcherResult(ExecutionContext, ExecutionStrategyParameters, Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionStrategy
- unboxValue(Object) - Static method in class graphql.execution.DefaultValueUnboxer
- UnbrokenInputCycle - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- UndefinedFragment - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- UndefinedVariable - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- UnExecutableSchemaGenerator - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- UnExecutableSchemaGenerator() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.idl.UnExecutableSchemaGenerator
- UnicodeUtil - Class in graphql.parser
Contains Unicode helpers for parsing StringValue types in the grammar
- UnicodeUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.parser.UnicodeUtil
- Union - graphql.language.TypeKind
- UNION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- UNION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
- UNION - Static variable in class graphql.schema.diffing.SchemaGraph
- UnionAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionAddition
- UnionDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionDeletion
- UnionMemberAddition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionMemberAddition
- UnionMemberDeletion(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionMemberDeletion
- UnionModification(String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionModification
- UnionModification(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.ana.SchemaDifference.UnionModification
- UnionTypeDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- UnionTypeDefinition(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- UnionTypeDefinition(String, List<Directive>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- UnionTypeDefinition(String, List<Directive>, List<Type>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- UnionTypeDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- UnionTypeError - Exception in graphql.schema.idl.errors
- UnionTypeError(Node, String) - Constructor for exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.UnionTypeError
- UnionTypeExtensionDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- UnionTypeExtensionDefinition(String, List<Directive>, List<Type>, Description, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition
- UnionTypeExtensionDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- unionTypeExtensions() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeDefinitionRegistry
- UnionTypeLackOfTypeError - graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
- UnionWiringEnvironment - Class in graphql.schema.idl
- UniqueArgumentNames - Class in graphql.validation.rules
Unique argument names A GraphQL field or directive is only valid if all supplied arguments are uniquely named.
- UniqueArgumentNames(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueArgumentNames
- UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueDirectiveNamesPerLocation
- UniqueFragmentNames - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- UniqueFragmentNames(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueFragmentNames
- UniqueObjectFieldName - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- UniqueObjectFieldName - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- UniqueObjectFieldName(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueObjectFieldName
- UniqueOperationNames - Class in graphql.validation.rules
A GraphQL document is only valid if all defined operations have unique names.
- UniqueOperationNames(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueOperationNames
- UniqueVariableNames - Class in graphql.validation.rules
Unique variable names
- UniqueVariableNames(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.UniqueVariableNames
- UNKNOWN_FIELDS_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception graphql.schema.idl.errors.DirectiveIllegalArgumentTypeError
- UnknownArgument - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- UnknownDirective - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- UnknownOperationException - Exception in graphql.execution
This is thrown if multiple operations are defined in the query and the operation name is missing or there is no matching operation name contained in the GraphQL query.
- UnknownOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.UnknownOperationException
- UnknownType - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- unlock() - Method in class graphql.util.LockKit.ReentrantLock
- UnresolvedTypeError - Class in graphql
- UnresolvedTypeError(ResultPath, ExecutionStepInfo, UnresolvedTypeException) - Constructor for class graphql.UnresolvedTypeError
- UnresolvedTypeException - Exception in graphql.execution
This is thrown if a
fails to give back a concrete type or provides a type that doesn't implement the given interface or union. - UnresolvedTypeException(GraphQLNamedOutputType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.UnresolvedTypeException
- UnresolvedTypeException(GraphQLNamedOutputType, GraphQLType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.UnresolvedTypeException
- UnresolvedTypeException(String, GraphQLNamedOutputType) - Constructor for exception graphql.execution.UnresolvedTypeException
Constructor to use a custom error message for an error that happened during type resolution.
- UnusedFragment - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- UnusedVariable - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- unwrap(Throwable) - Method in class graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler
Called to unwrap an exception to a more suitable cause if required.
- unwrapAll(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeUtil
Unwraps all layers of the type or just returns the type again if it's not a wrapped type
- unwrapAll(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Unwraps all layers of the type or just returns the type again if it's not a wrapped type
- unwrapAllAs(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Unwraps all layers of the type or just returns the type again if it's not a wrapped type and then cast to the target type.
