package event

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AbTest extends ThriftStruct with Product4[String, String, Option[Boolean], Option[Set[String]]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[AbTest] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.AbTest.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  2. trait AbTestInfo extends ThriftStruct with Product1[Set[AbTest]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[AbTestInfo] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.AbTestInfo.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  3. trait Acquisition extends ThriftStruct with Product21[Product, PaymentFrequency, String, Double, Option[PaymentProvider], Option[Set[String]], Option[AbTestInfo], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[ComponentType], Option[AcquisitionSource], Option[PrintOptions], Option[Platform], Option[Short], Option[Double], Option[String], Option[Set[String]], Option[String], Option[Set[QueryParameter]]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Acquisition] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Acquisition.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  4. sealed trait AcquisitionSource extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  5. trait AdInfo extends ThriftStruct with Product3[Option[Boolean], Option[Seq[RenderedAd]], Option[Seq[String]]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[AdInfo] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.AdInfo.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  6. trait AltIds extends ThriftStruct with Product4[Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[AltIds] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.AltIds.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  7. trait AssetPerformanceData extends ThriftStruct with Product2[String, Long] with HasThriftStructCodec3[AssetPerformanceData] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.AssetPerformanceData.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  8. trait AssignedId extends ThriftStruct with Product2[String, Option[Boolean]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[AssignedId] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.AssignedId.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  9. trait AttentionTime extends ThriftStruct with Product2[Long, Option[Map[String, Long]]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[AttentionTime] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.AttentionTime.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  10. trait Component extends ThriftStruct with Product2[String, Option[Long]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Component] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Component.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  11. trait Event extends ThriftStruct with scala.Product with HasThriftStructCodec3[Event] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Event.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  12. trait GeoLocation extends ThriftStruct with Product8[Option[GeoPoint], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[Int], Option[String], Option[Seq[String]], Option[String]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[GeoLocation] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.GeoLocation.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  13. trait GeoPoint extends ThriftStruct with Product2[Double, Double] with HasThriftStructCodec3[GeoPoint] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.GeoPoint.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  14. trait GoogleReferral extends ThriftStruct with Product3[Option[String], Option[Int], Option[String]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[GoogleReferral] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.GoogleReferral.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  15. trait InPageClick extends ThriftStruct with Product2[Option[String], Option[LinkName]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[InPageClick] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.InPageClick.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  16. trait Interaction extends ThriftStruct with Product3[String, Option[String], Option[String]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Interaction] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Interaction.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  17. trait IpAddress extends ThriftStruct with Product2[String, Option[String]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[IpAddress] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.IpAddress.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  18. trait IpConnectivity extends ThriftStruct with Product3[IpConnectivityResult, IpConnectivityResult, IpConnectivityResult] with HasThriftStructCodec3[IpConnectivity] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.IpConnectivity.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  19. sealed trait IpConnectivityResult extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  20. trait LazyComponents extends ThriftStruct with Product1[Set[Component]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[LazyComponents] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.LazyComponents.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  21. trait LinkName extends ThriftStruct with Product1[Option[Seq[String]]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[LinkName] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.LinkName.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  22. sealed trait MediaEvent extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  23. trait MediaPlayback extends ThriftStruct with Product4[String, MediaType, Boolean, MediaEvent] with HasThriftStructCodec3[MediaPlayback] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.MediaPlayback.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  24. sealed trait MediaType extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  25. trait Outbrain extends ThriftStruct with Product1[String] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Outbrain] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Outbrain.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  26. trait Page extends ThriftStruct with Product9[Url, Option[Set[String]], Option[Platform], Option[String], Option[String], Option[Set[String]], Option[Set[String]], Option[Set[Tag]], Option[Podcast]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Page] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Page.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  27. trait PageView extends ThriftStruct with Product13[SuspectStatus, Page, Option[UserAgent], Option[GeoLocation], Option[IpAddress], Option[Referrer], Short, Option[Int], Option[Int], Option[Double], Option[Boolean], Option[SubscriptionType], Option[MembershipTier]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[PageView] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.PageView.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  28. sealed trait PaymentFrequency extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  29. sealed trait PaymentProvider extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  30. sealed trait Platform extends ThriftEnum with Serializable

    The platform that served this request to the reader.

