Interface Persistor

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultPersistor, StubPersistor

    public interface Persistor
    Saves and loads TransactionOutboxEntrys. For most use cases, just use DefaultPersistor. It is parameterisable and designed for extension, so can be easily modified. Creating completely new implementations of Persistor should be reserved for cases where the underlying data store is of a completely different nature entirely.
    • Method Detail

      • forDialect

        static DefaultPersistor forDialect​(Dialect dialect)
        Uses the default relational persistor. Shortcut for: DefaultPersistor.builder().dialect(dialect).build();
        dialect - The database dialect.
        The persistor.
      • migrate

        void migrate​(TransactionManager transactionManager)
        Upgrades any database schema used by the persistor to the latest version. Called on creation of a TransactionOutbox.
        transactionManager - The transactoin manager.
      • delete

        void delete​(Transaction tx,
                    TransactionOutboxEntry entry)
             throws Exception
        Deletes a TransactionOutboxEntry.

        A record should only be deleted if both the id and version on the database match that on the object. If no such record is found, OptimisticLockException should be thrown.

        tx - The current Transaction.
        entry - The entry to be deleted.
        com.gruelbox.transactionoutbox.OptimisticLockException - If no such record is found.
        Exception - Any other exception.
      • update

        void update​(Transaction tx,
                    TransactionOutboxEntry entry)
             throws Exception
        Modifies an existing TransactionOutboxEntry. Performs an optimistic lock check on any existing record via a compare-and-swap operation and throws OptimisticLockException if the lock is failed. TransactionOutboxEntry.setVersion(int) is called before returning containing the new version of the entry.
        tx - The current Transaction.
        entry - The entry to be updated.
        com.gruelbox.transactionoutbox.OptimisticLockException - If no record with same id and version is found.
        Exception - Any other exception.
      • unblock

        boolean unblock​(Transaction tx,
                        String entryId)
                 throws Exception
        Clears the blocked flag and resets the attempt count to zero.
        tx - The current Transaction.
        entryId - The entry id.
        true if the update was successful. This will be false if the record was no longer blocked or didn't exist anymore.
        Exception - Any other exception.