- unwrapNonNull(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Unwraps all non nullable layers of the type until it reaches a type that is not
- unwrapNonNullAs(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Unwraps all non nullable layers of the type until it reaches a type that is not
and then cast to the target type. - unwrapOne() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- unwrapOne(Type) - Static method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeUtil
Unwraps one layer of the type or just returns the type again if it's not a wrapped type
- unwrapOne(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Unwraps one layer of the type or just returns the type again if it's not a wrapped type
- unwrapOneAs(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
Unwraps one layer of the type or just returns the type again if it's not a wrapped type and then cast to the target type.
- unwrapOneType() - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.TypeInfo
- unwrapType(GraphQLType) - Static method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeUtil
graphql types can be wrapped in
type wrappers so this method will unwrap the type down to the raw unwrapped type and return that wrapping as a stack, with the top of the stack being the raw underling type. - updateLabeling(double) - Method in class graphql.schema.diffing.HungarianAlgorithm
Update labels with the specified slack by adding the slack value for committed workers and by subtracting the slack value for committed jobs.
- useAppliedDirectivesOnly(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator.Options
The class
should really represent the definition of a directive, and not its use on schema elements. - useAstDefinitions(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaPrinter.Options
This flag controls whether schema printer will use the
's original AstTypeDefinition
s when printing the type. - useCommentsAsDescriptions(boolean) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.SchemaGenerator.Options
This controls whether # comments can be used as descriptions in the built schema.
- useDataFetcher(DataFetcher<T>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactories
Creates a
that always returns the providedDataFetcher
- Util - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- Util() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.Util
- validate(GraphQLSchema, Document) - Static method in class graphql.ParseAndValidate
This can be called to validate a parsed graphql query, with the JVM default locale.
- validate(GraphQLSchema, Document, Predicate<Class<?>>) - Static method in class graphql.ParseAndValidate
This can be called to validate a parsed graphql query, with the JVM default locale.
- validate(GraphQLSchema, Document, Predicate<Class<?>>, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.ParseAndValidate
This can be called to validate a parsed graphql query.
- validate(GraphQLSchema, Document, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.ParseAndValidate
This can be called to validate a parsed graphql query.
- validate(ResultPath, T) - Method in class graphql.execution.NonNullableFieldValidator
Called to check that a value is non null if the type requires it to be non null
- validateDocument(GraphQLSchema, Document, Predicate<Class<?>>, Locale) - Method in class graphql.validation.Validator
- validateDocument(GraphQLSchema, Document, Locale) - Method in class graphql.validation.Validator
- validateFields(FieldValidationEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.FieldValidation
This is called to validate the fields and their arguments
- validateFields(FieldValidationEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.fieldvalidation.SimpleFieldValidation
- validateSchema(GraphQLSchema) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidator
- Validation - graphql.i18n.I18n.BundleType
- ValidationContext - Class in graphql.validation
- ValidationContext(GraphQLSchema, Document, I18n) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationContext
- ValidationError - Class in graphql.validation
- ValidationError - graphql.ErrorType
- ValidationError(ValidationErrorClassification) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationError
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- ValidationError(ValidationErrorClassification, SourceLocation, String) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationError
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- ValidationError(ValidationErrorType, SourceLocation, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationError
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- ValidationError(ValidationErrorType, List<SourceLocation>, String) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationError
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- ValidationError(ValidationErrorType, List<SourceLocation>, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationError
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- ValidationError.Builder - Class in graphql.validation
- ValidationErrorClassification - Interface in graphql.validation
- ValidationErrorCollector - Class in graphql.validation
- ValidationErrorCollector() - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationErrorCollector
- ValidationErrorCollector(int) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationErrorCollector
- validationErrors(List<ValidationError>) - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult.Builder
- validationErrorType(ValidationErrorClassification) - Method in class graphql.validation.ValidationError.Builder
- ValidationErrorType - Enum in graphql.validation
- ValidationUtil - Class in graphql.validation
- ValidationUtil() - Constructor for class graphql.validation.ValidationUtil
- Validator - Class in graphql.validation
- Validator() - Constructor for class graphql.validation.Validator
- validLocation(Introspection.DirectiveLocation) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- validLocations() - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- validLocations(Introspection.DirectiveLocation...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective.Builder
- value - Variable in class graphql.util.MutableRef
- value(boolean) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue.Builder
- value(double) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- value(int) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- value(long) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- value(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- value(Value) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument.Builder
- value(Value) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- value(Value) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField.Builder
- value(GraphQLEnumValueDefinition) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- value(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.TypeResolutionParameters.Builder
- value(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- value(String) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue.Builder
- value(String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- value(String, Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- value(String, Object, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- value(String, Object, String, String) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- value(BigDecimal) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue.Builder