    The platform that served this request to the reader.

  31. trait Podcast extends ThriftStruct with Product3[String, String, Option[PodcastPlatform]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Podcast] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Podcast.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  32. trait PodcastPlatform extends ThriftStruct with Product3[String, Option[String], Option[Boolean]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[PodcastPlatform] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.PodcastPlatform.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  33. trait PrintOptions extends ThriftStruct with Product2[PrintProduct, String] with HasThriftStructCodec3[PrintOptions] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.PrintOptions.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  34. sealed trait PrintProduct extends ThriftEnum with Serializable

    Differentiates between the (many) different types of print product

    Differentiates between the (many) different types of print product

  35. sealed trait Product extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  36. trait QueryParameter extends ThriftStruct with Product2[String, String] with HasThriftStructCodec3[QueryParameter] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.QueryParameter.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  37. trait Referrer extends ThriftStruct with Product9[Option[Url], Option[String], Option[LinkName], Option[Platform], Option[String], Option[String], Option[Source], Option[GoogleReferral], Option[String]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Referrer] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Referrer.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  38. trait RenderedAd extends ThriftStruct with Product7[String, Option[Long], Option[Long], Option[Long], Option[Long], Option[Long], Option[Long]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[RenderedAd] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.RenderedAd.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  39. sealed trait SignificantSite extends ThriftEnum with Serializable

    Indicates sites that we really care about, factoring out the variation on domain that they sometimes contain.

    Indicates sites that we really care about, factoring out the variation on domain that they sometimes contain.

  40. sealed trait SuspectStatus extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
  41. trait Tag extends ThriftStruct with Product6[String, String, Option[String], Option[String], Option[String], Option[String]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Tag] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Tag.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  42. trait Url extends ThriftStruct with Product6[String, String, String, String, Option[SignificantSite], Boolean] with HasThriftStructCodec3[Url] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.Url.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

  43. trait WebPerformanceData extends ThriftStruct with Product9[Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Option[Seq[AssetPerformanceData]]] with HasThriftStructCodec3[WebPerformanceData] with Serializable

    Prefer the companion object's ophan.thrift.event.WebPerformanceData.apply for construction if you don't need to specify passthrough fields.

Value Members

  1. object AbTest extends ThriftStructCodec3[AbTest] with Serializable

    Represents the AbTest on the web and apps

  2. object AbTestInfo extends ThriftStructCodec3[AbTestInfo] with Serializable
  3. object Acquisition extends ThriftStructCodec3[Acquisition] with Serializable

    Represents monetary contribution made by a reader via this page.

  4. object AcquisitionSource extends scala.Product with Serializable
  5. object AdInfo extends ThriftStructCodec3[AdInfo] with Serializable
  6. object AltIds extends ThriftStructCodec3[AltIds] with Serializable
  7. object AssetPerformanceData extends ThriftStructCodec3[AssetPerformanceData] with Serializable

    Asset performance data, e.g.

    Asset performance data, e.g. JavaScript

  8. object AssignedId extends ThriftStructCodec3[AssignedId] with Serializable

    Ophan assigns various ids to things when necessary (on Web, by dropping cookies).

    Ophan assigns various ids to things when necessary (on Web, by dropping cookies). This struct indicates the id and whether we freshly assigned an id on this request.

  9. object AttentionTime extends ThriftStructCodec3[AttentionTime] with Serializable
  10. object Component extends ThriftStructCodec3[Component] with Serializable
  11. object Event extends ThriftStructCodec3[Event] with Serializable
  12. object GeoLocation extends ThriftStructCodec3[GeoLocation] with Serializable

    Where this request was made from, derived by ip address lookup.

