All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base implementation for IProcessorActiveModule derived from AbstractProcessorModule.
Base class for an active resender module.
Base implementation of IBaseMessage as the base class for AbstractMessage and AbstractMessageMDN.
Abstract base implementation of a read-only Certificate factory that operates on a KeyStore object.
Abstract implementation of IDynamicComponent.
Abstract HTTP based sender module
Abstract base implementation of the IMessage interface.
Abstract empty implementation of IMessageProcessor.
Abstract IPartnershipFactory implementation using PartnershipMap as the underlying data storage object.
Abstract IPartnershipFactoryWithPartners implementation based on AbstractPartnershipFactory using PartnerMap as the underlying data storage object for the partners.
Abstract implementation of IProcessorModule based on AbstractDynamicComponent.
Abstract base class for Message and MDN receive handlers.
Base class for a non-active resender module.
An abstract sender module that allows for retry.
A simple client that allows for sending AS2 Messages and retrieving of synchronous MDNs.
This class represents the content of an AS2 client request.
This class contains the basic content that was received from an AS2 server as a response.
Settings object for a message delivery.
Exception to be thrown from AS2Session if a component with the specified ID is already registered.
Thrown from AS2Session if a component was not present.
The module for sending AS2 messages by polling a file system directory.
Exception thrown in case a message disposition contains an error or a warning.
Base class for all AS2 related exceptions used in this project.
Http connection, Implemented as HttpClient.
Set HTTP header including logging
Implementation of IAS2HttpRequestDataProvider based on a Socket InputStream.
Special AS2Exception with HTTP URL details
An implementation of IAS2HttpResponseHandler that writes an HTTP 1.1 response directly to a Socket.
AS2 exception to be thrown if a private key is not found
The main handler for receiving AS2 async MDN messages.
A modules for receiving AS2 async MDN messages.
AS2 exception that is thrown if no handling module was found.
Exception thrown if a desired partnership is not present.
An exception thrown the an IMessageProcessor has caught exceptions.
The main handler for receiving AS2 messages.
The module for receiving AS2 messages.
A resource manager that keeps track of temporary files and other closables that will be closed when this manager is closed.
AS2 sender module to send AS2 messages out.
Default implementation of IAS2Session
A module to send an asynchronous MDN.
An implementation of AbstractMessageProcessor that uses a separate thread for performing the main actions.
Implementation of ICryptoHelper based on BouncyCastle.
Global information constants.
Contains application wide constants.
An implementation of a file-based certificate factory using a custom key store type.
Stream to read a chunked body stream.
Partnership IDs and attribute names.
Default implementation of IHTTPOutgoingDumperFactory.
This is the default implementation of IMessageProcessor.
An asynchronous, persisting, file based, polling resender module.
Parser and domain object for disposition options.
Contains the disposition type for creating the MDN.
Determine the different certificate partnership types
Define the supported SMIME compression types for as2-lib.
Enumeration with all message encryption algorithms supported.
This enum contains all signing supported crypto algorithms.
in 4.7.2 because it is not used in the code
HTTP utility methods.
Directory based incoming HTTP dumper.
Stream based incoming HTTP dumper.
Directory based outgoing HTTP dumper.
Abstract outgoing HTTP dumper using an OutputStream for operations.
Certificate factory with support for alias handling
Provider interface to retrieve an AS2 InputStream.
Abstract HTTP response handler.
Callback interface to be invoked for incoming MDNs to simplify logging.
Remote communication callback for easy logging of remove interactions.
This interface provides configuration and resource information, and a means for components to access the functionality of other components.
Base interface for IMessage and IMessageMDN.
Base interface for a certificate factory.
Base interface for signing and crypting crypto algorithms.
Base interface for all crypto related methods in this project.
The Component interface provides a standard way to dynamically create and initialize an object.
Base interface to dump incoming HTTP requests
Base interface to dump outgoing HTTP requests
Factory interface for creating IHTTPOutgoingDumper objects.
Base interface for a certificate factory that is based on a key store.
Base interface for an AS2 Message
Base interface for an AS2 MDN
Process incoming messages.
A special handler if MIC is not matched.
A synchronous, in-memory resender module that has no delay.
Base interface for a module handler for Net interactions.
An asynchronous, in-memory, polling based resender module.
Read-only interface for a single partner that is used in a partnership.
Read-only interface to manage the mapping from name to partner (represented by a StringMap).
This is the base interface for a partnership factory (it is more manager but who cares).
This partnership factory extends IPartnershipFactory by adding "partners".
Read-only interface for managing the name to Partnership mapping.
A special processor module that supports a special start/stop cycle (e.g.
A processor module is a module that is to be used within an IMessageProcessor instance.
Base interface for a re-sender module.
A partnership factory that can be refreshed.
Base interface for a certificate factory that can store to a file.
Logging implementation of IMICMatchingHandler
Store an MDN to a file
Store message content and optionally message headers and attributes to a file
Access to MDN parameters
The MIC (Message Integrity Check) value.
This class represents a single partner.
Defines a map with all known partners.
This class represents a single partnership.
The default implementation of IPartnershipMap.
An example implementation of a Certificate factory that uses an external KeyStore.
This class represents a single in-memory item to be resend.
A special in-memory partnership factory that adds a partnership if it is not existing yet.
A special XMLPartnershipFactory that adds a new partnership if it is not yet existing.
Stores the content of the input InputStream in a temporary file, and opens SharedFileInputStream on that file.
An AS2Exception that wraps an existing exception easily.
original author unknown this release added logic to store partnerships and provide methods for partner/partnership command line processor