- value(BigInteger) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue.Builder
- Value<T extends Value> - Interface in graphql.language
- valueLiteral(Value) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
methods instead - valueLiteral(Value<?>) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
Sets a literal AST value as the arguments value
- valueLiteral(Value<?>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
Sets a literal AST value as the arguments value
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.ErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.execution.ValuesResolver.ValueMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.i18n.I18n.BundleType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.IndentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.language.TypeKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.schema.diff.DiffLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.util.NodeZipper.ModificationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.util.TraversalControl
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.util.TraverserContext.Phase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueProgrammatic(Object) - Method in class graphql.execution.directives.QueryAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- valueProgrammatic(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument.Builder
- valueProgrammatic(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
methods instead - values() - Method in class graphql.collect.ImmutableMapWithNullValues
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.ErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.execution.FieldValueInfo.CompleteValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.execution.ValuesResolver.ValueMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.i18n.I18n.BundleType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.introspection.Introspection.TypeKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.language.IgnoredChar.IgnoredCharKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.language.PrettyAstPrinter.PrettyPrinterOptions.IndentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.language.TypeKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.schema.diff.DiffCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.schema.diff.DiffLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.schema.diffing.EditOperation.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.schema.validation.SchemaValidationErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.util.NodeZipper.ModificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.util.TraversalControl
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.util.TraverserContext.Phase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values(List<Value>) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue.Builder
- values(List<GraphQLEnumValueDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- ValuesResolver - Class in graphql.execution
- ValuesResolver.ValueMode - Enum in graphql.execution
- valuesToList(Map<?, T>) - Static method in class graphql.util.FpKit
- valueToInternalValue(InputValueWithState, GraphQLInputType, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
- valueToLiteral(InputValueWithState, GraphQLType, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
- valueToLiteral(GraphqlFieldVisibility, InputValueWithState, GraphQLType, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Static method in class graphql.execution.ValuesResolver
Takes a value which can be in different states (internal, literal, external value) and converts into Literal
- valueToLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
- valueToLiteral(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlBooleanCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlFloatCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIDCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlIntCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.scalar.GraphqlStringCoercing
- valueToLiteral(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in interface graphql.schema.Coercing
Converts an external input value to a literal (Ast Value).
- valueToLiteral(Object) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- valueToLiteral(Object, GraphQLContext, Locale) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- ValueToVariableValueCompiler - Class in graphql.normalized
- ValueToVariableValueCompiler() - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.ValueToVariableValueCompiler
- ValueTraverser - Class in graphql.analysis.values
This class allows you to traverse a set of input values according to the type system and optional change the values present.
- ValueTraverser() - Constructor for class graphql.analysis.values.ValueTraverser
- valueUnboxer(ValueUnboxer) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- valueUnboxer(ValueUnboxer) - Method in class graphql.GraphQL.Builder
- ValueUnboxer - Interface in graphql.execution
A value unboxer takes values that are wrapped in classes like
etc.. - ValueVisitor - Interface in graphql.analysis.values
A visitor callback used by
- ValueVisitor.InputElements - Interface in graphql.analysis.values
Represents the elements that leads to a value and type
- VARIABLE_DEFINITION - graphql.introspection.Introspection.DirectiveLocation
- VariableAccumulator - Class in graphql.normalized
This accumulator class decides on whether to create a variable for a query argument and if so it tracks what variables were made.
- VariableAccumulator(VariablePredicate) - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.VariableAccumulator
- VariableDefaultValuesOfCorrectType - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- VariableDefaultValuesOfCorrectType(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.VariableDefaultValuesOfCorrectType
- variableDefinition(VariableDefinition) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- VariableDefinition - Class in graphql.language
- VariableDefinition(String, Type) - Constructor for class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- VariableDefinition(String, Type, Value) - Constructor for class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- VariableDefinition(String, Type, Value, List<Directive>, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- VariableDefinition.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- variableDefinitions(List<VariableDefinition>) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition.Builder
- VariablePredicate - Interface in graphql.normalized
This predicate indicates whether a variable should be made for this field argument OR whether it will be compiled into a graphql AST literal.
- VariableReference - Class in graphql.language
- VariableReference(String) - Constructor for class graphql.language.VariableReference
alternative to using a Builder for convenience
- VariableReference(String, SourceLocation, List<Comment>, IgnoredChars, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class graphql.language.VariableReference
- VariableReference.Builder - Class in graphql.language
- variables(CoercedVariables) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryComplexityCalculator.Builder
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTransformer.Builder
Variables used in the query.