  13. object GeoPoint extends ThriftStructCodec3[GeoPoint] with Serializable

    A geographical location

  14. object GoogleReferral extends ThriftStructCodec3[GoogleReferral] with Serializable

    Where the referrer was google and they've provided additional information on the query string, here is that additional information.

  15. object InPageClick extends ThriftStructCodec3[InPageClick] with Serializable
  16. object Interaction extends ThriftStructCodec3[Interaction] with Serializable

    Represents an interaction on the web or apps

  17. object IpAddress extends ThriftStructCodec3[IpAddress] with Serializable
  18. object IpConnectivity extends ThriftStructCodec3[IpConnectivity] with Serializable
  19. object IpConnectivityResult extends scala.Product with Serializable
  20. object LazyComponents extends ThriftStructCodec3[LazyComponents] with Serializable
  21. object LinkName extends ThriftStructCodec3[LinkName] with Serializable

    Represents the position and location of a link within the Guardian site.

    Represents the position and location of a link within the Guardian site. We hope to enhance this structure to include a better representation of what the links actually mean, but for now we just report exactly what the web site tells us, which is a hierarchical list of named items e.g. "more","container-2 | highlights","Front | /uk" "article","news | group-1+ | card-3","container-1 | headlines","Front | /uk"

  22. object MediaEvent extends scala.Product with Serializable
  23. object MediaPlayback extends ThriftStructCodec3[MediaPlayback] with Serializable

    Details about media playback progress Note: currently only guardian-hosted videos are reported.

  24. object MediaType extends scala.Product with Serializable
  25. object Outbrain extends ThriftStructCodec3[Outbrain] with Serializable
  26. object Page extends ThriftStructCodec3[Page] with Serializable

    Details about the page that was served to the user

  27. object PageView extends ThriftStructCodec3[PageView] with Serializable

    Details about a page view - only populated for _PAGE_VIEW event types

  28. object PaymentFrequency extends scala.Product with Serializable
  29. object PaymentProvider extends scala.Product with Serializable
  30. object Platform extends scala.Product with Serializable

    The platform that served this request to the reader.

    The platform that served this request to the reader.

  31. object Podcast extends ThriftStructCodec3[Podcast] with Serializable
  32. object PodcastPlatform extends ThriftStructCodec3[PodcastPlatform] with Serializable
  33. object PrintOptions extends ThriftStructCodec3[PrintOptions] with Serializable

    Extra parameters only applicable to print products

  34. object PrintProduct extends scala.Product with Serializable

    Differentiates between the (many) different types of print product

    Differentiates between the (many) different types of print product

  35. object Product extends scala.Product with Serializable
  36. object QueryParameter extends ThriftStructCodec3[QueryParameter] with Serializable

    A query string parameter

  37. object Referrer extends ThriftStructCodec3[Referrer] with Serializable

    Information about the referrer - previous page - that the reader navigated to this one from.

  38. object RenderedAd extends ThriftStructCodec3[RenderedAd] with Serializable

    Represents the rendering of an ad on this page.

  39. object SignificantSite extends scala.Product with Serializable

    Indicates sites that we really care about, factoring out the variation on domain that they sometimes contain.

    Indicates sites that we really care about, factoring out the variation on domain that they sometimes contain.

  40. object SuspectStatus extends scala.Product with Serializable
  41. object Tag extends ThriftStructCodec3[Tag] with Serializable
  42. object Url extends ThriftStructCodec3[Url] with Serializable

    Represents a url either of a page served or a referrer

  43. object WebPerformanceData extends ThriftStructCodec3[WebPerformanceData] with Serializable

    Web performance data as captured from the browser performance timing api.

    Web performance data as captured from the browser performance timing api. In the descriptions below, "t" represents window.performance.timing