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser.Builder
Raw variables used in the query.
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.ExecutionContextBuilder
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.FieldCollectorParameters.Builder
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.DocumentAndVariables.Builder
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.ExecutionInput.Builder
Adds raw (not coerced) variables
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.ParseAndValidateResult.Builder
- variables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironmentImpl.Builder
- VariablesAreInputTypes - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- VariablesAreInputTypes(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.VariablesAreInputTypes
- VariablesTypesMatcher - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- VariablesTypesMatcher() - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.VariablesTypesMatcher
- VariableTypeMismatch - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- VariableTypesMatch - Class in graphql.validation.rules
- VariableTypesMatch(ValidationContext, ValidationErrorCollector) - Constructor for class graphql.validation.rules.VariableTypesMatch
- VariableValueWithDefinition - Class in graphql.normalized
- VariableValueWithDefinition(Object, VariableDefinition, VariableReference) - Constructor for class graphql.normalized.VariableValueWithDefinition
- Vertex - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- Vertex(String, String) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex
- Vertex.VertexData - Class in graphql.schema.diffing
- VertexContextSegment() - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.PossibleMappingsCalculator.VertexContextSegment
- VertexData(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.diffing.Vertex.VertexData
- VisibleFieldPredicate - Interface in graphql.schema.transform
Predicate used during a
to test whether a field should be visible. - VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment - Interface in graphql.schema.transform
Container to pass additional context about a schema element (ie., field) to
. - VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironmentImpl - Class in graphql.schema.transform
- VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironmentImpl(GraphQLNamedSchemaElement, GraphQLSchemaElement) - Constructor for class graphql.schema.transform.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironment.VisibleFieldPredicateEnvironmentImpl
- VisibleForTesting - Annotation Type in graphql
Marks fields, methods etc as more visible than actually needed for testing purposes.
- visitAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.AppliedDirectiveVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a GraphQLAppliedDirective in the schema
- visitAppliedDirectiveArgument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.AppliedDirectiveArgumentVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitAppliedDirectiveArgumentValue(Object, GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument, ValueVisitor.InputElements) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This is called when a
is encountered - visitArgument(QueryVisitorFieldArgumentEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitor
- visitArgument(Argument, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitArgument(Argument, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitArgument(Argument, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitArgument(GraphQLArgument, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ArgumentVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitArgumentValue(Object, GraphQLArgument, ValueVisitor.InputElements) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This is called when a
is encountered - visitArgumentValue(QueryVisitorFieldArgumentValueEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitor
- visitArrayValue(ArrayValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitArrayValue(ArrayValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitBackRef(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- visitBackRef(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
Called when a node is visited more than once within a context.
- visitBackRef(TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitBooleanValue(BooleanValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitBooleanValue(BooleanValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitDefinition(Definition<?>, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitDepthFirst(QueryVisitor) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser
- visitDirective(Directive, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitDirective(Directive, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitDirective(Directive, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitDirective(GraphQLDirective, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.DirectiveVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitDirectiveDefinition(DirectiveDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitDirectiveDefinition(DirectiveDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitDirectiveLocation(DirectiveLocation, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitDirectiveLocation(DirectiveLocation, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitDocument(Document, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitDocument(Document, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitedNodes() - Method in class graphql.util.DefaultTraverserContext
- visitedNodes() - Method in interface graphql.util.TraverserContext
Obtains all visited nodes and values received by the
method - visitEnumType(GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.EnumTypeVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitEnumTypeDefinition(EnumTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitEnumTypeDefinition(EnumTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitEnumValue(Object, GraphQLEnumType, ValueVisitor.InputElements) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This is called when an enum value is encountered
- visitEnumValue(EnumValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitEnumValue(EnumValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitEnumValueDefinition(EnumValueDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitEnumValueDefinition(EnumValueDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitEnumValueDefinition(GraphQLEnumValueDefinition, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.EnumValueDefinitionVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitField(QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitor
- visitField(QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorStub
- visitField(Field, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitField(Field, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitField(Field, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitFieldDefinition(FieldDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitFieldDefinition(FieldDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.FieldDefinitionVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitFieldWithControl(QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitor
visitField variant which lets you control the traversal.
- visitFloatValue(FloatValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitFloatValue(FloatValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitFragmentDefinition(QueryVisitorFragmentDefinitionEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitor
- visitFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitFragmentDefinition(FragmentDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitFragmentSpread(QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitor
- visitFragmentSpread(QueryVisitorFragmentSpreadEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorStub
- visitFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitFragmentSpread(FragmentSpread, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
This method will be called when a directive is applied to a schema element.
- visitGraphQLAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument(GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLArgument(GraphQLArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLArgument(GraphQLArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLArgument(GraphQLArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLArgument(GraphQLArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLArgument(GraphQLArgument, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.DefaultValuesAreValid
- visitGraphQLCompositeType(GraphQLCompositeType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLCompositeType(GraphQLCompositeType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLDirective(GraphQLDirective, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
This method will be called twice.
- visitGraphQLDirective(GraphQLDirective, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLDirective(GraphQLDirective, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLDirective(GraphQLDirective, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.AppliedDirectiveArgumentsAreValid
- visitGraphQLDirectiveContainer(GraphQLDirectiveContainer, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLDirectiveContainer(GraphQLDirectiveContainer, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLEnumType(GraphQLEnumType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLEnumType(GraphQLEnumType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLEnumType(GraphQLEnumType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLEnumType(GraphQLEnumType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLEnumType(GraphQLEnumType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.TypeAndFieldRule
- visitGraphQLEnumValueDefinition(GraphQLEnumValueDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLEnumValueDefinition(GraphQLEnumValueDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLEnumValueDefinition(GraphQLEnumValueDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.CodeRegistryVisitor
- visitGraphQLFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.InputAndOutputTypesUsedAppropriately
- visitGraphQLFieldDefinition(GraphQLFieldDefinition, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.NoUnbrokenInputCycles
- visitGraphQLFieldsContainer(GraphQLFieldsContainer, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLFieldsContainer(GraphQLFieldsContainer, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputFieldsContainer(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputFieldsContainer(GraphQLInputFieldsContainer, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.DefaultValuesAreValid
- visitGraphQLInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.InputAndOutputTypesUsedAppropriately
- visitGraphQLInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.OneOfInputObjectRules
- visitGraphQLInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.DefaultValuesAreValid
- visitGraphQLInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.TypeAndFieldRule
- visitGraphQLInputType(GraphQLInputType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInputType(GraphQLInputType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.CodeRegistryVisitor
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.TypeAndFieldRule
- visitGraphQLInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.TypesImplementInterfaces
- visitGraphQLList(GraphQLList, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLList(GraphQLList, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLList(GraphQLList, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLModifiedType(GraphQLModifiedType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLModifiedType(GraphQLModifiedType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLNonNull(GraphQLNonNull, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLNonNull(GraphQLNonNull, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLNonNull(GraphQLNonNull, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLNullableType(GraphQLNullableType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLNullableType(GraphQLNullableType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- visitGraphQLObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.TypeAndFieldRule
- visitGraphQLObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.TypesImplementInterfaces
- visitGraphQLOutputType(GraphQLOutputType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLOutputType(GraphQLOutputType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLScalarType(GraphQLScalarType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLScalarType(GraphQLScalarType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLScalarType(GraphQLScalarType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLScalarType(GraphQLScalarType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLType(GraphQLSchemaElement, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLType(GraphQLSchemaElement, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.AppliedDirectivesAreValid
- visitGraphQLTypeReference(GraphQLTypeReference, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- visitGraphQLTypeReference(GraphQLTypeReference, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLTypeReference(GraphQLTypeReference, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLTypeReference(GraphQLTypeReference, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.CodeRegistryVisitor
- visitGraphQLUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeResolvingVisitor
- visitGraphQLUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitorStub
- visitGraphQLUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.GraphQLTypeCollectingVisitor
- visitGraphQLUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.validation.TypeAndFieldRule
- visitGraphQLUnmodifiedType(GraphQLUnmodifiedType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitGraphQLUnmodifiedType(GraphQLUnmodifiedType, TraverserContext<GraphQLSchemaElement>) - Method in class graphql.schema.impl.MultiReadOnlyGraphQLTypeVisitor
- visitInlineFragment(QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.QueryVisitor
- visitInlineFragment(QueryVisitorInlineFragmentEnvironment) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryVisitorStub
- visitInlineFragment(InlineFragment, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitInlineFragment(InlineFragment, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitInlineFragment(InlineFragment, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitInputObjectField(GraphQLInputObjectField, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InputObjectFieldVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitInputObjectFieldValue(Object, GraphQLInputObjectType, GraphQLInputObjectField, ValueVisitor.InputElements) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This is called when an input object field value is encountered
- visitInputObjectType(GraphQLInputObjectType, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InputObjectTypeVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitInputObjectTypeDefinition(InputObjectTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitInputObjectTypeDefinition(InputObjectTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitInputObjectValue(Map<String, Object>, GraphQLInputObjectType, ValueVisitor.InputElements) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This is called when an input object value is encountered.
- visitInputValueDefinition(InputValueDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitInputValueDefinition(InputValueDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitInterfaceType(GraphQLInterfaceType, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.InterfaceTypeVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitInterfaceTypeDefinition(InterfaceTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitInterfaceTypeDefinition(InterfaceTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitIntValue(IntValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitIntValue(IntValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitListType(ListType, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitListType(ListType, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitListValue(List<Object>, GraphQLList, ValueVisitor.InputElements) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This is called when an input list value is encountered.
- visitNode(Node, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitNonNullType(NonNullType, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitNonNullType(NonNullType, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitNullValue(NullValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitNullValue(NullValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitObjectField(ObjectField, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitObjectField(ObjectField, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitObjectField(ObjectField, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitObjectType(GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ObjectVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitObjectTypeDefinition(ObjectTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitObjectTypeDefinition(ObjectTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitObjectValue(ObjectValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitObjectValue(ObjectValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitOperationDefinition(OperationDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitOperationTypeDefinition(OperationTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitOperationTypeDefinition(OperationTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitPartiallySchema(GraphQLSchema, GraphQLTypeVisitor...) - Static method in class graphql.schema.impl.SchemaUtil
Called to visit a partially built schema (during
build phases) with a set of visitors Each visitor is expected to hold its own side effects that might be last used to construct a full schema - visitPostOrder(QueryVisitor) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser
Visits the Document (or parts of it) in post-order.
- visitPreOrder(QueryVisitor) - Method in class graphql.analysis.QueryTraverser
Visits the Document (or parts of it) in pre-order.
- visitPreOrder(DataFetchingEnvironment, ValueVisitor) - Static method in class graphql.analysis.values.ValueTraverser
This will visit the arguments of a
and if the values are changed by the visitor a new environment will be built - visitPreOrder(Object, GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument, ValueVisitor) - Static method in class graphql.analysis.values.ValueTraverser
This will visit a single argument of a
and if the visitor changes the value, it will return a new argument value - visitPreOrder(Object, GraphQLArgument, ValueVisitor) - Static method in class graphql.analysis.values.ValueTraverser
This will visit a single argument of a
and if the visitor changes the value, it will return a new argument value - visitPreOrder(Map<String, Object>, GraphQLFieldDefinition, ValueVisitor) - Static method in class graphql.analysis.values.ValueTraverser
This will visit the arguments of a
and if the visitor changes the values, it will return a new set of arguments - visitScalarType(GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.ScalarTypeVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitScalarTypeDefinition(ScalarTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitScalarTypeDefinition(ScalarTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitScalarValue(Object, GraphQLScalarType, ValueVisitor.InputElements) - Method in interface graphql.analysis.values.ValueVisitor
This is called when a scalar value is encountered
- visitSchemaDefinition(SchemaDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitSchemaDefinition(SchemaDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitSchemaElement(GraphQLSchemaElement, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.SchemaElementVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting any
in the schema. - visitSelection(Selection<?>, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitSelectionSet(SelectionSet, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitSelectionSet(SelectionSet, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitStringValue(StringValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitStringValue(StringValue, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitType(Type<?>, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitTypeDefinition(TypeDefinition<?>, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitTypeName(TypeName, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitTypeName(TypeName, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitUnionType(GraphQLUnionType, GraphQLSchemaVisitor.UnionTypeVisitorEnvironment) - Method in interface graphql.schema.visitor.GraphQLSchemaVisitor
Called when visiting a
in the schema - visitUnionTypeDefinition(UnionTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitUnionTypeDefinition(UnionTypeDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitValue(Value<?>, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.analysis.NodeVisitorWithTypeTracking
- visitValue(Value<?>, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitVariableDefinition(VariableDefinition, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- visitVariableReference(VariableReference, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in interface graphql.language.NodeVisitor
- visitVariableReference(VariableReference, TraverserContext<Node>) - Method in class graphql.language.NodeVisitorStub
- whenCompleted(BiConsumer<U, Throwable>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
Allows for the more fluent away to return an instrumentation context that runs the specified code on instrumentation step completion.
- whenDispatched(Consumer<CompletableFuture<U>>) - Static method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.SimpleInstrumentationContext
Allows for the more fluent away to return an instrumentation context that runs the specified code on instrumentation step dispatch.
- wiringFactory(WiringFactory) - Method in class graphql.schema.idl.RuntimeWiring.Builder
Adds a wiring factory into the runtime wiring
- WiringFactory - Interface in graphql.schema.idl
A WiringFactory allows you to more dynamically wire in
s andDataFetcher
s based on the IDL definitions. - withAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- withAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- withAppliedDirectives(GraphQLAppliedDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- withDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphqlDirectivesContainerTypeBuilder
Deprecated.- use the
methods instead - withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType.Builder
- withDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType.Builder
- withInterface(GraphQLInterfaceType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- withInterface(GraphQLInterfaceType) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- withInterface(GraphQLTypeReference) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- withInterface(GraphQLTypeReference) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- withInterfaces(GraphQLInterfaceType...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- withInterfaces(GraphQLInterfaceType...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- withInterfaces(GraphQLTypeReference...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType.Builder
- withInterfaces(GraphQLTypeReference...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType.Builder
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.Argument
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ArrayValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.BooleanValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.Directive
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.DirectiveLocation
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.Document
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumTypeExtensionDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.EnumValueDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.Field
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.FieldDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.FloatValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.FragmentSpread
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.InlineFragment
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.InputValueDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.IntValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ListType
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in interface graphql.language.Node
Replaces the specified children and returns a new Node.
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.NonNullType
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.NullValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectField
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ObjectValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.OperationTypeDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.SchemaExtensionDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.SelectionSet
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.StringValue
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.TypeName
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.UnionTypeExtensionDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableDefinition
- withNewChildren(NodeChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.language.VariableReference
- withNewChildren(Node, Map<String, List<Node>>) - Method in class graphql.language.AstNodeAdapter
- withNewChildren(GraphQLSchemaElement, Map<String, List<GraphQLSchemaElement>>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElementAdapter
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirective
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLArgument
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLDirective
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumType
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLEnumValueDefinition
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLFieldDefinition
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectField
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInputObjectType
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLInterfaceType
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLList
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLNonNull
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLObjectType
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLScalarType
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in interface graphql.schema.GraphQLSchemaElement
- withNewChildren(SchemaElementChildrenContainer) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLUnionType
- withNewChildren(T, Map<String, List<T>>) - Method in interface graphql.util.NodeAdapter
- withNewNode(T) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeZipper
- withNewState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecuteOperationParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- withNewState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- withNewState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationExecutionStrategyParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- withNewState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldCompleteParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- withNewState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldFetchParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- withNewState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationFieldParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- withNewState(InstrumentationState) - Method in class graphql.execution.instrumentation.parameters.InstrumentationValidationParameters
Deprecated.state is now passed in direct to instrumentation methods
- withNewZipper(NodeZipper<T>) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- withReplacedZipper(NodeZipper<T>, NodeZipper<T>) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- withReplacedZipperForNode(T, T) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- withReplacedZippers(List<NodeZipper<T>>) - Method in class graphql.util.NodeMultiZipper
- withSchemaAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- withSchemaAppliedDirective(GraphQLAppliedDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- withSchemaAppliedDirectives(GraphQLAppliedDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- withSchemaAppliedDirectives(Collection<? extends GraphQLAppliedDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- withSchemaDirective(GraphQLDirective) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- withSchemaDirective(GraphQLDirective.Builder) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- withSchemaDirectives(GraphQLDirective...) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- withSchemaDirectives(Collection<? extends GraphQLDirective>) - Method in class graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema.Builder
- wrapDataFetcher(DataFetcher, BiFunction<DataFetchingEnvironment, Object, Object>) - Static method in class graphql.schema.DataFetcherFactories
This helper function allows you to wrap an existing data fetcher and map the value once it completes.
- WrongType - graphql.validation.ValidationErrorType
- __Directive - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- __DirectiveLocation - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- __EnumValue - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- __Field - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- __InputValue - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- __Schema - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- __Type - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
- __TypeKind - Static variable in class graphql.introspection.Introspection
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